• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,878 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

  • ...

Dark Tides (Part Two)

For a moment, Twilight was absolutely flummoxed by Novo's revelation.

"...I'm sorry, your brother-in-law wrote that note?" She gathered her wits. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because I recognise his clawwriting, for one." Novo replied. "And for another, this is his medallion, emblazoned with his family crest."

"Okay..." Twilight glanced at the medallion. "But why would your brother-in-law wish to cause harm to your family?"

"That is a long and tragic story." Novo sighed. "It all began years ago, back when I was still a princess..."

Years ago...

The teenage Novo was racing through the marketplace, joined by her younger sister Ocean Flow.

"Come on, Ocean!" Novo urged. "It's the first Friday of the month, and you know what that means!"

"New fashions are in." Ocean Flow rolled her eyes as she tried to keep up. "How could I forget?"
Not too far ahead, a pair of Hippogriff stallions were walking in the opposite direction. One had an ash-grey coat, a maroon crest, a certain medallion around his neck, and piercing yellow eyes. The other was seafoam green, with a pale blue crest and brown eyes.

"Keep up, runt." The ash-grey stallion said bluntly.

"There's no rush, Typhoon." The seafoam green stallion said evenly. "We can take our time."

"Says you." Typhoon scoffed. "I'm not gonna waste any more of my time running errands than I have to."

"It's not so bad." The younger brother said fairly. "We just have to fetch a couple of things for dad."

"Whatever." Typhoon sneered. "You may be fine being an errand boy, but I'm not. I have better things to do with my time than-"

Typhoon's rant was interrupted when he collided with Novo.

"Oof!" Novo yelped.

"Hey, watch where you're goin', ya-!"

"Well, hello there." He smiled pleasantly.

"Sorry about that." Novo apologized. "I guess I was in a bit of hurry."

"Are you okay, Novo?" Ocean Flow asked worriedly, as she helped her sister up.

"I'm fine, Ocean." Novo assured her.

"My deepest apologies, your majesty." Typhoon curtsied before Novo.

"Nothing to worry about." Novo said fairly. "It's just a run-of-the-mill market collision. Happens all the time."

"But not often with a Princess being involved." Typhoon pointed out. "It's an honor to meet you, by the way." He bowed respectfully. "I'm Typhoon. Typhoon Maelstrom."

"Maelstrom?" Ocean Flow mused. "That name sounds familiar."

"It should." Typhoon grinned. "My dad's the Captain of the Royal Guard." He showed off the medallion as he did so. "The latest in a long line of warriors and loyal guards, as it happens."

"Captain Cirrus is your dad?" Novo raised her eyebrows in mild surprise. "How about that..."

"He talks about the royal family a lot." Typhoon told her. "Always saying how great you all are. How good you are to him."

"He is a good Captain." Novo smiled. "And he's served the royal family well, just like those who came before him. It's nice to hear he thinks so highly of us."

"And if I may say so Princess, your royal pictures do not do you justice." Typhoon declared. "You truly are the most beautiful Hippogriff on Mount Aeris."

"Well, I think that's up for debate." Novo blushed. As she looked off to the side bashfully, she noticed Typhoon's brother standing close by. "And who is this?"

"Oh, I, uh..." The brother put his claw on the back of his head as he stuttered.

"This is my little brother, Tropic Breeze." Typhoon announced, his smile fading slightly. "Don't mind him. He just tagged along. Don't mind him. I never do." His smile returned as he chuckled snidely.

"Nice to meet you, Tropic Breeze." Novo said politely.

"Hullo." Tropic said nervously. "Never thought I'd meet an actual princess..."

"Then consider this your lucky day." Novo joked.

Tropic laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, okay." Typhoon nudged Tropic aside, a scowl on his face. "We can't stand around here day. We've got errands to run, remember?"

"B-but you said-” Tropic spluttered.

Typhoon silenced Tropic with a look, then turned to face Novo, the smile returning to his face.

"It was truly a pleasure to meet you, Princess." He grinned, gently taking her claw in his. "And I sincerely hope we'll be seeing each other again... Soon."

Typhoon tenderly kissed Novo's claw.

"Oh... Well..." Novo blushed.

