• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,878 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

  • ...

The Council Of Friendship

As she went about her morning duties, Twilight felt quite giddy. And with good reason: A Moon had passed since her coronation, which meant the time had come for the very first meeting of the Council of Friendship. Twilight had made sure to adjust her timetable so she would have room for the meeting (to the point of working double duties earlier in the week), so all she had to do at the moment was wait for her friends to arrive.

"Somepony's excited." Spike grinned knowingly, as Twilight tapped her hooves on the throne room floor.

"Is it that obvious?" Twilight blushed.

"Only... A lot." Spike admitted. "Not to put too fine a point on it, but the staff have been giving you funny looks all morning."

"Well, can you blame me?" Twilight shrugged. "We're finally going to be together with all our friends again!"

"I'm excited to see them too." Spike nodded. "Applejack, Fluttershy... Rarity..." He sighed.

"Don't forget Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie." Twilight smirked.

"Y-yeah, I was just getting to them." Spike said hastily.

"Of course you were." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Hoo!" A familiar owl hooted from his perch on Twilight's throne.

"Oh, there you are, Owlowiscious." Twilight smiled. "You're so quiet these days. I sometimes forget you're here."

"Hoo!" Owlowiscious hooted.

"You, that's who!" Spike growled.

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Your highness?" A guard approached. "The council members are here. They're waiting for you in the foyer."

"Excellent." Twilight smiled. "We'll be right there. Come on, Spike."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Spike grinned,

"Hoo!" Owlowiscious hooted.

"Don't start that again!" Spike shot back, before following Twilight out of the throne room.

Twilight practically raced down to the foyer, with Spike barely being able to keep up. Once there, she was greeted by the incomparable sight of her five best friends waiting for her. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, all wearing identical smiles that made it clear they were as glad to see her as she was to see them.

"Girls!" She beamed. "It's so good to see you all!"

"This had to be the longest Moon ever." Rainbow declared. "Seriously, I felt like this day was never gonna come. It was almost as bad as waiting for the new Daring Do book..."

"Look at us, together again." Pinkie grinned. "Like cupcakes and sprinkles!"

"Hi, Rarity." Spike gushed. "It's great to see you again."

"It's wonderful to see you too, Spikey-wikey." Rarity ruffled his spines. "Things just haven't been the same at the boutique without my favorite assistant."

"Ah, I'm sure you've been doing great." Spike said humbly.

"So true..." Rarity smirked.

"So how's your first Moon of rulin' Equestria bin goin', yer highness?" Applejack asked, playfully emphasising the "your highness" part.

"It's had its ups and downs." Twilight admitted, grinning at the playful jab. "But I'd say it's been going pretty well so far."

"Like there was ever any doubt." Rainbow said proudly.

"How have things been in Ponyville?" Twilight asked.

"As good as ever." Applejack answered. "First harvest of Applebuckin' Season went off without a hitch. 'Course, that might have sumthin' tah do with havin' a new Apple family member around..."

"And the Sanctuary just took in some endangered animals." Fluttershy smiled. "If we can keep them healthy and safe, they'll have a chance at increasing their numbers."

"And I just completed my first non-pony fashion design." Rarity said proudly.

"As for me, I've been teaching the friendship students the best way to make friends through designer confectionaries!" Pinkie announced.

"So I take it the school's doing well too?" Twilight smiled.

"Oh, yeah." Rainbow nodded. "We got more students than ever!"

"And Starlight's doin' a great job as Headmare." Applejack added.

"I knew she would." Twilight beamed with pride.

"How about Smolder and the others?" Spike asked.

"They're doing magnificently." Rarity answered. "Keeping up their studies, and helping some of our newer, less experienced students with theirs."

"I knew these six would do great things." Twilight smiled. "Greater than any of us could ever have imagined..." She added proudly, recalling how the Young Six had rallied the mother of all cavalries against Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow.

"What do you expect?" Rainbow smirked. "They had great teachers."

"While it's nice catchin' up, we did come here fer a reason." Applejack pointed out. "An' any job worth doin' is worth doin' as soon as possible. So where are we holdin' this meetin'?"

"Right this way." Twilight smiled. "I picked out the perfect place... With a little surprise thrown in."

"Aww, you remembered how much I love surprises!" Pinkie hugged her. "Guess all that worrying about us drifting apart was for nothin', huh?"

"So what's the little surprise?" Rainbow asked.

"You'll see..." Spike smirked.

"So Spike's in on it." Applejack noted. "Ah'm guessin' it's a special surprise?"

