• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,185 Views, 280 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

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After Izzy got Sunny, the ninjas, and the rest of the ponies disguised as unicorns they headed off further into Bridlewood. They walked down the path with the mutant ninjas groaning while walking on all fours.

“Oh, I don't know how you ponies can do this.” Lita groaned.

“I hope I don't get back problems from this.” Zink equally groaned.

“Don't worry, you're all doing great.” Sunny assured them.

They continued down a path which is much more brightly lit than the one they followed to reach Izzy's house.

“On the upside at least the forest's brighter in this part.” Zanna noted.

Izzy darted ahead with a bubbly giggle, stopping to gesture grandly at one of several sizable crystal formations that jut from the ground., “Ta-daaaaa! Crystals!” she zipped to three others in turn, “Crystals! Crystals! Crystals! Crystals! Crystals! Crystals!”

Zipp spoke to Sunny, “She does know we’re just looking for the one, right?”

“I don't know, I'm fond of seeing even regular crystals growing in a forest.” Mushroom admitted.

Sunny gave them a humoring smile, as they kept going, as Izzy was still pointing crystals out, “Crystals!” she then said softly dramatically, “Crystals.”

The group looked ahead seeing unicorns and their homes built into tree trunks/roots like Izzy’s.

“Unicorns,” Lita whispered, “Ok, everypony, this is it. Keep is casual."

Zanna started to strut forcefully, as Zink whispered, “She doesn't mean that casual!” So Zanna walked normally.

The group took in notice of the locals while noticing they were nothing like their excitable friend Izzy. They were more or less apathetic. They trudge about or sit listlessly on their haunches, heads down and countenances saturated with gloom; one old mare didn't even twitch when an apple falls from a branch and bounces off her head.

“Ow. Ow.” she said as it happened twice.

“That's gotta be a real concussion.” Mushroom said.

Elsewhere, one foal is trying to toss horseshoes onto the horn of another, with only limited success, as a teenage colt and mare watch.

“Hey.” The mare greeted emotionless.

“Hey.” The colt greeted in the same tone.

Even at playground none of the kids there seemed to be actually having fun. Two of them slumped over a swing and seesaw, and a third is very slowly coming down the slide as if it were covered with glue.

“Well, this is…cheerful.” Hitch said uneasy.

“Total Dullsville.” Zanna replied.

“These other unicorns seem soooo different than you.” Sunny told Izzy.

“Yeah wouldn't be hard to find Izzy if she got lost in this crowd.” Zink added.

Izzy nodded, “Yeah, I get that a lot. My sparkle is a bit too sparkly for Bridlewood.”

Hitch stops to inspect a crystal outcropping by the playground, “How can we tell which ones are magic?"

Suddenly, one of the unicorn colts pointed and called out, "Oooooh! You said a bad word!"

"Huh?" Hitch turned in confusion.

"Bad word?" Lita inquired.

"Hurry! Before we get jinxed!" The colt said to the other two.

Then the foals did something a very strange. They dropped to the ground and slowly stood up, hindquarters first, "Ahhhhhh..." They snorted and bobbed up and down before they stuck one leg out and each began bouncing in a small circle, while chanting, "Bing, bong! Bing, bong! Bing, bong! Bing, bong!"

The ponies and ninjas stared in bewilderment at the scene before them.

"What are we looking at here?" Mushroom asked in total confusion.

"Something hilarious, that's what!" Zanna said grinning.

"I'll say!" Zink added before she and Zanna laughed.

"Ooooookay..." Zipp turned to Izzy, "I'm gonna need some context."

"What exactly is... that?" Lita pointed at what the foals were doing.

"Unicorns are very superstitious," Izzy explained, "If a pony ever says a forbidden word, we have to do a ritual to ward off the jinxies."

"Jinxies?" Pipp echoed.

"Bad luck." Izzy clarified dramatically.

"Forbidden words?" Hitch asked.

Izzy listed off, "Magic", "wing", "feather"... Oh, and "mayonnaise"."

"Seriously?" Mushroom deadpanned.

"Uh, no offense, Izz," Zanna said, still chuckling, "But that's just dumb!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure none of those words cause any "jinxies"." Lita reasoned.