Typhoon departed, shoving Tropic along with him.

"Ooh, I think he likes you!" Ocean Flow teased her sister.

"Shut up!" Novo playfully shoved her little sister. "He was just being friendly!"

"Right, because all friends say goodbye with a claw kiss." Ocean Flow smirked. "Still, he is quite handsome.."

"Whatever." Novo shook her head, desperately trying to change the subject. "Now come on. Those new clothes aren't going to hang around forever."

"Yay, back to clothes..." Ocean Flow signed.

The sisters spent the rest of the morning browsing the local clothing stores, and returned home with more than a few new outfits to add to Novo's wardrobe (half of which Ocean Flow was made to carry). Fortunately for Novo, this took Ocean Flow's mind off the encounter with Typhoon. But Novo was another story...

Days later...

Novo was once again making her way through the marketplace, heading towards a café she liked. This time, Ocean Flow wasn't with her, busying herself with her hobby of collecting seashells at the beach.

'My sister and her love of the sea.' Novo thought to herself. 'I don't think I'll ever understand it...'

Up ahead, she saw Tropic walking out of a store, his saddlebags full.

"Oh, hello." She smiled. "Nice to see you again. You're Typhoon's brother. Tropic, wasn't it?"

"Th-that's right." Tropic nodded awkwardly. "Nice to see you again, your majesty."

"Please, call me Novo." Novo insisted. "Save the fancy talk for when I'm Queen."

"Okay." Tropic smiled weakly.

"If you don't mind my asking, what have you got in the bags?" Novo inquired.

"Oh, er, just some paint, and a few easels..." Tropic answered.

"So you're an artist, huh?" Novo smiled, intrigued.

"I wouldn't go that far..." Tropic shrugged. "It's just, y'know, a hobby. Or if you ask my brother, 'a waste of time'..."

"Don't sell yourself short." Novo told him. "We all have our hobbies. My sister collects seashells, if you can believe that. And me, well, I'm into puzzles. Love solving a good crossword. But you actually create. That's something."

"You really mean that?" Tropic smiled.

"Of course." Novo nodded. "But I would like to take a look at your work."

"Well, I do have a little something on me." Tropic reached into his saddlebag. "It's not my best work, but..."

Tropic extracted a folded sheet of paper, and handed it to Novo. She unfolded it, and saw a watercolor rendition of Harmonising Heights.

"Wow." She gazed in wonder. "This is really good!"

"Oh, well, thanks..." Tropic blushed.

"If this isn't this best work, you must be an incredible artist!" Novo grinned.

"That's nice of you to say." Tropic smiled. "I mostly paint landscapes. Could never pluck up the courage to ask somecreature to model..."

"I could model for you." Novo offered.

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of taking up your valuable time..." Tropic mumbled.

"It's my time, my choice." Novo smiled. "I can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon than posing for a great artist."

"You're too kind." Tropic blushed. "And I'd like to take up your offer right now, but dad wants me and Typhoon to clean out our attic."

"That's okay." Novo smiled. "We'll figure something out. Until then, keep up the amazing work." She made to return his landscape painting.

"You can keep that, if you like." Tropic told her. "Call it a gift."

"Thanks." Novo smiled. "Are you free on Saturday? We could get together at the café, and you could show me of your other paintings."

"I'd like that, Prin- I mean, Novo." Tropic beamed.

"Then it's settled." Novo smiled. "See you then, Tropic."

"See you..." Tropic said dreamily as Novo departed.

Novo once again glanced at Tropic's painting as she went on her way.

"He could give the royal painter a run for his money..." She chuckled.

Finally reaching the café, Novo requested her usual blue cheese and tuna sandwich with honey tea. As she enjoyed her food, she was surprised to see Typhoon enter the establishment. She couldn't help but observe as he picked up an orange juice from the counter.

"Well, well." Typhoon smiled, as he spotted her. "Fancy running into you again, Princess."

"Please, call me Novo." Novo repeated herself.

"Your wish is my command, lovely lady." Typhoon grinned, taking a sip from his orange juice. "...Unless you don't want me to call you that either?"

"I think I'll allow it." Novo blushed.

