• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,241 Views, 1,282 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Switching Places With Sci-Twi

Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

I am just super excited for today’s episode, because what I’ll be trying today is, well…kind of crazy. And that’s a good thing because I’ve been looking for a little excitement in my life as of late.

Seriously, nothing exciting has happened recently. I’ve been so bored.

Anyways, what it is I’ll be trying this episode is…switching places with Twilight!

Now I know it may seem like that doesn’t make any sense since I am Twilight, but just let me explain.

So as you may recall from the episode of this vlog where I tried Tae Bo, I have a friend named Sunset Shimmer who lives in…another world!



Sorry, I just like doing that whenever I mention other worlds.

Anywhoo, in this other world where Sunset lives there just so happens to be another Twilight Sparkle, who just so happens to be a lot like me. And as it just so happens this other Twilight and Sunset are friends too!

Wow, that’s a lot of happenstance, huh?

Now I have met this other Twilight a couple of times before, but only a couple. So I guess you could say that we are friends, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say we’re friends in the same way that Sunset Shimmer and I are friends.

But anyways, I was journaling with Sunset the other day and she told me about this story she had to read for one of her classes called The Prince and The Pauper. She said it’s a story about two young boys who were born on the same day and are identical in appearance; one of them a pauper and one of them a prince. The two boys meet one day and become fascinated by each other’s life, which eventually leads them to decide to switch places with one another.

Sunset said she found it to be an interesting story, but she also said it gave her an even more interesting idea. Which I’m sure you can guess at this point is that I switch places with the Twilight from her world. Though only for about a day, and without telling any of our friends that we’re doing it.

Yep, only Twilight, Sunset, and myself would be in on the switch.

Now I admit I was a bit aporetic about this idea at first for a few reasons, and apparently the other Twilight was as well, but Sunset practically begged us to do it and eventually we just gave in.

After all, it’s just going to be for one day. What’s the worst that could happen?

So, yeah, I’m just waiting over here by the mirror portal for Twilight’s arrival right now. It shouldn’t be too much longer.




Ah, there you are, Twilight!




Oh, this? It’s just a camera so I can record this whole switching places thing for my vlog.



Well of course we have technology. I know your world is pretty advanced technologically, but Equestria isn’t completely devoid of technology. We do have things like cameras and computers, they’re just not as cutting-edge as yours.



It’s fine. I know that our worlds are still pretty new to one another and that one can easily misunderstand a number of aspects about them.

I mean, you should’ve seen me the first time I ventured over into your world. I thought the trophies in the CHS lobby were stolen Equestrian artifacts.



Yeah, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?

Not so much at the time though.

But anyways, before we go-ahead and switch places I wanted to give you a rundown of a few things. One; I made sure not to have any official princess duties or anything like that scheduled for today, so you won’t need to worry about anything like that. You can just relax and explore Ponyville if you’d like.

Two; Since you don’t have wings and wear glasses I came up with some things for you to say in case anypony inquires about those things. If anypony asks about your missing wings just tell them that a transfiguration spell went wrong and they should be back by tomorrow. And if anypony says anything about your glasses you can just say it’s a fashion choice.



Eh, those explanations should work well enough.

The fashion choice one for the glasses should work really well if the pony asking is Rarity.



What will I do about your glasses?

Not to worry. I borrowed these non-prescription glasses from the Ponyville Playhouse’s costume department that should work just fine.


See? Perfect!



Yep, I’m ready if you are.


Oh, one other thing before I go; Are there any big or important things in your life that I should know about?




Alright. I don’t really have anything like that either.

Okay then, I guess I’ll see you later, Twilight. Enjoy your day as me!

Here goes.






I swear, no matter how many times I go through that portal the trip always knocks me for a loop.



Oh, hi, Sunset!

I wasn’t expecting you to meet me here.



No, Twilight didn’t say anything about it.



Wait, what do you mean it’s time for school? Today’s Saturday.



It’s only Friday here?!

Huh, I guess there’s a bit of a temporal discrepancy between our worlds.



No, no, it’s fine. We can still do this.

I’m pretty sure I can survive one day of high school.


Um, I don’t suppose you know Twilight’s class schedule, do you, Sunset?

First Period – Math

Okay, so this doesn’t exactly seem like it’s going to be the day I thought it would be, but that’s fine.

In all the times I’ve come to Canterlot High I’ve never attended any of the classes. And quite honestly, I’ve been wanting to experience first-hoof – er, first-hand what classes in this world are like. I’m curious to see how they compare to classes in Equestrian schools.



