• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,252 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Social Distancing

Hi there, everypony.

So today’s episode of Twilight Tries is going to be a bit different than usual. For a lot of reasons.

As you all know, we’re going through some pretty unprecedented times right now. A lot of us are having to stay home due to shelter-in-place orders enacted to help stop the spread of a new virus that’s going around. As such, it’s been difficult for me to find new things to try for this series recently, so I thought I’d change things up a bit.

To put it simply, today’s episode will be a video diary of sorts while I practice social distancing. I’ll be recording myself here at home over the next few days doing, well, whatever I can to help pass the time.

And it’s not like I’ll be completely alone during this time. Spike and Starlight are here with me since, you know, we all live together. Plus, truth be told, I’m actually looking forward to spending more time with both of them. I can’t remember the last time Spike and I baked together or Starlight and I played Dragon Pit, so this will be a good chance for me to spend some real quality time with them.

So with that, I think I’ll stop recording here for now and pick things up tomorrow.

Day 1

Hi again, everypony, and welcome to Day 1 of being in lockdown!

I know I probably shouldn’t sound so upbeat saying that, but I’m trying to stay positive right now.

Anyways, I’ve got a pretty full day planned. I’m going to practice magic with Starlight, play some Ogres & Oubliettes with Spike, and catch up on some reading by myself. It should be a fun day!

Oh, there’s Starlight.

Ready for some magic practice, Starlight?



Okay, show me what you’ve got!





Phew, that was quite a workout, wasn’t it, Starlight?



Well I’m just glad we finally had some time for it. I admit I’ve missed our magic practices since you graduated.



Play some Dragon Pit later?

Sure! See you then.

Okay, now I’m off to play some O&O with Spike.



Hey, Spike!



Yep, I’m all set. Now let’s roll some dice and slay some ogres!






Wow, those Ogres & Oubliettes games can really go on for a while. I think Spike and I were playing it for close to three hours. I actually feel a bit exhausted now.

But I’m still glad we played it though. It was fun!

I just wish I hadn’t been slain by an elf.

Anywhoo, I think now’s a good time for me to catch up on some reading. The only question is, what should I read first?




Oh, this one looks good!

The Stand, by Stephen King.

I’m not actually sure what this book is about, as it was given to me by my friend Sunset Shimmer who just said, ‘I think you’ll like this one’, but given how thick it is it seems like something that will take a while to read.

And since I’ve got nothing but time to spare, I might as well read it now.

I think I’m going to end things here for now. But I’ll see you all again later!

Day 4

Okay, Day 4 and still going strong!

One thing though. Remember when I said I was going to try reading The Stand? Yeah, that was…a mistake. I probably should’ve read the dust jacket explaining that it was about an influenza pandemic that kills practically the entire world before just diving right into it. Not the best story to read right now.

So I’ve decided to go ahead and find another book to read during this lockdown, and that book is Pale Horse, Pale Rider by Katherine Anne Porter and is about a young woman who falls in love with a soldier during a time of war.

It sounds like a good romance story, but it’ll have to wait until later because right now I’m supposed to go meet Starlight in her room to play some cards.

I think she’s already starting to miss going to the casino just outside of town to gamble.

And then later Spike and I will be baking some cookies!

So yep, another full day for me. Let’s get started!


Hey, Starlight. Ready to play some, um…why do you have so many rolls of toilet paper in here?



You stocked up before the lockdown went into effect?

I mean, that probably wasn’t a bad idea, but did you really need to get this much?



If you say so.

Why don’t we just get to the card playing.





Thank goodness Starlight and I weren’t playing for real money, or I’d be out about 1000 bits right now. Still though, I’m glad I was able to do something with her that made her happy.

But now it’s onto baking with Spike!


Hey, Spike. Is everything ready to go here?



We’re out of sugar? Are you sure? I could've sworn we still had some.



Well not to worry. I’ll just order some through one of those same-day delivery services and we’ll get started in no time.



Apparently there’s so much demand for deliveries now that they can’t deliver same-day. It’s going to take a few days.

I’m sorry, Spike.



Yeah, we’ll make the cookies as soon as it arrives. I promise.


Okay, so since baking with Spike is going to have to wait, I guess I might as well get started on Pale, Horse, Pale Rider now.


Actually, I’m going to read the dust jacket for this one just to be safe.


‘Originally published in a collection with two other short novels, Pale Horse, Pale Rider tells the semi-autobiographical tale of a young woman who survives the 1918…influenza epidemic’.



You know what? I think I’m just going to find something to watch on TV instead.

Day 10

Okay, we’re in Day 10 under lockdown now and, well…tensions are starting to get a little high around here.

We’re running out of things thing to do, both individually and collectively, that we haven’t already done over the last week. Starlight and I have probably played cards at least 100 times now and even she seems to be getting tired of it. Spike said he’s already re-read all of his comic books twice now. And as for me, I watched every season of The Office over the course of just five days.

Crazy, right?

Also, we’re starting to let little things bug us that never used to bug us before. Like yesterday, Starlight asked Spike if he could chew quieter at dinner. To which Spike peevishly replied, ‘How am I supposed to eat gems quieter, Starlight?’. Thankfully things didn’t escalate any farther than that, but it just goes to show how on edge we all are now.

Oh yeah, and we still haven’t gotten the sugar I ordered for making cookies! Seriously, WHERE IS OUR SUGAR?!

Sorry, sorry.

See, even I’m on edge!


I knows things are difficult all around right now, but when you experience such difficulty getting a simple bag of sugar it’s just so…discouraging.

I really hope this lockdown doesn’t last much longer.

Day 25

…I don’t even know what to say at this point.

Even though Starlight and Spike are here with me, I just feel so…alone. Probably because I haven’t seen any of my friends in weeks. I really wish they were all here with me right now. I miss having tea with Fluttershy, and flying with Rainbow Dash, and modeling for Rarity. I miss Pinkie’s parties and Applejack’s countryisms.

Not only that, but everyday there’s more and more bad news about what this virus is doing to the world. With no end in sight either.


It’s just getting harder to stay positive, you know?

I’m sure a lot of you are feeling the same way. But just remember this. The magic of friendship is the strongest magic there is, and it will help us get through these uncertain times. We may need to change the way we show friendship in order to observe social distancing, but as long as we continue to show kindness, loyalty, generosity, laughter, and honesty towards one another, we’ll be okay.


I think I’m going to end this whole episode of Twilight Tries here. But before I do, I just want to say a big thank you to all you healthcare professionals, first responders, essential workers, and various volunteers who are out there saving lives and helping to keep things running. There are no words to describe the amount of gratitude I and the rest of Equestria have for you.

Stay safe, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries.

Author's Note:

If you're able to, please consider donating to a charity like United Way or Project C.U.R.E. to help either those hit hardest by this pandemic or those fighting on the frontlines to save lives.

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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