• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,250 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Hostage Negotiation

Hi, everypony…and welcome to…another episode of…Twilight Tries.


Just give me…a second here.


Okay, I’m good now.

Sorry if I sounded a little winded there, but I just finished running all the way over here to Fluttershy’s cottage and I’m a bit beat.

In hindsight, I really should’ve just flown.

But anyways, you’ve probably noticed the group of police ponies standing behind me by now and might be wondering what’s going on. Well, it’s kind of a long story. But it seems like I’ve got a few minutes so I guess I might as well go ahead and explain things.

See, about ten minutes ago I was at home getting ready to record an episode for this vlog where I was going to try and play Through the Fire and Flames on Guitar Hero. I had just finished getting the camera all set up and ready to go when all of a sudden Fluttershy burst into the room and started talking so frantically that I couldn’t even understand what it was she was saying. At first I thought she was saying something about Angel Bunny locking himself inside of her house and holding a bunch of her other animals hostage, but I figured I wasn’t hearing her correctly. So naturally I asked her to calm down and repeat herself, and after a few seconds of deep, calming breaths she told me, much more coherently, that Angel Bunny had locked himself inside of her house, was holding a bunch of her other animals hostage, and would only speak to me about letting them go.

I’m going to give you a couple of seconds to really process that, because Celestia knows I needed a couple of seconds to fully grasp it myself.


You good? Okay.

Now you might be thinking right now that I’m just pulling your leg. That maybe this episode is something along the lines of; Twilight Tries Pranking Her Audience, or something like that. But I assure you, that’s not the case.

What I’ll be trying today is, and I honestly can’t believe I’m saying this…hostage negotiation.

Seriously, I never imagined I’d be trying something like this. Not only that, but I’m not even sure I can do this. The only thing I know about hostage negotiation is what I saw in this movie called Inside Man that I watched with Sunset Shimmer one time when I visited her in her world.

Oh, and in case you were wondering; No, I have no idea how a tiny bunny like Angel is managing to hold all of those animals, some of which are significantly larger than him, hostage.

Also, I have no idea why it is he wants to talk to me of all ponies. My best guess is that he believes I can get him whatever it is he wants because I'm a princess, but I can't say for certain.



Oh, Fluttershy, how’s the situation inside?



Unknown, huh?

Well…I’m sure all of your animals are just fine. I know Angel can be a bit…much at times, but I don’t think he wants to hurt anycreature.


By the way, Fluttershy, do you have any idea why it is Angel is doing this?




Well do you have any idea about what it is he possibly wants?



Not a clue, huh?

Great, so I’m going in virtually no information here.



What’s that, officer?



Yes, I’m ready.

As ready as I’ll ever be at least.


Ooh, a megaphone.

So I just talk into this end and hold the button LIKE THIS, RIGHT?!



Yeah, sorry. I’ve never used one of these things before.


Okay, here goes.


Angel, it’s Twilight! I’m here, just like you wanted!


I think I see him over by that window over there.

Look, I don’t know what this is all about, but I can assure you we can resolve this peacefully! But before we can talk I need to know that all of the other animals are still okay!



Yeah, I can’t understand him.

Where’s Fluttershy?!



Oh, you’re right here. Sorry about that.

Can you please translate what Angel is saying for me?



He said that the animals are still okay?

That’s a relief.

Okay then, Angel, um…now that that’s been clarified we can, um…get down to business!

Whatever that actually means.

Think, Twilight, think. What did Denzel Washington do in Inside Man?


Oh, right.

What are your demands, Angel?!






He says he wants a NeighStation 5?!

Ohhh dear. Those animals are doomed.



Oh, n-nothing, Fluttershy.

Hey, can you do me a favor and go tell that police officer what it is Angel wants?



Thanks, Fluttershy.


This is bad. This is really bad. There’s no way I can get Angel a NeighStation 5, they’ve been sold out for months. I should know. I tried to get one for Spike a few weeks ago as a Hearths Warming present but I couldn’t find one anywhere. Not in Ponyville, or in Canterlot, or even in Manehatten. So many ponies want one and there just isn’t enough supply to meet the demand it seems.

I had heard that some ponies were going to extremes to try and get one, like waiting in lines for hours at stores that claim to have them or paying double the retail price to ponies who got one just to sell it for a profit, but I never thought there’d be a hostage situation from somepony trying to get one. Especially from Angel Bunny.

I didn’t even know he was a gamer.



What’s that, Fluttershy? The police said they are going to try and find a NeighStation 5?

That’s good to know.



And they also said that I should keep talking to Angel while they look?

Talk to him about what? The weather?


Hey, um, Angel! We’re looking into getting you that NeighStation 5! But, you know, just in case we can’t find one, would a Zbox Series Z be good instead?!



What did he say, Fluttershy?




Are you sure that was all he said? It seemed like he was saying more than just no?



You don’t want to repeat everything he said because he used some fairly colorful language?

Oh, okay. I understand.



Now what is Angel saying?



He just keeps repeating the word ‘Attica’?

What the hay does that mean?


Wait a minute. That police officer coming over here, does she have a…


You managed to find a NeighStation 5?! And so quickly?!

How did you-



It’s Princess Luna’s?!

You’re saying Princess Luna heard about what was happening and gave us her NeighStation 5 in order to resolve all of this?!



Huh, well, I’ll certainly have to thank Princess Luna the next time I’m in Canterlot.

Angel, we have your NeighStation 5! Let the animals go and we’ll have Fluttershy bring it to you!



He said that’s acceptable as long as we make the trade simultaneously?

Alright, let’s do this. Ready, Fluttershy?



Okay, Angel, we’re ready! Start sending the animals out!


The animals are coming out…Fluttershy is making her way to the door…and…

Success! All of the animals are safe and everything seems to be over.

Well, except for arresting Angel for taking hostages like that, but I’m sure the police can handle that without me so-



What’s that, officer?



You can’t arrest Angel?!

B-But he broke the law! He took hostages and demanded we get him a NeighStation 5! How come you can’t arrest him?!



Because he’s a bunny and not prosecutable under Equestrian law, huh?

I…I…you know what? Whatever. It is what it is. And besides, I’m sure Fluttershy is going to punish Angel herself and that’ll probably be enough to teach him a lesson about taking hostages.

She can be pretty scary when she wants to be.

Well, I guess that about does it for this episode. It certainly wasn’t what I expected when I woke up this morning and decided to do another episode for my vlog, but in the end I suppose it did turn out pretty interesting. And more importantly, it turned out alright for the animals.

So as always thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to go talk to Princess Celestia about what creatures fall under the jurisdiction of Equestrian law.

Author's Note:

This chapter brought to you thanks to a mixture of Jack Daniels and the below Simpsons clip.

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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