"It's funny, really." Typhoon noted. "I was just thinking about you. And by 'thinking', I mean writing a poem."

"A poem?" Novo repeated, curious. "About me?"

"That's right." Typhoon smiled. "Wanna hear it?"

"Oh, okay..." Novo smiled back.

"Great." Typhoon extracted a piece of paper, and began reading from it. "Nothing in this world, from the sky so high, to the ocean so low, is as beautiful as you, Novo."

"That's... that's very sweet." Novo blushed.

"I have more, if you'd like to hear them." Typhoon grinned. "We could get together and talk some more sometime. You got any major royal royal business going on, say... this Sunday afternoon?"

"Not that I can think of." Novo admitted.

"Great." Typhoon smiled, as he extracted a single rose from his saddlebag and gave it to her. "Until then, lovely lady."

Finishing his orange juice, Typhoon departed, his eyes locked on Novo's the whole time. Novo couldn't help but feel a little flustered... but in a good way.

"Until then..." She said to herself.

The Present...

"Over the following weeks and months, I found myself spending time with both Tropic and Typhoon." Novo continued her recollection. "While Typhoon was quite open with his being attracted to me, Tropic was a lot more reserved about his feelings. But a lovestruck gaze here, a goofy grin there... I caught on quickly enough. And the more I saw of Tropic underneath the shyness and nerves, the more I liked. But at the same time, I found myself being charmed by Typhoon's poetry and romantic gestures."

"Sounds like you were dead center in a love triangle." Twilight noted.

"All too true." Novo nodded. "I soon found himself struggling to choose between the two of them." Novo declared. "While Typhoon had plenty of confidence and charisma, Tropic Breeze was so kind and caring. I just didn't know what to do..."

Years ago...

Novo and Ocean Flow were eating at the royal dining table. Their parents were away on a diplomatic trip, so it was just them eating together at mealtimes. This worked out well for Novo, as she had to talk to somecreature about the choice before her.

"I just don't know what to do, O." Novo sighed. "They're both so good to me, so fun to be with, so handsome... But one of them is going to end up with a broken heart no matter who I choose."

"Oh, poor Novo." Ocean Flow snarked. "A handsome boy on either side of you. Such a tragedy."

"Knock it off, O." Novo spotted. "I'm serious. I like them both, and not just in a romantic way."

"Okay, okay." Ocean Flow signed. "Let's break this down into pros and cons for each of them. Starting with Typhoon's pros."

"Well, he's charming, charismatic and funny." Novo smiled. "It's always an experience with him."

"And the cons?" Ocean Flow urged.

"He can be a little... Loud sometimes." Novo admitted. "And pushy, whenever there's somecreature who slows things down for us, even accidentally. And..."

"And what? Ocean Flow urged. "Come on, spill."

"It's nothing." Novo said awkwardly.

"Let me be the judge of that." Ocean Flow urged.

"I... I just can't shake the feeling that for all his charm and poetry, Typhoon doesn't think of me as a real Hippogriff." Novo admitted. "That he just sees me as a prize to be won, a trophy to parade around." She shook her head. "I'm probably just being paranoid, though. I am a Princess, after all, and lots of boys think that about me. Doesn't mean they all do..."

"Hmm." Ocean Flow murmured, unconvinced. "Now, onto Tropic."

"Tropic is sweet, a great listener, always willing to be a shoulder for me to cry on..." Novo said fondly. "And he sees the world in such a unique way. In his eyes, everything is a work of art."

"And the cons?" Ocean Flow pressed.

"Well, I suppose he can be really quiet and awkward sometimes." Novo noted. "I feel like when it comes right down to it, he won't be able to make his own voice heard."

"I see..." Ocean Flow mused.

"So what should I do, O?" Novo asked.

"I'm sorry, Novo, but I can't choose for you." Ocean Flow signed. "In the end, it's gonna be up to you. You'll save to make the choice, no matter how hard it is."

"I guess you're right." Novo sighed. "But I can't help but feel like this is going to be the toughest decision of my life..."

Novo spent the next week agonizingly deliberating over the choice. Each time she saw Typhoon and Tropic, it seemed like she had gained more to add to each option, which made things even tougher. But ultimately, she made a decision.

