• Published 6th Dec 2019
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I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 20: Serenity and (her) forgivness

Iris ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

She was still crying, and she was angrier at herself by the minute for it. And yet, she couldn’t stop herself from doing just that.

Iris grew up in the closed group of her mom’s (and apparently dad’s as well) closest friends and their children. Ever since she was little, she was given everything she wanted.

And yet, through it all, young Iris felt the need to actually earn her place in the world, to found herself and discover what she was supposed to do.

When her mom heard about it, she remarked with a smile, that Iris’s dad had similar doubts, even setting on a trip of self discovery in his younger years.

Topping of Iris’s dad was a slippery one. He left one night, shortly after Iris’s 5th birthday, and the memories she had of him were a tremendous warmth and comfort she felt hugging to him, and mom’s smile when he was talking to her about Iris.

When she was asking her mom about dad, Rarity was either blushing, chuckling or smiling in a distant, sad manner. Iris grew up on the legends of her mother’s adventures with her friends, saving Equestria and such. But just as often, either Rarity or aunt Twilight were telling the stories of Iris’s dad trying to woo her mother, accompanied with Rarity’s overdramatic „oohs” and „aahs” to some of the more romantic fragments.

Iris was skeptical and a little frustrated. Everyone told her that her dad was an amazing friend and ally, yet Iris couldn’t simply overlook the fact that he disappeared from her life. Everything seemed to contradict, as she confronted her family about it a few times. When enraged, she shared her mother’s moodiness and she stubbornly tried to reach the truth. Yet it seemed like no one knew why her father disappeared. Didn’t know or...wouldn’t tell.

After some time, she stopped asking and allowed the pain to dull a little, pretending she didn’t care.

But she did care. She always cared.

As aunt Twilight said once, caring was a gift from both of her parents.

Iris wanted to curse her father’s name, burn everything connected to him and just never think about him again. She was telling that to herself on multiple occasions.

But she couldn’t do that. It was because she remembered one more thing about her dad.


She knew that he loved her, and as much as she hated to admit it, she loved him as well. She had glimpses of him cradling her in his arms and her mather melodious laughter when he hugged both of them.

And now, some dragon claimed to be her long lost father.

That history didn’t make sense. But, quoting uncle Discord, there was no fun in making sense at all. Almost all of the adventures were irrational. What if it somehow was true ? It would certainly explain a lot of things...

But Spike is kind and gentle, he saved her earlier on. He couldn’t be the same guy that abandoned her years ago...

He was her father, he knew too much, there was no other option. Plus, he felt warm... just like in her memories...

What was he ? Iris couldn’t figure him. What was she supposed to feel right now ? Hatred, love, resentment, relief, bitterness, confusion ? All of it ?

Finally, she stopped in her desperate escape. She felt her tears fllow down her face.

He was to loving to hate...and to cruel to love.

He said he did all of this to protect her. Wouldn’t she be safer by his side ? That was still senseless...

She looked at her refelction in the small poodle of water on the mountain path.

Even though she had a body of 9 or 10 year old filly, she actually lived over 18 years already. She did not have her cutie mark yet, which fustrateded her greatly. Rarity reassured her that Iris’s aunt, Sweetie Belle, also was a „late bloomer” and it took her a lot of time and determination to get a cutie mark. Given Iris’s slow agining, it could have taken a while in her case. Now that Iris realized that she was actually part dragon, she wondered if it will happen at all.

She inherited her mother’s generously endowed, white coated body (although it was more visible in her progressed, 20 year old form). Her mane was in a very light shade of purple and, in contrary to her mother, Iris preffered to keep it loose.

Then there was her eyes, two different orbs shining above pristine snout. Right sapphire, left emerald. Her eyes, especially the left one, were both the object of jokes (because they looked weird) and envy (because the mysterious power she could manifest through the left one). It took some time but ultimately, she claimed her ability to be cool, and stopped worrying about how her heterochromia influenced her looks. She was self concious about her beauty, but not on her mom’s level.

Speak of the devil...

Iris closed her right eye and looked intensly through the snow.

After a moment, the movement of the snow slowed down, as she saw the world in full detail. She could see the currents of the air, even scents became visible. She could immidiately tell that 50 meters away there was a source of heat, pulsating with delicate shimmering blue.

She smiled as she stopped pouring magic to power her visual ability. Bingo !

She pinpointed the source of magic, teleported and...

