• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Three's a Cod, part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Three's a Cod,
part 3

[Off the coast of the Griffonlands. The Sea Shepherd ]

“You didn't have to come out here to see us Discord.” Fluttershy offered taking a sip of tea.

“Nonsense, I missed out on our last tea party and I had a bit of time so I figured I would come out and see how you all were faring. Plus I get to meet the delightful crew you two lovely mares hang out with when not with the Sparkles or my charming self.” Discord waved a hand at Maud and Tree Hugger.

Maud hadn't really changed her expression, and Tree Hugger seemed wary of Discord for some reason, but both Fluttershy and Pinkie seemed happy, if surprised to see him. The other members of the crew simply hung back, not really sure what to make of the Draconequus.

A bit more so when he produced a number of tables and a rather large, if odd, neon green and orange tea set that had enough pieces for the entire crew of the Sea Shepard. There was also enough for the Griffons they had captured, but no one was giving any to them.

Many, okay pretty much everyone, found the relationship between Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Discord to be odd. After he was freed a second time he stuck around Ponyville for a while to see what was happening and wound up having a Pinkie Pie party thrown for him.

Of course the chaos the party planner produced perfectly pleased the patchwork personality Discord was, though his becoming close with Fluttershy was a surprise, an even bigger one was that he would even listen to her.

If anyone bothered to ask, and no one ever did, Discord would explain that the former model, animal lover, and secret eco terrorist was the most chaotic thing in Ponyville, short of himself.

He didn't count the Cutie Mark Crusaders as even he wasn't at their' level' some days.

Heck all three of the Sparkles plus Rahs' dates had to be lumped together just to produce the insanity that the shy pegasus could produce with a bunch of baby bunnies, or a smile at some one when Pinkie was nearby and feeling jealous.

And the best part was, she didn't even realize it.

“So how are your little fillies doing?” Fluttershy asked before taking a bite out of a cookie.

Discord smiled.

“Quite well, though I am afraid they seem to be growing up far too fast for my taste. “ Discord sighed.” Though that was the issue with one of them. Seems that I was a bit too much a helicopter parent.”

This statement was accompanied by Discord turning into a big white machine thing with a rotating blade on top of it that Pinkie Pie immediately giggled at and started calling Harold.

“Well that's what happens, all little birds do leave the nest.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Mm true enough, though it doesn't make it any easier, particularly after how long they have been away.” Discord considered. “Still one of these days I do hope you'll meet them, I'm sure you would get along fabulously with my youngest.”

“Well I most certainly look forward to that. I'm sure all of them are lovely Discord.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Oh, they are, if a little grumpy at times.” Discord sighed before tilting his head for a moment and looking around.

“Something wrong?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Have you ever had the feeling you were supposed to be some where else doing something else and being blue while you were at it?” Discord pondered.

“What like sad?” Tree Hugger asked.

“No, no, more like I'm blue.” Discord stated, turning a bright blue.

“Da ba dee da ba daa ” Pinkie Pie sing songed.

Discord stared quizzically at Pinkie Pie and shrugged. Even he wasn't going to try and explain that mare.


“So you've not made any more progress on this?” Cadence sighed.

“I'm afraid not. We have the spell itself broken down into what parts are needed, but we can't seem to get it to stick properly. There's a number of other issues that keep cropping up as well with the power and leveling of the spell thraums, though the thramanic resonation seem good....”Twilight explained.

Chrysalis watched as the pair talked, recognizing the signs of Cady zoning out but still listening, it was interesting to see where she had learned that skill.

Her interest at the moment was on Sunset.

Or more particularly her emotions.

Sunset was feeling guilty, something that had only come up when Twilight had started discussing the Familiar project.

Chrysalis considered it might be something to do with their failure thus far, but it seemed a little too deep for that. Was she guilty about all the progress they had made even with the failures?

Honestly that wouldn't be too uncommon for someone trying something like this in truth. Some people felt guilty they couldn't do more than they already were in situations like this.

From what she knew about Sunset this didn't seem like something she would do though. That she refused to look at Twilight while she was explaining was fairly telling to. Was she doing something to sabotage the project?

That made no sense why..... oh.....ooooooooooohhhhhhh.

