• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 9,234 Views, 4,091 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle,
Part 2

[Canterlot Castle, throne room]

“This is all you found?” Twilight sighed looking over the report that Guards Forensics officer, Huge Guy, gave her. Despite his name the dark gray and white splotched earth pony was smaller than her. He was recently promoted after solving a serial crusher case.

“I'm afraid so Princess. We have a few diamond dogs on the force that tried to follow the tunnel though they ran into some sort black thorn covered roots. That prevented them from following the tunnels. We're not willing to destroy them until we find out if they may be something important or some sort of fallout from the Mage's high energy team.”

“Alright keep me or one of my brothers updated when you find out what they are.” Twilight sighed.

“Of course Princess.” The guard bowed and turned heading back out the door.

“You didn't seem to have a issue with him calling you Princess.” Raven snarked, having fought for a good hour to get her to accept it.

“Meh.” Twilight shrugged. “No point. Is everything set up?”

“Indeed, Twilight...”Raven sighed, Twilight had fought for just as long for Raven to stop calling her Princess as Raven did for her allowing others to do so.” The crowds are not happy about it, but we can send them in one pony or small group at a time.”

“Good. They'll have to deal, I took a glance out side as every pony was gathering and started to freak out a little at that. I still can't deal with large crowds.” Twilight frowned.

“Understood, will there be anything else?” Raven asked .

Twilight sighed then looked at the two thrones in the middle of the great hall and frowned.

“Yes. Send some one to grab one of the lobby chairs from the Royal Library and bring it here.” Twilight ordered.

“The lobby chairs? You mean the couches? How is sitting on a couch going to show you're in charge like a throne would?” Raven flattened her ears.

“They're actually recliners not couches. And it shows I'm in charge because I have a comfy seat and they have to stand.”Twilight explained.” Plus those things smell like books and are the best things ever to stretch out on to read in. I need to see if I can convince the library to get new ones so I can snag the old ones for Golden Oaks.”

“That's not on today's docket.” Raven sighs.

“Spoil sport.”

[Canterlot Castle private quarters.]

“You sure about this little dude?” The guard questioned looking down at Spike.”She's rather temperamental in the morning.”

“Pfft, you don't know my sister. I can deal with it.”Spike sighed. “Still you might wanna close the door and stay back.”

“Braver soul than I am.” The other guard at the door offered a salute as Spike waddled into Sunset's quarters.

The drake had no real fear of a defensive fire spell, after all, when you walked though a wall of solar fire made by the goddess of the sun herself, what said goddess' daughter could do was a little less intimidating.

“Hey... Sunset , wake up!” Spike said.

Still he went though the usual escalation rituals that he went though with his siblings. Speaking to her to wake her up, shaking her a little, poking her with the end of a broom handle, yelling,shaking her a lot, tickling her nose, no luck.

It was his patented number 17 method, also known as the 'Twilight/Rahs it's an emergency get your tail up' method, that finally worked.

To the untrained outside observer this might come off as a confusing way to go about things. But Spike had the complex method distilled down to 3 easy steps.

Step 1. Get a bucket
Step 2. Fill bucket with cold water.
Step 3. Dump bucket of cold water on to stubbornly sleeping target.

Results were usually instantaneous and Sunset was no exception.

Spike had gone in expecting his sisters version of Lina's Fiery Burst, not the Sunset version. While the flames themselves didn't bother him at all, they did burn his wooden bucket to ash and send him sailing across the room to impact the wall by the door, he then found he was stuck there hanging from his spines.

It said a lot about the little dragons life that he was barely phased by being reduced to wall art.

Sunset on the other hoof …

“I'M GONNA RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND MAKE YOU SUCK YOUR OWN DICK WITH IT!!”the mare screamed as she flailed about in the flash dried sheets fire radiating off of her. It seems her room was well warded against fire as aside from his bucket nothing seemed even slightly singed. Spike sorta felt sorry for any one she might decide to sleep with however.

“Wow, that's the third.... no make that the forth most threatening and least age inappropriate threat I've heard in my life.” Spike muttered.