„GAAAH !!!” Rarity screamed, as she fell into the snow when Iris materialized next to her.

„Mom ! What are you doing here ?” Iris looked down at the unicorn wearing a royal winter fur, who tried to get the snow off herself.

Rarity smiled softly.

„I came to support my darling daughter in the time of need, like every loving mom should !” she tried to hug her but Iris shove her hoof away.

„So you knew about this !” She hissed, once again feeling betrayed „ You arranged this entire thing ! You knew where dad was all along and you kept quiet about it ! That’s why you were so strangely calm through the years !!”

„Sweetie, please calm down. The last thing we need right now is an avalanche. „ Rarity sighed, and looked at her with tears in her eyes „ This whole thing was not easy for me either. Spike and me were keeping contact, but for most part, he was travelling to keep the world safe, and we simply couldn’t afford living together all the time. Not after the incident that forced us to make the painful decision, to make this whole ordeal...”

„Spike...dad said that it was to protect me.” Iris snarled, her eyes glowing with the hidden turmoil „ Will you keep that to yourself as well ? What kind of family we are if you can’t trust me and lie to me ?”

Rarity was silent for a while.

„That of the different type, yet with love that bonds stronger than anything” she finally answered .” You have no idea how much we love you. You are our only child...we won’t ever be able to have another one. When I was a filly, I felt abandoned by my parents. This neglect and only the fact that most of my admirers were simply lusting over my body, without true love and compassion, made me think that I don’t want to have children at all. But Spike never gave up on trying to convince me that I was so very wrong.”

She looked at the sky and smiled.

„In fact, he should probably explain it to you by himself.”

Spike landed on the ground in front of them.

He looked at Rarity and his eyes softened.

Rarity smiled at him.

„Hello darling...” she whispered, with a small blush on her cheeks.

Spike smiled.

„You look breathtaking...”

The blush intensified...

„I know I aged since we last saw each other...”Rarity slowly approached the dragon „But I am glad that you still find it attractive.”

„Come on, it was only 6 months ago „Spike laughed” and it will be the end of the world when I stop finding you attractive.”

Rarity’s giggles where interrupted by a loud cough.

Iris stared at the two of them with irritated expression.

„Am I bothering you here ? Cause I can just go away, presumably to never return again !!” she cried out.

Spike and Rarity moved away from each other.

„I am sorry...”Rarity muttered in embarrassement „ It always happens when me and your dad reconcile...”

Spike focused on Iris.

„Iris, me and Rarity lied to you, we won’t deny it. But we also promised each other to fix it once you reach the adulthood. So here is the answer for everything...”

Iris found herself crying once again, but then she felt her mom wrapping her furry coat around her, and hugging her.

As her first reaction, she wanted to push her away. But her heart decided that she was tired. Tired of hating, tired of fighting, and that she only wanted the truth and her family back.

So she sat on the ground, side by side with Rarity, as Spike started to unravel her family’s mystery.


15 years earlier, 3 years after Iris’s birth, Spike’s and Rarity’s apartament.

Iris happily lifted her hooves, as Rarity tried to fed her with a spoon.

Little unicorn happily embraced the spoon and...


The meal disappeared... alongside the head of the utensile.

Iris began to laugh, flashing her sharp teeth, as she spat the metal on the ground.

Rarity shook her head with amusement.

„My little troublemaker” she whispered, kissing her daughter tenderly „ This is the fifth spoon this week !”

„ Not to mention the third time in a month when we have to repaint the wall” Spike grinned, as he delivered the tea to their guests.

Ever since the birth of Iris, their apartment was frequently visited by friends and family members. Everyone wanted to see Iris, as she was not only a unique creature, but also a lively and adorable baby. She had enthusiasm and curiosity for almost everything, enormous apetite for many different things, and her cute attempts of fluent speech were melting everyone’s hearts.

Todays visitors were Cookie Crumbles and Princess Luna, who both decided to use their retirement to spend more time with their granddaughter/grandniece.

Rarity turned around and stared on the violet and blue wall, now covered in green stains, utterly mortified.

„She is just into the designing like her mother. Or maybe into painting.” Luna smiled as Iris grabbed her head and was pulling her cheek slightly „Truly, I’ve seen beginings of the new lives hundreds of times, but it never gets any less beautiful.”

„Lu-la ! Lu-la !” Iris shouted as both she and the former Princess of the Night laughed at each other’s silly expressions.

