• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug, Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Rarity Takes Moreton Bay Bug,
Part 3

[Dodge Junction.]

“WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!” Adagio screamed out whirling to glare at her sisters. The pair of them didn't seem to have any clue what had happened either.

“I dunno, it was weird.. some sort of spell blocking us?” Aria muttered as she ran her hoof over the gemstone hanging from her necklace. The stone hummed lightly as it always did at the caress, but otherwise it was drained slightly.

They had started their set, working up the crowd a little with two songs, then turning loose the full power to turn the mass of beings into a riotous mob on the third. They had done it in every town the same way for as long as they had been doing this.

Only this time... nothing happened.

“Well at least they liked the songs.” Sonata added.

“Who gives a shit about the songs, we gained nothing from this place. A crowd this big and we LOST power casting the initial spells with no effect.” Adagio screeched.”So tell me What the fuck happened!?”

“Calm the fuck down, like we know.” Aria snapped.”We were there same as you and you're the one who's got the damn horn on your head. You're supposed to be able to figure this out!”

Sonata frowned as her sisters started bickering. This wasn't going to get them any where. She considered the crowd as she saw them. Nothing of note really stood out, no one trying to steal their power, there was that big boobie puppy that she was pretty sure was a pony before, but given she seemed to be with the other big cute puppy, maybe she hadn't been a pony?

In either case she would bring it up with her sisters when they calmed down. They wouldn't believe her, but at the same time she could say' I told you so' later if the big boobie puppy was the cause.


“Well that's some might pretty warbling.” Witch-Jack considered.”Though something's fishy about it.”

Rahs nodded, rather distracted by the taste of seafood flavored magic filling the air, and by Applejack filling out that dress a little too much again as she switched forms.

He could tell the magic was coming from the three on stage, and he was somewhat annoyed by that in truth. While he couldn't tell what the spell was, it was clearly an emotional one, likely something to boost how they sounded to draw in more fans.

Rahs thought that was cheating.

As such he and Applejack had moved up to near the front row of the concert, pushing past what was starting to look like a mosh pit in order to stem the flow of the magic.

Witch-Jack wasn't quite sure why they moved forward, though she did quickly catch on that the girls were the ones casting spells.

Even with the spell disrupted the trio were decent singers. Some of the best Rahs had heard outside a proper opera.

The trio seemed confused that their magic was being disrupted, which confused Rahs a little, he had thought the unicorn was casting and hiding her horns aura in that ridiculous mass of hair she had, but it seemed all three were the source.

The effect of having magic eaten was also not present, none of them winced, and the magic didn't stop until the song did.

Rahs glanced over to Witch-Jack almost wishing his sister was here to try and figure this out, but at the same time rather glad she wasn't. Still best to make a note of this for later. It would be future Rahs' problem.

He was on a date after all.


“Damn it.“ Spike snapped his eyes narrowing. “I owe Lyra ten bits.”

“Right.... so am I going to get stuck watching them more or less because of this? “ Sunset asked.

“Less when it's the relatives choice, but they are probably gonna seek you out more often than not themselves now because of this.” Spike offered.

“Shit.” Sunset muttered.

The three fillies were all running around in circles screaming and bouncing about like lunatics chattering at a hundred words a second.

The reason for this, was because of the laurel wreath made up of green flaming wings that adorned Scootaloo's flanks.

Like her mother, Scootaloo seemed to have a talent for making Saint Equine's Fire. She had just needed a little spark to make it happen the first time. Something Sunset's spell, inexpertly cast by Sweetiebelle, had provided. The cutie-mark seemed secondary however as Scootaloo had yet to touch the ground more than a few seconds, her little wings spread wide with green fire licking off the tips of her feathers extending them into much larger wings, that she was using to keep herself aloft.

“Well at least some good turned out of this and I shouldn't get a lecture or anything from mom or Granny.” Sunset sighed.

“Except now the other two are going to try more dangerous and ridiculous things because it worked for Scootaloo.” Spike pointed out.

“You're the one who lit the cannon!”