"You could say that." Twilight smiled cryptically.

The council members followed Twilight and Spike to a room near the centre of the castle. The door was emblazoned with the six symbols of the Elements of Harmony.

"Here it is." Twilight declared, opening the door. "Our own special meeting room."

As the others stepped inside, they saw that the crystal map, their individual thrones, and even the chandelier formed from the roots of the former Golden Oak Library, which had all resided in the throne room of Twilight's former castle, had been set up within the room.

"Whoa." Rainbow gaped.

"Nice surprise!" Pinkie grinned.

"How did you put all this together?" Applejack asked.

"I sent Starlight a letter, asking for her to send everything over." Twilight explained. "So that this would remind us of all the talks we had back in Ponyville. It was mostly Spike's idea."

"Just doing my job." Spike held up his royal advisor medallion.

"It was a really nice idea." Fluttershy flew up to the chandelier, looking fondly at the crystal containing the memory of their first party together. "Seems just like old times..."

"Not that old, darling." Rarity chuckled. "It is a nice touch, though."

"Okay, let's get started." Twilight declared. "Everypony take your seats."

The seven of them took their seats around the table.

"Now, on to the big question: What can we do to best help Equestria and its allies?" Twilight asked. "Any ideas?"

"How about pulling some royal strings and getting some more Wonderbolts on the team?" Rainbow suggested. "Equestria could always use more air defense."

"Speaking of defense, perhaps the Royal Guards' armor could use an update." Rarity offered. "Something sleek, and slimming..."

I like it!" Spike grinned.

"Ah've heard how rough things are fer the Griffons." Applejack noted. "Maybe we can arrange fer them to be sent extra food, like apples."

"Ooh, and cupcakes!" Pinkie added.

"Yeah, an' cupcakes." Applejack nodded.

"Why stop at Griffonstone?" Fluttershy chimed in. "We could arrange for food to be brought to the residents of Klugetown too. And all the poor desert animals nearby. We could even bring in some cute pets for them to look after. Just as soon as we do something about all the caged animals they're selling..." She added darkly.

"That is a concern." Twilight admitted. "Of course, we'd have to figure out how to stop them from getting the animals in the first place, and find out who the buyers are."

"With all due respect, I think it will take a lot more than a few snacks to make that ghastly town better." Rarity scoffed. "Though if Capper is any indication, they might be open to some new fashions..."

"Like some clothes are really gonna make things any better." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Twilight and Spike shared a worried look. Things weren't going quite the way they'd hoped it would.

"I daresay they'd be more helpful than a few more aerial showoffs." An offended Rarity shot back.

"I already said that was for air defense!" Rainbow pouted.

"Ah don't remember 'em being so helpful when a certain greed-fueled dragon wuz rampagin' through Ponyville." Applejack pointed out.

"Did ya have to bring that up?" Spike groaned, not pleased to be reminded of one of his darker moments.

"So you're with Rarity's idea?" Rainbow scoffed. "Fancying up guard uniforms?"

"Ya never know." Applejack shrugged. "They might end up bein' gaudy enough tah blind attackers."

"I beg your pardon?" Rarity scowled, as Rainbow snickered.

"No offense." Applejack shrugged. "But you have made yer share a' flashy clothes in yer time. Like that outfit ya wore to greet the Breezies. Caught the sunlight so bad, Ah wuz seein' spots fer an hour afterwards."

"Well, forgive me for having a little flair!" Rarity said haughtily. "Besides, it's not as if apples are the answer to every problem!"

"Ah neva said they were." Applejack growled.

"Of course not." Rarity scoffed. "You just suggested having some sent to Griffonstone right off the top of your head. The fact that your family owns an apple orchard has nothing to do with it..."

"Okay, maybe we should take a moment to assess each others' suggestions, and decide which has the most merit." Twilight offered.

"What's got more merit than a super-fun party?" Pinkie asked.

"Try asking that to the folks in Griffonstone." Rainbow answered.

"Okay, fair point." Pinkie conceded grudgingly. "But what are the odds of Klugetown being anti-parties too?"

"I wouldn't get mah last Bit on that..." Applejack frowned.

"Let's try not to forget about the animals." Fluttershy insisted.

"Ah got nuthin' against animals." Applejack confirmed. "But right now, we gotta focus on the more important stuff."

"And stopping illegal poaching isn't important?" Fluttershy glared. "It wasn't so long ago that we were all trapped in cages. You didn't like that much, did you?"

"'Course Ah didn't." Applejack pouted. "But all the same, fixin' a problem like that is kind of a long-term project. How about focusin' on the now?"

