• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Dolphin Don't, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Dolphin Don't
Part 1

[Where the Fucksilvania.]

[ Yeah, I got nothing]

Rahs briefly considered that this might be a mistake.

After getting off the train, the pair of them had started walking out into the wilderness beyond the lumber camp and further north along a old dirt path that looked like it hadn't been trod on in years.

Perhaps the changeling had snapped and was taking him off to some secret hive to trap him and force him to marry her or something. Then the other girls interested in him would have to mount a heroic rescue to save him and prove above all others that they were the one who was his true love.

Rahs had to let out a sad sigh at that, because as dramatic and awesome as that would have been, he knew Saturnia was terrified of Twilight, and in no way shape or form be willing to get his sister angry at her even a bit.


“I apologize for this trip like this, but she tends to live all the way out here to try and avoid ponies.” Saturnia sighed. “I really wish she lived closer, but I did double check to make sure she was home.”

Rahs raised an eyebrow at that. This was the second time Saturnia had mentioned there was some one out here and all the teasing and hints were doing was getting him more curious.

“Oh good. We're here.” Saturnia said with a sigh, the pink changeling having remained in her blue pegasus form the whole trip. There were still a number of those who didn't like changelings.

Rahs and Saturnia both paused as they came closer to the house, Rahs' ears flattening to his head.

“What... what happened here?” Saturnia gasped.

The house was a mess, the door busted in, furniture and books strewn around outside, flower pots smashed, and the windows broken. It even looked like some one had climbed up onto the thatch roof and ripped a few holes in it.

Rahs paused pulling out Spike's camera taking a picture of the scene before tucking it back in his coat and sniffing around the home. There were scents of multiple ponies and a few diamond dogs and at least one griffon.

At a crash, Rahs flattened his ears to his head, and looked over as Saturnia had tried to knock only for the door to fall in.

“DD! Where are you!?” Saturnia called out stepping into the house and wincing. The inside was just as thoroughly ransacked as the outside.”Damn. She was still reported to be here yesterday.”

Rahs stepped inside as well, ducking his head under the door frame and narrowed his eyes. The place was an absolute mess. The scent of the others was stronger in here as well, though it was old so they weren't here any more at least, though there was one scent that was prevalent in the house, a mares...

“What are you doing here......”a voice stated behind them. “ … YOU!!”

Turning around Rahs took note of a older looking mare with a silvery gray mane, and a tan coat. She wore an old some what ratty overcoat, a large pair of red glasses, and a floppy gray hat.

Rahs blinked as the mare glared at him and stomped up with a growl.

“I told you lot before, I am still honoring my agreement about Artemis, so you can stop sending some one to check on me all the damn time!” the mare shouted up at Rahs.

Rahs raised an eyebrow in confusion, before pulling out the camera and taking her picture, the flash making the mare stagger back and rub her eyes with a hoof under her glasses.

“DD, there you, thank the stars.” Saturnia sighed her wings fluttering a little.

“What?!” the mare narrowed her eyes behind her glasses, her attention now on Saturnia. “Who the buck are you? You're not Kirin.....”

“Umm no... oh right.” Saturnia sighed, a flash of green flame running up over her form revealing the pink maned changeling mare fully.

“Bug?!” The mare blinked. “I say again. What the buck are you doing here, and I will add in. Why are you with a witch wolf? And what did you do to my house!?”

“Alright first off, but in no real order DD, the place was like this when we got here, secondly he's not a witch wolf he's a moon dog, and third we're on a date.” Saturnia frowned as the mare she called DD wandered around the house throwing things aside and digging through various bits of rubble.” Now what the heck are you doing?”

“Figures you show up again after all these years again Bug. You tend to bring trouble with you every time I see you, the shit hits the fan soon after you pop up.” DD stated.

“Oh no you don't. You are not blaming your bullshit on me. The band of the heavens, that was all you, Volcano of Doom? You! Lost city of El Da Burro! You! That one horrid double date you brought me on that burnt down half the city in Marephis? AAAAAALLLL YOU!”

“Really, because I seem to recall Marephis was because you couldn't handle your coffee!” DD stated.

“You were the one who poured that shit down my throat knowing how I get with caffeine!” Saturnia snapped.

“Oh yeah... good times.” DD stated with a small smirk as she picked up a book off the floor fiddling with it before the side of the book opened and a large glowing band was drawn out.

Rahs blinked catching the scent of familiar strong magic from the band, though rather than inquire about it, he took another picture.

“Could you NOT do that!” DD stated turning back to glare at Rahs then blinked a little noting the camera. “Why would one of you have a camera? Hold up did you say moon dog?”

“Yes, you need to listen more.” Saturnia stated.

“He's a Sparkle isn't he?”

“Woof.”Rahs snarked with a smirk.

“Yep. He's a Sparkle.” DD sighed slapping her face with a hoof.” I stand by my statement Bug , that you bring trouble. Why are you even here?”

“First off you owe me still DD. And he's a fan of your work.” Saturnia stated.

“You came all the way out here for an autograph? On your date?” DD stared at the pink changeling.” Seriously? You know I don't sign any of the Daring books...”

“It's not for one of those.” Saturnia smiled. “It's for the other one.”

“You're kidding right?” DD blinked.”Are those even still being sold?”

“Bark?” Rahs demanded.

“Oh, right, sorry. I suppose you wouldn't know what's going on. Bug over there and I used to 'hang out'. My name is A.K. Yearling.” Yearling offered.

“Woof?” Rahs questioned.

“Yes of the Daring Do fame.” Yearling waved a hoof. “Pity none of the other things I've written have been as popular.... and that Bug here stopped my second book.”

“I told you writing about changelings was not to be allowed. You should have stuck with the fantasy like with Wolf of the Harvest Moon.” Saturnia sighed.

“Right..... fantasy..” Yearling rolled her eyes.

Rahs let out a startled gasp that was a very close imitation of Pinkie Pie, before he was up in Yearling's face.

“WOOF?!?!” Rahs demanded.

“GAH!” Yearling yelped hopping back away from the moon dog. “Yes I wrote Wolf of the Harvest Moon. I wrote two other books in the series too, one about changelings and the other about..... well lets not get into that disaster.”

“Hold on. You understand him?” Saturnia narrowed her eyes. “DD how do you understand Rahs?”

“Ummm. I am not at liberty to say?” Yearling smiled sheepishly. “Look, my place got trashed, can we talk about this after I clean up?”

“This looks like it could take days and we are supposed to be on a date.” Saturnia sighed.”I brought him out here to talk to you a bit, get his book autographed, and then we were going to have a picnic before heading home......”

Saturnia blinked as she trailed off, turning to look at the ceiling.

“You have guests.”Saturnia frowned turning back into the blue pegasus with a flare of green fire. “Angry guests.”

Before Yearling or Rahs could ask what she was talking about on a trio of stallions entered the room. Two came down the stairs from the second floor, and one walked in the front door to join up with the others.

The trio looked like a collection of burly ner-do-wells that probably all had tattoos with a heart and the word 'mom' some where on their five-o-clock shadow having selves.

Rahs wasn't even going to try to figure out how fur covered creatures had five-o-clock shadows.

The three of them didn't seem the slightest bit intimidated by Rahs and Saturnia, all their attention was focused on Yearling.

Rahs blinked and snapped a picture of the trio.

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