“But you're the adult here.” Spike grinned. “Remember I'm grounded because I acted 'immature' to a bully.”

“Bullshit, Sparkle gave you a high five.”

“But mom was less than thrilled. And she ranks higher than Twilight. “ Spike pointed out with a grin.” I'm not trusted to be the adult any more, so it's on you.”



Rarity had barely made it to the run way in time. Everyone had helped her out considerably and she felt quite bad at all the work she forced them into last night. She was also thankful for Fireball and Sombra both of whom managed to talk some sense into her before she ground everyone into dust. Well Fireball talked sense, Sombra just stubbornly refused to do certain things.

Still standing back stage and watching the praise and adoration that was being given to Suri who was showing off HER material and product line was making her truly start to understand Twilight.

Using the other mare as a weed wacker in a forest of poison joke sounded very cathartic right now.

Rarity's eyes narrowed as Suri sauntered past the mare with a vile grin on her face, her assistant Coco hot on her hooves.

“Oh well, look who it is, here to show off your copy cat collection.” Suri laughed trotting past.

Suri missed the look that Rarity gave her, but Coco caught it, as well as the dark flicker in the white unicorns eyes. The blue maned earth pony froze on the spot with a shudder then quickly darted past after her boss.

“... Hotel Clique...” Prim announced.

Looking back out across the stage as the models trotted out, Rarity watched the crowd with some interest. There were a number of big names in the crowd and all of them seemed to be excited about her line. Rarity's gaze swept over to a small area reserved for the contestants, spotting her friends sitting there. They all looked a little worn out, but at the same time they seemed to be having surprised and pleased reactions at all the talk starting around them about the work they did. Well except Sombra, who still seemed annoyed to be there.

Rarity let out a sigh and smiled, not noticing a flicker of rainbow coloration run across her eyes and the rope separating her friends from the other VIPs, as she moved back from the stage. She would need to have a word with some ponies to see if she could get another set of tickets to Hinny in the Hills. With the work she had every one do last night, they had missed out on the show. And with the exception of Rainbow and Sombra, they all seemed excited to see it. They had been quite generous with their time and patience with her, the least she could do would be to return the favor somehow.

Rarity headed back to the work room she had been given at the end of the hall, as the next contestant's line was called up. She was so lost in thought she barely noticed another presence standing before the door until she spoke.

“You haven't won yet Rarity.” Suri snapped as she glared at the white unicorn.

Rarity blinked coming to a stop her eyes narrowing at the mare Suri was apparently trying to be intimidating stepping out of the shadows just before Rarity reached her room. Rarity had faced down Nightmare Moon, cannibalistic diamond dogs, Timber Wolves, Discord, Opal's litter box, a literal nightmare, an invading army of changelings, and had Sombra as a roommate after knocking him out while escorting a group of civilians though a fire, Suri really needed to up her game if she thought she worried Rarity in the slightest. ”Really? Because judging by the praise and the cheering, the crowd would seem to say other wise.”

“Feh, you got lucky is all. And with your attitude they're going to trot all over you here.” Suri growled.

“If you had half the talent your assistant seems to I might be more worried about a thief such as yourself warning me.” Rarity scoffed, her eyes darkening a little, something Suri missed.

“Pity I've got her so wrapped around my hoof her work is my work.”Sui snapped back.

“A thief and scoundrel to the last. No I take that back, at least most thieves and scoundrels have some small talent in the art of theft, you had to be given everything first in order to steal it.”Rarity countered the lights in the hall dimming, unnoticed by either of the mares.

“And yet I still managed to make a full line in only a few hours.” Suri replied.

“You mean your assistant did. Sooner or later that mare is going to realize what a horrid pony you are and quit.“ Rarity scoffed the lights dimmed further in the hall. Both of them casting longer shadows though Rarity's seemed to writhe behind her.

“Whatever. A small town yokel like yourself will never make it no matter how lucky you are. The way you give so much away and actually seem to care about the ponies you step on shows how unfit for this life you really are.”Suri sneered turning her nose up and walking away.”The fashion industry is a dog eat dog world Rarity.....”

