• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,250 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Doing a Q&A

Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

So if you watched my last episode, than you probably already know what it is I'm trying today. Today I'm going to try...doing a Q&A!

But before I begin the Q&A, first and foremost I just want to say thank you to all of you for submitting your questions in the comments section of my last video. I wasn't expecting to receive so many of them, but I'm certainly glad that I did. After all, you can't have a Q&A with only the A.


I'm so sorry. I realized how that sounded the instant it left my mouth.

Anyways, the one downside to receiving so many questions from all of you is that, unfortunately, it means that I won't be able to get to all of them. Due to the numerous obligations that I have as a princess of Equestria, there's only so much time that I can devote to this Q&A. I'll try to answer as many as I can, but if your question ends up not getting answered I just want to apologize in advance for that.

But enough of that. Let's get started!

onedisgruntledmartian asks:

Have you read an unabridged dictionary?


Several times, in fact.

Kichi asks:

how does it feels to use the elements?

Hmm. Kind of tingly I guess. Like the tingles you get from listening to ASMR but all throughout your body.

ANW asks:

What's your favorite and least favorite episode?

Um, my favorite and least favorite episode of what? Avatar: The Last Airbender?

If that's what you mean, I guess I'd have to say that my favorite episode is Tales of Ba Sing Se and my least favorite episode is The Great Divide.

I think The Great Divide is everypony's least favorite episode of Avatar.

twidash1993 asks:

Any cute memories of Spike growing up?

I have many cute memories of Spike from when he was growing up, but there's one that holds a special place in my heart.

So you remember how I said that my fear of quesadillas came from watching a scary movie called Attack of the Killer Quesadillas when I was a filly? Well, Spike was watching that movie with me and Shining Armor, and when he saw that the killer quesadillas were scaring me he ran up to the TV and started lightly hitting it while saying, 'Bad quesadillas! Stop scaring Twilight!' It was incredibly cute, but it was also the moment that I knew Spike would always be there for me when I needed him the most.

BeautifulHorse asks:

Have you ever been in or known of a cult?

I've been advised by my legal counsel to say that I have never been involved in any cults or been aware of any activities carried out by a pony or ponies associated with a cult.

ThePinkedWonder asks:

Why haven't you asked out one of the Flash Sentries yet?

I should have figured somepony was going to ask something related to my love life.

Okay, the reason I haven't asked out the Flash Sentry from Sunset's world is because, well, he lives in another world and I'm pretty sure a cross-dimensional relationship wouldn't work. And the reason I haven't asked out the Flash Sentry from Equestria is because...because...


I don't really have an answer for that one.

Moving on!

sonicfan05 asks:

Out of all of your friends, which one do you consider as your best friend?

Oh, I consider all of my friends to be my best friend!

I love them all equally.


Oh ha-ha! That's real funny coming from you, Starlight!

BarelyCoherent asks:

Who do you think would win in a fight: Princess Luna, but her mane is made out of knives, or 3 Cadances in a trench coat?

Oh, that's an easy one. The winner would be Princess Celestia just as she is, because Princess Celestia always wins.


BeastofGilchrist asks:

Ever accidentally smacked somepony with a wing?


No, never accidentally.

Horseus King of Horses asks:

Do you know that Celestia's incompetent and that Luna should take over if she retires?


Okay. While I do believe that Princess Luna is fully capable of taking over ruling Equestria after Princess Celestia retires, I wholeheartedly disagree with your statement that Princess Celestia is 'incompetent'.

I will find you and make you see the light, Horseus King of Horses.

Izac45 asks:

did you know about your male counterpart named Dusk Shine? Would you like to meet him?

Um, no. I wasn't aware I had a male counterpart named Dusk Shine. Is he from Sunset Shimmer's world? Or maybe even...another alternate world?! Ooh, if he's from another alternate world I'd definitely like to meet him!

If you know how I can get in touch with him, Izac45, please let me know!

Onyx Quill asks:

How would you describe your politics?

You know, I was sort of expecting a question like this. Given that I'm going to be ruler of Equestria someday it only makes sense that some ponies would be curious where I stand politically.

I would describe my politics as moderately progressive. I believe in the advancement of things like magic, science, technology, economic development, and social organization to improve the lives of all creatures of Equestria, but I also believe in fiscal responsibility. It's important that our society continue to develop and grow, but we have to be wise about how we go about doing that. Not all progressive programs are fiscally feasible or sustainable, so it's crucial that we make sure we don't waste either our money or our time on agendas that will end up yielding zero or even potentially negative results.

Also, just as an FYI, I plan on doubling the budget for libraries all across Equestria when I take over as ruler. Because apparently there are some towns in Equestria that don't even have a single library in them right now.

That's just plain wrong.

AnonymousFin asks:

After that kissing episode with Trixie in the human world have you perhaps softened up to her more in yours? You seem to... well I don't want to say hate her, but perhaps dislike her less than before.


I knew I should have edited out that kiss.

Look, I'll admit that I have come to consider Trixie as a friend recently, but it's not because of the relationship between the Twilight and Trixie from Sunset Shimmer's world. It's because ever since she moved into my castle I've been spending time with her and getting to know her better. She and I may not always get along, but I've come to appreciate just how much she -



What the - ?!

Trixie?! How long have you been standing there?!



Well will you please go somewhere else while I record this episode of my vlog?!



Thank you!


Darn Trixie, eavesdropping like that.

Welp, that's all the time I have for the Q&A.

Thank you all again for your questions and I'm really sorry if I didn't get to yours this time around. If I ever do another Q&A I'll try and make sure I revisit all of the questions I didn't answer today.

But as always, thanks for watching, everypony. And I'll see you next time on Twilight Tries!



What was that, Spike?



Oh, yeah. I told them about when we watched Attack of the Killer Quesadillas together.




Oh don't be embarrassed by that, Spike. You were just a hatchling back then and -

Wait a minute. How did you know I told them that story? You weren't eavesdropping too, were you?



Oh for the love of -


Author's Note:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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