• Published 16th May 2020
  • 1,878 Views, 315 Comments

A New Era - Bluecatcinema

Tales from Equestria under Twilight's rule.

  • ...

Dark Tides (Part Three)

Twilight was led to the lower levels of the palace, where the vault containing the Hippogriffs' most valuable and most dangerous relics was situated.

The door to the vault was ten feet tall, with an elaborate locking mechanism, and two guards standing in front of it.

"Take a break, guardstallions." Novo told the guards.

"Yes, your highness." One guard nodded, as they both moved away.

As the guards departed, Novo produced an ornate gold key-like object, and placed it into a hole in the center of the mechanism. She turned it to the right, then the left, then down, up, and to the left again. What followed was a cacophony of metal scraping and clanking, as the mechanism slowly unlocked. When the noise had stopped, Novo removed the key and pushed the door open.

As the two of them entered the vault, Twilight couldn't help but gaze in awe at all the ancient artefacts the room contained; a bejewelled skullcap, a suit of armor with odd runes engraved upon it, and much more.

"This isn't a sightseeing tour." Novo said brusquely, as she closed the door behind them (resulting in another cacophony of metal sounds). "You're here to focus on one item in particular."

"Of course." Twilight said sheepishly. "Sorry about that. When I see some ancient magical artefacts, I kinda get carried away."

"Of course you do." Novo muttered. "But the artefact that really matters right now is over here."

In a corner of the room resided the Staff of Stratosphira. It was solid gold, with a gleaming sapphire set into the top.

"Amazing..." Twilight smiled, as she admired the staff's craftsponyship.

"Not to rush you, but I'd prefer these wards get put up as soon as possible." Novo urged Twilight. "Who knows what Typhoon is planning to do with the staff..."

Unbeknownst to Novo, Skystar was outside the room. She had followed her mother and Twilight downstairs, narrowly evading the guards as they went to take their break, and was now attempting to eavesdrop by placing her ear against the door. Unfortunately, the door was too thick for her to make out much of what was being said.

"What's all this about a 'tycoon'?" She frowned. "Why would mom be worried about some business guy?"

Inside the vault, Twilight scrutinized the staff closely.

"Well?" Novo said impatiently. "Can it be done?"

"It can." Twilight nodded. "But can I examine the staff more closely first?"

"...Is that really necessary?" Novo inquired, oddly put off by the request.

"Not exactly." Twilight admitted. "But unless I can properly familiarise myself with the staff's magic, there's a risk that a warding spell could end up being a bad mix. It could cancel the magic out, or worse, result in a dangerous backlash of mystical energies. And I think we both want to avoid that particular scenario."

"...Agreed." Novo nodded reluctantly. "Do what you have to. Just do it as quickly as you can."

"Of course." Twilight nodded. As she lifted the staff in her magical aura, she failed to notice the odd look on Novo's face. "This shouldn't take too long. Feel free to return to your queenly duties while I deal with this."

"Oh, I'm fine staying here." Novo retorted. "Warding that staff is what matters most right now. And I'd prefer to see for myself whether or not it can be performed successfully."

"Okay..." Twilight said awkwardly. "Not exactly used to casting spells with an audience, but I can work with that..."

"Good to know." Novo nodded.

Outside, Skystar continued her attempts to eavesdrop, but to her frustration, the conversation had faded to nothing, and she could only hear odd, muffled sounds (the results of Twilight both examining the staff, and casting her warding spell upon it.

"What is going on in there?" She muttered.

After what seemed like an eternity, Skystar heard the door's locking mechanisms opening up again. She quickly made to hide around the corner, still hoping to overhear something that could explain to her what was going on.

"Good work, Twilight." Novo congratulated the Princess of Friendship. "Now that we know the Staff of Stratosphira is safe, I can rest a little easier."

"Happy to help." Twilight smiled. "But I've been thinking: maybe the staff isn't the only artefact that needs protecting. I could put together warding spells for the other artefacts in the vault. Of course I'll need to examine each of them thoroughly..."

"Thank you for the offer, but I think you've already done enough." Novo said bluntly.

"It's no trouble." Twilight said fairly. "And if there's even a chance the other artefacts are at risk-”

"You may be Princess of Equestria, but I am Queen of Mount Aeris." Novo said coldly. "And in my kingdom, my word is law. And I say I don't need you so much as looking at the rest of our artefacts."

"Oh." Twilight muttered, looking downcast at her offer of help being rejected. "I understand..."

Something about the look on Twilight's face, and what Novo had said, caused Skystar to finally snap.

"Seriously, mom?!" He emerged from out of hiding.

"Skystar?" Novo gaped at her daughter's sudden appearance. "What are you doing down here?"

"Never mind what I'm doing." Skystar scowled. "What are you doing, talking to Twilight like that?"

"Excuse me?" Novo frowned.

"Don't give me that." Skystar glared. "Twilight's offering to help, and you're just throwing it back in her face!"

"I appreciate Twilight's offer." Novo said, barely restraining her temper. "But it really isn't necessary. She's already accomplished what I requested of her, and no more assistance is required."

