• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,875 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

  • ...

Back To School

Summer had ended, and a new semester had begun at the School of Friendship. Many students filed in through the front doors, the Earth Pony Sandbar among them.

"Good to be back..." He smiled, taking in the familiar sights.

"Sandbar!" Silverstream waved at him from across the hall.

"Hey, Silverstream!" Sandbar grinned, as he joined his Hippogriff friend. "How was summer break?"

"Awesome!" Silverstream chuckled. "I got to hang out with Terramar, mom and dad, cousin Skystar... But I still counted the seconds until I could see you and the others again."

"It's great to see you too." Sandbar returned the sentiment. "Guess the others aren't here yet..."

"Some of us are." Ocellus the Changeling joined them. "We've got more new students than usual this year. I had to say 'excuse me' about a dozen times already today."

"Classic Ocellus." Smolder chuckled, the dragon hovering above them. "Somecreatures never change... Even when they're a Changeling."

"Hi, Smolder!" Silverstream beamed. "How was summer in the Dragon Lands?"

"Hot, humid, and arid." Smolder answered. " So y'know, no complaints."

"Lucky you." Gallus joined them. "Griffonstone was the same as ever... Unfortunately." The Griffon scowled. "Glad I'm back here, with you guys."


A shaggy brown blur tackled them to the ground. It was their yak friend Yona. She picked them up, and hugged them all tightly.

"Yona so happy to see you all again!" She said happily.

"It's great to see you too, Yona." Sandbar smiled, blushing lightly.

"Now we're all back together!" Silverstream beamed.

"How was your summer, Yona?" Ocellus asked.

"Yona had best summer in Yakyakistan!" Yona declared. "But Yona is glad to be back at School of Friendship, with Yona's friends!"

"I know I'm glad to be back." Gallus grinned. "Even if it does mean getting homework again."

"Yeah, that's one part of school life I didn't miss." Smolder agreed. "But I guess it's a small price to pay..."

As the Young Six made their way through the school corridors, they couldn't help but notice they were getting a few admiring looks from their fellow students.

"Guess word of our big rallying cry got around." Gallus noted.

"No kiddin'." Sandbar agreed. "Not to brag, but I've become kind of a hometown hero."

"Me too." Silverstream grinned. "Auntie Novo herself gave me a medal of honor. A really shiny one, too."

"Yona no get medal." Yona shrugged. "But Yaks still commend Yona for her words."

"Thorax was proud of me for stepping up." Ocellus smiled. "I never imagined I'd be such a public speaker..."

"Me neither." Gallus agreed. "I didn't even think it would work, but I tried anyway. That's one gamble that really paid off. I shoulda put Bits on it..."

As Ocellus had noted, there were a lot of new students this semester. Due to the many races in and around Equestria working together to defeat the former Changeling Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow (thanks in no small part to the Young Six), there had been an increased interest in learning the magic of friendship. There were new dragon, Changeling, Griffon, Yak, and Hippogriff students, and even one or two Buffalo students.

"This place really is packed." Smolder declared.

"You can say that again." Sandbar nodded. "Hope our professors can handle all the new students..."

"If they can handle three super-powered baddies, I don't think a few extra students are gonna be a problem." Gallus said confidently.

The school's students, new and old, gathered in the lecture hall. Standing on the stage were Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, along with Headmare Starlight Glimmer, Vice-headmare Sunburst, and Guidance Counselor Trixie.

"Hello, everycreature!" Starlight announced. "First of all, I'd like to welcome back our returning students. And to our new students, we hope you can have fun learning about friendship."

"And if you have any problems, feel free to talk with me, the guiding and counseling Trixie!" Trixie chipped in.

The rest of the faculty rolled their eyes at Trixie's usual theatrics.

"Just remember, the whole point of this school is about making friends." Starlight smiled. "So don't be afraid to reach out to and help each other. Together, we can make this a great year for the School of Friendship!"

"And please don't forget to pick up your class schedules on your way out." Sunburst added, using his magic to lift up a stack of papers.

The students began filing out of the lecture, each picking up a schedule.

"So, what do you guys have first?" Gallus asked.

"I got Laughter class!" Silverstream smiled.

"Yona, too!" Yona grinned.

"I got Loyalty." Smolder declared.

