• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,878 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

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Looking To The Future

The sun rose over Canterlot. It was looking to be another beautiful day in Equestria.

On the castle balcony, Twilight put away the magic amulet she used to move the sun and moon. It had been a whole year since she had ascended to the throne, and using the amulet had long since become second nature to her.

"The day can begin." Twilight smiled.

Returning to her royal bedchambers, Twilight found Spike waiting for her, tired but eager to get to work.

"Good morning, Spike." She smiled.

"Morning, Twi." Spike rubbed his eyes. "Somepony's in a good mood."

"Pretty hard not to be." Twilight declared. "Things have been going so well lately. We've cleaned up the mess from Dread's attack, relationships with our neighboring nations has never been stronger, and things in Equestria are nice and calm right now."

"Yeah, well, what more can you expect, with such great management?" Spike grinned.

"Oh, go on." Twilight said humbly.

"Seriously, you've got this Princess thing handled." Spike assured her. "Don't tell me you don't see that?"

"I'll admit, I had my doubts for a long while." Twilight acknowledged. "But right now, I think I've got a pretty good handle on things. I'm starting to think I really can pull off this 'ruler of equestria' thing."

"You're doing awesome, Twi." Spike pointed out. "Ten outta ten, no problem."

"Thanks, Spike." Twilight chuckled.

"And of course, it doesn't hurt that you've got such an amazing and capable royal advisor by your side." Spike boasted.

"You left out 'humble'." Twilight joked. "Seriously, though. I'm glad I've got by my side. Always have."

"And you always will." Spike assured her. "No matter what."

"I know." Twight smiled. "And not just you, but all my friends." Walking over to her bedside dresser, she fished out the memory book she had been gifted on the day of her coronation. She flipped through the pages, seeing the magically-animated memories of all the wonderful times with her friends. "We've shared so many adventures together, and there are still so many more to come..."

"And to think, all these adventures started with this one trip to a little town called Ponyville." Spike sighed nostalgically. "Who would've guessed it would have led to all this?"

"Not me, that's for sure." Twilight admitted, reflecting on how little friendship had mattered to her back then. "That day changed my life. Changed all our lives. Set us on the path leading to here." She lightly snapped the book shut. "Together, we faced so many challenges. So many threats. And we learned so many lessons. Not just in friendship, but about life, Equestria, and everything. And I know in my heart that there is still so much more to learn. Still so many adventures waiting to be had."

"Bring 'em on, I say." Spike grinned.

"That's the spirit, Spike." Twilight chuckled. "And I feel the same way. As long as I have you, our friends, and the support of Equestria with me, I feel like there's nothing that can't be achieved. No problem that can't be solved. No challenge that can't be overcome. Whatever the future holds for us and Equestria, I'm certain we can handle it."

"Me, too." Spike agreed with her. "But right now, the only problem I see is what to have for breakfast. Should I ask the cooks for sapphire pancakes, or quartz on toast? Decisions, decisions..."

"Take your time." Twilight rolled her eyes. "It's not like there's this big disaster we need to attend to. Not anytime soon, at least."

With that, the Princess and her Royal Advisor departed from the royal bedchambers, ready to begin the day.


Barley, former starmaker and entertainment executive, had fallen on hard times. After his public humiliation, his business had tanked, leaving him to take on a litany of unbearably "low-class" jobs just to get by.

"Unbelievable." He scowled, returning home from a day of arranging food in a superstore. "I was once one of the biggest names in showbiz, and now look at me."

The self-centered donkey shuddered as he took stock of his current look in a nearby puddle; gone were the high-priced tailored suits and expensive manecuts, replaced by a run-of-the-will white shirt and haphazardly combed manestyle.

"This is all because of Princess Twilight and her flunkies." Barley spat. "They ruined my business. And why? Because I took a few liberties with their story? That's showbiz, baby!" He grit his teeth in frustration as he took a shortcut through a back alley. "How 'friendly' is it to destroy a fella's livelihood, just because you've got a problem with how he does things? Council of Friendship... They're a bunch a' self-righteous frauds, is what they are! Somecreature oughta take them down a peg, if you ask me..."

