• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,875 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

  • ...

Parental Misguidance

Another day had begun at the School of Friendship. As the students made their way through the halls to reach their first lessons of the morning, Starlight and Sunburst stood in the foyer, shepherding them along.

"Hurry along to class, students." Starlight told two young Changelings.

"Yes, Headmare Starlight." The Changelings chorused.

"Don't forget, those 'History of Friendship' papers are due tomorrow!" Sunburst reminded a Griffon and a buffalo.

"Yes, sir..." The Griffon groaned, the look on his face practically screaming "I've barely even started my paper".

As the hustle and bustle started to die down, Trixie approached Starlight and Sunburst.

"Hey, you two." She smiled. "Really getting into the Headmare/Vice-Headstallion zone today, huh?"

"You know it." Starlight nodded.

"There's really nothing more satisfying than seeing things running smoothly." Sunburst noted. "And even with all the new students, we've got the school running like a well-oiled machine."

"Which means whatever the day brings us, we can handle it." Starlight smiled.

Suddenly, the main doors flung open, and Starlight's father, Firelight, alongside Sunburst's mother, Stellar Flare entered the school.

"Hello, pumpky-wumpkin!" Firelight smiled, once he and Stellar Flare spotted their offspring.

"Sunburst!" Stellar Flare raced over and hugged her son.

"Mom?!" Sunburst yelped, his glasses knocked askew by the hug.

"Dad?" Starlight gaped, as Firelight followed Stellar Flare's lead and embraced her tightly.

"It's so good to see you, son." Stellar Flare smiled, releasing Sunburst from her hug.

"Surpised to see us?" Firelight asked, letting go of Starlight.

"That's one way of putting it." Starlight said flatly. "What, er... what brings you here?"

"Without letting us know you were coming first." Sunburst added bluntly, as he adjusted his glasses.

"It wouldn't have been much of a surprise if we had." Stellar Flare pointed out.

"Surprise?" Starlight frowned.

"We just decided we'd drop by, and see our wonderful children in action as they run the one and only School of Friendship!" Firelight smiled.

Starlight and Sunburst shared an awkward look.

"That's... nice." Starlight said awkwardly. "But, well..."

"We're not sure having you watch us work is going to be all that conducive to a proper work environment." Sunburst added nervously. "We do have some important lectures to give the students today..."

"Right, exactly!" Starlight nodded enthusiastically. "We're just not sure having a couple of strangers looking in on our classes will help our students absorb what we're trying to teach them."

"Oh, don't worry." Stellar Flare smiled. "You'll barely even know we're here. I guarantee it."

"Me, too." Firelight nodded. "As a historian, I know how important it is that things remain quiet and undisturbed. It's why I like the library so much."

Starlight and Sunburst shared another look.

"Well... I guess it would be okay if you keep it down..." Starlight said, not completely sure.

"We can trust you to do that, can't we?" Sunburst asked.

"Of course." Stellar Flare said indignantly. "We're not foals, you know."

"Then it would be okay for you to observe some of our classes." Starlight nodded. "As long as that's all you do."

"Of course." Firelight nodded.

"Sorry to interrupt, but is anypony going to introduce me?" Trixie spoke up. "It kind of feels like I've turned invisible here. And I'm not that good of a magician..."

"Oh, sorry." Starlight said sheepishly, all her attention having been diverted by the unexpected arrivals. "Trixie, this is my father, Firelight."

"And this is my mother, Stellar Flare." Sunburst declared.

"Guys, this is Trixie." Starlight continued. "She's the school's a guidance counselor."

"If I'd known we were having visitors, I would have prepared snacks." Trixie joked, as she walked over to join them.

"You must be the 'Great and Powerful Trixie' I've heard so much about." Firelight noted.

"As usual, Trixie's reputation precedes her." Trixie said smugly.

Firelight gave Trixie a sudden, powerful hug.

"I just want to thank for being such a good friend to my little girl!" Firelight grinned.

"No... problem..." Trixie wheezed.

"Okay dad, give Trixie some air." Starlight chuckled.

Firelight reluctantly released the school's guidance counselor.

"Good to meet you, Trixie." Stellar Flare smiled, far more restrained in her greeting. "I expect you must be a fine guidance counselor."

"I prefer 'great' myself." Trixie grinned.

"How about we show you two to the teachers lounge?" Sunburst offered to the parents. "I'm sure you both must be tired after the trip from Sire's Hollow. A little rest should be just what you need."

"How thoughtful of you." Stellar Flare smiled. "I'm sure the students must appreciate your kindness, Sunburst."

"I haven't heard any complaints so far." Sunburst said humbly.

"I'd love to join you, but a guidance counselor's work is never done." Trixie remarked. "You all have fun catching up!"

As Trixie departed for her office, Starlight and Sunburst led their parents on the path to the teachers' lounge.