Sunset flailed and fell off the bed with a crash tossing away the sheets while swearing. The reason for the flailing was the sudden blast of humidity from the water evaporating had curled her mane and tail into something that resembled a orange and yellow streaked version of Pinkie Pie's mane.

Spike attempted to hold back his laughter, but failed to hide a snort of amusement from behind his claws.

Of course watching Sunset zero in on the laugh and stomp over towards him, only to run straight into the wall made him lose it fully.

“Son of a bitch.” Sunset growled pushing her fuzzy mane out of her face to glare upward expecting a soon to be deep fried pegasus, or Philomena. Seeing a little dragon stuck to the wall was new.

“What?” Sunset stated eloquently. "Aren't you Spike?!”


“What the fuck are you... why the fuck are you here?”

“You want the long version or the short version?” Spike asked.

“Short.” Sunset growled.

“Your mom and aunt got foal napped, Twilight's been suckered to be in charge until they get found and she wants to ask you some questions because you're one of the suspects.” Spike explained.

“Great.” Sunset sighed turning to stomp off towards the rooms bathroom.

“Where are you going?” Spike demanded wiggling on the wall.

“To fix my hair. I'm not going out there like this.”

“Well get me down.” Spike flailed.

“Nah you can just hang out a bit.” Sunset smirked.” Maybe you'll learn a different way to wake some one up other than a deluge.”

“You didn't respond to anything else.” Spike huffed as the bathroom door closed.” And adding a force effect on a fire ball is bull crap!!”

“Alright so do the guard captains have the weekly reports or did Celestia move that back to the end?” Twilight asked as she adjusted into the recliner with a small grin. Okay there were some perks to being a princess it seemed, she always loved these couches.

“Errr, no we can start with that if you wish. I'm surprised you know about that.” Raven questioned.

“I suppose you wouldn't know as I don't recall her doing it since you were hired. Every so often Celestia would bring her students to one of her day courts to show us how everything worked.” Twilight sighed.” Personally I think Celestia did it because if a foal poked a hole in some nobles plan that embarrassed them even further than her simply telling them no. That Celestia promised us ice cream if we successfully did so helped. I think I held the record at twenty three plans ripped apart.”

“Well. I suppose that means you do have a head for this.” Raven blinked.

“Not really. I just had good motivation.” Twilight shrugged.

“Perhaps I should see if we have any of that white chocolate and raspberry ice cream left to add to the lunch selection.”Raven added slyly.

“And just like that, a horrible day is improving.”Twilight beamed. "Okay lets hear the reports.”

“I have been here a year with no issue, one would think by now they might stop considering me the culprit for every single thing that goes wrong in this castle.” Sombra growled. “The rulers have been foal napped, Sombra must have done it. Some pony broke into the kitchens and raided the cakes, must have been Sombra. I forgot my spear at home, blame Sombra.”

Rahs glanced down at the pony storming along beside him and shrugged. Sombra wasn't so much talking to him as he was ranting to himself and Rahs saw no reason to interrupt him. He didn't like the guy anyway and the feeling was mutual, but he agreed to keep an eye on him for Luna when it was first brought up about moving him to Ponyville for some semblance of normalcy. So far the only thing he had learned about him personally was that he was grumpy.

And that he had evidently been going at it a while as the two guards with them seemed bored of it.

Still, he had gotten Sombra, like Twilight asked and Spike probably already had Sunset, all that was left was to find...


A blue furred mass hit him about chest level and flung him sideways into a store room, the door exploding inward as Rahs cried out. There was a tremendous crash as the pair impacted somethings in the storage room. More crashes and splintering was heard along with the destruction of old furniture shattering of glass. Sombra and the guards peered in after them only to be forced to dodge a rather life like griffon statue that was flung out the door along with a ton of other debris. The three ponies watched as in a strange comedic series of events that looked like it could have been scripted for a stage play, the entire room was destroyed in a Rube Goldberg style of domino cascade.

In the end Rahs lay dazed on his back in a pile of rubble with Princess Luna's student, The Great and Powerful Trixie hugging him and nuzzling against his chest.

“This day might turn out more interesting than I thought.” Sombra smirked.

Author's Note:

Not the chapter i wanted to put out, but i've had the flu for the last week so i'm amazed i managed this. Recovering now, but still it sucks

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