"Tell that to those poor animals." Fluttershy said stubbornly.

"Yeah!" Pinkie agreed. "Those animals have the right to be free to have fun and eat all the treats they want!"

"But not too many." Fluttershy added. "We don't them to get tummy aches."

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Applejack on this particular matter." Rarity declared. "Preventing animal tummy aches is hardly a high priority."

"Like you can talk." Rainbow sneered.

"At least I'm not expecting anything out of this." Rarity shot back. "Or is it just a coincidence that your suggestion involves having more performers in your Wonderbolts shows?"

"That's just a side benefit!" Rainbow retorted. "Protecting Equestria and its allies is my top priority! Not just helping them stuffing their faces, like Applejack!"

"And what's wrong with proper nutrition, exactly?" Applejack frowned. "That's sumthin' everycreature needs, all the time!"

"You know what else everycreature needs?" Pinkie asked. "A good time!"

"And a fluffy companion to take care of!" Fluttershy added.

"We're supposed tah be talkin' about the big stuff." Applejack retorted. "Not runnin' a pet store, or a party supply shop."

"No, you just want us to focus on Apple deliveries." Rarity scoffed. "So much more important..."

"You bet yer most pointlessly fancy boots they are!" Applejack growled.

"Not more important than protecting Equestria's skies!" Rainbow stepped in.

"Or ensuring animals are kept safe and free!" Fluttershy interjected.

"And don't you dare insult my fancy boots!" Rarity growled.

"Or my party supplies!" Pinkie added.

"I think a little intervention may be in order here." A worried Spike told Twilight.

"Agreed." Twilight nodded.

In the midst of all the disagreements, Twilight slammed a hoof on the table several times, catching the others' attention.

"Everypony, calm down!" She urged. "This is getting a little out of hoof."

"She started it!" Rainbow pointed at Rarity.

"I did not!" Rarity protested.

"You kinda did." Pinkie said fairly.

"Well... She escalated it!" Rarity pointed back at Rainbow.

"What about Applejack?" Rainbow growled.

"What about me?" Applejack glared.

"You said helping poor, caged animals wasn't as important as delivering apples!" Fluttershy declared.

"That wuzn't what Ah meant!" Applejack pouted.

Twilight struck the table with her hoof, once again bringing about quiet.

"I know you all want to help Equestria in your own special way, but don't forget that we're a team." Twilight reminded them. "Whatever we do, we do together. No one idea is better than everypony else's, not when we all keep open minds. And when we listen to and support each other, every idea can be the best it can be." She smiled as she looked around the group. "We all know what kind of amazing things we can accomplish together. But remember: we can accomplish those things because we always stand together, and support each other. After everything we've been though, we can always count on each other, no matter what. Right?"

The rest of the Mane Six shared glances, as the validity of Twilight's words sunk in.

"...Okay, so maybe I got a little carried away." Rainbow said sheepishly.

"I was just so excited for all of this." Fluttershy admitted ruefully.

"Me too." Pinkie added. "And you all know how I get when I'm excited..."

"Ah guess the more things change, the more they stay the same." Applejack chuckled.

"We're still essentially the same ponies we've ever been, darlings." Rarity noted.

"Wouldn't have it any way." Rainbow smiled.

"Me neither." Applejack agreed.

"We're a classic combo, alright." Pinkie noted. "Like apple pies and ice cream!"

"Or birds and trees." Fluttershy smiled.

"So, shall we get back to the meeting?" Twilight suggested.

"With pleasure." Rarity nodded.

"Of course." Fluttershy declared.

"Oh, yeah." Rainbow grinned.

"Boy, howdy." Applejack tipped her hat.

"Okey-dokey-lokey!" Pinkie giggled.

"Guess it's unanimous." Spike joked. "Motion carried."

The group shared a laugh.

"Ah guess more air defense ain't that bad an idea." Applejack admitted to Rainbow. "Might come in handy if a buncha Rocs ever show up..."

"And some sleeker armor might let the guards move a little quicker." Rainbow told Rarity.

"And a Pinkie Pie party is always enjoyable." Rarity smiled. "It might be just what the citizens of Klugetown need to lift their spirits."

"And who doesn't love seeing cute little animals roaming free?" Pinkie smiled.

"And a lot of those animals enjoy a good apple." Fluttershy noted. "Maybe we can implement all our ideas together?"

"Why stop there?" Applejack echoed Fluttershy's earlier words. "Ah'm sure we didn't all come here anglin' tah share jest one idea, did we?"