„Besides, I know from where she gets all that messiness.” Cookie smirked nonchalantly” Iris may have your teeth Spike, but Rarity was so messy when she was a foal, that cleaning could take an entire hour !”

„Mother !” Rarity screamed in embarrasment.

„I even have a photo. I thought it would inspire Rarity in being a good mother and warm her heart” Cookie levitated the photo in front of them:

Spike and Rarity looked at each other...

„I am framing it !!!” Spike shouted gleefully.

Rarity redened on her face

„No you won’t !” She shrieked, chasing him through the living room. Luna and Cookie levitated Iris in the air, as she chased her parents as well.

Everyone laughed, not being able to predict what was about to happen...


Couple hours later, long after guests left, Spike and Rarity were both starteled awake by a loud noise.

„ It’s from Iris’s room” Rarity said with worry.

As if to confirm her statement, desperate cries of the little filly sounded afterwards.

Spike and Rarity both sprung onto their legs and ran to their dauhgter’s room.

They weren’t however prepared for the sight that greeted them.

The window of the room was out of the wall, the floor littered with shards of glass. A thin husk of a silhouette was standing by the cradle. It was wearking a filthy, torn cloak. The moonlight illuminated his glowing orange eyes, a spotted brown fur, a tail, and dirty, sharp claws, holding helpless and crying Iris.

Diamond Dog.

Upon seeing Rarity and Spike barging into the bedroom, the intruder flashed them a smile.

„Perfect, just the dragon I wanted to see !” he said in a raspy, harsh voice.

Rarity’s eyes widened seeing Iris in the embrace of the dog.

„What are you doing ? Let go of her, your filthy mutt !”

She wanted to charge at the dog but Spike stopped her with his arm.

„What do you want Jinx ?” he asked in a low growl.

The dog cocked his head in amusement

„Oh, so you remember me ! That makes it easier !”

„Makes what easier ? Jinx, you are an ambassador just like me ! Why are you holding my daughter hostage ? I negotiated with you for a long time. I would never think that you would do something so lowly” Spike muttered around his breath.

Jinx laughed in coughing, wheezing style.

„ No, my dear dragon, the difference is that you serve peace, I serve my race. And since our last chat, our desires...changed a little.”

„So you want me to begin the negotiations anew ?”

„ No, no !” the dog smiled creepily at the scared Iris” I wouldn’t like to impose on your lovely family... even more. Just create an evidance on our favour, so we can take over the mines on Abyssinia’s eastern border, and we will be even.”

Spike looked at him, still carefully keeping his distance and shielding Rarity.

„This is ridculous and you know it „he said slowly” the Abissynians are not fools and I don’t believe that you are a one yourself. I will try to figure something out but the method you are proposing is threatening everything we worked to achieve. So just drop it and go home.”

Jinx grinned, showing rows of yellow teeth.

„Careful with the wording my friend” he threw Iris from one hand to the other and Rarity stifled a scream. Spike tensed, even if he remained motionless” I don’t think you want anything to happen to your daughter, do you ?”

He put his sharp claw to Iris’s throat

„So you really do have a daughter. Lovely piece of meat, just like her mother” he chuckled, looking at Rarity, who were now shaking, both from anger and fear” Legendary Rarity, who tricked chief Rover. He might have come to respect you but to most of our tribes, you ponies are still just spineless cowards. So easy to manipulate, all it takes is to threaten someone you love. You thought that we wouldn’t use the perfect opportunity that is your daughter ? You will do exactly what we will tell you or your daughter will suffer the consequences !!!”

He lowered his claw dangreously close to the skin of Iris’s throat.

Nobody moved for a long while.

And then Iris, deciding that she has enough of intuder’s horrible treatment, opened her mouth and bit Jinx’s hand.

Diamond Dog howled in pain and then a few things happened really quickly.

Spike’s leg collided with dog’s stomach, forcing him to drop Iris. Spike grabbed her in one hand and he spun around.

Jinx felt slight stinging in his chest. He jumped out of range and noticed a shallow scratch on his chest.

„Bastard ! „he snarled” so you were hiding something, huh ?”

As Rarity quickly levitated Iris away, Spike switched hands, as he shifted his abissynian sword from obsidian.

Jinx whistled loudly.

„You got a nice toy there ! But I think that family made you soft. You thought that scratch will be able to stop me ?”

