• Published 6th Dec 2019
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I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 1: The one I once was

The light of an evening sun was casting shadows over the meadows of Canterlot Gardens as the group of friends was sitting close to the little pond.

Every creature on the continent knew those six individuals or at least heard their names. By this time, they became almost legendary.

Her Royal Majesty Supreme Ruler of Equestria (although she cringed every time she was hearing that title) Princess Twilight Sparkle, was smiling at her friends, as her perfectionist, straight-cut and long mane flowed gently in the non-existent breeze. Even sitting on her rump, she towered above most of the ponies, as many years ago did her royal predecessor and beloved mentor, Princess Celestia.

Rainbow Dash, Capitan of the Wonderbolts, was laughing loudly at Pinkie Pie's joke. The cyan pegasus didn't change that much over the years. Sure she got a little older, her mane was now in the mow hawk and maybe (although she would never admit it) it was taking her a bit longer to perform a Sonic Rainboom. But she was still the same energetic, tomboyish, nap-loving speedster that was in the fantasies of every stallion athlete (and not only).

Applejack, who was now running the biggest company distributing apple products, was still passing most of her days on the farm, taking care of her legacy and family alongside Big Mac, who was supervising the sales. She was spending days chatting with Sugar Belle or playing with her little nephew. From time to time she was also visited by Applebloom who, contrary to her older siblings, wasn't rooted that much in the soil of the farm and travelled because of her Crusading duties. Now, the earth pony was handing everyone some of her freshly baked pie.

Pinkie Pie, with her mare tied up and stuffed with thousands of interesting funny gags, was as always energetic and little crazy, the best party pony in Equestria, even with her partner Cheese Sandwich. Over the years of travelling, she became even more eccentric and was constantly talking to everyone about...well, practically everything. Her small collection of families all grown up, she could bring smile in many different places.

Fluttershy, with a formidable and serenity, was hailed as the pony most skilled in dealing with animals in the pony history. It was her kind soul and the years of knowledge that made her take care of her animal friends with such passion. She reconciled with Discord, spending suspiciously long periods of time in his private dimension. After some time, they extended Fluttershy's sanctuaries so, as the Lord of Chaos put it jokingly, Fluttershy's talent gained a whole new dimension.

Then there was Rarity, who became the most famous and esteemed star of fashion enterprise. She was sitting down sipping tea, wearing a regal fur from Yakyakistan, where she spent part of her time in her holiday residence. The pristine beauty had the most neutral face out of her friends. She seemed deep in thought, giving a small smile from time to time, as her eyes were absentmindedly drifting between her friends and the ripples on the surface of the water.

The group of friends were warmed by the sun, the very source of the life on the planet, controlled by the very pony who once almost the entirety of the celestial sphere's mechanism.

But getting down on earth, the warm blissfulness that the group enjoyed came from the fact that being in each other's presence was like an extra air to breath, a some sort of revival that made their heart melt in the comfort of having the ones closest to them in the entire world standing close.

Twilight looked around her with that specific type of nostalgia that only immortal, powerful beings, whose wisdom and experience that of the mortals, can possess

"You know " she spoke, breaking the eerie mood " I actually called the meeting with you all in a different location. Do you know why ?"

Applejack pondered, twirling her braid

"You needed some fresh air ?"

"Is this some kind of a special occasion ?" asked Fluttershy

"OH OH !!! Maaaaaybe this place is very special to you ?" Pinkie squealed, while making silly faces in front of the surface.

Twilight giggled as she nodded

"Actually, all three of you are correct. I think that the change of scenery and breath of fresh air may be lovely after staying indoors for so long. Today's summit is also extraordinary"

Her mane glowed brightly as if twilight enchanted within the streams of violet could be unleashed onto the sky.

"Today marks the fifth year since my first royal decree after coronation, which was establishing this meeting, once a moon. And I chose this spot because...well, it was here that everything started"

Rarity blinked, snapped out of her trance

"Darling" she whispered almost inaudibly " pray tell, why is this place so special to you exactly ?"

Twilight patted the grass near her legs

"In this very spot, years ago, I first read a book depicting Elements of Harmony and started to unravel the plot of Nightmare Moon. Next day, Celestia sent me to Ponyville. So I suppose this was the first contact I had with you..."

"EKHM " Rainbow Dash looked at her with mischievous smile.

Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Besides absolutely amazing event such as Rainbow's first sonic rainboom, that triggered the discovery of our cutie marks, and for which we totally didn't thank her thousands of times."

She looked away. Her long horn glowed and in flash of violet light a brown book with hoof-crafted symbol of horse head was summoned , ornament glimmering in the sun.

"This book contains so much of our history" she said smiling "A history that is more precious to me than anything in the world. That's why tomorrow I am going to throw a big feast, to celebrate our history, and our accomplishments from last ten years. You are welcome to bring your family too"

Her friends cheered and joined her into a hug.

When Twilight looked back at them, her joy turned into confusion.

"Where is Rarity ?" she asked in confusion

The group parted and noticed that the alabaster unicorn was indeed missing.

