• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,250 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Closing the Stargate in Her Basement

H-Hi there, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries.

Sorry if I don’t sound as excited as I usually do, but today’s episode is, well…let’s just say it might possibly end up being the last episode of this vlog. I mean I’m really, really hoping it won’t end up being the last episode, but I can’t discredit the possibility that it very well could be because I may soon cease to exist.



Oh I am not being overdramatic, Trixie! You didn’t stare into that thing like I did! You have no idea what it’s potentially capable of!

I should probably explain things.

So if you watched the episode of my vlog where I explored my castle’s basement, you may remember that while I was down there I encountered something very unusual. Something that I didn’t expect to encounter down there, and I’m not referring to Trixie. I encountered what I can only assume is a stargate; an interdimensional portal that leads to, um…somewhere interdimensional.

Maybe. I’m not entirely sure.

Anywhoo, as you may also recall from that episode the stargate existed behind a random door in the basement. Now because of this I believed that it was contained and could therefore be left alone if I simply sealed that door off.

Weeell, it turns out I was wrong about that.

See, a few days ago Spike, Starlight, and Trixie all came to me complaining that there was no hot water in the castle. Not in the kitchen, not in the bathroom, not anywhere. Now naturally my first assumption was that there was a problem with the water heater, so I decided to venture down into the basement to have a look at it. And when I got down there and opened the door where the water heater was I immediately found out what the problem was.

The water heater was indeed not working, because the stargate had grown larger and consumed it! The whole water heater!



Sorry about that. It’s just…I can’t believe the water heater is really gone. I mean, have you ever seen a water heater before? They're huge! And the stargate just swallowed it up like it was nothing!

I’m digressing.

So the water heater aside, the growing stargate is most definitely cause for concern. Just think about it; If it grew large enough to consume another room in my basement than how long until it grows large enough to consume the whole castle? Or all of Equestria?!

That’s why in today’s episode, I’m going to try and close the stargate.

But just how am I going to close the stargate you may ask? Well the answer is: I have no idea.

Yep, I’ve got nothing. I’ve never dealt with anything even remotely like this before and – as far as my research has shown – neither has any other pony. My first thought was to use the Elements of Harmony, but since those are gone now that’s not really an option. And even if it were still an option I’d be hesitant to ask my friends to confront this thing unless it was absolutely necessary.

I don’t even want to think what would happen if even one of them ended up going through it.

So as to the question of what it is I’m actually going to do to try and close the stargate, the answer to that is: everything.

That’s right, I’m just going to randomly try every spell, charm, incantation, and what-have-you I know that I think might close the stargate.



Look, I’m the first to admit that this isn’t a very good plan. In fact, it’s not really much of a plan at all. But like I said I’ve never dealt with anything like this and trying everything is better than trying nothing, right?




No, Trixie, I don’t think any of my spells, charms, incantations, and what-have-you will only make the stargate bigger! I may not know much about stargates but I do know a thing or two about magic, and I’ve been extremely careful to select only magics that could potentially close the stargate and not make it bigger!



Well you’re not going to get a chance to say ‘Trixie told you so’ because you’re not going to be right!



I'm just going to go down into the basement now before I lose what’s left of my patience.




So as you can see, the stargate hasn’t reached the first room of the basement with all of our Hearth’s Warming decorations yet. Which is good for number of reasons, not the least of which being that I don’t have to explain to Spike that his Hearth’s Warming doll was sucked into an event horizon and is now probably being used by some interdimensional creature for target practice.

That little guy really does love his Hearth’s Warming doll.




Okay, here we are. Beyond this door is the stargate, and just in case things don’t go well I want to say a few things to my castlemates before opening it. Spike, you have always been my number one assistant and number one friend. I love you. Starlight, you were both an amazing student and an amazing friend. It’s been an honor to have been your mentor. And Trixie, um…you make really good cocoa.

Okay then, let’s do this.

On three; one…two…three!

Yep, still just as unsettling as the first time I saw it.

But no time to waste! I have to close this thing. Now!

First spell!



Second spell!


Dang it.

Third spell!



Okay…none of the spells…are working. Maybe an…incantation will do the trick.

Let’s see here.


Ah, this one looks good.

By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, I command thee to close!



How about…

Hen syndrorro, oños! Hen ñuqir, perzys!


Come on.


Klaatu barada nikto!


Uh, d-did the stargate just get…b-bigger?

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


Um…By the power of Greyskull?


Um…Cthulhu fhtagn?


Um…um…W-Woozle wuzzle?



It’s pulling me in! It’s pulling me in!

I..I can’t fight it much longer! If this really is the end, I just want to say to all of you watching that I –





Ohhh, my head. My aching head.


Am I…I am still alive? I mean I think I am, but I’m not sure. Though one thing I do know for sure is that I’m not in Equestria anymore. I’ve never seen a forest like this one before. Nor have I seen it in Sunset Shimmer’s world either.

Wherever it is I am, it’s completely new to me.

It’s strange but this place seems…familiar somehow. Like I’ve seen it somewhere before, though from where I can’t quite recall.


Wait, did you hear that just now? It sounded like voices. Coming from…over there I think.

Let’s check it out.




I think I see a castle up ahead.


Hold on. I…I know that castle. Is that…?

No. No, it can’t be.



That voice just now….


Luz Noceda?!

Okay, I know where it is I am now.

Author's Note:

Twilight's about to make some new friends. :twilightsmile:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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