• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 9,234 Views, 4,091 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Twilight Tuna Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Twilight Tuna
Part 2

“OOF!” A large earth pony sounded as he bounced off the stone wall, his blade skittering across the floor as it was knocked from his grip.

A loud yelp sounded just before his impact as a robed female griffon dodged out of the way of the flung stallion.

The black coated and red maned earth pony stood back up, shaking his head as he growled before, fishing out another dagger from under his black leather armor. The cutie mark exposed on his flank showed a crossed pair of daggers dripping with green icor dripping from the blades.

“I though you were supposed to be a master thief Rook?” The griffoness snarked.

“Hey, Twinkle how about you actually DO something. Cast a fire ball at this thing or whatever.” The stallion growled.

The cream and white feathered griffoness huffed in annoyance, her bright purple robes sparkling with rhine stones. Twinkle's green eyes narrowed at the stallion. “I don't have fireball.”

“WHAT?!? That's like the biggest evocation spell ever. EVERYPONY learns that one, it's like the most used spell there is!” Rook snapped.

“I'm divination wizard, I don't do evocation.” Sparkle grumbled.

“ Don't do evocation!?! By the stars, we hired a hipster mage.” Rook rolled his eyes.

“Can you two idiots focus!?” A large minotaur roared back at them, ducking behind a shield as he readied his mace.

The gray furred bull growled as he lashed out with his weapon, the silver and gold armor adorning his massive form was filled with rents and cuts, though none seemed very deep. A holy symbol of the moon clung to his neck and was emblazoned on his massive shield.

“Not to interrupt Grump, but can you please heal me?” A massive dragon asked politely, the green scaled beast had a battle ax as tall as she was, though she was only wearing a number of strategically placed furs covering her, not too far off the classic chain mail bikini look. The green dragon was covered in cuts and bruises as well, and was splattered blood and other mess.

The reason for said bruises and cuts towered over even the large dragon barbarian. An abomination that looked half built out of a multitude of other creatures,and half built out of metal junk parts. The undead rotted monstrosity had a number of arms and a few heads as well as numerous other things sewn all over it's form, several of the flailing arms were holding old rusted and pitted weapons and were lashing out the two figures it was attacking.

“Dee, I told you, I'm a war priest, I don't do healing.” Grump snapped.

“That just sounds like a fighter with extra steps." Sparkle snarked.

“At least I have something I can attack with, unlike you. Do you even have any attack spells?” Grump snapped.

“I have named bullet.” Sparkle offered.

“That's great, except no one here has a ranged weapon to put it on. Why did you even learn that spell?” Rook snapped.

“Because it seemed neat. And you lot weren't complaining when I found that treasure using the guts of that last monster.” Sparkle yelled back.

“I'm not complaining.”Dee offered.

“Yeah but that just makes you a one trick pony.” Rook offered. “And while it's a pretty good trick you need more spells that can attack things!”

“Big talk from a rogue that thinks they're a barbarian.”Sparkle snapped.

“HA!” Grump laughed.

“Oh stuff it. What kind of cleric doesn't take any healing spells?” Rook snapped.

“I'm a WAR PRIEST!” Grump yelled. “ Besides it's not like our barbarian remembered she could rage.”

“Oh right.... I did forget about that.”Dee considered.

“Alright alright that's enough.” The undead monstrosity stated flatly. “I dunno what's gotten into you guys but we're gonna take a break now.”

[Golden Oaks Library, Friday afternoon.]

Spike dropped his notebook on the table with a sigh. Before him on the other side of the GM screen a dungeon map was set up with four little figures and one bigger monster. Seated around the table where his players.

“So I guess trying to force you guys out of your comfort zone of classes and races wasn't such a good idea.” Spike sighed.

“I dunno I kinda liked it.” A teal green pegasus colt with bright red hair offered, his wings fanning a little as he sat back, his cutie mark was a jade version of the bug that he was named after. “Never played a barbarian before.”

Spike nodded a little looking away from Firefly. The colt was about his age and was super excited about everything gaming much like Spike was, though he was just setting hoof into the hobby. He was also fairly sure Firefly was a changeling. Spike would have to let Kevin know his suspicions about his cousin some time, though Firefly seemed harmless and wasn't replacing any one as far as Spike could tell.

“Ehh you were fine. Need to be a little more aggressive and you'll have it down.” Scootaloo offered stretching out her wings flickering a little before she caught herself and doused the flames. Twilight had been very insistent that Scootaloo not try to fly inside the library and the first lecture after doing so had been more than enough for her. She had been playing a cleric, though she had turned it more into a fighter with an archetype, Spike was so surprised she managed that, he hadn't stopped her. “How did the titan mauler thing work?”

