• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,879 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

  • ...

Roundtable Discussion

Canterlot castle was abuzz with activity. The Royal Guard and other servants were hard at work, making the final preparations to receive some very special arrivals. Inside the throne room, Twilight and Spike were seated, eagerly awaiting for the word from one of the servants that their visitors had arrived.

"This is it, Spike." Twilight remarked. "The first real step in my work as the new Princess of Equestria."

"No pressure, right?" Spike joked.

"I've placed more pressure on myself for far less." Twilight pointed out. "And if this goes half as well as it could, it'll be a win for all of us."

At that moment, one of the guards entered the throne room, a Pegasus with an opal coat and teal eyes.

"Your majesty, the guests have arrived." He announced.

"Thank you, Stalwart." Twilight smiled. "We'll be right there."

"Very good, your majesty." Stalwart bowed.

As Stalwart departed, Twilight stood up.

"Ready to help, Royal Advisor?" She asked Spike.

"Always." Spike nodded.

The two followed Stalwart out of the throne room, and moved down to the courtyard. There, they were met by Grandpa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, Dragon Lord Ember, Thorax, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine.

The six of them had arrived at Twilight's request to have an open discussion about the bonds between their lands and Equestria might be strenghtened. Most of them looked eager to be there, but not all: Grandpa Gruff looked as sour as ever, while Queen Novo was casting an odd look at Thorax, who didn't seem to have noticed.

"Thank you all for coming." Twilight greeted them formally. "I'm so glad you could all find the time to join us."

At Twilight's side, Spike waved at Ember and Thorax. Ember smiled and nodded, while Thorax waved back.

"Yeah, yeah." Grandpa Gruff wheezed. "You gonna invite us in or what? Didn't come all the way from Griffonstone just to stand out in the cold!"

"What wrong with cold?" Prince Rutherford frowned. "Yaks no mind little chill."

"'Course you walking fur coats don't mind the chill." Grandpa Gruff scoffed. "Yer not molting!" He coughed violently, shaking loose a few feathers.

"At least you don't have to worry about running into trees that give you a sneezing fit." Ember deadpanned.

"Please, come in." Twilight offered. "The conference room is all ready for you."

"Lead the way, Princess Twilight." Thorax smiled.

The six leaders followed Twilight inside, traversing the castle corridors until they reached a certain room. Inside was a large round table, with enough seats for all of them.

"Please, take a seat." Twilight prompted.

Everycreature sat down, Spike naturally sitting next to Twilight.

"Now we can begin." Twilight smiled. "First of all, I'd like to thank Rain Shine, leader of the Kirin, for deigning to join us. After so many years in isolation, I can understand how difficult it must have been to make that choice."

"Thank you, your majesty." Rain Shine said respectfully. "But honestly, it's the least I can do after two of your friends helped we Kirin to take back our voices."

The other leaders shared confused glances.

"Say that again?" Queen Novo frowned.

"It's a long story." Rain Shine said awkwardly. "Best saved for another time, I think..." She turned to Twilight. "You were saying, Princess."

"Of course." Twilight nodded. "As you all know, I recently ascended to the throne of Equestria. But despite my new position, I am still the Princess of Friendship. And as such, I believe that it is more important than ever for Equestria to keep strengthening ties with its friends. Which is why I called you all here. I would like for us all to discuss the means by which our nations can be brought closer together."

"Means, pony say?" Prince Rutherford mused.

"That's right." Twilight nodded. "I already have a few ideas, but I'm more than happy to take suggestions."

"What kind of ideas?" Ember asked.

"Well, I thought we'd start with the basics." Twilight announced. Spike handed her a sizeable scroll, and she began to read from it. "For example, I was thinking of increased import and export between our nations, cultural exchanges, the construction of new rail lines into the Dragon Lands, the Changeling territory, Yakyakistan, and possibly even Griffonstone..."

"Sounds expensive." Grandpa Gruff said dismissively. "Hope you're not expecting us to foot the bill!"

"I wouldn't dream of it." Twilight declared. "In fact, I was considering the opposite."