"Generosity." Sandbar answered.

"I got 'Theory of Defensive Magic'." Ocellus beamed.

"Me too." Gallus sighed. "Great start to the semester..."

"I know, right?" Ocellus nodded, unaware of the Griffon's sarcasm.

"So we meet up at lunch, then?" Sandbar asked redundantly.

"Does a yak like to smash?" Gallus smirked.

"Yak does!" Yona nodded.

"Like I said, some things never change." Smolder chuckled.

"But there's always something new out there." Silverstream added. "Like that, for instance."

The others looked in the direction Silverstream was pointing. Not too far from them was a Kirin colt. His coat was wheatstalk yellow, his mane rose red, his scales and toes earth brown, and his eyes were leaf green.

"What kind of creature is that?" Gallus frowned.

"It's a Kirin, dude." Sandbar pointed out. "A few of them were part of the cavalry, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." Gallus mused.

"Gallus really not remember?" Yona snorted.

"There were a lot of creatures there that day." Gallus said defensively. "Can't expect me to remember them all..."

"Let's go over and say 'hi'!" Silverstream suggested.

"Sure, why not?" Smolder shrugged. "We still got a couple of minutes before first class."

"It'd be fun to learn a little more about Kirin." Ocellus smiled.

"Same old Ocellus." Gallus rolled his eyes.

The Young Six made their way over to the Kirin.

"Hi, there!" Silverstream blared out.

The young Kirin recoiled slightly, surprised by the young Hippogriff's exuberance. As the rest of the Young Six gathered around him, he glanced about nervously.

"Uh... Hi..." He said awkwardly.

"Hey." Sandbar smiled. "Sorry about Silverstream. She's a little... Excitable." He placed a hoof to his chest. "Welcome to the School of Friendship. I'm Sandbar." He pointed to each of his other friends in turn. "And this is Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus and Yona."

"Nice to meet ya." Gallus nodded.

"Ditto." Smolder gave him a thumbs up.

"I've never officially met a Kirin before." Ocellus noted. "This is going to be so educational..."

"What is Kirin's name?" Yona asked.

"I'm, uh... Chill Char." The Kirin said nervously.

"Cool name." Smolder said appreciatively.

"I have so many questions." Ocellus said excitedly. "What's it like at the Peaks of Peril? Are they really as perilous as they sound?"

"Well, not rea-" Chill Char began.

"What kind of diet do Kirin have?" Ocellus continued.

"Uh-" Chill Char said awkwardly.

"Do you have books, or do you prefer stone carvings?" Ocellus asked.

"I, er-" Chill Char gaped.

"Easy there, bookworm." Gallus used his wing to gently push Ocellus aside. "Don't mind her, she's just got this weird thing about learning." He told Chill Char, earning a glare from Ocellus.

"So, what do you think of the school so far?" Silverstream asked.

"It's... It's okay." Chill Char said awkwardly.

"Okay..." Chill Char said nervously, his eyes darting around.

"We're what you'd call 'senior students'." Smolder bragged. "So if you need to know anything about how things work around here, just ask one of us."

"Oh, thanks." Chill Char said flatly.

"What class do you have first?" Ocellus inquired.

"It's, er... Laughter class." Chill Char replied nervously.

"Maybe Yona can show Kirin how to get there?" Yona offered.

"Thanks, but I think I can manage myself." Chill Char declined, his nervousness starting to become something else.

"Then how about you join us at lunch?" Sandbar offered. "There's always room for one more."

"I'm fine." Chill Char retorted, his jaw clenching.

"Maybe we can hang out after school?" Silverstream smiled. "We could show you the sights around Ponyville."

"Thanks for the offer, but like I said, I'm fine." Chill Char insisted.

"Or if you're having trouble with homework, you could join us in a study session at the library someti-" Ocellus started.

"I said I'm fine, so just BACK OFF, OKAY?!" As he descended into anger, Chill Char's eyes turned white, his teeth became fangs, and a small plume of flame burst into life atop this head.

The Young Six recoiled in shock and horror, Ocellus transforming into a mouse on reflex.

As suddenly as it had emerged, Chill Char's anger faded. He shook his head, causing the frightful features to vanish, replaced by a look of shame.

"I... I..." He stuttered, before turning and running away.