"And what's wrong with may—?" Hitch began when Izzy rushed forward and clamped a hoof over his mouth and tutted, "Uh-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dee dah-dah!" A passing unicorn in a beanie heard Hitch and was almost triggered. After a minute, the unicorn subsided and walked off.

After the unicorn left, Izzy released her hoof from Hitch's mouth as he gasped, “Well, we can be sure there's one type of sandwich you can't have around here.” Zanna noted.

“And who likes that on a sandwich anyway?” Zink asked rhetorically.

“Come on! There's something I want to show you." Izzy said trotting ahead.

They approached another tree home where they saw a sign reading Crystal Team Room, as indicated by the steam-emitting, teapot-shaped sign mounted above and to one side.

“The Crystal Tea Room?” Sunny asked.

“Izz, I don't think there's time for tea.” Mushroom said.

“There’s a pony inside who collects crystals. Maybe he could help us.” Izzy explained.

“That’s great, Izzy!” Sunny said in joy, “Oh, and Hitch-”

Hitch rolled his eyes knowing what she was gonna say, “I know, I know. No forbidden words.”

Inside the Crystal Team Room there were low stone tables; a raised stage area at the far end, backed by a stained-glass window; inadequate illumination from the glass and the overhead paper lanterns, framed drawings/paintings on the walls, candles on the tables.

While looking around, Zanna noticed a unicorn mare on the stage. She had a faded aquamarine coat, a dark purple mane drooped over one side of her face, and magenta eyes. She wore a maroon beret and matching scarf.

Next to her was a unicorn stallion played some bongos. He had a greenish brown coat, a green curly mane, and light green eyes. He wore a tan scarf.

"Earth pony jinx, something stinks," the mare recited in a low, apathetic voice, "Pegasus neighs..."

"Hey, Izz," Zanna asked, not taking her eyes off the mare, "Who's that?"

"Oh, that's Onyx, and her friend Dapple," Izzy answered, "She's a poet. And she's got an awesome way with words!"

"Yeah..." Zanna said, still staring at Onyx.

Lita called, "Zanna!"

Zanna shook back into focus, "Coming!" And hurried to catch up.

Soon, Izzy led them to a rust coated stallion who was laying his chin on a table, looking depressed like all the others.

"That's the pony I was talking about," Izzy whispered loudly, as the pony looked at her slightly annoyed.

"Thank you, Izzy," Lita deadpanned, then she and sat across from the pony, "Um, hello? Sorry to intrude but we were told you could help us?"

"Word in the forest is you collect crystals." Sunny inquired.

"Like the small blue kind." Zanna added in detail.

"Yes, I do. Well, I mean, I did," the pony explained, "I lost 'em all in a limbo contest with... Alphabittle!"

"Oh, no," Izzy suddenly looked worried.

"You lost them all?!" The ninjas exclaimed.

"Who's Alphabittle?" Sunny asked.

She was interrupted by the sound of a bell clanging. They turned toward a counter where a big unicorn stallion was ringing a bell. He had a gray coat and a wild white mane, sideburns, and a goatee.

"Time's up! Pass it over, Jasper." he said to another pony trying to solve a puzzle cube.

The pony, Jasper, groaned before handing the cube over with a sigh. With smug grin, Alphabittle solved the puzzle cube in seconds before he slammed it on the table in triumph.

"Guess that makes me the winner. Again," Alphabittle chuckled, "Pay up."

"Ugh. Fine," Jasper handed him a snow globe and walked away looking sad.

"You could always try winning it back!" Alphabittle offered, but Jasper didn't come back, "Alright, suit yourself." Alphabittle shrugged and placed the globe on a shelf with other things he presumably won off other ponies.

"Poor guy." Zanna said, as Jasper walked past them.

"I'm guessing that Alphabittle wins a lot?" Mushroom asked.

"The Undefeated Master of Games!" Izzy stated dramatically, "He never, ever, loses!"

"Wow! That's quite impressive." Lita said.

"Probably cause the smug jerk is taking advantage of these ponies lack of skill!" Zink assumed.

"Yeah, but I bet one of us could beat him," Zanna bragged.

Sunny glanced at Alphabittle's shelf and gasped when she saw a blue crystal sitting on it, "There it is! I've got an idea. Maybe I can beat Alphabittle at his own game."

"Are you sure about that, Sunny?" Lita asked.


"Wait. Alphabittle can smell fear," Izzy warned.