Chrysalis grinned, she was starting to like this girl a bit more. Maybe she could adopt her and really fuck over Celestia.

Ehh, later plan.

For now however she needed to put a stop to it, she had a vested interest in this spell working properly. Sure her original plan had been to outlive Shining, but she had come to decide she was quite interested in keeping him around.

Of course after the earlier implied threat from Sparkle she wasn't going to bring it up with Cady or Twilight, but to Sunset herself? Oh yeah.

“It's not going to work.” Chrysalis stated in a low tone to Sunset.

The mare jumped at the statement, Twilight and Cady continued their conversation. “What? It should work we have all the necessary components and the lay out is....”

“Not that. Your sabotage.” Chrysalis stated flatly noting the orange mare's wince. “While a fair plan, you are not thinking ahead enough. Sure delaying the spell until most of your competition becomes too old to be viable sounds good at first, but you are forgetting that my daughter is also a demi-god, and we have no idea how long Applejack is going to live now.”

Sunset winced again at the mention of Applejack, ahh there was the guilt's source.

“I'm not going to tell you what to do, but keep in mind that this spell will be used on Shining Armor when it's finished. “ Chrysalis stated flatly. “And if you keep hindering progress to the point that you want to let the others who want Rahs grow old or die off, given he's older than most of them he would likely die of old age first.”

Sunset blinked and bit her lip.

“If that even looks like it will happen I'm going to inform Sparkle there of this and let her figure it out. “ Chrysalis stated.” I'm sure you don't need to be a genius to figure out her reaction. Let alone Rahs'. You're a clever mare, but it seemed you inherited some of your fathers, 'not thinking shit all the way through' talent.”

Sunset growled a little at the comparison.

“Well I've said my peace...”

“It's not as simple as that. I'm not 'sabotaging it...” Sunset grumbled. “ I'm... just not putting forth as much effort as I could.....”

“Tomatoe, Tomahto.” Chrysalis shrugged. “I'll keep this to myself for now, but you are on a timer, and this plan of yours wouldn't work, I'm rooting for my daughter and won't hesitate to do something that gets her what she wants normally. But I want this project to work, and you'd up your chances with the Moon Dog more if you did manage to get it to work for use on his brother.”

Sunset said nothing watching as Cadence struggled to stay awake as Twilight went all in on lecture mode.

“Whelp, I'm off to see what Saturnia is doing, Toodles.” Chrysalis grinned turning to walk away from the ranting Twilight leaving Cady to her fate.


Sweetiebelle blinked looking up at Princess Luna in confusion.

Luna looked down at Sweetiebelle with a small smirk on her face.

The other crusaders and Spike stared at the Princess in absolute horror.

“You want me, to cook?” Sweetiebelle questioned hesitantly.

“Partially, we want you to join us in a few cooking classes taught by our chefs here in the castle.” Luna explained. “We need a bit of practice on modern cuisine as we have not been allowed near the kitchen since the oven incident not long after our return.”

“We're doomed.” Spike recoiled in horror.

[Ponyville Hive]

“What do you mean she's gone?” Chrysalis demanded looking down at the changeling before her.

Thorax swallowed hard wishing he could have made Bees talk to the queen instead, but the annoying drone was at work.

“As I said my queen she is gone. She had another date with the Sparkle tonight. I think they went to a movie or a stage play or something.” Thorax explained.

“Well damn, so much for getting her and Cady to sit down together for a while. “ Chrysalis sighed.” They have so much to work through still.”

“Wait the princess of Food is here?” Thorax blinked.” Can I meet her?”

“No. Mine.” Chrysalis hissed.

“Meet her not, court her, my queen.” Thorax frowned rolling his eyes a bit.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at that.” When did you grow a spine? I only ever got that tone from your brother.”

“Ponyville.” Thorax stated.

“Ahh.” Chrysalis nodded sagely understanding.” This place is weird.”

“You barely know the half of it.” Thorax shuddered.

[ Canterlot Castle ]

The sound of screams echoed down the halls as a number of guards galloped down the hall. The flames lapped at the curtains just outside of the kitchens, sending the staff screaming and running around like mad. The kitchen staff was doing much the same with only the head chef moving around like there was no cause for alarm. If he rushed, his souffle would fall,and come Tartarus, high water, or some burning walls, that was not going to happen on his watch.