It took the Young Six a moment for what just ocurred to sink in.

"...Well, that just happened." Smolder said bluntly.

"What was that?" Gallus frowned.

"Nirik." Ocellus declared nervously, changing back to her normal self.

"Geshundteit." Yona smiled.

"I mean, Kirin can turn into fiery creatures called Nirik when they lose their tempers." Ocellus clarified.

"I thought you didn't know much about Kirin?" Silverstream pointed out.

"I heard Professor Fluttershy talk about it once." Ocellus shrugged. "And from what she said, that was just a partial transformation. A full Nirik is way more scary..."

"Well, that's comforting." Smolder snorted.

"Yona suddenly not so keen to have study session with Kirin now..." Yona admitted.

"You don't think this is gonna be a problem, do you?" Ocellus worried.

"Let's just hope the guy doesn't get angry too easily..." Gallus suggested.

"We did come on a little strong, though." Sandbar acknowledged. "Can't really blame him for getting a little snappy."

"Or maybe we just caught him on a bad day?" Silverstream added. "No offense to Gallus and Smolder, but some of us weren't exactly the most sociable creatures on our first day."

"None taken." Smolder shrugged.

"And I was a little shy myself..." Ocellus admitted.

"A little?" Gallus teased.

"Let's just give the dude some time to get used to the place." Sandbar suggested. "Maybe then he'll be a little less testy."

"Sounds like a plan." Smolder shrugged.

"Speaking of plans, we'd better stick to our lesson plans." Ocellus pointed out.

"Right." Yona nodded. "Yona no want to get detention on first day back!"

"See ya at lunch, guys!" Silverstream waved, as the group split up to attend their classes.

Over the next few days, the Young Six went to their classes and hung out together as normal. As they did, they would catch sight of Chill Char every so often. The young Kirin was keeping his distance from the other students, and hardly ever drawing attention to himself in class, only speaking up when one of the professors called on him to answer a question (and even then, he would say as little as possible). And whenever he crossed paths with the Young Six, he would try to keep his distance.

One lunchtime, the Young Six were gathered together at the same table, while Chill Char was sat at the furthermost table, eating a bowl of soup, alone.

"Well, there's been no temper tantrums to speak of." Gallus noted. "But he's not exactly Mr. Social, is he?"

"Neither were half of us when we first came." Smolder indicated herself, Gallus and Ocellus.

"Maybe he really is shy after all." Ocellus surmised.

Chill Char stood up, intending to take his bowl to the table reserved for used plates and utensils. But a green Pegasus colt suddenly collided with him, causing the remains of the soup to splash over Chill Char's front.

"Sorry!" The Pegasus apologised. "My bad!"

Chill Char's expression, initially that of shock, formed into a scowl, as he looked upon the soupy mess of his coat. Though his features remained the same, another burst of flame erupted from above his head. The Pegasus' eyes widened in horror.

"Gotta go!" He yelped, flying out of the room.

Chill Char let out a resigned sigh, the flame dying out. As he reached for a napkin, he realised most of the room was looking at him. Mortified, he cleaned himself as quickly as possible, deposited the bowl and spoon, and left the room.

"Okay, maybe we didn't catch him on a bad day." Silverstream frowned.

"And I thought Grandpa Gruff had a temper on him." Gallus noted.

"Poor guy." Sandbar shook his head.

"Say what?" Smolder snorted.

"You saw the look on his face, didn't you?" Sandbar declared. "He didn't like getting angry."

"Who does?" Ocellus pointed out.

"Yaks can have big tempers sometimes." Yona acknowledged. "If we no have smashing to relieve stress, maybe we get angry way more often."

"That's right." Sandbar nodded. "Good point, Yona."

Yona blushed in response.

"So the guy has anger management issues." Smolder shrugged. "What can any of us do about it?"

"Good question." Silverstream admitted. "Any thoughts, guys?"

"I have one idea..." Gallus mused.

Between the afternoon classes, Gallus decided to pay a visit to Trixie's office. He knocked twice on the door.

"Come in!" Trixie's voice answered.

Gallus opened the door, and went inside. The room had been decorated with various stage magic paraphernalia: crystal balls, smoke bombs, playing cards, etc. Trixie was sitting behind her desk.

"Oh, hello Gallus." Trixie smiled. "How can Trixie help you today?"