The following Monday, Novo invited both Typhoon and Tropic to her favorite café.

"Good morning, beautiful one." Typhoon smiled as he walked up to her table. The smile vanished as Tropic also walked over. "What's he doing here?"

"I needed to speak with you both." Novo announced. "Typhoon, your poetry and gifts have been so charming and wonderful, and I really appreciate them."

"Of course you do." Typhoon smirked.

"And Tropic, I've enjoyed hanging out with you, seeing your paintings, posing for a couple..." Novo smiled. "And though you've never said it out loud, I know you have feelings for me."

Tropic flushed bright red with embarrassment. Typhoon, however, turned red with anger.

"What the flap do you think you're doing, Tropic?!" He snarled. "You moving in on my girl behind my back."

"I... I didn't do anything like that!" Tropic spluttered.

"Yeah, sure." Typhoon spat. "Exactly how many paintings has she posed for? You think I can't see what's going on here?"

"Nothing's going on here." Novo told him. "Not yet, at least. I care about both of you. Which is why I wanted to talk to you both. I've made a choice. And I choose..." She took a deep breath. "Tropic."

"M-me?" Tropic blushed again.

"That's right." Novo smiled. "You are the sweetest, kindest Hippogriff I've ever met. And I would dearly like to be your girlfriend."

"I... I'd like that too." Tropic smiled.

"You have got to be kidding me!!" Typhoon snarled. "You pick that wuss over all of this?" He gestured to all of himself. "What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm sorry, Typhoon." Novo said firmly, holding Tropic's claw. "But I've made my choice. Please respect it."

Typhoon grit his beak, practically shaking with anger. Then he took a deep breath.

"...You know what? Fine." He growled. "I don't need this. Don't come crying to me when you realize the mistake you've made, your majesty."

"Typhoon, there's no need for-" Tropic started.

"Shut it." Typhoon spat, cold hate in his voice. "Don't ever talk to me again. You betrayed me, stole the one girl I've ever wanted. As far as I'm concerned, we're no longer brothers."

With that, Typhoon flew off into the sky, leaving an outraged Novo and heartbroken Tropic behind.

"I can't believe he just said that!" Novo said indignantly. "Tropic, I'm so sorry...."

"So am I..." Tropic lowered his head regretfully.

The present...

"Typhoon was as good as his word." Novo sighed. "He cut all ties with Tropic, never even looking at him during the entirety of our courtship. Tropic insisted on sending Typhoon invitations to our wedding, my coronation as queen, and the celebration of Skystar's birth, but Typhoon didn't so much as reply back. I knew it hurt Tropic to know that his own brother had so completely rejected him, but a part of me believed that things could have turned out far worse. But little did we know, the worst was yet to come..."

Years ago...

It was a warm summer's night. Barely a year had passed since Skystar's birth, and all seemed right in the Hippogriffs' little corner of the world.

Novo awoke abruptly. There had been no loud noise, nor a significant shift in temperature, but something seemed... Off. Her subconscious had awoken her for some reason, a reason she could not immediately ascertain.

Tropic was still asleep, so she chose not to disturb him as she tried to walk off the odd feeling. She walked over to Skystar's crib, hoping the sight of her daughter sleeping sweetly would put her at ease. But instead, she was faced the sight of an empty crib. The blanket had thrown aside, a piece of paper lying where Skystar should have been.

"No..." She whispered in horror. "Tropic! Tropic, wake up!"

"Wh-wha-what's going on?!" Tropic yelped as he sprang upwards. "Novo, what's wrong?"

"Skystar's gone!" Novo cried. "Somecreature took her!"

"What?!" Tropic raced over to the empty crib. "Who could be done this?"

"I don't know." Novo struggled to contain her distress. "But they left a note..."

I have your daughter. If you want her back, come to the east side of Harmonizing Heights to negotiate. And come alone. Any guards, and I'll throw the kid into the ocean.

"We have to do what they say." Tropic said between ragged breaths. "We can't lose Skystar."

"I know." Novo nodded weakly. "Let's go."