"Got it," Sunny replied, "Okay. Be cool." Then she strolled toward the counter, while Izzy groaned in worry.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Lita stated.

"She doesn't think things through, does she?" Mushroom asked Hitch.

"Nope." Hitch answered.

Sunny ambled up and took a seat some distance away from Alphabittle, who is wiping down the surface with a rag.

“Tea.” she requested.

At a nod from Alphabittle, one armadillo squeaks and slides a cup to her, while a second brings over a pot of milk/cream. She covered the cup with a hoof, “Hold the milk. Quite the game player, I see.” she noted the puzzle cube next to Alphabittle.

“It passes the time,” he admitted, before smiling craftily, now across from her, “Why? Do you play?”

“I don’t play. I win.”

Alphabittle started feeling intrigued, “Is that so?”

“Yeah, it is. And I challenge you…” she pointed behind him “…for that!”

Alphabittle noticed Sunny motioning at the Unicorn Crystal spoke to her, “You think you can beat me?”

“Only one way to find out.” she replied.

“Big talk for a little pony.”

“I think you’ll find I’m average height. Tick-tock. What do you say?”

“Whatever you’re bettin’, it better be special.” Alphabittle replied.

Still bearing a calculative smile, Sunny pulls the Pegasus Crystal from her saddlebag and lays it down, “Special enough for you?”

Her friends gasped in shock, followed by a widened pair of eyes on the game master’s face. Izzy scrambled over with an uneasy little giggle and draped her forelegs over Sunny’s shoulders in a silent cue to back away for the moment. They all gathered into a huddle, keeping their voices down.

“Um, w-what are you doing?” Zipp chuckled nervously.

“That's the Pegasus Crystal.” Lita reminded Sunny.

“Don’t worry. I could solve that cube puzzle in my sleep.”

“But if he wins, we’ll lose both crystals!” Pipp reminded her.

“We won’t. Trust me.”

“And if Sunny loses, we can just steal the two crystals back,” Zink added, the ponies looked at her in disbelief, “What, my sibs and I are ninja, remember?”

“Izzy!” Alphabittle called out, “If your friend is finished stalling, do we have a deal?”

Sunny answered confidently, “Deal. Now give me that cube.”

One armadillo walks the length of the counter with the puzzle balanced on its back, but Alphabittle snatched it away before Sunny can touch it.

“No, no, no, no, no,” Alphabittle tossed the puzzle aside and got into Sunny's face, “A special prize calls for a special competition. BRING FORTH THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!” A spot of white light lands on him to accentuate the dramatic pose he has struck.

“The ultimate what, now?” Sunny asked rattled.

Suddenly wheeled out was a wooden version of Dance Dance Revolution titled Just Prance, and set up before it was the two crystals on its own individual stand.

“A dancing game. Seriously?” Sunny asked unimpressed.

“Oh, I wish it was me,” Zanna groaned, “I'd totally win this.”

“Doubt you would on all fours,” Zink whispered, “So much for thinking it'd be an easy win.” Lita shushed her.

Onyx spoke up into a mic, “Both ponies agree. Best out of three.”

The two competitors move toward the grids as the older pony spoke to Sunny, “Let’s make this more interesting. You only need to win one out of three.”

“Well, that makes it easier for Sunny,” Zanna told the others, “She only just has to win one, right?”

“Yeah, but how good is Sunny's dancing?” Izzy asked Hitch?

“Medium at best?” Hitch answered in worry.

“Oh, this could be bad.” Izzy sighed.

“Way to stay positive, Izzy.” Mushroom replied sarcastically.

(It's Alright)

Sunny shot Alphabittle a narrow-eyed glare as they take their places. Two armadillos begin to run in wheels mounted behind the central console. A pattern of marks spins up on the grid, which Alphabittle easily duplicates with his steps as Sunny stares dumbfounded.

“He is good.” Lita gasped.

“Wow.” Pipp gasped.

Sunny finally makes her own move following the patterns. The pointer for the bar graph on Alphabittle’s side ticks up to the top, and a panel decorated with crowns pops out with an extra “#1” one dangling from it.

“Oh!” the mutant sisters groaned.

Alphabittle turned to Sunny with a laugh, “Yeah! That’s how you do it!”

“Yaaay.” the customers cheered dully.

“Jeez, if I lived here I'd wanna move.” Zink told the others.