"It's not actually me I was thinking could use your help..." Gallus admitted.

Gallus quickly explained to Trixie the situation with Chill Char.

"...So do you think you can help him?" Gallus asked.

"Well, Trixie certainly could." Trixie said confidently. "But I think it would be best if these guidance counseling sessions were voluntary. Chill Char has to want my help, not have it forced upon him."

"Oh." Gallus sighed. "Thanks anyway."

"Sorry." Trixie apologised. "But if you never need to talk about something, my door is always open."

"I'll keep that in mind." Gallus smiled.

As Gallus exited, he found the others waiting in the corridor.

"So?" Smolder asked.

"No dice." Gallus shook his head. "Counselor Trixie said that Chill Char has to be the one to come to her."

"Oh, well." Silverstream sighed.

"Yona think we should just try talking to Kirin again." Yona suggested.

"Somehow, I doubt he'd want to talk to us after what happened last time." Smolder retorted.

"He has been kinda avoiding us." Sandbar noted. "More than anycreature else."

"It might be best not to get into his face again." Ocellus said cautiously. "If he really doesn't like getting angry, then we wouldn't have left the best impression by, you know... Getting him angry."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Gallus snarked. "You were the one asking him all those questions about Kirin."

"I was curious!" Ocellus pouted.

"So you're saying we should just give him some space?" Silverstream asked. "Because he's kinda handling that part himself..."

"We don't want to push it." Smolder declared. "Let's give him a little more time to get used to this school stuff, right?"

"Agreed." Sandbar nodded.

"Yona still think her idea best..." Yona pouted.

On Friday afternoon, the Young Six were in Professor Dash's Loyalty class with several other students, including Chill Char. Rainbow had instructed her students to split into teams of three and play Buckball.

Chill Char was currently playing, acting in the position Unicorns usually played, using his magic to maneuver the basket for his team, which also consisted of a Changeling and a Buffalo. The opposing team comprised of a Unicorn, a Hippogriff and a yak. Naturally, most of them had never played before, but they were still giving it their all.

"That's it, students!" Rainbow encouraged the players. "Buckball is all about putting together your individual skills and working as team, just like friendship."

The Young Six watched the current game with much interest.

"Some pretty good moves out there." Sandbar noted.

"Just wait until I get out there." Smolder grinned. "I'll show everycreature some real moves."

"I didn't know Kirin could use their horns to levitate objects." Ocellus took note of Chill Char's efforts. "Fascinating..."

"Let's just hope he's not a sore loser..." Gallus frowned.

At the beginning of the next play, Chill Char's buffalo teammate kicked the ball into the air. But the opposing Hippogriff, showing quick reflexes, caught the ball, and in the blink of an eye, flung it across the field. Chill Char tried to get his basket into position in time, but wasn't fast enough; the ball struck the basket's side, ricocheting directly into his face.

"Oww!" He yelped. In that moment, he lost his concentration, and the basket dropped out of the air, landing on his head. "Oof!" He groaned, his voice muffled.

As Chill Char stood there, looking like a Kirin with a bucket for a head, several of the students started laughing. Peeking out from under the bucket, he had a look of embarrassment on his face, which was quickly replaced by an angry scowl.

"Oh, no..." Smolder cringed.

"He's gonna blow!" Silverstream yelped.

Chill Char was engulfed in flames, and the basket was reduced to ash. When the flames died down, he was in his full Nirik form, growling like an angry Manticore.

"Grrrrah!" He roared.

The students' laughter was immediately replaced by shrieks of horror.

"Easy there, kid!" Rainbow flew over to Chill Char, holding out her hooves in a calming manner. "Just try and relax. Breathe..."

For a tense few moments, Chill Char took ragged, angry breaths. He soon realised that everycreature was looking at him with abject terror. His Nirik form disappeared in a plume of flames, leaving behind a horrified Kirin.

"I... I'm sorry!" He ran out of the room, tears streaming down his face.

"Hold up!" Rainbow called out. She made to follow him, but Gallus spoke up.

"Let us handle this." He urged. "Think of it as extra credit."

"Well, if you think you can help..." Rainbow frowned.

"Thanks, Professor." Gallus nodded. "Come on, guys."