Granted with every one else panicked or thus focused no one noticed the door open a little with nothing opening it. They also didn't notice the door to Celestia's cake vault open the same way before closing.

In the silence of the chilled room the sound of hooves on the floor was still barely audible, the steps muffled as a figure dressed in black materialized as the potion wore off. The figure spared a glance to the collection of bottles around its belt, reminded the pony that they had to take the second invisibility potion in order to leave.

For now however the next week of cakes for Princess Celestia was before her. All prepared and ready to be served.

There were forty of them.

Evidently someone thought to put the Sun Princess on a diet.

Likely her sister.

Still it was enough. One by one the figure crept among the carts of cakes opening bottles of various potions pouring them on top of the cakes, letting the liquid soak into the baked goods, before slipping the empty bottles back into their belt.

A glance to the door showed no sign of any one following, though the figure moved quickly stopping only to pick up one small cake that was untreated before they drew out a small patch of gray fur from their belt leaving it on the floor near the door before downing the invisibility potion and slipping out with the final cake.

Evidently it was just in the nick of time too as the fire was being brought under control.

Slipping down the hall the invisible figure paused at a broom closet just around the corner from the fire, opening the door and sliding the cake inside, where it was quickly snatched by a small pair of pink hands attached to a rather rotund opossum.

Bribe delivered, the figure darted down the hall again leaving the chaos behind.

[ Canterlot, theater district.]

“Well I didn't think that I would enjoy that as much as I did.” Saturnia stated with a smirk. “ But I certainly did.”

Rahs smiled walking along side of the pink changeling. The pair had gotten a number of stares as they entered the theater, though the few Guards called noted who he was and started writing tickets to the ones who summoned them for false emergency's.

The pair were not even bothered other wise save for a older couple in the theater asking if they could switch seats with Rahs. A move that put the pair closer to the front of the show. The older pony waved off any questions simply thanking Rahs for the fine seats to a show a few years prior and reassured him with the stadium seating here his height wouldn't be much of an issue.

The show was more of a stage play that was heavy on the comedy element with a number of songs and skits. The troupe had Rahs and Saturnia rolling with most of the parts.

“Who would have thought that some old group that came out of retirement for a last show would be this good now fifty years after they first came out.” Saturnia smirked.

Rahs nodded his ears perked as the grin remained on his face.

“I know you said this was recommended by Discord, but I never figured something called Moosy Python's Airborne Carnival would be that good. I'm surprised Discord wasn't there in truth. I figured he would be for this sort of thing.” Saturnia considered.

“He's, ah...probably pining for the fjords.” Rahs parroted sending Saturnia into another fit of laughter.

[Canterlot Castle]

"So, have they burned the place down yet?” Applebloom asked Spike as she and Scootaloo peered into the secondary kitchens where four of the castles chefs were staring over Luna and Sweetiebelle's shoulders like vultures waiting for the animal they were watching to finally stop moving.

“Not yet. Did you guys find the bathroom alright?” Spike asked, not looking up from the game book he had brought with him.

“Yeah, place is huge and easy to get lost in.” Applebloom offered.

“Are you sure they haven't started any other fires? There was a big commotion down the hall near one of the other kitchens.” Scootaloo offered getting a annoyed glance from Applebloom.

“Nah , they've been here the whole time.” Spike stated jotting down some notes.

“Alright Sweetiebelle, perhaps we should take a break for a little while and come back after we see if our creation has baked properly.” Luna stated putting two large pans in the oven.

“That works, I gotta run to the little fillies room any way.” Sweetiebelle chimed up. The collected chefs all sighed with relief slumping down where they were.

“Scootaloo would you mind showing her where they are in this wing.” Luna offered.

“Sure.” Scootaloo nodded.

“And no fires this time.” Luna called after making Scootaloo wince. Though she didn't protest. The chefs took note and went out for their own breaks as Luna turned her attention to Spike who looked up from the book to meet her gaze.

“I'm not going any where and I still think she deserves it.”Spike stated

“Be that as it may,” Luna stated looking to Applebloom. ”I would ask that you stop attempting to harm my sister.”