Izzy spoke to a crestfallen Sunny, “I-It’s okay. You’re just warming up.”

“What can you do? Round two.” Onyx spoke.

The armadillos run in their wheels and the game resumes, but now Sunny is making a much better showing.

“Yeah, come on, Sunny!” Lita cheered with the others.

“You got this!” Hitch cheered.

Sunny looked up and uttered a gasp; sure enough, Alphabittle’s gauge has topped out once again and the congratulatory panel and “#1” crown are springing out on his side. The armadillos squeak their approval of the boss’s performance.

“Yeah! Critters, get my crystal polish ready, would you?” he gave a derisive chuckle.

“Round three. Who will it be?” Onyx asked.

"Oh, here goes nothing." Sunny moaned.

"TIME OUT!" Lita shouted and rushed over to Sunny, "Could you give us a moment please?" Lita requested politely.

Alphabittle groaned, "Fine. But make it snappy."

"Thanks," Lita says sweetly and brings Sunny over to the gang, "You need to relax, Sunny," Lita began, "You're thinking too hard on trying to win the game and the crystals."

"But how can I, Lita?" Sunny worried, "Alphabittle is better at dancing than me."

"You just need to dance without thinking." Lita suggested.

The four other ponies looked confused, "Huh?"

"Dance without thinking?" Sunny asked.

"Yes," Lita explained, "You see, when a ninja is fighting an opponent, a ninja must have a calm mind and wait for the right moment to attack," She then points her head, "But in a fight, you can't be up here."

"I've learned that the hard way Sunny," Mushroom exclaimed, "Sensei Donnie taught me that I must rely on the strength on my body instead of on my mind alone. He had the same problem too when he told me how he faced Dr. Falco and how he was able to face his spiritual adversary on the mountain."

"But I just don't understand how you can fight without thinking. How does that help me dance?" Sunny asked confused.

Lita turned to Zanna. They both smile and nodded to each other. Zanna puts on her headphones to listen to her music and starts dancing forward toward Lita with her eyes closed.

Lita smirked, "Observe."

She came up to Zanna and tried to punch her in the face. But Zanna dodged the attack by leaning back. Lita tried to swing chop back, only for Zanna who back flipped over her sister. Then, Lita tried to punch her again, but Zanna grabbed her fist, hasn't even opening her eyes for a second.

Sunny looked with wide eyes in shock and gasped. The others were equally impressed as well, “Whoa!”

Pipp got it all on video, "That was amazing!"

Lita turns to Sunny, "You see? Zanna does not think."

Zanna heard Lita say that and pointed to her sister "Thank you!" Zanna kept listening to her tunes.

"Your welcome," Lita replied. But then Lita tripped Zanna over knowing that's enough, "You must find the space between your thoughts and learn to live there. That's what Zanna does. Even Izzy."

"Yeah, but Zanna and Izzy got a lot more space in their thoughts than I do." Sunny looked back at the two and they both had big grins on their faces and laugh together.

Lita giggled, "Yes well, those two have their challenges too."

"Are you done yet?" Alphabittle called out impatiently.

Lita puts her disguised hand on Sunny's shoulder, "You got this, Sunny! Now go back there and win that crystal!"

Sunny gave a small smile and headed back to the console, "Ok. Relax. I can do this. I just have to dance without thinking. No thinking. No thinking," Sunny repeated in her head. Alphabittle started chuckling, as Sunny tried to drown him out, "Don't think, just do." she said quietly. But still scared inside.

The gang saw she was a beginning to worry again. Pipp called out to Sunny to give her confidence, "Hey, you hear that Sunny? Feel the rhythm take you over. You feeling it?"

Sunny looked back to her friends and smiled back, "Oh I'm feeling it. I'm feeling it!"

The two began their last dance game with Sunny more confident than ever, “Yeah you are Sunny! Yeah you do this Sunny! Whoo!” Pipp cheered with the others.

As they dance, Sunny was able to dance and keep up the speed. Alphabittle is in shock and was losing his focus. He couldn't stop looking at the color pattern and Sunny.

"You're dancing! You're dancing Sunny! Keep it up!" Lita cheered

The arrow for Sunny is rising up, while Alphabittle's was falling behind.

"Yes! She's doing it, she's doing it!" Hitch said excitedly.