"I've never seen so many different creatures in one place before." Firelight announced as he glanced at the students passing them by. "It must be tough, stewarding so many students."

"It can be tricky sometimes." Starlight admitted. "But at their core, all these students are the same. They're all here to learn about friendship. And if there's one thing Twilight taught me, it's that friendship is for everycreature."

"Wow." Firelight whistled, floored by his daughter's speech. "When did you become so wise?"

"Just happened gradually, I guess." Starlight shrugged.

"I'm sure the students must benefit from your wisdom too, Sunburst." Stellar Flare smiled. "Even as a colt, you were always studying so feverishly. You probably encourage the same dedication from your students."

"I try to." Sunburst admitted. "But every student learns in their way, and at their own pace. That's why we have so many teachers: to teach our students in as many ways as possible."

"But I'll bet a fair amount of students have benefited from your being their Vice-Headstallion." Stellar Flare grinned.

"I'm sure they do." Sunburst agreed.

Soon after, they reached the teachers' lounge.

"Here we are." Starlight announced, opening the door for Firelight and Stellar Flare to enter.

"My, how... Cozy." Stellar Flare remarked as she and Firelight looked around.

"Why are there so many pictures of the same mare on that wall over there?" Firelight asked.

"Oh, that's our 'teacher of the month' wall." Sunburst answered. "Every month, the students vote for who they think is most deserving of the award, and whoever wins gets their picture added to the wall."

"And the same mare has won every month?" Stellar Flare frowned. "Statistically, that seems unlikely."

"What can I say? The students really like her." Starlight shrugged.

At that point, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack entered the lounge, taking a quick break between morning classes.

"Oh." Fluttershy started lightly. "I didn't know we had guests today."

"Hey, guys." Starlight smiled. "This is my father, Firelight."

"And this is my mother, Stellar Flare." Sunburst added. "They came to visit us, and see how we run the school."

"Pleased tah make yer acquaintance, sir, ma'am." Applejack tipped her hat in greeting.

"A pleasure." Rarity said politely.

"Hello." Fluttershy smiled.

"It's good to meet you all." Firelight grinned. "Starlight mentioned you and your fellow teachers in her letters, but there's nothing like meeting you all in pony."

"It must feel like such a privilege for you all to work with such a capable Vice-Headstallion." Stellar Flare declared.

"And such a marvelous Headmare!" Firelight added.

"Uhhh..." Applejack said awkwardly, put off by their guests' enthusiasm. "Yeah. It's a real hoot. Right, gals?"

"...Oh, indubitably." Rarity nodded, picking up on Applejack's vibe.

"So true!" Fluttershy nodded a little too eagerly.

"There's no need for that, guys." Starlight said, slightly embarrassed by her father's praise.

"Starlight's right." Sunburst agreed. "Running a school is a team effort, not a one pony show."

"But what's a team without a great leader?" Firelight pointed out.

"And a great second-in-command." Stellar Flare grinned.

"Well, Ah ain't denyin' that Starlight is a great Headmare..." Applejack admitted.

"You're the mare whose picture is all over the 'Teacher of the Month' walls." Firelight asked Fluttershy.

"That's right." Fluttershy nodded. "I'm honored the students like my classes so much..."

"Lucky for you, Headmare isn't a part of that criteria." Firelight smirked. "Or else Starlight would be the one winning every time!"

"Sunburst would definitely win, too." Stellar Flare added. "That wall would be covered with pictures of the both of them!"

"Buuuut that isn't how it works." Starlight stepped in, mortified by her father's bragging on her behalf.

"Too bad, but that's just the way it goes." Sunburst added, equally unnerved by his mother's boasting.

"Such a pity, too." Stellar Flare sighed. "But like you said, running a school is a team effort. So really, a win for one is a win for everypony, including you."

"Good point, Stellar." Firelight nodded. "So when you think about it, Fluttershy's popularity is a commentary on how well you run this school!"

Starlight and Sunburst cringed, while the others simply looked confused.

"I'm not quite certain that tracks..." Rarity mused.

"Well, look at the time." Starlight pointed at the clock. "I've got that lecture to get to."

"And my own class is about to begin." Sunburst added hastily. "We really should get moving."

"Then we'll go with you!" Firelight grinned. "And finally see you in action."

"Just remember-” Sunburst started.

"Don't disrupt the lesson." Stellar Flare waved her hoof dismissively. "We know."

"We'll be as quiet as Winterchillas." Firelight pledged.

"Okay..." Then let's get going." Starlight said brightly.

"Just lead the way." Stellar Flare declared.

The two parent/child sets left the lounge.

"Why do Ah got the feelin' this ain't gonna go so well?" Applejack asked.

"I get that feeling all the time..." Fluttershy empathised.