Spike’s sword glowed violet.

Purple veins spread from the scratch to the rest of the dog’s body.

And then Jinx died.

Or so it seemed. But just as he thought so, he found himself under Spike’s leg, with no idea how he got there.

„You were once my friend, so I will spare you” Spike said in a cold tone” I can forgive many things but if you threaten my wife, daughter, family and friends, I will protect them to my last breath. I generally don’t do it but I will do an exception now and reveal to you the secret of this sword. It is not only a simple toy, it is an enchanted weapon. It can completly break down and restore everything it cuts. I will allow you to live with the knowledge that I decided to restore you back to normal. Well, who said I couldn’t do badass thing ?”

The dog was now a pale, mumbling mess.

„I swear I will never come back !” He muttered „ But there will be others... that desire your influence and will try to use your daughter to do what I wanted to do.”

„We will manage. Thanks for advice though.” Spike patted him on the head .

Jinx looked at his legs and noticed that they were tied up with something that looked like a thread.

„What the-”

Before he managed to say anything else, a whack on the head from the frying pan knocked him out cold.

„That is for threatening my daughter !” Rarity yelled through tears.

Spike’s mask of thoughness crumbled away, as he embraced his sobbing wife.

„Thank Celestia” Rarity hugged Iris tightly. „ You were amazing, darling !”

„Thank your daughter” Spike replied, panting heavily” she created an opening...”

Iris sat there, not sure what really happened, but she looked at her crying parents with worry.

1 year later

Twilight silently sat on the throne, looking at Spike and Rarity.

„What do you suggest I should do ?” She finally asked.

„Since Jinx „Spike said in the mournful tone” there were 10 attacks on Iris. Unpredictable in nature and in time. Since the first incident, we are supervising her and she is never alone. That’s why no one suceeded yet. But since there is the war in lands of the west, many crazy idiots want my influence and try to use my daughter to get what they want, just like Jinx warned us. If she is with one of us, there is no problem. But...”

„She is terrified, Twilight !” Rarity interrupted „She is scared going to kindergarten and she is so weary of her surroundings when going outside that it’s a borderline paranoia. It breaks my heart seeing her like this, my little diamond deserves a calm childhood. Not to mention we won’t be able to stay by her side each single moment, especially when she grows up.”

„We wanted to just bear it and wait for them to lose interest but...”Spike’s growled, bearing his teeth „In yesterday’s incident, Gabby was hurt...and I think it is time for us to act !”

Twilight paled and leaned forward at that last news.

When Iris was 2, Gabby returned from her healing treatment with Cadence. Almost immidiately, she started apologizing for everything she did and it took many days for Spike and Rarity to reassure her that past is in the past. According to Cadence, Gabby’s feelings were too strong to be completly erased, but after all, that wasn’t the point of the treatment. Gabby still cared for Spike and Rarity, but her emotions and hormones were toned down and normalized.

After some observations and coming to conclusion, that Gabby is in fact returned to normal, Spike and Rarity introduced her to Iris. The unicorn and the griffon became unseparable and they had so much fun together, with both sharing the same positive aura, that Spike announced that Gabby will be Iris’s foalsitter, whenever both he and Rarity were away. Gabby was touched by the gesture and proved to be nothing but a wonderful companion for the filly. Over the time, she became almost a part of the family.

After attacks on Iris began, Gabby tried to keep an eye on her as well as she could, but there was a limit to her capability of protecting the daughter of her friends.

„Is she... alright ?” Twilight asked with concern.

„She will be fine, it could be far worse though „Spike explained curtly „ That’s why...this has to stop. I have the plan that will make all of those stupid atempts cease once and for all. They all want to use Iris to get me to negotiate on their favour. In that case, I have to severe my ties with her and make her believe she has no connection to me at all. She has to believe that I am gone and I have to pretend that I really left her be. Then, all the creatures that want to use our love for each other would eventually stop torturing her. I will fabricate some sort of an argument, and after that I will leave for a while. Iris mind will be erased from all traces of me and it will be up to you to make sure she will not find out about me until she will be able to take care of herself.”

Rarity sniffed and shook her head.

„Darling, I won’t be able to just watch it in silence. It took so much time for our family to be formed, we can’t just destroy it like that.”

„I agree with Rarity” Twilight nodded her head” Maybe if I keep an eye on her in the palace, like I do with Luster...”