"The opposite?" Thorax asked.

"I was planning on offering relief funds and assistance to those of you need it." Twilight clarified. "I know Griffonstone isn't exactly in its best shape right now, and that Mt. Aris is still building itself back up after the Hippogriffs were forced to hide from the Storm King-"

"Now hang on just a flappin' second!" Grandpa Gruff scowled. "The Griffons aren't some charity case! We may not have much money, but we still have our pride, our dignity!"

"I didn't mean to insult you-" Twilight started.

"Well, you did." Grandpa Gruff scoffed. "You think we Griffons can't get by without help?"

"What wrong with getting help?" Prince Rutherford asked. "When yaks need help, they expect friends to give help."

"We don't need any help!" Grandpa Gruff said stubbornly.

"I understand if you don't want to accept the favor." Twilight admitted. "We have no intention of forcing anything on anycreature. These are all just offers, to be taken or left as you see fit."

"Good." Grandpa Gruff growled, satisfied.

"Maybe we should move on to the next item of discussion." Thorax suggested, a little unnerved by the sudden disagreement.

"Right." Twilight nodded. "I have some thoughts regarding greater integration between our societies: joint projects, unity treaties, and possibly even the enrollment of new students for the School of Friendship's new semester."

"Yaks happy to enroll new yak students in friendship school!" Prince Rutherford announced. "Yona make school better, so more yaks make it even better! Yak math!"

"Right." Grandpa Gruff sneered. "Like throwing in a bunch more smelly hairballs makes every place great..."

"Yaks proud of of hair and smell!" Prince Rutherford shot back. "Those what make yaks yaks!"

"Okay, let's try and get back on-topic." Twilight suggested, eager to defuse the situation. "Does anycreature have any suggestions, or requests?"

"As long as you're asking, how about getting rid of those Dragonsneeze trees down the street?" Ember requested. "If integration's what you're after, it might help if every dragon who visited Canterlot didn't run the risk of burning down the place..."

"I second that." Spike grinned.

"...Good note." Twilight admitted. "I'll have a talk with the city landscapers, see if they can't rid of those trees as soon as possible."

"Great." Ember smiled.

"I was thinking that maybe you could share with the Changelings some of your Royal Guards' techniques." Thorax spoke up. "My brother Pharynx is already helping the hive to toughen up so we can defend ourselves against threats, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little extra assistance from our neighbors."

"I'll definitely look into that." Twilight pledged. "The Guards have many routines and defensive maneuvers I think could easily be adapted by the Changelings.

"Thank you, Princess." Thorax smiled. "The hive is always ready to accept help, but being able to stand strong by ourselves is important, too. Our friends have already done so much for us, and I don't want the Changelings to become too dependent on outside assistance." He chuckled wryly. "And I know Pharynx wouldn't like that, either."

"As long as you know we're there for you when you need us." Twilight nodded. "And if any of the hive like what they learn, they're always welcome to enroll in the Royal Guard's ranks."

"I'll be sure to let them know that." Thorax smiled. "I know a few who'd look pretty good in gold..."

"Heh." Grandpa Gruff scoffed. "You'd never see a Griffon decked out in that gaudy armor, mark my words..."

"What wrong with armor?" Prince Rutherford frowned. "Great yak warriors all wear armor!"

"Again with how 'great' yaks are." Grandpa Gruff rolled his eyes. "Is that the only thing you hairballs can talk about: yourselves?"

"Yaks proud of being yaks." Prince Rutherford retorted. "So why should yaks not say it?"

"How about we try and stay on-topic?" Thorax said awkwardly. "We could start with one or two techniques, and see how it goes..."

"If you ask me, all this talk of combat training is sounding a little suspicious." Queen Novo glared at Thorax.

"W-what are you talking about?" Thorax asked nervously, finally aware of the odd look Queen Novo had giving him.

"Don't think I haven't done my homework on everycreature here." Queen Novo remarked. "I know all about what the Changelings used to be: marauders, who went from place to place, trying to attack and conquer. Sounds a little too much like the Storm Guard for my tastes..."

