• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,878 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

  • ...

Polished Marble

Pinkie Pie, usually seen working behind the counter at Sugarcube Corner, was currently sat at a table at the bakery, with her sisters, Maud, Limestone and Marble. A plentiful and varied supply of sweet treats was spread out on the table.

"I'm so glad you could all find the time to visit!" Pinkie smiled. "We're all so busy these days, it's tricky to get a day where we can all just hang out together like the amazing sisters we are!"

"Yeah, well... things are pretty slow on the old rock farm right now." Limestone shrugged awkwardly. "You know how it is."

"What she means is that she's glad to be here." Maud said in her classic deadpan style. "We all are. Right, Marble?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded.

"Aww, you guys are the best!" Pinkie pulled all three of her sisters into a big hug.

At that moment, the doors of Sugarcube Corner opened, and Big MacIntosh entered the bakery. Marble's eyes locked on him, observing intently as he made his way to the counter, where Sugar Belle was working.

"Oh, hi, Big Mac." Sugar Belle smiled, having just just placed some freshly-made muffins in the oven. "It's so sweet of you to visit."

"Eeyup." Big Mac grinned, kissing his wife on the forehead.

Marble's face fell. She looked away, unable to take seeing any further displays of affection between the two of them.

"Uh... Marble?" Pinkie frowned. "You okay?"

Marble couldn't bring herself to answer.

After a few more lovey-dovey moments, Big Mac departed, taking with him an apple turnover.

"Have a good day at work, sweetie!" Sugar Belle waved.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac waved back.

Once Big Mac was no longer in sight, Marble hung her head in sorrow.

"What's wrong, Marble?" Pinkie asked. "Is it the treats? Too sweet? No, that's impossible..."

"It's not the treats, Pinkie." Limestone scowled, exasperated by her sister's obliviousness. "It's Big Mac."

"Big Mac?" Pinkie echoed, perplexed. "What does Big Mac have to do with this?"

"Marble has a crush on him, Pinkie." Maud pointed out the obvious.

"WHAT?!" Pinkie yelped.

Naturally, Pinkie's outburst drew Sugar Belle's attention.

"Is something wrong, Pinkie?" She asked.

"Oh, uh... nothing!" Pinkie said quickly. "Nothing at all. It's just... some treats are just so good you have to stand up and say 'Whaaaat?!', you know?"

"...Oh, okay." Sugar Belle shrugged, used enough to Pinkie's antics to buy that. "Glad you like it."

"We like it so much, we were just about to ask for some more!" Pinkie smiled. "Please and thank you!"

"No problem." Sugar Belle smiled back. "Just give me a minute or two."

As Sugar Belle made her way into the kitchen, Pinkie turned to face Marble.

"You have a crush on Big Mac?" She gaped. "Since when?"

"I'm thinking since that Hearth's Warming our families spent together." Maud chimed in. "Right, Marble?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded sadly.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Pinkie asked. "To him, or even us, your own sisters?"

"That's kinda obvious, don't ya think?" Limestone said bluntly. "This is Marble we're talking about, remember? You really think she'd have the nerve to tell a guy she likes him? Or even admit it to anypony else?" Maud and Pinkie glared at her. "What? You know it's true! I'm just telling it like it is!"

"There's telling it like it is, and then there's just being tactless." Maud said flatly. "And believe me, I know the difference."

"Well, excuse me for pointing out the obvious!" Limestone scowled.

"Oh, Marble." Pinkie comforted her baby sister. "I'm so sorry. And here I was, thinking Big Mac and Sugar Belle were a perfect couple."

Marble cringed at Pinkie's words.

"Sorry." Pinkie cringed back. "I really shouldn't have said that."

"It's not your fault, Pinkie." Maud said fairly. "You didn't know. None of us did." She placed a hoof on Marble's shoulder. "But I do know a little something about what it's like to have such powerful feelings for a stallion. When I first met Mudbriar, something just... clicked between us. It was like I had found something I didn't even know I had been looking for. This may sound a little corny, but when Mudbriar and I are together, I feel like I could take on the whole world."

"Aww, that's so beautiful!" Pinkie cooed. "I know I had my problems with Mudbriar to begin with, but I can see now how much being with him makes you happy!"

"Not that I'd know anything about that." Limestone added, eyes darting to the side. "Nope, not me. Not ever..."