„I will not do this to you !” Spike cut her with agitated outburst „ I know you, you will develop a deep paranoia faster than Discord can snap the storm of chocolate milk. No, I am her father and I will take this onto myself... it’s just something I feel I have to do.”

Rarity turned to him and pointed her hoof at him.

„And what about me ? She is my daughter too ! You wanted your little wifey to just sit and watch as you sacrifice yourself like that ?”

Spike leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

„Nothing like that „he replied softly „Your role in all of this will be just as important as mine, if not more. As I will be secretly protecting our daughter from the shadow, you must give her a happy life in the light of the day. I am counting on you all to do just that. To make Iris happiest girl in the world.”

„But you said our family won’t break !”

„It will not, in our eyes and in the eyes of our friends. We will pretend that I left you and that you are genuinely surprised. But that will be just an act. I will spend time with you just like I do now, with a bit more secrecy. Over time, I will completly come back but I will have to conceal myself, just in case they don’t want to use Iris to get to me, but rather want her for her own unique abilities.”

Rarity gave him a pouty look.

„Pinkie Promise that you will still be with us ?”

Spike smiled and made a few gestures they knew all too well.

„I Pinkie Promise ! Twilight, can you please help us out in this ?”

The ruler of Equestria sighed.

„I suppose that I will not convince you otherwise.” she gave him a sad look.” Spike, even though Iris is not my niece by blood, like Flurry Heart, I love her with all of my heart. If you think that this might be the safest way for all of us to stop those attacks... I guess I am in. What should I do ?”

„I need for you to create an enchanted amulet, that is able to not only erase memories, but also store them, and restore when needed. For Iris’s sake, I will disappear from her mind to ensure that no one will be interested in using or capturing her. But I will give the memories back to her ! I had to... otherwise it would be just a simple cruelty.”

Twilight thought for a moment, before exclaiming:

„That should be done. Fusing so many functions may take some time though.”

„Take all of the you need. You can give it to Iris as something completly different.” Spike stated, looking at Rarity” In the meantime, we will spend as much time together as we can...”


Spike stopped talking as Iris stared at him intensly.

„That amulet...it is my transformatiom medalion, isn’t it ?” she said, touching the green flame curled into the wild spiral.

„That is correct darling” Rarity confirmed.

„I have only a few blury memories of you. The night before you left, you were crying. Now, I am sure that you were apologizing to me...over and over...” Iris whispered.

Spike looked at her with empathy and compassion.

„There were many times when I couldn’t forgive myself the destruction my plan caused „he muttered quietly” But after I erased your mind for the first time, the attempts to foalnap you ceased in the matter of another year. After some time, I came out of hiding and we started to live as if nothing happened. But the spell backfired and it was erasing all of my presence automatically when we were stopping with our direct interactions. For some time, there wasn’t any real countermeasure, and when we found it, your world was already quite established... without me. Iris, I was scared, I was a coward...I couldn’t face you for a really long time. I’ve been forcing myself, Rarity and you to live in a lie. An illusion, that was supposed to protect you, and indeed guaranteed your safety, but nonetheless, a lie, that went on longer than it should...”

„Dad...” Iris interrupted, rising Spike’s head with her hoof „please stop talking ! I already know that you wanted to do everything, all of it, to protect me. I thought that I could not bring myself to forgive you but... that time we spent together, before I found out who you really were... it was nice, and I knew that I could confide in you and befirend you... so I think that if you really fix all of this mess... then I might be ready to forgive you for hiding this for so much time. After all, you did it out of love.”

Spike looked at her in shock, and then smiled.

„I still don’t know if I really deserve it but...thank you, Iris.”

The younger unicorn grinned.

„Well, good to know that we are related because honestly, I started to think that you were cute. My own dad !” she gaged.

Rarity pulled her into a hug.

„My little gemstone inherited my preferences !” she cooed.

„Well, some of them at least” Iris remarked, as both unicorns shared a laugh.

Then Spike pointed at Iris’s medalion.

„Are you ready ?” he asked.

Iris carefully levitated the medalion in front of her.

„So...” she carefully examined the accesory „all of my lost memories are inside ?”

Rarity touched a pendant with her hoof, caressing the green flame

„Yes darling, Spike spent many times with us though the years, but when the spell started to malfunction, you were automatically forgeting most of it.”

„So...” Iris took a deep breath „ how do we release them ?”