"But we're not like that anymore." Thorax insisted. "That's all in the past. We've embraced a whole new way of life, all thanks to our pony friends."

"The whole species just up and changed?" Queen Novo said skeptically. "Just like that?"

"Well, there were a few holdouts who wanted to stick to the old ways..." Thorax admitted. "But they were all convinced to accept the new ways sooner or later."

"How convenient." Queen Novo scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thorax frowned.

"Oh, nothing." Queen Novo said sarcastically. "Just that it's pretty suspect for a whole species to change overnight."

"You think we're just pretending?" Thorax gaped. "That's ridiculous!"

"Is it?" Queen Novo sneered. "Or are you just waiting for us all to let our guard down, so you can strike?"

"Back off, Queenie." Ember stepped up to defend Thorax. "I know Thorax, and he's nothing like that."

"Thank you, Ember." Thorax smiled.

"He's way too big of a softie to try anything like that." Ember declared.

"Gee, thanks..." Thorax sighed.

"And you're sure of that?" Rain Shine butted in. "Even up in the Peaks of Peril, we Kirin have also heard tales of the Changelings of old. How they resorted to underhanded tactics to get what they wanted. Subterfuge and deception, hiding in plain sight..."

"A very good point." Queen Novo smirked. "I like the way you think."

"Like the two of you can really talk." Ember said dismissively.

".... What's that supposed to mean?" Queen Novo frowned.

"Oh, please." Ember sneered. "You both had your species hide away for years, like cowards."

"Cowards?!" Queen Novo snarled.

"It's hardly our fault the Peaks of Peril are so out of the way!" Rain Shine glowered.

"And you never decided to drop by the neighbors for a visit?" Ember jabbed. "Yeah, that's real friendly..."

"W-we had our reasons!" Rain Shine retorted, a small wisp of flame coming into being above her mane.

"What's wrong with your mane?" Thorax asked nervously.

"Oh, er... Kirins turn into fiery creatures called Nirik when they get really angry." Spike admitted awkwardly.

"And you didn't think that was something you should've shared with the rest of us before you invited her?!" Grandpa Gruff said indignantly.

"For once, yak agree with Griffon." Prince Rutherford declared, moving away from Rain Shine. "Yak fur full and silky, but also very flammable..."

"You have nothing to fear at the moment." Rain Shine insisted. "I have my temper under control... As long as nocreature provokes me further." She glared at Ember.

"Is that a threat?" Ember growled. "Because it's not a very good one. Dragons are fireproof! Or did you miss that little fact while you were hiding?"

"We were not hiding!" Rain Shine snarled, her mane flaring up again.

"Easy, easy!" Thorax tried to diffuse the situation.

"Playing peacemaker?" Queen Novo sneered. "Not buying it, pal!"

"Okay!" Twilight said a little more loudly then she'd intended. "I think this may be a good time for us to take a short break."

"Fine with me." Grandpa Gruff cast a disgusted glance at Prince Rutherford. "I could use some fresh air!"

"And yak could use break from all of Griffon's hot air!" Prince Rutherford retorted.

"I could do with a little less accusatory stares!" Thorax snarled in Queen Novo's direction.

"Too close to the truth, right?" Queen Novo sneered.

"What part of 'back off' don't you understand, fishface?" Ember glowered at Queen Novo.

"I'm starting to miss the solitude of the Peaks of Peril more and more..." Rain Shine muttered.

Everycreature marched out of the room, keeping their distance from each other. Twilight and Spike followed soon after, stepping out into the courtyard.

"That didn't go as well as I'd hoped." Twilight frowned.

"Yeah, things got pretty heated." Spike agreed.

"I knew there would be some bumps in the road, but still..." Twilight sighed. "I brought them here so we could all grow closer together, but instead, they're acting like they're ready to tear each other apart!"

"Easy, Twi." Spike attempted to calm her. "Like you said, these are just bumps in the road-"

"More like an entire mountain range..." Twilight groaned. "I need to find some way to get everycreature back on the same page, but that's easier said than done..."