All the talk about Maud's relationship with Mudbriar wasn't exactly making Marble feel better about her own situation.

"Sorry, Marble." Maud quickly picked up on her little sister's vibe. "I didn't mean to gush like that. Guess my example kind of got away from me."

"Sorry if this sounds 'tactless'." Limestone paused to throw a glare at Maud. "But there's not really anything that can be done about it now. Big Mac is married. Y'know, off the market."

"We can do something to cheer Marble up, that's for sure." Pinkie declared.

"And would this 'something' be a party?" Limestone scoffed.

"Come on, Limestone." Pinkie pouted. "Gimme a little more credit than that. What Marble needs is help moving on from Big Mac. There's so much more to life than romance, you know."

"Something else I wouldn't know anything about..." Limestone muttered.

"What Marble needs is to shake off those sad feelings and look on the bright side!" Pinkie smiled. "Doesn't that sound good, Marble?"

"M-mm-hmm." Marble said hesitantly.

"Great!" Pinkie cheered. "Then let's head on out of here and see some of Ponyville's best sights. And I just where to start!"

"This oughta be good..." Limestone said cynically.

Pinkie lead her sisters to Sweet Feather Sanctuary, where Fluttershy was tending to her animal friends.

"Mornin', Fluttershy!" Pinkie smiled as she bounced over to her friend.

"Oh, hi, Pinkie." Fluttershy smiled back. She then noted Pinkie's companions. "And hello to all of you, too."

"Hope you don't mind us dropping in unannounced like this." Pinkie declared. "I just wanted to show my sister Marble how wonderful nature can be. and where better to start than with your wonderful sanctuary?"

"Well, you're welcome to take a look around." Fluttershy smiled. "Just be sure not to get too close to some of the animals. They're in recovery, and shouldn't be disturbed."

"Will do!" Pinkie nodded. "Come on, gals!"

"Why are we here again?" Limestone asked.

"Because if there's one thing I've learned from Fluttershy, it's that the beauty of nature can really help a pony feel good about the world." Pinkie declared. "Just look around. Blue skies, sparkling water..."

"Way too much color, if you ask me." Limestone scowled. "Give me the rich grays and browns of the rock farm any day..."

"Pinkie may have a point." Maud declared. "Waking up to the gleaming crystals and cascading waterfall of my grotto always does wonders for my mood."

"Okay, fine." Limestone rolled her eyes. "Let's give it a shot."

"Look around, Marble." Pinkie placed a hoof on her baby sister's shoulder. "Take in the wondrous majesty of nature!"

"Mm-hmm." Marble said awkwardly.

As she looked around awkwardly, her eyes fell on a group of sea otters floating on their backs in the lake. Such an adorable sight was difficult to resist.

"I think it's working!" Pinkie hissed excitedly.

Marble smiled as she continued to take in the sights of many adorable little animals frolicking and scampering about. For a moment, it seemed like Pinkie's plan was working.

Just then, a pair of lovebirds fluttered over to a nearby tree branch and started nuzzling each other. Seeing their display of affection, Marble couldn't help but be reminded of Big Mac and Sugar Belle's similar display of love. She lowered her head, once again succumbing to her feelings of heartbreak.

"Marble?" Pinkie frowned. "You okay?"

Marble turned and started walking away from the tree with the happy bird couple perched on it.

"Great idea, Pinkie." Limestone said sarcastically. She threw a glare at the lovebirds. "Way to rub it in, feather-heads! We get it, you're in love! No need to broadcast it!"

"Come on, Marble." Pinkie tried to assure her sister. "Give this place a chance. There's still so much more to see..."

As Pinkie tried to lad Marble away from the offending sight, she accidentally brought a pair of cuddling bunnies into Marble's line of sight.

"Ooh..." She turned Marble in another direction, which accidentally caused her to see a happy chinchilla couple. "Oh, come on!" Pinkie scowled. "Is this a animal sanctuary, or an animal dating service?!"

"Perhaps being in the wondrous majesty of nature isn't what Marble needs right now." Maud noted.

"So what do you suggest?" Limestone asked. "Hope it's better than throwing cutesy animals at her..."

"I'm all ears." Pinkie smiled. "We all know how smart you are, Doctor Pie. I'll bet you have a great idea!"

"In fairness, my area of expertise is rocks, not personal issues." Maud humbly pointed out. "But I'm thinking that what Marble needs is a way to feel better about herself."

