• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,251 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Finding a Hangover Cure






Oh sweet Celestia, my head. My poor…aching head.



Okay, tried to stand up a little too quickly there. Gotta take it slower.


There we go.

Now, what the heck happened last nigh – WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO MY ROOM?!

Ow, ow, ow. Too loud, too loud. Must talk more quietly.


Focus, Twilight. What’s the last thing you remember?


Ugh, everything’s just a blur. I can’t remember anything after leaving the castle to go…somewhere. I think I might have taken something with me, what was it?

My camera!

Ow. Dang it.

That’s right, I left with my camera because I was going to do an episode of my vlog. Maybe it recorded what happened last night.

Now where is that thing?




Ah, here it is.


Wait. Is it recording right now? Has it been recording all night?


Well, at least that means it should have the answers I seek, I suppose.

Let’s have a look-see.


Right, the pub crawl with Applejack. That’s what I was recording.




Wow, Applejack sure got drunk.


Wait, is…is that me?


Oh my goodness. Ohhh my goodness.


Did I seriously just say that I thought aliens were invading Ponyville?


I should probably stop by Sugarcube Corner sometime today and get some apology cupcakes for Fluttershy. I don't think she appreciated it when I started squishing her face like that.

And then suggested we make-out in a bathroom stall.


Okay, that’s enough, I get the gist of it. I had too much to drink, and as a result I now have a hangover.

I should probably turn this thing off now.



Eh, I might as well make the most of this situation. I’ll just have to remember to edit this video down a bit before I post it.


Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

Ow. Criminy.

So in today’s episode I’m going to try…finding a hangover cure. Because I sure need one right now. And I’m hoping that if I happen to find one it can help other ponies who experience hangovers get over them, because these things are simply awful.

Now something I should probably tell you right off the bat is that I’m going to be talking a bit more softly than I usually do in these videos. See, this hangover has given me a wicked headache and I’ve already found out the hard way that getting too excited really agitates it. So forgive me if I keep the excitement to a minimum.

Oh, and if you’re wondering why my room looks like a tornado came passing through it, I have no idea. I think this camera might have captured what happened, but I’m not going to check it right now. Something tells me I might not want to know anyways.

But back to the topic at hoof; finding a hangover cure.

Now, I’m pretty sure one of the things that happens to you after you’ve had too much to drink is your blood sugar drops. So if I have low blood sugar right now I should try to raise it back up, and a good way to do that would be to have breakfast.

Okay, I’m going to go get some breakfast!

Ow. By Celestia’s mane.

You know, maybe it’s because of the hangover, but I never realized before just how loudly hoofsteps echo through this castle. If I didn’t know any better right now I’d swear I was wearing snow boots just because of how much of an echo I'm creating by simply walking.

I think I’m just going to fly the rest of the way to the kitchen.




Hold on a second.


I smell cinnamon french toast. I guess that means Spike is already up, since he’s the only one in the castle that eats cinnamon french toast.

Let’s go see if he maybe made anything else for breakfast, shall we?




Good morning, Spike.



Uh, Spike. Why are you dressed up like Peter Pan?



I told you to dress like that?!

Ow. Son of a-

When did I tell you to do that?



Last night?

Spike, I was must have known I was drunk last night. Couldn’t you tell that I wasn’t being serious?



What? You told me at the time that you knew I was drunk, and then I told you that it didn’t matter and you still had to dress up like Peter Pan?

Okay, well, that doesn’t matter now because I am sober…ish, and I’m telling you that you don’t have to wear it.






You…want to wear it?



Well, okay then, if you really want to. Keep…rockin’ that spandex.



Yep, see you later.


Okay, not the way I imagined my day starting off, but whatever.

Aw dang it, Spike didn't make anything other than cinnamon french toast. Probably because of the whole 'making him dress like Peter Pan' thing.

I guess I'll have to make some waffles or something myself. Maybe get some cantaloupe to go along with it.

Oh that was a good breakfast, and I think it actually did help me feel a little bit better. But there’s no denying that I’m still hungover. The echo from my hoofsteps is still as loud as a gong to me, which is why I’m flying again.

Right now I’m headed to Starlight’s room to see if she might know any good hangover cures. She and Trixie sometimes have a few drinks when they get together, so it’s possible she’s been in the same boat I’m in now and knows a few ways of dealing with hangovers.


Here we are.



Ow. Serenity now.

Starlight, are you in there?



No answer.

Huh, I wonder if she stepped out already. Oh well.

Maybe there’s a book in the library that can give me some tips on how to get over a hangover. Only one way to find out.




Okay, now what section would a book like that be und – Oh my gosh, Starlight!

Ow. For the love of-

Starlight, are you okay?



What happened? Why are you sleeping on a pile of books in the library?



Because I…KO’ed you?




We wrestled last night?!

Ow. Mother-

I’m kind of afraid to ask, but…why did we do that?



I barged into your room and told you if you didn’t wrestle me I was going to kick you out of the castle?

Celestia above, I am such a weird drunk.

Well I’m really sorry, Starlight. I hope I didn’t hurt you.



You had fun? And want to do it again sometime?



Um, sure, whenever you want.



Yeah, you have a good day too.


I’m awake, right? I’m not in some sort of bizarre dream caused by my excessive drinking, am I? Because between Spike and Starlight this morning I’m starting to think I might be.

Well I’m just going to end this right here before things get any stranger and just say that the best cure for a hangover is simply to not drink, or at the very least drink in moderation. But if you do find yourself with a hangover, a good breakfast does help.

As always, thanks for watching, everypony, and see you next time on Twilight Tries!

Ow. Ugh, when will this end?

Author's Note:

Special thanks to ANW and Eroraf86 for suggesting this chapter!

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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