• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,167 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 18: Scars heal, love remains

Two months later...

Rarity was pleading for the torture to stop as she could only wait, stuck in the limbo.

The anticipation was rising as the need became and more urgent...

Finally, she let out a dainty sneeze .

With a groan, she slumped down on the bed.

"Good heavens, this is I think the 50th time today. I just wish for a...aaah..."

Her nostrils flared as she felt another sneeze approaching.

Then it faded away.

Rarity sniffed and then blew her nose

"When they described side effects of pregnancy, I didn't expect them to be this taxing. I am actually happy to be a mother but this...this is just unbearable" she whined.

Her belly got really big by this point, making it difficult for her to move, and she was spending most of her days laying in bed, knitting and reading magazines to occupy her time.

But then the pregnancy started to get hard. Really hard.

Firstly, she had the period when she felt hot and cold in the same time, her sense of temperature going crazy. Then, she felt as if her coat started to smell like burnt and dried out fish. Afterwards, her graceful and lovely daughter decided to practice kickboxing inside of her womb. Rarity heard of foals kicking, but the kicks that she experienced were so powerful that she felt the recoil through her entire body, often waking Spike up in the middle of the night.

And finally, the last two developments. The cravings, making her create ridiculous combination of meals and consuming them in monstrous quantities. Said combinations were often so disgusting that she wanted to throw up. But she could not stop her instinct to eat them.

Secondly, and thankfully lastly, a true onslaught of sneezing. Rarity usually sneezed twice or thrice, if pollen level was high or when she was in the close proximity of something dusty. But now she was buried in tissues and sneezing dozens of times per hour. Twilight explained that sneezing so much was a manifestation of additional protection for foal from outside bacteria.

Still, it was irritating, not to mention tiring.

The sound in the ante-room of their apartment announced Spike's arrival with the new supplies for the filly room.

Rarity smiled lovingly. Spike was nothing but wonderful during those months, taking care of everything for her, even delivering her instructions to Sassy Saddles, who temporarily was in charge of the entirety of her fashion enterprise.

Her adoration for her soon to be husband was interrupted by yet another tickle in her white snout.

'Please, have mercy' Rarity begged.

A battle that couldn't be won, even without Rarity's natural sensitivity.

Exactly when Spike entered the room, a feminine "ha-tchi !!" echoed across the room.

"Bless you" Spike said politely, as he reloaded new toys and cans of paint.

" Haaapshii !!! Achooo !!!" Rarity sneezed twice more, before straightening herself and flashing a smile of gratitude.

"Thank you very much darling" she sighed, thinking about her red nose, bloodshot eyes and frazzled mane. " I wish you didn't have to see me like this. I look absolutely dreadful."

Spike smiled as she delicately enveloped her in a hug

"Who is dreadful ? I only see my lovely and charming future wife, with my sweet daughter inside"

He gently caressed her belly.

"Sure, things might be tough. I didn't have much sleep recently, but I will manage. You and your comfort is my priority now. I dreamed of having a family with you for years now, Rarity. Even if I am tired and want some time for myself, that dream will always come first."

Rarity blushed and wanted to kiss him, but...

"Haaatchi !!! Shooie !!! Kchi !!!"

When her sneezing fit ended, Rarity turned back to Spike, who was clearly trying to keep himself from laughing.

Rarity's blush of embarrassment only got redder

"What are you laughing at ?!!!" she snapped.

Spike snickered to himself

"Rarity, I know you are a lady and all, but the way you sneeze is so cutesy and girly that it is really fu-"

A pillow collided with his face with terrifying precision. Spike was sent to the ground while Rarity fell back on the bed, panting heavily, and 'humphing' at her beloved.

"I cannot help it !" Rarity whined sadly, even though deep down she always enjoyed when Spike found her cute, no matter in what.

She still was a lady though, and ladies could not be allowed to be called cute... more than necessary, that is.

Spike held his arms up as the symbol of peace

"Okay, I give up ! I actually came here to ask you if I may go out for a moment, to meet up with Discord and Big Mac."

"Clearly, you go have fun and I will sleep a little..." Rarity said, yawning and snuggling closer to the pillow on their bed.

Spike smiled and softly kissed the unicorn before going out of the room.


"So, how is Rarity hangin' ?" Big Mac took a gulp out of his cider.

Spike shook his head and sighed

"Pregnancy is a hard thing, for both of us and especially for Rarity. She is already exhausted, but I will try to push through this."

"Sounds awful " Discord added his enlightening bit,

"Yeah..." Spike started to drink as well, as his things went elsewhere, to a bit of conversation he had with Twilight after Rarity's visit to the doctor:

Twilight looked at Spike from her throne, as he put the chairs around the throne.

She took a deep breath and addressed her faithful adviser:

"Spike, there is something else about this pregnancy that worries me... "

"So I figured..." Spike interrupted, without stopping his job " your eyes, your entire body told me that you noticed something"

Twilight sighed. She often forgot that while she was the most knowledgeable when it came to theoretical knowledge, Spike has an excellent ability of reading creature's intentions through even the slightest changes in their body language.