"You just might be onto something there." Limestone admitted. "Better idea than sightseeing, at least..."

"I knew it!" Pinkie grinned. "Don't we just have the smartest sister in all of Equestria?"

"Just one question: where do we go to help Marble feel better about herself?" Limestone inquired.

"If I recall correctly, one of Pinkie's other friends specializes in that field." Maud declared. "A certain unicorn, who owns a successful chain of fashion boutiques..."

"Oh, yeah! Rarity!" Pinkie smiled, recognition lighting up herself. "Rarity's all about helping ponies feel good about themselves! All it takes is the right dress!"

"Seriously?" Limestone frowned. "That's what we're going with?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Maud pointed.

"No." Limestone grumbled.

"Then we're giving this idea a shot." Maud smiled lightly.

"Sounds like fun!" Pinkie grinned. "Right, Marble?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble replied, more out of a desire to depart from the sight of many happy couples than anything else.

Barely an hour later, the sisters entered Carousel Boutique. Inside, Rarity was making some adjustments to one of many dresses.

"Hey, Rarity!" Pinkie called as she bounced over.

"Good morning, Pinkie." Rarity smiled, still in the midst of sewing. When she looked up from her work, she acknowledged the others. "Well, now. What brings all the Pie sisters to my humble establishment today?"

"None of your-!" Limestone started, before Maud placed a hoof over her mouth.

"Let's just say Marble is currently suffering from some heartache." Maud said tactfully. "And we're hoping to cheer her up. Pinkie tells us that your dresses may be able to help."

"They can do." Rarity smiled. "In my experience, a new, fabulous look on the outside can help a pony feel good on the inside."

"Whattaya think, Marble?" Pinkie inquired. "Worth a try, right?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded awkwardly.

"Wonderful." Rarity smiled. "Now, please stand over here so I can take your measurements."

Rarity lead Marble over to the runway, bringing over her measuring tape with her magic.

"Let's see now..." Rarity held out the tape, slowly and carefully taking each measurement and committing them to memory. "Yes, I think I may have one or two outfits that would suit you very well, darling." Putting aside the tape, she perused the nearby rack of dress, examining each one in turn with a practiced, discerning look. "Ah, there we are!"

Rarity brought over a powder-blue ballgown with white trim and silvery bows.

"This should look wonderful on you." Rarity smiled. "It'll really bring out your eyes."

"Go ahead, Marble. Try it on!" Pinkie urged.

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded. She took the dress and stepped behind a changing screen. When she emerged, she did indeed look as good as Rarity hoped.

"You look magnificent, darling." Rarity smiled. "But don't take my word for it. Have a look for yourself."

Marble complied, taking a look at herself in a nearby full-length mirror. She smiled in surprise at how elegant she looked in her new dress.

"Well, what's the verdict?" Pinkie urged. "Looking good, right?"

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded.

"You probably won't be saying that when you see the price tag." Limestone sneered.

"Nonsense." Rarity shook her head. "Friends and family don't have to pay a thing. And any family of my friend Pinkie is family of mine, too."

As Marble continued admiring herself in the mirror, she saw something in the very corner of the reflection: a wedding dress sitting on a mannequin, exactly opposite a groom's suit. Once again, her face fell at the sight of an unwelcome reminder of a painful truth.

"...Marble?" Pinkie frowned.

"Here we go..." Limestone shook her head.

"What's the matter, darling?" Rarity asked, concerning lighting up her face. "Is it the dress? Too tight? Too loose?"

"I don't think it's the dress, Rarity." Maud assured her.

Rarity glanced in the mirror, and spotted the sight which had diminished Marble's mood.

"Oh, I see." She noted. "Sorry about that. Maybe I shouldn't have put those so prominently on display..."

"It's not your fault, Rarity." Pinkie assured her. "It's just that helping Marble with her heartache won't be as easy as we hoped."

"Well, you can still keep the dress." Rarity told Marble. "A gift, from me to you."

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded sadly.

The sisters quickly departed from the boutique, more downcast than ever.

"So much for that idea." Limestone frowned.

"Sorry, Marble." Maud apologized. "I was so sure that would help..."

"We can't give up!" Pinkie said firmly. "We just have to keep trying! ...Anypony got any more ideas?"

"Do I look like I know how to cheer ponies up?" Limestone scoffed. "Not like I could come up with anything actually work, anyway...."

