• Published 14th Jan 2020
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Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Watching Horror Movies

Author's Note:

Spoiler Alerts for Friday the 13th (1980) and Halloween (1978).

Special thanks to kitsune_shadow for suggesting this chapter!

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

Now before I begin this episode, I have to admit that I’m a little, um, nervous about what it is I’ll be trying today. And that’s because I’m going to be trying to conquer a fear I’ve had since I was a filly.

Today, I’m going to try…


…watching horror movies.

So why am I afraid of horror movies, you ask? Well the answer is pretty simple; I saw one as a filly and it scared the living daylights out of me.

It was called Attack of the Killer Quesadillas and was about a bunch of mutated killer quesadillas that eat ponies. I’d convinced my brother, Shining Armor, to let me watch it with him and he found it funny, but I found it scary. I know it was a low-budget, poorly produced movie, but the whole concept was just scary to me. I mean, quesadillas coming to life and eating ponies, the thought that your food can eat you, that’s scary!

Anyways, as a result of that movie I’ve been afraid of watching horror movies ever since…and eating quesadillas. Seriously, I can’t even look at a quesadilla now without worrying that it's going to come to life and try to eat me. The thought of being devoured by all that cheese makes my skin crawl.


Wait, I’m getting off topic here. This is supposed to be about my fear of horror movies.

Sorry about that.

So yeah, Attack of the Killer Quesadillas ended up making me leery of watching horror movies in general ever again. However, I’ve been thinking about this fear a bit lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s probably time I faced it. I was just a filly when I developed it and I think now that I’m older I can conquer it.

Now the only problem with trying to conquer this fear is that I didn’t have any horror movies to watch, obviously, so I asked my friend, Sunset Shimmer, for help. Sunset’s big into horror and she was willing to let me borrow a few, quote-unquote, ‘classic’ horror movies from her collection. So the movies I’ll be watching today are Friday the 13th and Halloween.

Also, Sunset told me to tell you that these are the originals because I guess they’ve both gone through reboots or something.

Now let’s get started!

I really hope these aren’t too scary.

Friday the 13th

Okay, so we’re only about five minutes in and there have already been two deaths done in a POV shot. But they were both done off-screen so not too bad so far.

I’m not letting my guard down though, because Sunset said this movie is infamous for its kills.




Oh hey, Kevin Bacon is in this.





And Annie just got her throat slit.

So this death is a bit more gruesome than the first two, but still not that bad. I just hope there aren’t too many of them though.




Yep, there it is. The obligatory ‘teenagers having sex’ scene. That’s right, even though I don’t watch many horror movies I still know that’s a cliché. Although, since this is a pretty old horror movie it probably wasn't a cliché back then.

Well, whatever. At least it’s pretty tame, nothing too hardco-Oh my gosh, Ned’s throat has been slit and his body is in the bunk above them!

I’ll admit, that’s a little unsettling.



Sweet Celestia! Kevin Bacon just got an arrow shoved up through his neck!

Okay, I’m starting to see what Sunset meant by ‘infamous kills’ here.




You know, as I’m watching this scene where Marcie gets an axe to the face I think I’m starting to get it.

Despite the fact that we don’t actually see most of the murders being committed, it’s still unsettling because of the makeup they used to show the bodies afterwards.

Props to whoever did the makeup for this.






Wait, the old lady is the killer? I thought these were the movies with the guy in the hockey mask.

Maybe he just shows up at the end.




Aaaaand the old lady just got decapitated.

That’s in my brain forever now.




Okay, well, that’s the end of the movie and the guy in the hockey mask never showed up. I guess he comes along in the later movies.

So Friday the 13th was a bit scary, but not too scary. I like how we didn’t actually see most of the deaths happen on-screen. It takes some of the power away from the murders, but the terrific practical effects and makeup still leave you feeling uneasy. I’m glad I watched this one first.

On to the next movie!


I have to say, I really like the music that plays during the opening credits. It really fills you with a sense of eeriness.




Wow, this one just dives right into the horror too, huh? A POV shot of a little boy killing his older sister. And it’s not like the POV shot from the beginning of Friday the 13th either. The death occurs on-screen.

I have a feeling this movie’s going to be a bit more intense than Friday the 13th .



Okay, it’s 15 years later now and Michael has escaped from the mental hospital and is heading back to his hometown.

I have to say, I’m a little confused as to why this guy is a killer. I mean, we’ve seen him kill, but we don’t know why he’s killed. What’s his motivation here?

Eh, I’m sure it’ll be explained by the end of the movie.




So now Michael is stalking some teenagers.

I’m starting to think I was wrong about this movie being more intense than Friday the 13th. I mean, it’s kind of creepy, but it doesn’t seem to be all that scary.




I take it back, I was right the first time. This movie is more intense than Friday the 13th.

Annie’s death just now was straight-up frightening. The way she was strangled without any music playing, how we only heard the sound of her screams and Michael’s breathing.





Aaaaand another teenage sex scene.

Of course.




Okay, that was a good jump scare. I did not expect Michael to jump out of the closet like that…and then lift Bob up with only one hand…and then pin him to the wall with a butcher knife.

This guy is really starting to give me the willies.





Run, Lori, run!

This chase scene is really intense. I honestly have no idea if Lori is going to make it or not.

Please make it, Lori.




Oh good, Lori’s okay.

I thought for sure when she got trapped in the closet she was done for. But she managed to turn that coat hanger into a weapon and stab Michael in the eye.

It’s over now, it’s finally ov-IT’S NOT OVER! MICHAEL’S GETTING BACK UP!




Oh good, Dr. Loomis shot him.

It’s over for real now.



What?! But...how is Michael not down there?! He was shot like six times, how could he get up and walk away from that?!

At the movie is over, so even if Michael’s alive that’s it for now.

So yeah, I think I let my guard down a bit with this one after watching Friday the 13th. There were a lot more on-screen deaths in this one and Michael Myers was just plain spooky. We never did learn why he was a killer, but I think that just adds to the terror. When we don’t understand something we tend to fear it, and not knowing what makes Michael a killer just makes him all the scarier.

Okay, so after watching two horrors movies for the first time in years, I think I’m over my fear of them.

I was scared during parts of both Friday the 13th and Halloween, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t scared the way I was scared when I watched Attack of the Killer Quesadillas. It’s probably just because I’m older now though.

Regardless, I’m glad I did this and was able conquer my fear. I don’t think I’m going to become a horror fanatic like Sunset, but I think I’ll watch a few horror movies every now and then if I feel like a having a good scare.

Now I just have to figure out how to get over my fear of quesadillas.

As always, thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries!

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