So she decided to tell him right away:

"Spike, I am not gonna lie, the way your child was conceived was unnatural and I am almost sure that giving birth to that girl will have some taxing and negative effects on Rarity's body..."

"We will be okay !" Spike looked at her with serious glare " I am scared as well... but as long as we are in this together, we can do this !"

Twilight looked at the symbols of sun and moon on the ceiling.

"I pray for you to be right, little brother..." she returned her violet eyes at him "with all my heart !"

"Did you know that Starlight wants to have a foal soon ?" Discord voice snapped Spike out of his flashback.

"Nah, tell us !" Big Mac said, not even beginning to question how exactly Discord acquired this information.

Spike smiled:

"I mean come on !" he shouted in his amusement " the faces she gives him are too good... and he still he doesn't get it

"I think he does..." Discord twirled his beard " He just can't 'pony up', like you say"

"Speakin' from experience ?"

"Oh, shut up !"

"Though..." Spike sighed with a smile " I wish you both had kids too. My daughter could use some playmates..."


Spike quietly entered the apartment and after opening the door to the bedroom, he was surprised to see that Rarity was not alone.

"Hi, Sweetie Belle" he greeted her, albeit a little awkwardly " What brings you to us ?"

Sweetie Belle smiled, but quickly lowered her head.

Rarity commented on her behalf:

"Sweetie came here an hour ago, saying that we both need to hear something important."

"Oh ?" Spike became interested, as he sat down by the bedside." What do you have to say ?"

Sweetie Belle flushed red and she started to speak:

"I-I...wanted to check how my family is doing, both of you and my little niece. But also because I wanted to apologize...and confess...you see, through those months I couldn't bring myself to look into your eyes. I allowed myself to be controlled, so foolishly, and I could really hurt you. I still have nightmares... and I just...I love you both so much...I just can't forgive mys-"

She was interrupted, as she felt both Spike and Rarity hugging her from both sides.

Sweetie started to cry.

"G-guys...what are you..."

"Sweetie" Spike interrupted her sobbing " We forgave you long ago. You couldn't have known... you were used and manipulated, everyone would fail... even Twilight fell for it for a moment..."

"Honestly darling, I was horrified, not angry in the slightest " Rarity added her reassurance " My little Sweetums would never hurt anyone. I knew there was something fishy going on"

"But you don't know everything" whispered Sweetie Belle " That potion had a condition to work. It could only be use on the ones who were easier to persuade because of strong affection for you, Spike..."

Her face became completely red and he hid it behind her mane.

Rarity and Spike listened to her with their jaws opened.

"Sweetie, did you...are you..." Spike tried to ask.

"Since our third dance together" Sweetie said with wet cheeks " I knew about your situation with Rarity, and later with Gabby, I knew about it...and yet I still couldn't stop thinking about two guys, making my heart flutter. You and Button, I could never make up my mind. It was like your situation with Gabby, only my feelings were a secret...you and Button are so wonderful in your own right. But after I broke up with Button, it was hard to just sit and do nothing. I am sorry that I was weak...but I could not stop it. I think you know that feeling Spike, when you love someone but you feel that you have to let go."

Spike's heart became cold as the memories of Blueblood and Trendehoof came to mind.

"And yet, I fell for it. And because of my love for you Spike, I endangered everyone. So it is okay if you never forgive me for that. I-I think... I deserve it."

Silence fell for a moment, then Rarity put her hoof on Rarity's head

"Sweetie " she whispered softly " please look at me."

Sweetie Belle slowly looked at her, still whimpering and weeping.

"If it was any other mare, I would make her a hell on earth for trying to seduce my Spikey Whikey" the older unicorn sighed " But if you really love Spike as long as you say, you could try to ruin our relationship ages ago. And yet you didn't do it... because you love us both. You would probably still repress it for our sake. Sweetie, this IS a lot to take in, but...I could never be mad at you, little sister. I was in your position years ago, when Spike started to meet with Gabby. I almost succumbed to a terrible jealousy, and said jealousy later caused Gabby to almost lose her mind. Needless to say, I don't want you to follow the same path. That's why I will allow a little exception. If you want to show Spike a little affection, I will not be mad."

Sweetie simply stared at her, Spike wondered if his hearing was functioning all right.

"Rarity... what are you saying ?" Sweetie questioned.

Rarity shifted to more comfortable position.

"Don't get your hopes high." her gaze became more focused and deadly serious " we are not creating some kind of a harem. Spike is and forever will be mine, there is no speculation here. But from what I know, you two have a very close bond and you trust each other very much. I...allow cuddling and kisses, NOTHING MORE ! If you cross that line..."

"No, no, that's alright." Sweetie quickly blurted out " I am honestly surprised that you even consider it."

She looked sheepishly at Spike.

"What do you think about all of this ?"