The royal couple made their way to the east side of Harmonizing Heights, barely able to keep themselves from panicking. The thought of what kind of kidnapping monster was awaiting them hung over them like a dark cloud. But the figure waiting their arrival was one they could never have expected.

Standing before them, mere feet away from a cliff edge, was Typhoon, carrying the sleeping Skystar in her class, and a smug grin on his face.

"Typhoon?!" Tropic gasped. "You did this?"

"Why?" Novo demanded.

"I just wanted to see my adorable little niece." Typhoon said mockingly. "Is that a crime?"

"It is when you kidnap her!" Tropic yelled, anger like he had never felt bubbling up within him.

"Shh." Typhoon chided. "You'll wake the poor dear up. What kind of father are you?"

"Give me back my daughter!" Novo growled.

"Sure, sure." Typhoon grinned. "Just as soon as you hand over every last bit of gold in the royal vault."

"What?" Tropic gaped.

"Here's the thing: I can't stand living in Mount Aeris anymore." Typhoon scowled. "Not as long as you're sitting on the throne." He glared hatefully at Tropic. "So I figured I'd just pack up and start a new life somewhere else. But a venture like that takes plenty of scratch. With what's in the royal vault, I could afford to buy myself an island, and crown myself king."

"You can't be serious." Novo gasped.

"Dead serious." Typhoon retorted. "I haven't been so serious about anything since the day you threw me aside for my pathetic brother."

"Is that what this is really all about?" Tropic shook his head. "Even after all these years, you're still holding a grudge over Novo choosing me over you?"

"Don't give me that." Typhoon growled. "I was always better than you. Always. It was me Novo should have chosen. Me who got to marry her. Me who got to be ruler of this sorry island. Not you... ME!!"

"I knew it." Novo stared with newfound revulsion at her brother-in-law. "Deep down, I always suspected that all the charm and loving words were just a facade. I didn't want to believe it, but it was true. I was never anything more to you than a prize to be won. A trophy for you to parade around!"

"Don't forget a ticket to the easy life." Typhoon smugly confirmed her suspicions. "But all that means nothing now. Because my snake-in-the-grass brother snuck in and stole you out from under my nose."

"I didn't 'steal' her." Tropic's face hardened. "Novo chose me. "You should have respected her decision."

"Shoulda, coulda, woulda." Typhoon scoffed dismissively. "But I'm still going to get my due. That is, if you want to get your little bundle of joy back all safe and sound." He held out Skystar mockingly.

"RAAARRGH!!" Tropic suddenly charged at Typhoon.

"What th-Yahhh!" Typhoon yelped as Tropic tackled him.

Taking advantage of the element of surprise, Tropic tore Skystar from Typhoon's clutches, and made to race back to Novo.

"NO!" Typhoon grabbed Tropic's tail.

"Ahh!" Tropic yelped, as Typhoon pulled him back.

The sudden change in movement caused Skystar to slip out of his claws, and be flung into the air.

"Skystar!" Novo dived forward, catching Skystar just before she hit the ground.

"You ruined everything... Again!" Typhoon kicked Tropic in the stomach, causing his to double up in agony. "But I'm not done yet. Not by a long shot!"

Typhoon spread his wings, set on flying away. But Tropic, summoning up determination he had never known before, lapt at his brother, bringing down.

"Gahh!" Typhoon growled.

"You're not getting away!" Tropic roared, grabbing one of Typhoon's wings to ensure he couldn't fly. "You're going to pay for what you've done!"

"Get off me!" Typhoon snarled, grabbing Tropic by the neck.

The two struggled against each other hatefully. As Typhoon tried to free his wing from Tropic's grip, he tipped over backwards, bringing Tropic with him over the edge.

"AAAAHHH!!" The two yelled as they tumbled downwards, their grapple preventing either from flying away.

"NO!!" Novo cried out. She raced over and glimpsed over the edge, desperately hoping to see some sign of her husband. But all she could see were jagged rocks and inky black water.

"Tropic..." Novo wept, heartbroken. "Tropic, no... Please, no..."

Almost as in response to her mother's sorrow, Skystar awoke from her slumber, and began to cry.

"WAHHH!" She bawled.

Novo could do nothing but hold her daughter close, as tears streamed down both their faces.