"You'll figure it out." Spike assured her. "Princess of Friendship, remember?"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Twilight said gratefully. "But it'll take more than confidence to bring those six back together."

"Too bad there isn't another bunch of villains threatening Equestria right now." Spike joked. "They didn't have any problems working together the last time."

Twilight's eyes widened in realisation.

"Spike, that's it!" She beamed.

"...It is?" Spike frowned in confusion. "Okay, but I have no idea where we're going to find a bunch of villains at this hour..."

"Not that." Twilight chuckled. "We just need to remind them of how strong we can be when we all work together toward a common goal."

"That's the Twilight I know and love." Spike gave her a thumbs up.

"And that's is why I made you my royal advisor." Twilight smiled. "You always know just what to say to help me get back on track, to remind me to believe in myself, and in my mission."

"Hey, it's what I do." Spike said humbly. "Even when I don't know I'm doing it..."

"And now it's time for me to do what I do: Bring everycreature closer together.." Twilight said boldly. "Ready to help?"

"Always." Spike nodded.

The Princess and her Royal Advisor returned to the conference room. The other leaders had also chosen to return, but the mood between them all was decidely sour.

"I'm glad you all chose to come back." Twilight declared.

"Yak only come back for Princess pony's sake." Prince Rutherford said bluntly. "Ponies have always been good friends to yaks." He glared at Grandpa Gruff. "Not like Griffons!"

"And I'm still here because I want to hear these offers you've got for me." Grandpa Gruff pointedly looked away from the yak prince.

"Somecreature's got to keep an eye on things." Queen Novo remarked, giving Thorax another dirty look.

"Whatever you think of me, it isn't true!" Thorax glared back.

"I was just about to say that to this one." Rain Shine glared at Ember.

"Whatever, little miss temper tantrum." Ember scowled.

"I know we all have our differences." Twilight admitted. "And sometimes, differences can drive us apart if we let them. But those same differences can also bring us together, by embracing what's unique about each of us, taking the best examples so we can all become better."

The majority of leaders looked skeptical.

"I won't deny that things aren't exactly at their best right now." Twilight continued. "But I know we can all work together to achieve great things, because it's been done before. It wasn't so long ago that all your races stood together with the ponies to help defeat Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow. On that day, you all put aside your differences for the greater good."

"...My niece made a compelling argument." Queen Novo shrugged.

"So did Ocellus." Thorax added.

"Smolder really struck a chord with the other dragons." Ember smiled proudly. "As a whole, the species were never big on helping, but she got through to them. I didn't even have to use my authority as Dragon Lord to order them to help!"

"Yona talk good too." Prince Rutherford declared. "Show yaks we all stronger together."

The others glanced at Grandpa Gruff.

"...Eh, Gallus did okay too, I guess." He said flatly. "Maybe that school of yours is doing something right after all..."

"I know it's done wonders for Ocellus." Thorax smiled. "She's really come out of her shell since she started attending."

"Silverstream always raves about your school when she's home." Queen Novo noted fondly. "And her friends. Like the Changeling. She talks about how this Ocellus is always willing to help her with her schoolwork..." Her face fell, as she started to regret her earlier treatment of Thorax.

"Yona is same." Prince Rutherford grinned. "She always talk about friends. How Changeling smart, Hippogriff fun, Griffon clever, dragon tough, pony kind... All different creatures, but no less important to Yona. Yaks may be best, but way Yona talk about friends make yak think other creatures very nearly as good... even Griffons." He added reluctantly.

"That's one of the reasons the School of Friendship exists: so that everycreature can learn to see the best of each other." Twilight smiled.

"This school of yours sounds like quite the institution." Rain Shine noted. "Perhaps I will see my way clear to enrolling one of my Kirin next semester..."

"And that Kirin would be more than welcome." Twilight assured her. "Just as all creatures will be welcome in Equestria under my rule. We may be different on the outside, but inside, I think we're more similar than dissimilar. We all want the same thing: to do what's best for our subjects. That's why all of you are here, because you want to make things better for them. And the best chance we all have of making that a reality is by working together. By putting aside our differences, and connecting over our common goals."

