• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,241 Views, 1,282 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Building a Robot

Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

In today’s episode, I’m going to try…building a robot!



For the twelfth time, Spike, it’s not going to be that kind of robot!

Honestly, how many times do I have to repeat myself on this?


Heh heh. Sorry about that, everypony. Spike has been reading a lot of science fiction comics as of late, and as a result he’s had this fear for the past couple of weeks that robots are going to someday bring about the end of the world. Which of course is ridiculous because it’s obvious that it’ll be Morlocks who will most likely bring about the end of the world, but I digress.

Getting back on track, the reason I’m going to try building a robot today is because robotics has always been a scientific field that’s always intrigued me. Well, a scientific field that’s especially intrigued me since the vast majority of them intrigue me to some degree.

I really like science.

Anywhoo, thanks to princess duties being pretty light lately and the School of Friendship being closed for the summer I’ve finally found enough time to pursue studying robotics beyond just the introductory level. Over the past few days, I’ve been reading a number of books about how robots are built and operate, and thanks to the knowledge I’ve gained from those books I feel like I can try and build a robot with my own two forehooves!


Now just to be clear, when I say that I’m going to build a robot I’m not talking about building one of those Tikbalang robots you often see in movies that becomes self-aware, turns evil, and tries to destroy the world. The kind of robot that I’m going to try building will be a simple manipulator, like the types of robots you see on factory floors – only small enough to fit on a table. It’ll have no artificial intelligence or learning software of any kind, so there’s no chance it’ll gain sentience, let alone become Tartarusbent on destroying the world.



I don’t care about what happened in your sci-fi comic book, Spike! There’s no possible way this type of robot can become self-aware!

The genre is called science fiction for a reason.

Anyways, if you’ll just follow me over to the workstation I’ve set up for this episode we can get started.


Okay, so as you can see, I have everything we need to build our robot: screws, nuts, various components such as brackets and digital servos, and, of course, all necessary tools and safety equipment. And in case you were wondering where it was I got all of these things, the short answer is that I got them from Starlight. The long answer is, well…there really isn’t one because Starlight told me not to ask any questions when she gave me everything.

She’s been telling me to not ask questions a lot lately.

But enough of Starlight’s suspicious behavior for now, let’s get this robot built!

Now, where’d I leave the instructions?


Ah, here they are.

Okay, what’s first?


Uh-huh. Attach the axle to the motor.




Screw the motor into the side plate.




Attach the first actuator to the second actuator.




Hook up the arduino mega to the dm542 stepper drivers.




Attach the claw to the top of the arm.



Wow, that wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. I mean, I wouldn’t exactly say that building this robot was easy, but it sure wasn’t as much of an arduous task as I thought it would be.

So, since we still have some time before this episode runs too long, how about we give this robot a few tests to see how well it works? It’s probably best to start out with something simple, so let’s have it try and wave at us.

I just need to move the joystick like this, and…


Aww. That’s actually kind of cute.

Hello, little robot.



The robot’s not alive, Spike! I told it to wave like that using the controller!

Okay, now let’s see if it can do something more complicated, like picking up an item and safely moving it from one end of the table to the other. But what to have it try and move?


Ah! This apple should be perfect!

All right, here goes.


Easy…easy. So far so good.


Almost there.


Yes! Got it!

I have to admit, I wasn’t sure the robot was actually going to be able to pull that off. I half-expected the claw to crush the apple at some point during the move.



Oh, hi there, Applejack! What brings you by for a visit?



Oh, no, don’t worry, you’re not interrupting anything. I was just testing out this robot I built for an episode of my vlog.




No, no, I didn’t build this robot to take anypony’s job! I just built it for fun and to see if I could, honest!



Okay, okay, I promise; once I’m done with this vlog episode I’ll dismantle the robot so that it doesn’t steal any jobs from any hard-working ponies.



You’re leaving now? But didn’t you come here for someth – aaand she’s gone.

Huh. I have to say, when I decided to build a robot for this vlog I didn’t expect to be accused of trying to replace ponies and their jobs with robots.



Oh for –

Spike, can you please go find something to do while I finish filming this vlog episode?!



Well after you tried to destroy the PonyCom during the Zero Theorem episode I’m not entirely sure you aren’t planning on trying to destroy my robot.



Really? Well if that's true, how come you’re holding a wrench behind your back right now?



Because you’re going to fix a leak in the bathroom sink, huh?

Okay, well, you’d best head to the bathroom right away to take care of that leak then.



Yes, yes, I’ll stay here and dismantle the robot right after I finish wrapping up this episode.

Just go, please.


You know, if there was a way for me to place a bet with all of you ponies watching this episode right now, I’d bet you 10:1 that there isn’t actually a leak in the bathroom sink.


I’m starting to get worried about Spike’s seemingly growing desire to destroy technology.

Well, everypony, I think we’ve reached the end of this episode. Building and testing this robot was a lot of fun, and I’m definitely glad that I finally found the time to do this episode, but between Spike thinking that the robot will try to destroy the world and Applejack thinking that it’s going to be used to replace jobs I feel that it’s best to just call this whole thing quits right here and now.

So as always, thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries!

All right, time to disassemble the robot.



D-Did the robot just…move on its own?

No…no, it couldn’t have. It must have just been a glitch or something.



I-It just moved again!

Oh dear. This could be a problem.

Author's Note:

Sure hope Starlight didn't get that robot from Cyberdyne Systems. :twilightoops:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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