"That's no reason to stop trying!" Pinkie insisted.

"Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm!" Marble cleared her throat, grabbing her sisters' attention. As they turned to look at her, she took a deep breath. "I appreciate what you're all trying to do, but maybe we should call it a day. I know you're just trying to help, but it really isn't necessary."

The rest of the Pie sisters were slightly nonplussed. While they had on rare occasions heard Marble speak full sentences in the past, it was usually done in the privacy of their family home. For her to speak up in a public place was truly unprecedented.

"I won't deny I'm hurting right now." Marble continued. "And you want to help me feel better, but there really isn't a quick fix here. I just need time to process these feelings, and work my way through it, no matter how long it takes."

"Are you sure, Marble?" Pinkie asked, the first of the sisters to regain her composure.

"I'm sure." Marble smiled warmly. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up, though. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, what are sisters for?" Pinkie smiled. "The last thing anyone of us want is for you to be sad, baby sis."

"I know." Marble nodded. "But sometimes, it just can't be helped. I'm sad, and it hurts. All I can do is take this one day at a time."

"That's the spirit, Marble." Maud smiled.

"And here I was, getting worried that this would affect your work output." Limestone half-joked.

"Funny, Limestone." Maud said sarcastically. "Ever think of trying standup?"

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm beat." Pinkie declared. "How about we get one last cupcake at Sugarcube Corner before calling it a day?"

"After walking from one end of this place to another, how can I say 'no'?" Limestone smirked.

"I could eat." Maud nodded.

"You okay going back, Marble?" Pinkie asked. "I know Sugar Belle is there..."

"I'll be fine." Marble smiled.

"Then let's go!" Pinkie grinned.

As Pinkie playfully pushed Marble in the direction of her workplace, Marble suddenly collided with a passing pony.

"Oof!" The pony yelped.

"Ahh!" Marble yelped, losing her balance from the collision.

Just before she hit the ground, a hoof caught hers, and she found herself looking into the eyes of her savior. It was Goldengrape, one of Ponyville's lesser-known inhabitants.

"Sorry about that." He apologized. "Should have been looking where I was going. Are you okay?"

"I-I think so." Marble said awkwardly, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.

"I, er, don't think I've ever seen you around." Goldengrape pointed out, his cheeks also reddening slightly.

"Well, I'm not exactly from around here..." Marble admitted, reluctantly removing her hoof from his.

"Oh, I see." Goldengrape nodded. "Just visiting?"

"That's right." Marble nodded. "My sister works here. So I drop by when I can."

Pinkie and the others shared incredulous looks at Marble's continuing openness. Even Marble herself was surprised how the words seemed to flow so freely from her mouth.

"Well, if you can find the time, maybe I can help you get acquainted with Ponyville." Goldengrape offered. "There's this nice little tea room just a couple of streets away. Perhaps I could... take you there sometime?" His blush deepened.

"I'd... like that." Marble nodded.

"Great." Goldengrape smiled. "I'm Goldengrape, by the way."

"Marble." Marble replied.

"Nice to meet you, Marble." Goldengrape smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Goldengrape." Marble nodded.

"See you around." Goldengrape beamed as he made to depart. "Sooner rather than later, I hope."

"Me too." Marble chuckled.

As Goldengrape departed, Marble turned to her sisters.

"Well, are we going to get those cupcakes, or what?" She asked, before trotting forward in the direction of the bakery.

"I think Marble's gonna be okay." Pinkie smiled.

"Yeah, yeah." Limestone said awkwardly. "I'm happy for her. Just so long as her efficiency on the farm isn't affected. Sediment season's just around the corner, y'know..."

"You're all heart, Limestone." Maud gave her sister a wry smile. "Maybe we should try and get you a stallion next..."

"Y-yeah, right!" Limestone spluttered. "Like I really need a stallion to feel like my life is complete! Nuh-uh, no way!" She cleared her throat in a desperate attempt to regain her aloof attitude. "Now, about those cupcakes..."

Pinkie and Maud shared a look as they followed Marble and Limestone.

"Maybe we can help Limestone next..." Pinkie suggested.

"Maybe..." Maud smiled once more.

As different as they all were from each other, the Pie sisters held a bond that was truly unbreakable. Whatever tomorrow brought them, they could rest assured that they were always ready to help each other, no matter what.