"I couldn't agree more." A voice as cold as ice suddenly announced.

"Yeah, that's what I'm say- wait, what?" Barley turned to see a cloaked figure emerge from the shadows. "Wh-who are you?"

"Calm yourself, sir. I am what you would call a like-minded individual." The figure announced. "I have heard much about this Princess Twilight Sparkle and her allies. And I must say, I'm not impressed. I believe Equestria requires... new management. And I believe you could assist me in that regard."

"Oh, really?" Barley narrowed his eyes in skepticism. "And who are you, exactly? Some creepy cloaked guy who hangs out in shadowy alleyways?"

"Who am I?" The cloaked figure echoed. "Allow me to answer that question..."

The figure removed his cloak, revealing a most unexpected form; that of a blue-furred, towering ram.

"I am Grogar." He announced.

His form was similar to the disguise Discord had donned during his ill-fated scheme to use Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Tirek to give Twiligt the confidence to rule, but there were several differences: his fur was dishevelled and dusty. His hooves, horns, and the golden orbs on his collar were cracked and dull. But the most glaring difference was in the eyes; the true Grogar's eyes were a solid, burning red.

Like most beings in modern Equestria, Barley had never heard of Grogar. But the mere sight of this imposing figure was enough to make him step back in horror.

"I once ruled Equestria, countless moons ago." Grogar announced. "Until my source of power was taken from me, and I was forced to hide myself away, just waiting for the chance to return. Now, I believe that chance is within my grasp."

"S-so what do you want from me?" Barley cringed.

"I have been away a long time." Grogar declared. "And with my source of power still beyond my reach, I cannot act overtly just yet. Keeping to the shadows means that I can only learn so much about this strange new Equestria. Which means I require an assistant who knows this land as it is now. One who can guide me, point me towards the hierarchy of control, the seat of power... so I can best undermine it."

"Okay... but what's in it for me?" Barley asked, briefly regaining some of his self-centeredness in spite of the imposing figure standing before him.

"Yours is a very dubious bargaining position, indeed." Grogar narrowed his eyes. "But I would be willing to grant you some concessions. For instance, I can ensure you will regain the lost glory you spoke of. Once Equestria is mine, you shall be my vizier. My major domo. You will rule under me, with everycreature in this land answerable to your whims."

"Now that's a pretty big get." Barley mused.

"And of course, you will have the opportunity to effect revenge upon those who have wronged you." Grogar smirked. "When I crush Princess Twilight and her friends, you shall bear witness to every second of their humiliation."

"Ah, a perk!" Barley grinned. "Boy, it would be so rich to watch those self-righteous meddlers get what's coming to them... Okay, you got yourself a deal."

"Excellent." Grogar smiled coldly. "Now my plans can truly get underway. And this land will once again learn to fear the name of Grogar!"

"Especially those meddling ponies." Barley spat. "They'll regret the day they messed with Barley Ray Steedton." His face lit up into a deranged grin. "Yes sir, ol' B. Ray is gonna get some payback!" He threw his head back and laughed; a high-pitched, near-deranged laugh. "MEH-HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH!"

Grogar scowled at the sound of Barley's over-the-top cackle.

"I'd say the name 'Bray' suits you better." He announced, glaring dangerously at his new subordinate. "Much better."

"S-sure, boss." The donkey quivered before his new master's dark expression. "Whatever you say. 'Bray' it is. N-never liked the name 'Barley' much anyway. Don't even eat the stuff..."

"I'm glad we can agree on this." Grogar nodded, lifting his cloak back over his head. "Now follow, Bray. We have much to do..."

"Right behind ya, boss." The newly-renamed Bray locked in step with the cloaked figure.

Grogar departed from the alleyway, followed closely by his new underling.

Dark days were on the horizon for Equestria...