Spike bit his lip

"Sweetie, I... I always admired you and I felt very close with you." he blushed lightly, remembering Sweetie's "flirting act"" To be loved by somepony like you... it is a real honour. I...I certainly won't mind your affection, especially with Rarity's permission. But this...is only a temporary solution. If we stayed too long like this, it could become like situation with Gabby, even worse because we are family."

"What do you suggest I should do ?" Sweetie asked with genuine interest.

"For now, let's spend some time together, be close...in a platonic way, with kisses, cuddles and so on." Spike resumed, looking at both sister "and then, I promise I will get you and Button back together"

Before Sweetie could protest, Spike raised his claw

"Before you say anything, this may actually work "he continued with explanation on his plan " Someone as wonderful as you shouldn't be a third wheel and right now I have to focus on Rarity more. I can give you hope, love and comfort...but it would be only an illusion, something temporary. Over the years, I spent some time with Button. He may be lazy and detached from real problems, but I have no doubt that he will make a wonderful partner for you, after he readjusts a little. You said that you loved both of us through the years ? Then I will talk with him and he will change for you. It will be good for all of us !"

Sweetie's eyes lit up and she smiled

"You...you really would do something like that for me ?" she said hopefully

"I would be heartless if I got to be with Rarity, and leave you with nothing, especially since I know now how you felt towards me" Spike winked at her" We won't be a real couple...in a long run...but you shouldn't ever forget that you are one of the most important mares in my life too. Family is family and we shall stick together !"

"You are the best !!!" Sweetie enveloped Spike's neck with her front legs and planted a deep kiss on his cheek.

"Of course he is, your big sister has only the finest around her" Rarity smirked, with her nose held high in the air.

Sweetie smiled happily at Spike and Rarity.

"Thank you, both of you !!! I feel so much better now !!! If Button and I become a couple again, it will be super awesome. I am so grateful... oh, I almost forgot !"

She exited the room. Spike and Rarity waited for her, in silence interrupted only by Rarity's occasional sneezes.

Finally, Sweetie returned, carefully levitating something made of wood...

Rarity leaned forward and her eyes widened in shock

"Sweetie Belle...is this..." she studied the wooden object.

Sweetie Belle nodded

"Yes, it sure it is. Our old cradle... I thought that it would be a perfect thing for your daughter to have."

Rarity actually got a little teary-eyed, looking at the cradle. It was medium sized, half-wooden, half-covered in silvery material. From above the resting place for the foal were hanging few diamond-like ornaments, complimented with moon and the stars.

Spike was also shocked at Sweetie Belle's gift.

"Thanks a lot Sweetie, that is really nice" he said, moving the cradle around " I am sure she will love it."

"I forgot where we hid it. It had to be hard to find." Rarity mused out loud.

Sweetie dismissed it with a smile

"It was worth it, although it cost me listening to mom's stories of the times me and Rarity were little. " the unicorn pretended to gag" and digging for it through musty attic in our parents house"

As a testimony of that last statement, Sweetie's snout wrinkled and utterly adorable " k'chiu" sounded as Sweetie uttered a sneeze of her own, quickly blessed by Rarity.

'As if I need any more proof that cuteness is transferred genetically' Spike thought amused.

Then noticed two sisters staring at him intently.

"W-What ?" he muttered unsurely

"Come here !!!" they both shouted in unison.

Soon enough, Spike was hugged from both sides by two giggling sisters and he understood the true meaning of 'marshmallow sandwich'.

They had a plan. Get Rarity to safely deliver their baby, give Sweetie some attention and care, and make Button Mash stallion up and reconcile with the Crusader, who also wanted to be back with him.

'But honestly ' Spike thought to himself' How did it came to this ? I was a lonely dork, a pushover even and no mare wanted to even consider me as partner. Now, 90 % of world's population of girls is still crushing on me. HOW ?!!'

But the feeling of squishy cheeks and sweet smelling manes from both sides successfully halted his overthinking.

Eventually, Sweetie Belle left, thanking them both yet again and promising to contact Button next day. After kissing Spike another time, she was gone.

Spike snuggled with Rarity, both enjoying each other's warmth


"Darling, can you bring me... vanilla ice cream with jalapeƱo peppers..."


"...and liquorice sauce. Pretty please !!!"




"Fine, I am going to get them. How can you even swallow that ?" Spike chuckled on his way to the kitchen.

Author's Note:

I cheated a little. Originally, chapter 18 was supposed to be slightly different but I am really glad from the outcome. It was obvious for me that Sweetie should harbor some kind of feelings of love and affection for Spike. The moment when Spike, Rarity and Sweetie come to the terms with all of those feelings, release them and figure out how to make everyone happy was very much needed.

Thank you for everyone who is sticking with the story and got that far. You area amazing and I hope you have a wonderful holidays. Happy Heartswarming for you all. I wish you smile, health and love wherever you go. Never forget how amazing you are. See you in my next chapter "Birth in light, life in darkness". There are 5 chapters left in the story. Chapter should come within a week.