Shortly after, Starlight was teaching a group of students in the main lecture hall. A chalk rendition of the Elements of Harmony had been drawn on the chalkboard behind her, and Firelight was standing to the side, practically glowing with pride.

"...But, even with the physical Elements of Harmony destroyed, the power of those Elements still resided in Princess Twilight and your teachers." Starlight announced. "The Elements were just symbols. The true virtues of friendship were all within them, and could never be taken away so easily. Those same virtues are within all of us. They just need to be embraced."

"You tell 'em, hon-bun!" Firelight suddenly called out. "That's my amazing young mare!"

The assembled students reacted with surprise and bemusement toward Firelight's outburst.

"Thanks, dad." Starlight said through a forced smile. "But I'm in the middle of a lesson here-"

"Of course you are." Firelight chuckled. "Teaching these lucky kids all the important parts of friendship."

"That's right." Starlight noted, hope in her eyes. "So if you don't mind-"

"You've grown into such an incredible pony." Firelight gushed. "It seems like just yesterday you were running around in pigtails, cuddling your favorite stuffed bunny..."

Several of the students started snickering.

"Dad..." Starlight cringed.

"What?" Firelight shrugged. "I'm just making sure your students see how great their Headmare is. Just look at how you were commanding the attention of everycreature in this room." He chuckled lightly. "And to think, you used to have trouble sitting still and concentrating when you were little. You used to have to hold on to your blankie..."

As more students snickered, Starlight struggled to withhold a groan of annoyance.

"This is going to be a long lesson..." She muttered under her breath.

Meanwhile, Sunburst was teaching a "Theory of Defensive Friendship Magic" class, Stellar Flare standing near the door, smiling and nodding as Sunburst talked.

"Sometimes, friendship magic can be called upon with those calling upon it even being aware they're doing so." Sunburst told the class. "For perhaps the oldest example of this, we must look back at the first Hearth's Warming. When three of Equestria's founders became friends, it resulted in a spark of magic which created the Fire of Friendship, saving them all from the freezing grasp of the Windigos."

"Isn't that just a story?" A male Hippogriff.

"Some believe that." Sunburst answered. "But the recent appearance of the supposedly-mythical Windigos have resulted in many scholars believing that it coroborates the formerly dismissed theory that these events actually did happen."

"That's my boy!" Stellar Flare announced loudly as she entered the class. "He always was quite the bookworm, you know."

Some students shifted in their seats awkwardly, which others smirked at Stellar Flare's use of terms.

"Yes, that is true." Sunburst said pensively. "Thank you for pointing that out, mother."

"You've come so far, Sunburst." Stellar Flare smiled. "And you didn't even need a plan to get there. Now, you're the one coming up with the lesson plans."

"I suppose so." Sunburst nodded.

"Which is a little ironic, considering how you used to have trouble getting it together in the mornings." Stellar Flare continued. "I remember you were so out sorts, you almost ate your homework, and put your breakfast waffles in your satchel!"

The students chuckled.

"Mother..." Sunburst cringed.

"Now don't laugh." Stellar Flare told the students. "If you ask me, you should all aspire to be more like your Vice-Headstallion. You need to all hit the books, put your noses, beaks, what have you to the grindstone... Perhaps not grow a beard, I doubt that's necessary..."

Sunburst removed his glasses and facehooved.

"And I thought there could never be a lecture I didn't like..." He groaned.

During lunch, Starlight and Sunburst sat together in the teachers' lounge. They had managed to catch a small break by suggesting to their parents that they sample the cafeteria food that Starlight had personally approved (and which Sunburst had also taken a look at), giving the two of them some much-needed time to themselves.

"So... it's been quite a morning, hasn't it?" Starlight said joylessly, her eggplant and tomato sandwich practically untouched.

"You can say that again." Sunburst sighed, toying idly with his strawberry salad.

"...Is it just me, or is there something... off with our parents today?" Starlight asked.

"Something's definitely up with them." Sunburst noted. "My mother always used to pester me about having a plan. But now she's going around praising practically everything I do, and telling every student she can that they should aspire to be just like me."

"I almost miss the days when my dad would treat me like a filly." Starlight groaned. "Now he's trotting around comparing everything I do to what I used to do when I was actually a filly. In front of the students..."

"We should put our hooves down." Sunburst declared. "Let them know that we're not happy about the things they've been saying."

"Agreed." Starlight nodded. "But let's try to be a little gentle about it. We don't want a repeat of what happened during our friendship mission."

"Of course not." Sunburst frowned, ruefully recalling those events. "We just need a little courage in vegetable form, first." He started eating his neglected salad. "Keep our physical and mental strength up..."