"To the contrary, I have several others." Rarity admitted. "If you're all willing to listen to them, of course?"

"Let's hear 'em." Rainbow nodded.

"I couldn't have put it better myself." Twilight smiled. "Everypony has a voice here. And all those voices deserve to be heard."

"No matter how loud they are!" Pinkie joked, inciting another round of laughter.

With the six ponies (and one dragon) finally on the same page, they continued to discuss ways they could better Equestria, and spread the message of friendship to the lands beyond. By the day's end, they had agreed upon many plans of action, which they intended to implement over the coming weeks and months (their individual timetables permitting).

"All in all, I'd say this was an excellent first meeting." Twilight smiled, as she and Spike escorted their friends back to the foyer.

"Even if it did get off to a bumpy start." Applejack added.

"Hey, since when did things ever go totally smoothly for us?" Rainbow pointed out. "What matters is that we pulled it together in the end, like we always do."

"It really was just like old times!" Pinkie chuckled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Fluttershy smiled.

"Nor I, darling." Rarity agreed. "You all really are the best of company."

"Aww, shucks..." Spike blushed.

"Guess we'll be seein' ya in another Moon?" Applejack asked.

"Sooner, actually." Twilight answered. "I'm due to meet with Mayor Mare over in Ponyville in a couple of weeks. I bet I could spare some time afterwards for a quick visit to Sugarcube Corner."

"We'll all be there." Rainbow pledged.

"And I'll have plenty of your favourite cupcakes ready to eat!" Pinkie added.

"That'll be great." Twilight grinned.

"You'll be there too, won't you, Spikey-wikey?" Rarity asked.

"Wouldn't miss it." Spike nodded.

"I don't know about everypony else, but I really should be heading back to the Sanctuary." Fluttershy said apologetically. "There's a couple of capybaras with the flu that Angel said he'd keep an eye on, but I don't want him to have to do all the work today..."

"It's okay, Fluttershy." Twilight said fairly. "You all have responsibilities in Ponyville to attend to."

"Not just in Ponyville." Rainbow noted. "I've got a Wonderbolts practice in a hour."

"I won't keep you." Twilight smiled. "You all have a nice trip back to Ponyville. And tell Starlight I said 'hi'."

"Me too." Spike added.

"Will do." Applejack nodded.

"Until next time." Rarity declared.

"See ya soon!" Pinkie beamed.

"Later!" Rainbow saluted.

"Bye!" Fluttershy smiled.

Twilight and Spike waved their friends off as they departed from the castle grounds, bound for Ponyville.

"So, did the first meeting go as well as you'd hoped?" Spike asked.

"Even better." Twilight grinned. "And this is just the beginning. Together, we're going to accomplish all kinds of incredible things."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Spike joked.

"Not at all." Twilight admitted. "But plenty of hope. Hope for a better tomorrow. And a brighter future for everycreature."

"And as long as we're all together when it counts, there's nothing we have to worry about." Spike added.

"Right." Twilight nodded. "And whatever fate throws at us, we'll be ready."

Later That Night...

On the outskirts of Baltimare, a lone Earth Pony night watchstallion stood listlessly outside his post of a large warehouse.

'Yet another dull night.' He thought to himself. 'Oh, well. Guess I can't complain. I am basically getting paid just to stand around, after all...'

As he shone his flashlight into the surrounding shadows, watching for any signs of trouble, he saw somecreature approaching. It was a dark night, but somehow, the area around the stranger looked even darker, preventing the watchstallion from getting a good look at whoever or whatever it was. All he knew for sure was that this strange creature was approaching the area he had been assigned to protect.

"Sorry, pal." He stepped forward. "But this place is private property. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Is that so?" A voice like dead leaves being scraped across granite replied.

"Y-Yeah, it is." The watchstallion faltered slightly, unnerved by the stranger's voice. "So let's not make this ugly, okay?"

"And what if I like ugly?" The stranger retorted.

From out of the unnatural darkness surrounding the figures, glowing red eyes bloomed into being.

"This... This is your last warning!" The watchstallion tried to hold his ground. "Leave now, or I will detain you, and summon the local authorities!"

"Oh, I don't think you will." The stranger sneered coldly, moving in closer. "In fact, I think you won't be doing much of anything for a good long while..."

As the trespasser drew nearer, the watchstallion suddenly found himself unable to look away from their eyes, which continued glowing like burning embers. He was frozen in place, paralyzed by a force he couldn't explain, as the stranger chuckled darkly...

"ARRRRRGH!!" The watchstallion's scream echoed through the night.