• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,241 Views, 1,282 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Doing an Anniversary Special

Hi, everypony, and welcome to a very special episode of Twilight Tries!

Why is today’s episode so special you may ask? Well, it’s special because this episode marks the one year anniversary of when I first started doing this vlog! So in honor of this milestone, today I’ll be trying to…do an anniversary special!

Now I know this one kind of stretching the vlog’s concept a bit, but this anniversary is a really big deal to me. I mean, I never thought that this vlog would last a whole year. When I first started it I just thought, ‘Eh, I’ll do maybe a dozen or so of these things and then call it quits’. But because of all the support that you’ve shown for Twilight Tries over the past year I’ve ended up doing over 30 episodes for it thus far!

It’s just…amazing that this dumb little idea I had for a vlog is still going after all of this time. That’s why I want to celebrate with this special.

So to celebrate I’ve decided to take a look back at a few of my favorite moments from Twilight Tries so far, as well as reveal what the future holds for it. And to help me do that, I’ve asked a few of my friends to come by and share in the reminiscing.

Over here you’ll see that I’m joined by Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, and…Trixie?

What are you doing here, Trixie? I didn’t invite you to this.



Yes, I know that you’re in a number of these episodes. But that doesn’t mean you can just invite yourself to-




Fine, Trixie, you can stay. Just promise to keep the grandiloquence to a minimum, okay?



Thank you.

Now let’s get started!

Episode 1 – Coffee

Ah, my first episode. It feels like just yesterday I recorded it.

You know, originally I was thinking of trying to make a birdhouse for the inaugural episode. That idea was the frontrunner for quite a while, but I was hesitant to choose it. I just didn’t think it was first-episode material, you know?

Thank goodness Spike was drinking coffee while we were brainstorming ideas and I was able to come up with the idea of trying coffee first. I really think it worked better than trying to build the birdhouse would have.

I never did revisit the birdhouse idea though.

Eh, maybe next episode.




Oh come on, Rainbow, give me a break. I’d never used a coffee maker before recording this episode.

Imagine if you tried using a proton accelerator for the first time? Do you think you’d know how to operate it perfectly?




I beg you, please do not go out to try and find a proton accelerator to mess around with!

Episode 4 – Solving a Rubik’s Cube

I still can’t believe I wasn’t able to solve that dang Rubik’s cube.



Yes, I know I should have listened to you, Starlight. You were right about those cubes.



Well I listened to you when you said I shouldn’t try programming a VCR clock, didn’t I?

Which, for the record, I still think I could’ve done.



By the way, I’m pretty sure that if I were to try this again I’m fairly certain I’d be able to solve it. See, there was somepony who commented on this episode that said there are flow charts that explain how to solve Rubik’s cubes, and after I saw that comment I decided to do some research into those flow charts. Most of the ones I came across seemed pretty legitimate, and once I went over them a few times I think I got the stratagem down.



Oh it is not cheating, Trixie.

Those flow charts are just…helpful guides.



Hey, what did I say about keeping the grandiloquence to a minimum?!

Episode 7 – Speed Dating

Now this one was certainly much more interesting than I thought it would be. Some of those stallions were…quite the characters.



Wait. You know that stallion who said he was president of my fan club, Trixie?



You’re saying he’s the president of your fan club now?!

I didn’t even know you had a fan club.



No, Trixie, I’m not jealous of that fact that the stallion who was president of my fan club is now the president of your fan club.

If anything, I’m relieved by it.




Nope, you’re eyes aren’t deceiving you, Starlight. That’s actually Sunburst's mom at speed dating with him.



Oh dear.

Um, I think we’ll let Starlight finish laughing before we move on.





You can stop anytime now, Starlight.

Episode 16 – Doing a Pub Crawl

Yeah, I’m sorry I have to show this one, Applejack. Believe me, I really didn’t want to revisit this episode either, but since it’s such a popular one I didn’t have much of a choice.



Hey, you were the one who challenged me to this, remember? You said I insulted your honor and then you slapped me across the face with a glove.




Oh sweet Celestia, why did I decide to post this?


Oh, right. I was drunk at the time.




S-Sorry again about squishing your cheeks like that, Fluttershy.

Episode 21 – Training With The Wonderbolts

Wait a minute, I didn’t include this one in the lineup. We were supposed to show group cosplay next.

How did training with the Wonderbolts get-



Rainbow! Why did you mess with my lineup and put this one in?!



Because you thought it was funnier than the group cosplay one?

Oh for-



And because you thought this one made you look more awesome too, huh?

Last I checked this wasn’t your vlog.



No, it’s…it’s fine. It’s already playing so let’s just finish it and move on.





You can stop laughing anytime now, Rainbow.

Episode 26 – Tae Bo

I have to admit, once I started getting the hang of Tae Bo I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

I just wish I hadn’t accidently side kicked Sunset Shimmer like I did.



What’s that, Trixie?



Yes, this episode came after the one where I was your assistant. So?



No, Trixie, I’m not going to be showing that one.



And there’s the grandiloquence again.

Look, Trixie, I had to pick only a hoofful of episodes to revisit during this special and that one was…

Hold on a second. How did you know the Tae Bo episode came after the one where I was your assistant?



Ooooh, I think I understand ~.

You subscribe to my vlog, don’t you, Trixie?



Deny it all you want. But the fact that you know the order of my episodes, plus that growing blush on your face, says otherwise.



Okay, okay. Whatever you say, Trixie.



Episode 31 – Hostage Negotiation

This one still feels so surreal to me. In fact sometimes I question if it really happened or was just a strange fever dream I had. But there it is, proof that I had to negotiate with Angel Bunny for the release of Fluttershy’s other animals.



Thank you, Fluttershy. I’m just glad that I was able to help. But let’s not forget that the real hero was Princess Luna for giving up her Neighstation 5 so that Angel would let everycreature go.

By the way, Fluttershy, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. How did you punish Angel for taking all of your animals hostage?



You forced Angel to watch Gigli, All Monsters Attack, and Manos: Hands of Fate one right after the other?!

That…might be considered more along the lines of torture rather than punishment.



Well, as long as Angel learned his lesson I guess that’s what’s important.



All Monsters Attack.

Welp, that does it for the looking back portion of the anniversary special. Which means it’s time for the looking forward portion.

But before we get to that, I just want to say thank you to my friends one last time for being here today to help make this anniversary special even more special.

Thank you, everypony.




Yes, especially you, Trixie.


Now where was I?


Oh, right. The future.


Like I said at the beginning of this episode, I never thought that this vlog would have lasted one full year or had so many episodes to it. I’m not going to lie, it’s been pretty challenging at times trying to keep Twilight Tries going over the past year. But even when it’s been difficult, I’ve always felt that the time spent making these episodes was worth it. Being able to share these moments with all of you is something that’s truly special to me, and that’s why I plan to keep Twilight Tries going for as long as possible. I can’t say for certain how long that will be exactly, but know that whether this vlog continues for another five years or for only one more year, the good times we’ve had together have and always will mean a lot to me.

So thank you, everypony, for inviting me into your lives and letting me share my experiences with you. I hope you’ll continue to stick around for everything that’s still to come.

Until next time!



Will you please go home already, Trixie?

Author's Note:

Thank you all so much for your support of Twilight Tries... over the past year and for all of your wonderful suggestions for future chapters! This story wouldn't still be going without you. :heart:

As always, if there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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