"You know what I think, mom?" Skystar growled. "I think you haven't really forgiven Twilight for what happened with the Pearl of Transformation!"

"Wh- That's ridiculous!" Novo spluttered.

Twilight's eyes widened, just as taken aback by Skystar's declaration as Novo.

"Is it?" Skystar glared at her mother. "You're keeping almost as close an eye on her as the guards are on me! Even after everything she's done for us, you're still holding that one mistake over her head! Acting like she can't be trusted, when she came all this way just to help us! Then again, maybe I shouldn't be surprised that you don't trust Twilight, since you don't even trust your own daughter enough to tell her what's been going on lately!"

"What's going on is none your concern!" Novo shot back.

"Well, I disagree!" Skystar growled. "Especially if it involves treating our guests like criminals! What kind of Queen does that?"

"That is enough!" Novo roared, her patience at its end. "Go to your room!"

"If it means getting away from you, then fine!" Skystar said spitefully, turning and marching past the returning guards.

"Guard, please escort the Princess to her room." Novo commanded. "Make sure she stays there."

"Yes, your highness." The guard followed after Skystar.

For a moment, Novo stood in place, trembling with anger. Twilight, who had remained silent during the family feud, debating with herself over saying something to Novo. But before she could decide, Novo's expression changed from anger to sorrow, and she ran down the corridor, weeping.

"Novo!" Twilight called, following after her.

Meanwhile, Skystar reached her room. Ignoring her escort, she charged inside and slammed the door shut. The orange light of the setting sun shone through the rooms window.

"That's it." She muttered to herself. "Since mom won't tell me what's going on, I'll just find somecreature who'll be a little more forthcoming. But first..."

Skystar gathered random items from around her room, and fashioned a crude dummy in her likeness. She placed the dummy on her bed, covered it with the blankets, then waited. Having had to endure being kept under watch for the last few days, she had learned the guards' routine, and had an idea of the best time to slip away without being noticed.

As the guard outside her room moved downward for changeover, Skystar reacted. Moving like lightning, she opened the window, and flipped around the corner (closing the window behind her). Hugging the walls, she took advantage of the waning daylight to slowly sneak away unseen.

Below, Novo had stormed into her throne room. Dismissing her guards, she collapsed into her throne, weeping over the disintegration of her relationship with Skystar.

In her despair, she barely held the doors opening.

"Queen Novo?" Twilight called, lowering the amulet she had just used to transition day into night.

"I am really not in the mood to talk right now." Novo wept. "Not now that my daughter hates me."

"Skystar doesn't hate you." Twilight comforted her. "She's just upset. Give her time, and she'll cool off. Then you can start to talk things out."

Novo looked at Twilight, utter bewilderment.

"You're trying to make me feel better?" She asked. "After what I said to you?"

"...Look, I don't blame you for not fully trusting me." Twilight sighed. "Trying to take the Pearl was one of the most shameful things I've ever done. A part of me will never forgive myself for that"

"But Skystar is right." Novo admitted, guilt flowing over her. "I have no right to hold this mistake over your head. Not after everything you've done for us afterward. You defeated the Storm King, accepted my niece into your school without a second thought... I should've let this go a long time ago. But it seems I have a habit of letting the past haunt me. Between Typhoon's actions and the Storm King's invasion, the idea of my family, my subjects, suffering any more than they already have, is unbearable to me."

"I know the feeling." Twilight empathised. "Equestria has faced so many threats, come so close to annihilation so many times... The last thing I want is for more threats to show up." She signed resignedly. "But threats just seem to keep showing up. And all I and my friends can do is just keep stepping up to face them."

"Well, now I feel a little silly." Novo smiled weakly. "You've faced all these threats in such a short amount of time, while we've only seen a couple these last few decades."

"It's not a competition." Twilight assured her. "Equestria just seems to be a magnet for trouble."

"But you and your friends seem to have a knack for dealing with that trouble." Novo noted. "No matter what, I've always admired that about you."

"Thanks." Twilight smiled. "It wasn't always easy, but having friends to help can make anything possible."

"With that in mind, I think I should start being a better friend to you." Novo beamed. "And I'm going to start by taking you up on your gracious offer to ward the other artefacts in our vault."

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked. "Like you said, it may not be necessary."

"Maybe not." Novo admitted. "But all the same, I've prefer they receive the best defense, from a pony I can trust."

"Thank you, Novo." Twilight smiled. "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't." Novo nodded kindly. "And once you're done, I think Skystar should be calmed enough that we can talk this out. It wouldn't hurt for me to trust her with the truth after all..."

Meanwhile, Skystar snuck over to the shores of Mt. Aeris. She leapt into the water, changing en route into her Seapony form. Once under the water, she smiled. It had been far too long since she had gotten a chance to swim again, and she was going to take a moment to enjoy it.

"Whoo!" She whooped, as she dived, spun and loop-de-looped through the aquatic environment.

After a few moments, Skystar swam over to Seaquestria's main settlement, her aim being for one building in particular; the home of her aunt Ocean Flow. Once she reached the front door, she took a moment to steel herself, then knocked.