"Something tells me it won't be that easy." Starlight noted grimly, taking a bite out of her sandwich. In

After finishing their lunch, Starlight and Sunburst exited the teachers' lounge, and set about trying to locate their parents. As it turned out, they didn't have to look very far to find them; the two of them were talking to the Young Six, Chill Char, and a few others.

"Your Headmare started from such humble beginnings." Firelight told them. "As a filly, she was a real hoofful. And then this was little phase she went through when she fifteen-"

"Dad!" The mortified Starlight teleported in front of him, cutting off the description of a very embarrassing part of her life.

"Ah, there you are." Firelight smiled. "Had a good lunch?"

"Yes, we did." Starlight nodded.

"That's something else you kids should be following Sunburst's lead in." Stellar Flare announced. "Healthy meals are crucial to learning. No junk food for my son, and look where he is now."

"Okay!" Sunburst said nervously. "Lunch is almost over. You students should be heading back to class."

The students gladly complied.

"So, what's next on the curriculum?" Firelight asked.

"What's next is a good talk between the four of us." Starlight said firmly. "In private."

"As your Vice-Headstallion, I agree." Sunburst nodded.

Firelight and Stellar Flare shared a nervous look. Clearly, they too remembered the events of the Sire's Hollow friendship mission just as well as their offspring, and were worried that they were in for a repeat performance..

Starlight and Sunburst led their parents to a spare classroom. Once they had their privacy, they began to speak.

"It's not that we aren't happy that you're here." Starlight began. "We can't stress that enough."

"But we also can't stress enough that all this following us around, singing our praises and bring up foalhood experiences in front of the students, isn't exactly helping us do our jobs." Sunburst continued.

"Oh..." Firelight bowed his head. "So that's it..."

"Well, I can understand why you'd feel that feel that way." Stellar Flare sighed.

"Please don't get upset." Starlight pleaded. "The last we want is to hurt your feelings."

"We're sorry about all this." Firelight sighed. "We didn't mean to be a bother."

"It's just... well, look at you two!" Stellar Flare suddenly blurted out.

"Us?" Starlight frowned.

"...I'm not following you." Sunburst admitted.

"You're running the School of Friendship." Firelight pointed out. "Guiding and teaching students from all over Equestria and beyond in the ways of friendship." He gazed at his daughter. "You've really found your place in the world, Starlight."

"And Sunburst." Stellar Flare addressed her son. "You're right by Starlight's side in this. You certainly don't need to plan for the future any more."

"Oh, mom..." Sunburst blushed lightly.

"You've both grown so much." Firelight continued. "And that's... actually the real reason we came here."

"It is?" Starlight asked.

"We were afraid you wouldn't need us anymore." Stellar Flare explained. "So we came here hoping we could get in some quality time. Be a part of your big important lives, just once, before we become completely obsolete."

"We just didn't realize that time had already come." Firelight sighed. "You really don't need us anymore..."

"That's crazy, dad." Starlight said comfortingly. "Just because I'm not a filly anymore doesn't mean I don't need you!"

"You're my mother." Sunburst told Stellar Flare. "I'll always need you. Except for during work hours, of course..."

Firelight and Stellar Flare shared a look.

"We've been acting ridiculous, haven't we?" Firelight sighed.

"I feel so embarrassed..." Stellar Flare cringed.

"Let's just forget about it." Starlight encouraged. "We've all done things we're ashamed of at some point."

"Now there's an understatement." Sunburst joked.

"Tell you what, how about after the school day's over, we all go out for dinner?" Starlight offered. "Then we can spend some real quality time together."

"The local eatery does a fantastic dandelion stew." Sunburst added.

"That sounds wonderful." Stellar Flare smiled.

"And until then, we can take a look around Ponyville." Firelight smiled.

"I could pick up some local postcards to add to my collection." Stellar Flare mused.

"And feel free to stop by the Castle of Friendship and wait for us there." Starlight added. "There's some great history books in the library, dad..."

"You know me so well." Firelight chuckled. "Okay, we'll get out of your manes."

"And I know this is something no mother in her right mind should ever say to her son, but don't spend too long staying after school." Stellar Flare grinned.

"And I know this is something no self-respecting scholar should ever say, but I won't." Sunburst returned the joke.

"See you soon, sweetheart." Firelight hugged Starlight lightly.

"Definitely." Starlight nodded.

Starlight and Sunburst waved their parents off as they departed from the School of Friendship.

"We really do have great parents, don't we?" Starlight sighed.

"We sure do." Sunburst nodded. "But all the same, I think it's best if we convince them never to come to the school ever again."

"Agreed." Starlight said flatly. "Like the old saying goes, you should never mix work and family."

"Not if you want to keep your dignity in tact." Sunburst agreed.

"Well put, Vice-Headstallion." Starlight smiled. "Now, let's get back to work..."

The two left the classroom, ready to continue teaching. Without any unexpected guests this time...