"Do we have to?" Ocellus cringed, unnerved by Chill Char's latest expression of anger.

"No." Sandbar admitted. "But we should."

"Sometimes being a good friend is such a hassle..." Smolder sighed.

"But worth it." Silverstream encouraged.

"Less talk, more follow!" Yona urged.

The Young Six rushed into the corridor outside, which was empty.

"Where did he go?" Sandbar asked.

"That way!" Smolder pointed to the right.

"Smolder sure?" Yona frowned.

"Oh, yeah." Smolder tapped her nose. "I can still smell the fire in him."

With Smolder taking the lead, the Young Six made their way to the school garden. Chill Char was curled up on the bench, still crying.

"Chill Char?" Sandbar asked.

"Go away, please." Chill Char sniffed. "I don't want to scare anycreature else."

"We're not scared." Gallus told him.

"Yeah!" Yona nodded. "Right, Ocellus?"

"R-right." Ocellus said nervously.

"Good for you." Chill Char hiccoughed. "But the others are definitely scared of me."

"I wouldn't say 'scared'." Silverstream fibbed. "More like... Surprised! Yeah, that's right!"

"Turning into a blazing creature of rage is kind of unexpected." Smolder noted. "But nocreature's gonna hold it against you."

"We sure don't." Sandbar smiled.

"Y-you don't?" Chill Char asked, genuinely surprised.

"Nope." Gallus agreed. "Believe it or not, you're nowhere near the worst classmate we've ever had. This one filly tried taking over Equestria - twice!"

"Compared to that, Kirin temper is nothing." Yona joked.

"And dragons are fireproof, so..." Smolder shrugged.

Chill Char looked up. He saw the Young Six giving him looks of acceptance and support (even Ocellus). In spite of his shame, he couldn't help but feel his spirits lifting, just enough for him to open up a little.

"I'm sorry I keep getting so angry." He apologised. "But this place is so new to me.Being surrounded by all these other creatures, no other Kirin... It's a lot to take in."

"Yona not think of it like that." Yona frowned.

"I'm not sure if you know this, but we Kirin do have kind of a problem with anger..." Chill Char sighed.

"She noticed." Gallus pointed at Ocellus.

"How did you handle your anger back home?" Sandbar asked.

"Well, pretty much the entire tribe went into this magic lake that calmed us down." Chill Char explained. "But it also took away our ability to speak."

"Oh." Silverstream gaped. "As anger management techniques go, that's... unique."

"Yona guessing Kirin no stay like that?" Yona surmised.

"No." Chill Char confirmed. "Professor Applejack and Professor Fluttershy showed up one day, and they convinced us that hiding our emotions wouldn't help, so we all took a cure that gave us our voices back."

"But it wasn't that simple, was it?" Gallus asked.

"If only." Chill Char sighed. "For me, it was harder to control my emotions than the others. I was just a little foal when we all took that vow of silence, so I never really had to deal with any kind of anger at all. All of life's little annoyances, that most Kirin could shrug off, really got my temper flaring."

"Reminds me of about half the Griffons I know..." Gallus snarked.

"That's why my parents asked Chief Rain Shine to get me enrolled in this school." Chill Char continued. "They thought if I could make some friends, it would help me mellow out."

"Something tells me it wasn't that easy." Smolder deduced.

"It wasn't." Chill Char agreed. "Being around all these other creatures, the only Kirin in the bunch... the lessons are okay, but it seems like everycreature is always looking at me. That just gets me all stressed out, and that makes it easier for me to get angry. And getting angry the way only a Kirin can do just brings me more attention, the bad kind of attention. It's only been a few days, and everycreature's been looking at me like I'm gonna burst into flames at any second... and I just did"

"That's rough, pal." Sandbar sympathised.

"We know how you feel." Ocellus told him. "To have the sense of being alone, I mean."

"How can you possibly know that?" Chill Char frowned. "There are lots of others of your species around."

"It wasn't always like that." Gallus told him. "Last couple of semesters, we were the only Griffon, dragon, etcetera, at this school."

"It wasn't easy sometimes." Smolder added. "There were a lot of times we felt like we were isolated from all the pony students... Except for Sandbar, that is."

"So... How did you handle it?" Chill Char asked.

"We had each other." Ocellus revealed.