Moments later, the door opened, with Terramar greeting Skystar.

"Oh, hey, cuz." Terramar said, a little surprised to see her. "A little late to be dropping by, isn't it?"

"Yeah, well... I just felt like visiting." Skystar shrugged awkwardly.

"Who's at the door, honey?" Ocean Flow called.

"It's just Skystar, mom." Terramar answered.

"Skystar? Really?" Ocean Flow walked over to the door.

"Hey, auntie." Skystar waved. "Hope you don't mind me dropping by so late."

"Oh, it's fine." Ocean Flow smiled. "Come in. If you're feeling hungry, we've got some leftovers from dinner. How does salmon steak sound?"

"Sounds great!" Skystar grinned, entering the house.

As Ocean Flow made her way into the kitchen, Terramar eyed his cousin suspiciously.

"No offense, but are you sure you should be here right now?" He asked. "I heard dad say something about tighter security at the palace before I came back down here."

"Oh, it's nothing." Skystar fibbed. "Just a temporary problem."

"If you say so..." Terramar mused. "Wanna play some barnacleball while you're waiting for your steak?"

"That does sound like fun." Skystar admitted truthfully. "But first I just need to talk to auntie Ocean Flow real quick."

"Oh, okay." Terramar shrugged. "Guess I can warm up a little first..."

"Great." Skystar nodded.

With Terramar nicely occupied, Skystar made her way to the kitchen. Ocean Flow was gathering utensils on to go with the salmon steak, which was being cooked above a heat-radiating crystal.

"Sorry to barge in like this, auntie." Skystar apologised. "But I kinda have a question for you."

"What kind of question, dear?" Ocean Flow asked.

"Well... You know mom pretty well, don't you?" Skystar prompted.

"Well, of course." Ocean Flow chuckled. "We are sisters, after all."

"I figured." Skystar chuckled. "That's why I thought you were the one to go to about this."

"About what, Skystar?" Ocean Flow asked, noticing that the steak was almost done.

"Did mom ever have some trouble with a guy named... Tycoon, was it?" Skystar inquired.

Ocean Flow almost dropped the plate she was carrying. Her horrified expression, though brief, was plain to see.

"She did, didn't she?" Skystar declared. "What happened with this Tycoon guy, and what does it have to do with me?"

"Not Tycoon... Typhoon." Ocean Flow said grimly.

"So you do know." Skystar frowned.

"I do." Ocean Flow nodded.

"Then please, tell me." Skystar pleaded.

"Novo wouldn't want me to..." Ocean Flow said, unsure.

"I have to know, auntie." Skystar urged. "Please."

"...Okay." Ocean Flow signed, placing the cooked steak on the plate and passing to Skystar. "But it's not going to be easy to hear."

"I need to hear the truth." Skystar said resolutely.

"Of course you do." Ocean Flow nodded. "It all started years ago..."

Back at the palace, Twilight and Novo were on their way back to the vault after their heart-to-heart. But their path was suddenly blocked by a frantic guard

"Your highness." The guard addressed Novo. "We have a situation."

"What is it?" Novo asked, unamused at the idea of more drama.

"I want to check on Princess Skystar, and found her room empty!" The guard revealed.

"What?!" Novo gasped.

"There was a dummy in her bed. And none of the other guards have seen her in the palace." The guard continued. "She may have left the grounds entirely."

"No, no, no, no..." Novo breathed heavily. "Form a search party immediately! Scour every inch of Mount Aeris! Skystar must be found immediately!"

"Yes, your highness!" The guard saluted, then rushed off to inform his fellows.

Novo turned to face Twilight.

"Forget about the artifacts." She announced. "Right now, finding Skystar is all that matters! I don't suppose you have any magic-based ideas?"

"I think I can put together a tracking spell." Twilight suggested. "All I'd need is one of Skystar's possessions."

"Then that is what you shall have." Novo nodded. "Follow me to Skystar's room! And please tell me this tracking spell can be cast quickly!"

"...Quickly enough." Twilight nodded, as she followed Novo down the halls.

"We can only hope..." Novo frowned.

At the same time, Skystar emerged from the ocean waters and walked onto Basalt Beach, downcast and horrified. Ocean Flow had told her everything, and she could barely comprehend it.

'My dad's brother is the reason he disappeared?' She thought, her stomach turning at the very thought. 'I can't believe it... and why didn't mom just tell me? She had plenty of chances over the years! It's not like I'm still a foal. She should have told me...'

Skystar was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't spot the only other figure on the beach until she bumped into him.

"Oh, sorry." She said awkwardly. "I didn't see you-"

"Well, fancy running into you here."

Skystar looked upon the figure she had bumped into, and shivered with unease at the sight before her.

It was Typhoon, but not as he once was. His right wing was broken and twisted, his mane was overgrown and scraggly, and his formerly-handsome face was lined and haggard. Despite this, he had a twisted smile on his beak.

"Little Skystar." He cackled lightly. "My, how you've grown..."

"Wh-who are you?" Skystar gaped.

"Why, I'm your old uncle Typhoon." Typhoon smirked. "And I'm here for a long overdue family reunion..."