"She's almost there!" Zink exclaimed.

Alphabittle still couldn't stop looking at both the color pattern and Sunny. Even one of the armadillos powering up the game couldn't keep up the speed. Sunny's arrows were rising faster than Alphabittle's.

"Yes! Yes! YES!" Zanna shouted.

Both Alphabittle and another armadillo were in most surprised. As the arrow struck, the bell rang, Sunny had won the game!

Sunny breathed, "We won." Alphabittle and unicorns gasped at the outcome.

"We won! We actually won!" Sunny cheered excitedly.

Her friends cheered and surrounded her, "Yes!" Hitch shouted.

Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp cheered, as well, "Way to go Sunny!" Zink congratulated.

"You were awesome!" Zanna cheered.

"Outstanding!" Mushroom cheered.

Lita stepped forward to Sunny, "I knew you could do it Sunny!"

Sunny pulled Lita in with a hug, "Thanks, Lita." she said softly.

Lita hugged her back, “What're friends for?”

The two smiled and jumped around cheering before the two shook their heads accidentally causing their fake unicorn horns to fly off and hit the floor rolling up to Alphabittle's hooves. The customers gasped, as Lita looked nervous, “Oh, no.”

Alphabittle looked up with a frown, "Earth ponies."

Pipp is now holding the Pegasus Crystal, and she and Zipp have dumped their shawls to leave their wings in full view., “And pegasi.”

“And a unicorn!” Izzy announced before realizing her misstep, “Which…you knew already!' Mushroom and Zink rolled their eyes.

Sunny tried to reason with the game master unicorn, “I know it doesn’t look like it, but we’re here to help.”

"Help? We don't need help. Especially from ponies like you," Alphabittle refused, then he and the other unicorns started toward the group, "Give me the crystal."

"But I won." Sunny protested.

"You tricked me," Alphabittle argued, closing in on her, "The crystal. Now!"

Suddenly, Lita stood between him and Sunny, "Hey! Sunny may have deceived you, but beating you in that dancing game was no trick!" She defended her friend, "And she's definitely not lying about wanting to help you all. Which she needs that crystal for. While you just want it to show that you're better than everypony!"

"Burn!" Zanna grinned.

"So with all due respect, Alphabittle, back off!" Lita warned.

However, Alphabittle was not fazed in the least and stared the albino one down, "If you were trying intimidate me, then you're sadly mistaken," He pointed a hoof at her, "You don't scare me. Especially cause you're smaller than your friend."

However, in one swift motion, Lita swatted his hoof away with one hand and gave him a hard shove with the other, pushing him back a few feet. Both Alphabittle and the other unicorns were surprised that a small pony like her actually pushed back a big unicorn like him.

Lita smirked, "Yeah, I may be small, but I'm scrappy!"

"Oh, and p.s, the four of us aren't Earth Ponies." Zink confessed.

"Well you sure look like Earth Ponies." Alphabittle said.

"Well, the thing about looks..." Mushroom began, as the sisters all stood up and threw off their gloves, showing their hands.

"They can be deceiving!" Zanna finished, wiggling her fingers.

The unicorns gasped in surprise, “Wh-what are they?” one of the customers asked in shock.

“We're mutants.” Mushroom answered.

“And we're ninjas.” Zink added.

“No matter, I want that crystal, and I want it now.” Alphabittle said firmly, as the ninjas were ready to fight, but Hitch thought of a quicker escape.

“Uh... Magic! Wing! Feather! MAYONNAISE!!!"

After a beat, Alphabittle said, "Bing!"

Then every unicorn went into ritual mode, "Bing-bong! Bing-bong! Bing-bong!"

Zink and Zanna burst out laughing, "Way funnier than the last one!" The former guffawed.

"Go, go, go!" Sunny ordered as they all fled, grabbing the crystals.

"Later haters!" Zanna remarked, before stopping before Onyx, “By the way, loved your poetry.” she ran past her leaving the unicorn mare surprised while still doing the ritual.

"You'll pay for this!" Alphabittle shouted.

As the gang burst out of the Crystal Tea Room, Izzy called back, "Sorry about that! Uh, thanks for the tea!" Mushroom threw a shuriken at the sign, making it fall in front of the door, blocking it off.

They ran through Bridlewood, as Zink spoke to Sunny and Lita, “So once again we're fleeing like fugitives!”