“What...” Applebloom blinked.

“You bribed my familiar Applebloom, Tiberius is under orders to help me keep an eye on all of you.” Luna smirked as Applebloom frowned.

Applebloom gritted her teeth at being caught, and she thought she had been careful enough using the invisibility potion she learned. “She tired to kill mai sister.”

“Indeed she did. We are not saying she didn't make a mistake, and had she succeeded there would be a very large number of consequences for her actions.” Luna offered. “ The council would have investigated this and finding out that the Element's were Harmony's doing, she would have sent the council into some interesting discussions.”

“If they would have ever found the body.” Spike offered in a off clawed tone that made Applebloom smile a little. At least she knew her drake friend had her back.

“Spike, do keep in mind that until Rahs took over the portfolio she was one of mine, likely one of the last, as far as we know.” Luna added.” That would have been a genocide, something which the council would have sealed her in Tartarus for at the very least.”

Luna sighed.

“At least they would have had it not been for the reputation witch wolves have. Given I was not even on probation at that point in time there likely was not much that could be done. You saw Bleu's reaction to it, sealing off Ponyville from the rest of the world with orders given to the flight of dragons with her to burn anything that tried to leave to ash. My sister's actions would have been considered justified by nearly every other god.”

“That doesn't make it right!” Applebloom snapped.

“Of course it doesn't, but if you have not noticed, she did her best to fix the situation afterward when another path was presented to her.” Luna explained gesturing to Spike who tried not to look smug and failed. “Tia had to rule by herself for so long she came to a point where she refused to hesitate making hard decisions and planning everything. That has been coming back to bite her flank for quite a while now. She is getting better, but over a thousand years of things going one way is a hard thing to shake. But that is neither here nor there. You need to stop.”

“Ah ain't gonna fergive her fer that, nor what she did tah Sunset!” Applebloom huffed.

Luna smiled. “Nor did we ask you to, though to be fair Sunset brought a good bit of her troubles on herself. But she is not the issue. Holding onto such anger is like swallowing a poison and expecting the other person to die.”

“There's a couple of poisons that do that.” Applebloom pointed out.” Pretty sure ah ken make at least one of them. Zecora knows a lot about somthin called Voodoo.”

“That is not what we.... never mind.” Luna sighed. “ Thus far your actions have been blamed on Chrysalis, but there have been a few close calls on both sides of that fight so the pair have agreed to lock their pranks and murder attempts to personal attacks that can easily be directed, or things that only target a magic signature that matches the target. Neither of them want some one else to get hurt that would cause all of this to get out of hoof again. Your attempts have no such fail safe.”

“It's why ah ain't using anything lethal.” Applebloom stated. “ Far as ah know tha only ones who git intah her cake vault is yer little rat....”

“Opossum.” Luna corrected.

“He ratted me out, so 'rat'.” Applebloom countered.

“Fair.” Luna admitted.

“Anyway, him, Celestia and sometimes Discord. And ah warned yer pet and tha other one ah ain't real worried about.” Applebloom finished.

“That yes. But what you tell or do not tell Sunset is not as controlled. Celestia is trying to at least not be hated by her daughter, at the very least the damage Sunset can and has done when angry enough is a good reason to not antagonize her further. Sunset is not as careful as you might be when she lashes out.”

Applebloom frowned.

“Fine. But ah ain't gonna like it.” Applebloom huffed.

“That's the best we suppose we can ask for.”Luna sighed,

“Given the list of grievances I have.” Spike added. “I hope you are right that she's learning. Celestia isn't well liked any where in Ponyville right now. I forgive, but I don't forget.”

“She is trying to make sure she does not have any other issues and mends whatever bridges she can. It is not as if she is trying to simply outlive her problems.”Luna stated. “It is a work in progress.

“It's not like she can, given three of us.” Spike huffed.

“True enough though we are still finding it odd that we are the favorite Princess.” Luna smiled a little.” Even if only in Ponyville.”

Author's Note:

For those wondering the artist is still working on the art for the donations given to the kofi page. I'll open it up again once I have the current images done for more art.

Current Commissions are on Kofi and can be found here on Imgur.

TGaP also now has a TV Tropes Page thanks to matt+s0101745, You can find that HERE.

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