Spike placed one of his claws on the green flame near Rarity’s hoof

„The „countermeasure” I told you about is a way of bringing your memories back. It will activate only with me and Rarity preforming it together, with this amulet at hand or hoof.”

Iris stared at him blankly and snorted a little laugh.

„What’s so funny dear ?” Rarity tilted her head in confusion.

Iris bit her lip.

„Well, this is really... simple thing to do. That’s it ? No „overwhelming struggle”, no „tasks that can be fufilled”, no „heartwrenching trials” ?”

Spike smiled and shook his head

„I swear that you are just like your mom in the times like this. Wasn’t every hardship you’ve ever faced a high enough price ? Didn’t we all go through enough ?”

Iris knew that he was right.

She took position in front of them.

„I am ready. Bring it on !” she exclaimed boldly.

Spike looked at Rarity

„You remember it, right ?”

„Of course I do, dearest „Rarity let out an undignified huff” I was the one who discovered this song.”

„What song ?” Iris asked curiously.

„The counterspell lies within a song, a chant of sorts, that me and Spike sang togehter for you when you were very little. I think you loved it very much, you were always laughing and smiling. We wanted your return to cause the same happiness as the old memories of your foalhood.”

Iris listened, deeply touched by the symbolic gesture.

„Ready ?” Spike looked at Rarity.

„I was ready years ago” the older unicorn smiled, as she took a deep breath.

Iris felt that the air started vibrating when her mom and dad began to sing:

Iris felt her head burn and she saw many images fllowing through her thoughts.

She and Spike in disguise eating ice cream together...

She and her parents watching the sunset in the Canterlot Gardens...

Spike hanging around as she helped auntie Belle and the rest of the crusaders with the rest of her work...

The ceremony in their school...Spike’s was in the shadow of a column but Iris knew he was there, watching with a smile...

Spike cheering her on during her 127th wrestling match with aunt Ember...

Crying at night, strong hands carrying her onto her mother’s lap...

The tour of the Crystal Empire, where ponies worshipped her father as a hero... the joy when she found out he was waiting in the apartment...

Rarity taking her to the girls night, and Spike’s nearly fainting after seeing his daughter wearing makeup for the first time...

Surfing with granny Celestia, as Spike prepared the drinks on the beach...

Dad’ nervousness when her left eye’s power manifested, as he waited for her during her endless lessons of control with Twilight...

He and Rarity watching her paint when she was enrolling to the Equestrian Academy of Art...

Being bullied, ostracized and picked on, always finding something sweet or heartwarming attached in her locker...

Mom and Dad dancing on the roof of mom’s old boutique, kissing each other senslessly, when Iris pretended to vomit...

Spike laughing together with her and Gabby after they managed to prank him one day...

Spike hugging both Rarity, Gabby and herself in a warm hug...

His hands were...kind...

He was always there...he was hiding for most of the time, but he never left... he always guided her, guarded her like he guarded Equestria itself... as many memories from different years past by...

She was Serenity Iridescence, daughter of Rarity, the beautiful seamstress from Ponyville with a generosity of a legend, and Spike the dragon, a protector of peace, who wanted to sacrifice everything to keep a family, who on embraced him as their own, safe, no matter how much it would break his own soul.

She remembered days, months, years...

Of joy, anger, sorrow, fear...

Years of life...

Years of love...

No matter what horrible mistakes they could have made, Iris felt proud of her parents. They went through much to be happy with one another, and their history took a turn that no one really expected. If she was the pinnacle of all of that struggle... she had to do her best as well.


The magical glow slowly faded away, as Iris opened her eyes.

She smiled at her parents

„It worked, I remember everything !”

Spike grinned with joy:

„That’s awesome ! It means...”


Iris punched him slightly, a second time that day, although not with such a force anymore.

„Care to explain to me...”Iris said with a honey-like sweetness in her voice „Why I somehow never noticed that you were hiding and watching me on MY FIRST DATE ?!!!”

„Well...”Spike wheezed with a smirk” I never said that your amnesia was inconvinient all the time...”

Iris snorted and embraced him with laughter.

„I back, dad !!! I am back !!!” she cried out in happiness.

Rarity hugged them as well.

„Positively fabulous outcome. Welcome home darling !”

Iris buried her face in Spike’s chest, with tears of happiness streaming down her face.

„Idiot !” she mumbled, as her lips curled into a smile „I am home !”