Whatever else the mare was going to say trailed off as the lights in the hall went out completely.

“What?” Suri questioned.

“Hmm, perhaps you are correct......” A sultry and husky sounding voice replied.

Suri blinked peering into the darkness, the only lights coming from the far end of the hall where she could hear the crowd applauding someone. Suri's eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, only for the outline of a form to appear before her eyes. The figure was tall leaving Suri to only come up to her chest in height, her black furred form shimmering with a silvery coloration as it caught the faint light. Looking up, she saw a massive mane of gently flowing purple hair that shimmered in the light just as the coat did. The figure stood as tall as Princess Luna and towered over the other mare, glimmering blue eyes slit like a cat's stared down at Suri.

“....The fashion industry is, indeed, a dog eat dog world as you say.” The tall figure hummed. “Luckily for me, I have the 'teeth' for it!”

As she spoke she smiled, the lines of her mouth spreading all the way up along her jaw and down the sides of her neck, the opening seeming to unhinge and drop down to the figures chest to just above where her legs joined her torso. The lower jaw split again forming two separate lower jaws displaying rows and rows and rows of shark like teeth, and two decidedly long black tongues that lashed out at the earth pony with a sounds like a whips cracking.

Suri screamed, bolting as fast as she could, tearing away from the monster. She crashed into a few things in the hall screaming and crying out each time she hit something before she ran out the exit at the far side of the hall, ripping across the stage and smashing open a fire exit, completely ignoring the crowd she had to rush past or the show she interrupted.

Prim blinked looking at the fire door as it swung closed with a slam. She considered a moment moving to the edge of the darkened hallway peering down the darkened hall.

“Hello?” Prim asked curiously.

“Oh, hello darling.” Rarity stated from the other end of the hall. “Do be careful I think the lights had a short.”

“I'll get some on on that, what happened with Suri?” Prim asked.

“Honestly.... I don't rightly know. One moment she was doing a bit of trash talking and the next she was screaming bloody murder and running off like her tail was on fire. “ Rarity sighed opening the door to her room at the far end of the hall, casting the white mare in a halo of light from the door. “ Oh good my room is still lit. I will warn you Prim dear you might want to get a cleaner back here as well. Judging from the smell, I think she might have had a bit of a... hmmm, shall we say accident when the lights went out.”

“Ugh. If it's not one thing it's another.” Prim sighed with a roll of her eyes, heading back to the stage to reassure everyone everything was fine and to call the janitor.

[The following day.]

“So what did you think darlings?” Rarity asked with a smile as the group trotted out of the theater.

“It was really good. Shirley's gotten even better than the last time I saw him.”Twilight offered with a smile.” The book was better though.”

“Of course it was.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as Pinkie and Fluttershy giggled.

“Well I enjoyed it.” Fireball offered with a smirk.

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac added.

“Hrumph” Sombra offered though even he didn't seem to be putting much effort into being a grump. That and everyone was used to him by now.

“How did you even get a second set of tickets?” Twilight asked.

“Ahh, I spoke with the producer of the play. After a bit of negotiating I got the tickets as part of the deal I made to make all the costumes for his next show.” Rarity smiled.” He was rather impressed with my designs and while the pay isn't excessive it will be more than enough to pay for itself at least twice over.”

“Free tickets and a job. I hope you won't be over worked with all that you signed up for, plus what's likely to come in terms of business from winning the show.” Fireball added.

“It's quite alright dear, I'll manage.”Rarity smiled despite herself. ”I did promise that you would see Hinny in the Hills, and I would have hated to go back on that.”

“Excuse me... Miss Rarity!?” A soft voice questioned.

Looking towards the voice, the group spotted a cream colored earth pony mare with a blue striped mane.

Rarity blinked and raised an eyebrow. “ Coco was it? What can I do for you?”

“Oh nothing really, sorry, I just wanted to congratulate you on your win.“ Coco offered. “ And to apologize for my part in all that happened with your first line and that lovely material.”