"That's right." Silverstream smiled. "We all found each other, and became the best of friends."

"And no matter what happens, friends always there for each other." Yona added.

"As long as we stuck together, we all felt a little less isolated around here." Gallus nodded.

"That must be nice." Chill Char sighed. "Can't imagine how that feels, with creatures around every corner, packed classrooms, feeling like everycreature's looking at me for being the only Kirin in the room..."

"I think that's more about the explosive, random bursts of anger than anything else." Smolder chipped in, earning a nudge from Ocellus. "What?"

"I guess that does kind of make sense." Chill Char admitted, the ghost of a smile on his face.

"But if you prefer a place where there's a few less creatures running around, I think we know somewhere you can go." Gallus announced. "Right, guys?" He winked at the others.

Knowing smiles appeared on the others' faces.

"Riiiight." Silverstream winked exaggeratedly.

"Way to oversell it." Smolder scoffed.

"Okay..." Chill Char said awkwardly. "And where is this place?"

"Just follow us." Sandbar smiled.

"I don't know..." Chill Char rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey, it's not like you have anything to lose here." Gallus pointed out.

"...Okay, why not?" Chill Char acquiesced. "Show me this place of yours."

"Great!" Silverstream leapt into the air. "You won't be disappointed, I promise!"

"Right this way." Sandbar urged.

"Yona hope Kirin not mind little walk." Yona noted.

The Young Six led Chill Char to the outskirts of Ponyville.

"Um... Are we allowed to go out this far?" He asked, looking around at the surrounding wilds nervously.

"Relax, CC." Sandbar smiled. "We go out here all the time."

"And just how far do you go out here?" Chill Char inquired, ambivalent about the idea of being given a nickname.

"Not too much farther." Ocellus told him.

"It'll be worth it, trust me." Smolder smirked.

Chill Char was led to the ruins of an old castle.

"Prepare to be amazed." Gallus told him. "Yona?"

"Hmm-mm!" Yona nodded, kicking open the twin doors.

Inside the ruins was the Treehouse of Harmony, standing resplendent in the afternoon sun.

"Whoa..." Chill Char gaped, amazed by the sight before him.

"Told ya." Gallus chuckled.

"That's one big tree." Chill Char pointed out the obvious. "And is it made of... Crystal?"

"You could say that." Smolder shrugged. "Kind of a long story there..."

"This is our very own super-special hangout!" Silverstream beamed. "And you're welcome to join us here anytime!"

"Really?" Chill Char smiled. "You're not worried that I might, y'know, accidentally burn it down or something?"

"No worry." Yona assured him. "Crystal not burn, so fire not really a problem."

"And even if it were, we'd be willing to take the risk." Sandbar grinned. "If there's one thing we've learned from being at the School of Friendship, it's that friends stand by and support each other, no matter what. And we'd like to be your friends."

"You would?" Chill Char said awkwardly.

"Why else would we bring you all the way out here?" Gallus snarked. "Just to show off our cool hangout? Give us a little credit..."

"So, whattaya say?" Silverstream asked expectantly.

"...Thank you." Chill Char smiled. "I'd love to be your friend."

"Great!" Silverstream hugged him.

"Yona love making new friends!" Yona pulled everyone into a hug of her own.

"That's a tight squeeze..." Chill Char groaned.

"You get used to it." Smolder assured him.

Eventually, Yona released them from her yak-strength hug.

"So, ya wanna see what's on the inside?" Sandbar asked Chill Char.

"Sure." Chill Char nodded. "If the outside looks amazing, I just have to see what the inside's like."

"While we're doing that, do you think you could answer some of my questions about the Kirin?" Ocellus asked. "Your species is fascinating... from a scientific viewpoint, of course."

"As long as you tell me a little about Changelings in return." Chill Char bartered. "Like how your shapeshifting works. I mean, seriously, changing form at will? Incredible..."

"Looks like Ocellus just found a new study buddy." Smolder joked.

"I think we all have." Gallus corrected her.

"Like our teachers always say, there's nothing better than making a new friend." Sandbar smiled.

The seven young creatures entered the Treehouse. Chill Char once again glanced around, but this time not out of nervousness. Rather, it was out of gratitude that these six creatures had been so willing to accept him, warts and all. It looked like the beginning of a beautiful new friendship...