“Fairly well, the better damage was nice though I am having issues hitting now.” Firefly offered.

“That will balance out in a couple of levels. And later on you can use a ax twice your size.” Scootaloo shrugged.” Sweetiebelle though needs to get some attack magic!”

“I'm a divination wizard.” Sweetiebelle threw her hooves in the air.” I'm a support caster, like you were supposed to be! In a couple of levels I can start making golems and I'll be wrecking everything! At least I'm not a rogue that thinks they are a fighter!”

“Like ah know how tah play a rogue!” Applebloom huffed. “But even ah know yah should at least have a magic missile as a mage fer SOME sort of offense!”

“Okay hold up hold up. Stop.” Spike snapped cutting them off. ”Are you guys still pissed about Diamond Tiara this afternoon?”

“Yes!” Applebloom huffed.

“She didn't even do anything and everyone was praising her like she didn't just tell her butler to do it.” Scootaloo growled.

“I mean we put in all that effort with Twilight, and Diamond' I'm rich' Tiara, gets credit for nothing.” Sweetiebelle huffed. “Though if we can put all of what we learned to use, maybe we could be the big shots at the school for a change.”

Sweetiebelle trailed off as her mind wandered a moment, though the evil sounding giggle she let out informed Spike that he didn't want to know where her mind went.

“Of course then she opted to taunt us with her Manehatten trip.” Scootaloo growled. “And then the complete disregard that we were training with Twilight, or even that she was any pony important. Twilght's helped save the world... at least twice!”

“So have I” Spike grumbled.

“We know, but we were talking bout yer sister.” Applebloom offered.

“Fair enough. Still, Twilight doesn't want to be thought of as some one important.”Spike explained.”Heck she turned down being a princess outright. Besides you guys shouldn't worry about being popular or what Diamond Tiara does. That filly is hardly some one to be impressed by.”

“Ah ain't impressed, ah'm annoyed.”Applebloom huffed.

[Neigh Orleans, late morning ]

Rahs stepped off the train platform, his ears perked as he looked around the city. The air was muggy even this late into fall. The sounds of the busy streets echoed around the station, the chatter and noises of the locals almost musical. The low hum of a fog horn sounded from out over the water the city was practically spilling over as a large ship sounded in the distance. The scent of food and salt and distant rot of the swamp and plant life bracketing the city on nearly every side assaulted his nose. The architecture of the place had it's own style, with a number of designs seemingly taken from the Prance region, though over time it developed a style all it's own.

Rahs smirked, glad that, despite the location on the coast, the air was still fairly cool. He wasn't one to really enjoy dressing up, but the black three piece suit he wore was rather nice. The black slacks and over coat were well made, and the burgundy under shirt was partially hidden under the black vest that accompanied it. He wasn't sure of the amber, almost gold tie he was wearing, though Rarity had claimed it went well with his eyes.

Still he rather liked it.

Judging by the whistles and the few cat calls he was getting as he stepped off the train platform, others liked it as well.

Rahs wasn't sure why Trixie chose this place, he knew her mother was from here, but beyond that he had no clues on her plan. From time to time he could tell Trixie had a bit of an accent, but it was very subdued most times and only came out with certain words or sayings.

Any further thoughts he had were cut off as a gold and crystal gilt carriage rolled up before him stopping suddenly. A well dressed stallion moved from the front of the carriage with the other puller, and trotted around to open the door on the carriage.

Stepping out of the carriage, in a flowing burgundy dress trimmed with gold and black thread, the material clinging to her light blue form and spilling over her back legs like a ball room dress was Trixie. Her hair had been done up in a multitude of bouncing white curls that fell over her face and horn, jeweled filigree was tastefully added to her ears and her mane and she wore rather elegant looking metal hoof covers, likely to protect the black lace stockings she wore, at least on the front legs he could see.

“Rahs Dawlin'. Ah'm quite glad ya could make it. Ya look as handsome as ever.” Trixie offered in a very heavy Neigh Orleans accent. “ Please join me, we got ta head up daroad a little fer dinner, ah'll be sure tah give yah tha tour along da way.”

Trixie grinned, beckoning him inside as she slipped back and took a seat.

Rahs raised a brow at this and smiled as he climbed in, time to see where this date went.

Author's Note:

Rahs' suit https://simages.ericdress.com/Upload/Image/2017/46/watermark/8bfb7ffd-ead6-4a1d-b343-7deccba08cd6.jpg

Trixie's dress https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41cShyWw8PL.jpg

These are more the ideas that inspired than what they are actualy wearing though as Rahs isn't wearing shoes

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