"I don't know where she went. That mare can be faster and more sneaky than I am if she wants to be" Rainbow muttered, looking for any traces of the designer.

She hovered above the group, giving them a questioning look.

"Do you guys think that there is something off with Rarity ?"

Pinkie Pie nodded, while searching something in her mane.

"Well, duh !!! She was all frowny-upside- downy for some time now."

She pulled out a chart that showed various pictures of Rarity with a dates attached to them

"And it's getting worse ! Even though I am using my most effective tricks to cheer her on !" she huffed in frustration " I just can't see her like this !"

Applejack tipped the edge of her hat and sighed

"Pinkie s'right, y'all. That gal seems to be bothered by something like a rotten apple. We shall do somethin' about that"

"But what ?" Fluttershy mumbled, tracing small paths in the grass using her hoof" Rarity is a very good actress. Even if she tends to be overdramatic, she never reveals her thoughts if she doesn't want to do so."

Twilight was quiet until that point but now everypony heard her voice

"Fluttershy is right. Talking to her may not be easy. But we have to at least try. And I think I know the one who can do it."


Rarity's hooves clip-clopped in perfect synchronization on the floor of Lunar gallery, in vicinity of former residence of the Night Princess.

Since she entered the castle, she passed many hallways and corridors. The guards were bowing before her and she in turn was answering with small smiles and silent "thank you"

She couldn't deny that after all this time, she loved being treated like royalty.

Following Celestia's and Luna's final wish as Equestria's rulers, they all took responsibility for the future of the land. Of course, Twilight was the actual monarch, had powers and full responsibilities of the princess. But formally the actual ruling body was the Council of Friendship, consisting of all the Element holders, plus Spike. Rarity (and not only) was a co-ruler of Equestria. It didn't hold that much power as Princess Luna's co-ruling with Princess Celestia but Rarity knew she was one of the most important figures in the country.

She finally decided to stop in the place she didn't visit for quite some time. The Tower of Harmony, with its famous stained glass corridor.

Rarity slowly trotted to the very first of the windows that depicted the adventures she was part of. The very beginning of her adventures with friends: recovery of the Elements and purification of Princess Luna.

She touched the cold glass as the rainbow reflexes of light danced on her face.

Has it really been that long ?

Her vision blurred and she gritted her teeth when she felt stream of tears wet her cheeks.

She couldn't accept it. She wouldn't...she was creating and creating, day and night, each new idea being a irrefutable proof of her designing genius...but it still wasn't enough...

Bring your family, if you want

Even knowing that Twilight had only best intentions, Rarity preferred to go away for her friends not to see the sadness in her eyes.

But still, she was not sure how much longer she could...

"There you are. You sure are good at hiding this days, sis. Very out of character for you of all ponies." a feminine voice spoke behind her.

Rarity slowly turned around, even though she already identified the one approaching her.

Marble, pristine fur coating a slim, slightly curved body. Vibrant, long and curly mane and tail, in shades of pink and mulberry, bouncing slightly with every motion. The sparkling orbs of lime green shaded by long and voluminous eyelashes. And to top all of it, bright smile of pearly white teeth.

Sweetie Belle continue to walk towards her with empathetic smile on her muzzle

Rarity gulped and bit her lip.

Her thoughts immediately went to Twilight and she couldn't help but growl a little

'Twilight darling, you are a moron...a royal moron...but moron nonetheless. I should have anticipated that they would notice...but to send Sweetie out of all ponies... Twilight, as a princess of friendship, which if I recall is about understanding the others, you still lack sensitivity in certain areas'

She sighed and pouted

'Then again, I was so closed up recently that they had hardly any material to work with..."

Her train of thoughts immediately as Sweetie put her hoof on the side of her neck

"Sis, please come with me and talk to me" the younger unicorn pleaded gently but firmly "please, it's really important and will do you a lot of good".

Rarity was still hesitating, not really wanting to reveal her worries.

"Sweetie Belle, I appreciate your concern towards me but I afraid I am a bit busy at the moment"

Her sister rose an eyebrow

"Really ? Rarity, this the most stupid excuse you could make in this situation. What kind of thing can be so concerning right now ? The meeting of The Council is actually made so you can't be occupied with anything else during that time".

Rarity's eye twitched slightly. To Tartarus, Sweetie Belle was right.

Sweetie shook her head and looked at Rarity with mixture of bewilderment and determination

"We are having this talk right now, during my visit in the castle. I am not having no for an answer. Come on, come on, come on !!!" she yelled.

Her horn lit up and tip of Rarity's ear was engulfed in lime glow. Fashionista let out a small squeak as she was yanked by her sibling towards the door, pulled by her ear.

"Sweetie Belle !!! That hurts !!! Stop it !!! Sweetie !!! Young lady, release me this instant !!! I am the big sister here !!!"

She tried using her own magic to hijack Sweetie's, but found herself unable to break the hold

"You are enjoying this way too much" she finally said with a small smirk

Sweetie Belle giggled and stuck her tongue out in response.