The leaders shared unsure looks.

"I know some of you don't know each other that well." Twilight acknowledged. "And that there are some amongst you that even I don't know that well. But if we're all willing to take the time to get to know each other better, even work with each other, there may be no limit to what we can achieve."

The leaders were silent for a moment.

"The world is so much bigger than the Kirin ever imagined." Rain Shine admitted. "So much has changed from what we remember of our last few interactions with the outside. I suppose I did find that somewhat daunting. But perhaps it doesn't have to be. Perhaps it is time for the Kirin to venture out into the world, and learn more about our neighbors..." She smiled in Ember's direction. "...Even if they're not all fireproof."

"Good call." Ember smirked.

"Maybe I judged you a little too quickly." Queen Novo admitted to Thorax. "If your hive can produce somecreature Silverstream thinks is good enough to be her friend, then you might not as bad as I thought."

"Thanks." Thorax smiled. "We Changelings do have quite the checkered past, but we're doing everything we can to work toward a brighter future. And part of that future involves working with our neighbors and making new friendships. I hope that one day, the Changelings can consider you and the Hippogriffs friends."

"How about we make that day today?" Queen Novo offered her claw.

"Glad to." Thorax smiled, giving her his hoof to shake.

Grandpa Gruff rolled his eyes at the show of friendliness before him. He then realised Prince Rutherford was looking at him.

"What?" He scowled. "You're not expecting me to get all mushy, are ya? Griffons don't do mushy!"

"Yaks not do mushy either." Prince Rutherford admitted. "There lot about Griffon yak don't like, but yak can respect Griffon's pride. Yaks proud too, so yaks can be proud to know those who are also proud. Griffon be proud of being proud!"

"Well, I'll be." Grandpa Gruff smirked. "That's the first time you've complimented anycreature other than yaks."

"It rare, but not unheard of." Prince Rutherford joked. "First, creatures have to earn yak's respect. And Griffon has."

"A little recognition at last." Grandpa Gruff grinned. "I can appreciate that."

Twilight had to struggle to hold in her joy at seeing the leaders getting along.

"As good as it to see you finding common ground, we really should get back to the discussion." She announced. "Does anycreature have a request?"

"I believe something was said earlier of cultural exchange." Rain Shine recalled. "I believe the Kirin would benefit from learning as much about our neighbors as possible. And we would be more than happy to share our own traditions with everycreature here."

"Equestria would be happy to accomodate you." Twilight smiled. "What about the rest of you?"

"The Changelings would be honored." Thorax nodded.

"Ditto for the Hippogriffs." Queen Nove added.

"Dragons don't have that much of a culture, but we'll share what we can." Ember agreed.

"Yaks glad to share what make yaks best!" Prince Rutherford cheered.

"Eh, why not?" Grandpa Gruff shrugged. "Hardly seems fair for the Griffons to miss out on this..."

"Thank you all." Rain Shine smiled. "The Kirin will not forget this kindness. We will be certain to return it at any opportunity."

Twilight wiped a tear of happiness from her eye.

'The Magic of Friendship in action.' She thought proudly. 'I never get tired of seeing it...'

Some time later, the six leaders departed from the castle. Maybe agreements had been made, and offers accepted, and while there would be more to do in future, for now, they were satisified.

"Way to go, Twilight." Spike grinned, flying by Twilight's side as they waved off their guests. "I know you could do it."

"With the help of my trusted Royal Advisor." Twilight smiled, hugging him.

"You know it." Spike chuckled. "Guess we can call this a 'win', after all, huh?"

"Hopefully, the first of many." Twilight said optimistically. "As long as we have our friends, we'll one day be able to make not just Equestria, but the whole world, a better place."

"No pressure, right?" Spike joked.

"Come on, Royal Advisor." Twilight chuckled. "Time for a well-deserved dinner."

"You read my mind." Spike nodded happily.

The two went back inside the castle, exhausted yet elated. Their work had only just begun, but it was a very promising beginning that had been made that day, one that they and Twilight's fellow leaders would build upon in the weeks, months, and years to come...