“Oh? Why thank you. And I wouldn't worry too much about it, it's in the past and it was your boss that stole my designs and used my material. “ Rarity waved off the apology. ”That said I am impressed you managed to make an entire line from my materials in just a few hours.”

“Oh.. well thank you, but the designs were just some older ones I had plans for...” Coco muttered.

“Don't sell yourself short. It took all of us all night to do what you did in a few hours.” Twilight added.

“Thank you.... I'm glad Suri didn't manage to run you off... though I'm not sure what happened to her.”Coco stated.

“Run me off?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, the last thing she said was she was going to try and run you off so Prim would think you left and would have you forfeit thus allowing her to win.” Coco explained. “ Well, then she told me to have a coffee waiting for her when she got back. So I suppose that was the last thing she said to me.”

“Hmmmm.”Sombra growled.

“I wouldn't worry darling I'm sure Suri will turn up again, like a bad bit.” Rarity sighed.

“I hope not.” Coco sighed. “I've been working with Suri for so long I started to believe what she said. But then you came in with all your generosity and showed that everything she was saying was wrong. You didn't treat any pony badly nor did you seem just out for yourself. You won despite doing everything Suri said would cause you to fail. You proved that there is something better.”

The others blinked looking at the mare with a bit of pity.

“It's quite alright darling. Surely she couldn't have been that bad.” Rarity offered.

“She was, and if she hadn't have run off, I would have quit.” Coco stated with a bit more determination than she had started with. “That all said, I brought you something to thank you.”

“You didn't have to....” Rarity looked at the little box she was given.

“No, I insist, it's the least I can do.”Coco offered.

Rarity considered, looking at the box, then the mare. “I suppose with Suri run off and your plans to quit anyway, you are out of a job now.”

“I'll be fine.” Coco placated. ' It's not the first time I've needed to look for work.”

“Hmm... How would you like to work for a friend of mine designing the costumes for his next show?” Rarity offered. “The pay might not be the best, but you would be your own boss with it, plus your designs would be seen by everyone who came to see the show.”

Coco blinked in shock as Rarity smiled continuing on. “You never know what a bit of generosity might bring back to you dear.”

[ Friendship Express, Ponyville bound.] Later that evening]

“So what did she give you any way?” Sombra asked, shifting in the seat across from Rarity as he flipped though his book.

Fluttershy was asleep on the couch at the back of the car, Big Mac and Twilight had also retired to the sleeper car of the train to 'sleep' as well.

Rainbow Dash and Fireball were both trying to beat Pinkie Pie in cards and failing miserably.

Rarity blinked as she looked up at the dark stallion across from her. This was really the first thing he had said to her since they settled in a few hours ago. Though in the short time she had been his 'warden' he had been a bit rude, but not otherwise hostile, and barely talkative at all. He hardly seemed like the stallion she had knocked out in the empire, though the mare was still leery of him. Though not nearly as much as she had been at first.

Rarity smiled opening the little box again and showing off a spool of thread that looked like a collection of different colored threads wrapped on one spool until her hoof shifted and the light caught it at another angle shifting the colors along the thread.

“A spool of thread?”Sombra scoffed.

“Indeed. The thread it self is quite gorgeous and I wonder if the poor thing made it herself some how. It seems like some sort of silk.” Rarity offered.

“I take you already have some design in mind to use it?” Sombra offered.

“Oddly … no.” Rarity admitted.” For some reason despite this being a delightful spool of thread, I can't seem to think of anything I would use it for at all. It's as if I don't want to use it.”

“I see. Well you can add it to the growing pile of fabric and thread you don't use now.” Sombra scoffed.

“I do not have that much unused material.” Rarity snorted.

“I am fairly certain the pile has gained sentience and is breeding, given how often I still find spools of thread, yarn, and bolts of cloth in my room no matter how many times I clean it out.” Sombra rolled his eyes.

“It is not.... did you just make a joke?” Rarity gasped.

Author's Note:

And now with this episode finished. I vanish into Midgar. FF7 remake here i come!

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