Oh, hi, Rarity!

Good to see you.



Oh, well, of course we just saw each other yesterday, but, um, I missed you. So…that’s why I’m glad to see you again.




I’m fine, perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with Twilight - I mean, me today.


Oh, looks like it’s time for class to start.

Phew, saved by the bell.





Oh, yes, m’a’am.

Um, I believe x is equal to 42.




Third Period – Advanced Physics

The Kinetic Energy formula is E = ½ mv² where m is the mass of the body and v is the velocity with which the body is traveling.




As I suspected, physics is the same no matter what world you’re in.


Well, unless you happen to be in Discord’s realm that is.


I have to say, I’ve really been enjoying this day so far. The classes here are similar to those in Equestrian schools in terms of subject matter but different in the manner in which they’re taught. It’s really quite fascinating. So much so that I may just have to right a research paper on it when I get home!

Oh, there are my friends.

Hi, everypon – er, everyone!

Gotta watch that.



Did I have a chance to think about what we talked about yesterday, Applejack?

Um, y-yes?



My answer? Uh, well, my answer is…um…



Trixie, hi!

You said you wanted to talk to me privately?! Yes, absolutely, let’s go somewhere private!


Never thought I’d be so happy to see Trixie.


Okay, Trixie what is it you wanted to –






Y-Yeah, I’ve been t-thinking about you a lot today t-too.



N-No, I think we should keep our r-relationship a secret a bit longer.



J-Just a bit longer, I p-promise.



Okay, s-see you later.


You know, when I asked Twilight if there were any big things I should know about her life before we switched places, I really wish she’d said something about her and Trixie being in a secret relationship.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find some mouthwash and try to block the memory of what just happened from my mind.

Sixth Period – Chemistry

Oh boy. We did not have chemistry classes back in Equestria, only potions classes. And none of these beakers look like they contain magical elements.

Best to rely on my lab partner for this class.

So, Derpy, which chemicals do you think we should mix together?



Uh, yeah, those two sound fine.

Go right ahead.






Okay, I’ll admit it; I really should have seen that coming.

Are my eyebrows okay? It kind of feels like they’re…not there anymore.

Seventh Period – History

Please don’t ask me any questions, please don’t ask me any questions, please don’t -

Yes, ma’am?



Um, let’s see now. Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo in, um…1818?



Oh, right. 1815, of course.



Huh, I was only off by 3 years. I can’t believe I was that close considering I just said the first number that popped into my head.

Eighth Period – Gym


Okay…so either I’m…clearly still not used…to being in a…human body…or I’ve been…putting on a little…extra weight lately.


Really…hoping it’s…the former.



How is this…not considered…cruel and unusual…punishment?



I’m running…as fast as I…can, Rainbow Dash!

Okay, it’s finally…the end of the day.

And thank goodness too. After running all those laps just now I don’t think I would’ve been able to endure any more classes today. Right now I think I’m just going to go back home to Equestria, curl up in bed, and hope that by tomorrow morning my body doesn’t ache so much.









You know what? First thing tomorrow I’m looking into fixing that portal. There’s got to be a way to make it so that it doesn’t just shoot you out like a bullet on the other end when you step through it.



Oh, hi, Twilight.

How was your day as me?



That’s good.

My day as you was…interesting, to say the least, but fun. I’m thinking of writing a research paper comparing the education systems between our two worl –



Oh no, that’s fine. I get just wanting to go home after a long day.

Believe me.

So I’ll see you later then, Twilight.


Huh, she really did want to get home. I don’t think I’ve seen anypony move that fast before, not even Rainbow Dash.

Well I guess this is a good place to end this episode of Twilight Tries. So as always thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next –



Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Spike. What’s all this about Trixie being at the door?




Oh sweet Celestia, Twilight, what did you do?

Okay, okay, just…tell Trixie I’ll be with her in a minute.



I think I’m going to have to borrow that The Prince and The Pauper book from Sunset.

See, I want to know if the two characters who switched places in it experienced the same sort of things that Twilight and I did. Because if they did, I’m going to need to have a little chat with Sunset as to why it was she thought this whole switcheroo thing was a good idea.

But anywhoo, now I’m ending this episode. So thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go have a very awkward and uncomfortable talk with Trixie.

Just…why do these kinds of things always have to involve Trixie of all ponies?

Author's Note:

Special thanks to the many, many people who requested this chapter!

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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