The present...

I had the guards searching for days." Novo admitted, wiping a tear from her eye. "But they found nothing. They said Tropic and Typhoon were most likely swept away by the currents and out to sea." She lowered her head in regret. "I'd lost my husband to the twisted machinations of his jealous brother. And Skystar lost her father, before ever getting the chance to truly know him."

"I'm so sorry, Queen Novo." Twilight empathised, her own eyes watering up in response to the tragic story. "I can't imagine having to suffer through such a tragedy."

"It wasn't easy." Novo said ruefully. "But I could at least take solace in the fact that Tropic took Typhoon with him." She shook her head bitterly. "But now it seems it was all for nothing. Typhoon survived, and he's once again making demands of me."

Novo handed Twilight the note attached to the back of the medallion. Twilight accepted it, and began to read:


Surprise, I'm alive. And I want what is owed me. Don't worry, I'm not after money any more. No, what I want is a real treasure; the Staff of Stratosphira. I'll be coming for it in due time. And if I don't get it, then both you, and your precious daughter, will suffer the consequences. You'd better make the right choice this time, or you'll really be sorry.

See you soon,


Twilight just barely managed to restrain the sense of dread those words instilled in her.

"What is the Staff of Stratosphira?" She asked.

"It's an ancient Hippogriff relic." Novo answered. "Like the Pearl of Transformation and the Amulet of Aurora, it has been a closely guarded secret for centuries. The staff can control the winds themselves, conjure up gale-force currents and destructive twister. It could do an awful lot of damage in the wrong claws... and Typhoon's claws are without a doubt, among the worst."

"From what you've told me about him, I'm inclined to agree." Twilight said darkly.

"That's why I requested your aid, Princess Twilight." Novo continued. "I need you and your knowledge of magic. Typhoon broke into this palace once without any of us knowing. While the vault containing the staff and other treasures is heavily fortified, I can't take the risk of him finding a way in. I need for you to create protective wards around the vault and the staff, to make absolutely certain they are beyond his grasp."

"You can count on me." Twilight nodded. "I'll do everything I can to keep the staff safe."

"Thank you." Novo smiled.

At that, Skystar entered the room, having just been eating in the dining room (and being accompanied by a guard).

"Hey, mom, just going out to the gardens, if that's okay?" She said in a cutting tone.

"That's fine." Novo chose to ignore her daughter's tone of voice. "Just stay close to the guards."

"Yeah, yeah..." Skystar pouted. As she looked away from her mother, she finally spotted Twilight. "Oh, hi, Twilight. What are you doing here?"

"I requested Princess Twilight's assistance with a... Sensitive issue." Novo said bluntly.

"I see." Skystar said flatly. "This 'sensitive issue' wouldn't have anything to do with you putting me on lockdown, by any chance?"

"It's none of your concern." Novo insisted. "Now run along, dear."

"Whatever." Skystar said sourly. "Nice to see you again, Twilight."

"Good to see you too, Skystar." Twilight smiled, hoping it would lighten the young Princess's spirits.

Unfortunately, Skystar's sour disposition remained as she left the room.

"Maybe you should tell Skystar about all this." Twilight told Novo.

"Out of the question." Novo shook her head.

"But surely she has a right to know-” Twilight started.

"Know what?" Novo cut her off. "That her jealous uncle kidnapped her, caused her father's death, and is trying to blackmail the kingdom? Believe me, it's better that she doesn't know."

"Well, that's your decision." Twilight frowned, not entirely convinced.

"Yes, it is." Novo said confidently. "And I don't want to hear another word about it."

"Understood." Twilight nodded.

"Good." Novo nodded. "Now, follow me to the royal vault. We need those wards up as soon as possible."

"Of course." Twilight agreed.

Meanwhile, Skystar was still fuming over her mother's blunt dismissal. As she walked among the garden's flowers, the guard barely a few steps behind, the young Princess could almost feel her patience wearing thin. And restraint was hardly one of her stronger traits to begin with.

'That's it.' She thought to herself. 'If mom won't tell me what's going on, I'll just find somecreature who will. Of course, that means having to escape this palace-turned-prison first...'