“Sorry, we didn't think the horns would come off that easy.” Sunny explained.

“So now where do we go?” Zanna asked, as the group stopped in their tracks gasping, as they saw somepony coming out from the bushes.

The pony revealed to be Haven with her mane/tail/coat a complete shamble, “Oh.” she said dazedly.

“Mom?” Pipp and Zipp gasped, as they galloped over to her.

“Oh, my darlings! Thank hoofness!” she said in relief.

“You escaped!” Zipp said happily.

“How did you find us?” Pipp wondered.

Out from the foliage came Cloudpuff who hurried rapidly and leaped towards Hitch tackling him to the ground making him give a scared yell. Once Hitch comes to, he finds that the pooch’s jaws are locked around the badge that he lost on the way to Bridlewood and instantly shifts to triumph.

“Ah, my badge!” he took it from the dog and held it up, “Yes!”

“Congrats, sheriff.” Zanna said.

“Even though that still doesn't matter outside Maretime Bay.” Mushroom reminded him.

“I'm just glad I have it back.” Hitch said in relief.

Haven continued to voice her relief to see her daughters, “Oh, I’m so glad I found my little fillies. Now I know that if you just come back with me, we can explain everything,” neither daughter looked comfortable with the idea, “Spin the story, and they’ll love us again. Right?”

Lita spoke up, “I think you've told enough lies to your subjects, Haven. Even if you had good intentions, it still wasn't the right way to go.”

“Lita's right, mom,” Pipp agreed surprising the queen, “Even I'm done living a lie.”

Before more could be said the sound of galloping hooves and rustling greenery approached and out came a hopping-mad Alphabittle along with several of his customers into the clearing. Gasps and mumbles the group were heard.

“Guess they got their ritual out of the way.” Zanna said.

“Just let us explain!” Sunny pleaded.

“There she is!” came the voice of Zoom, as she, Thunder, and two more pegasi guards arrived through the underbrush, “Your Criminal Highness, you’re coming with us!”

Thunder cried out in fear from Alphabittle and his customers, “Unicorns!” he hastily fished out a tennis ball and threw it at Alphabittle, intending to use it as a shield against the latter’s powers in the same manner it was deployed on Izzy. It only bounced off the irked pony's face, though.

“Give me back my crystals and leave Bridlewood!” Alphabittle ordered.

Haven spoke up in outrage, “Your crystals? That crystal belongs to me!”

“Not anymore, it doesn’t! I won it fair and square!” Alphabittle answered.

“Ha! I certainly doubt it.” Haven called the bluff as Zanna spoke to her.

“It's true. He's just mad he lost to an Earth Pony.” Alphabittle shot Zanna a frown making her nervous.

Haven continued to bash Alphabittle, “Unicorns are known to be cheaters.”

Alphabittle stomped up to her in response, “You pegasi always thought you were better than us!”

“Hey, that’s our Queen you’re talking to!” Zoom shouted.

“She’s not a queen here!” One of the unicorns shot back.

“Who do you think you are?” Zoom challenged them.

“We’re gonna zap you with our horns!” Another unicorn threatened.

“This is our land!…You’re not welcome here!” more unicorns threatened as a unicorn colt was getting nervous from all the hostility.

“Surrender the crystal, or I’ll use my powers against you!” Alphabittle threatened Haven.

“I’d like to see you try!” Haven challenged him.

Zink who had started twitching since the argument between the two sides started was on her last nerve, before she eventually screamed.


Not only did Zink's scream shut them up, but the revelation of neither side having magic surprised them all, “Bing-bong!” one of the unicorns quickly said.

Zink sighed in relief, as Zanna spoke, “You ok, sis?”

“Yeah. I just had to say something. But I'm good now.” Zink assured her.

Mushroom spoke up addressing the two sides, “They're right. None of you pegasi can fly, and none of you unicorns have magic. Basically you've all been living a paranoid lie for moons.”

“We don't know how it got started. But each pony tribe somehow felt the other tribes were your enemies because of what you thought they were capable of,” Lita continued, “But all this time you never had anything to actually be scared of. But we made friends with ponies from all three tribes.” she motioned to their five new friends who waved.

“Turns out, they're not so different from each other. Just like the rest of you.” Zink added, as the pegasi and unicorns looked at one another curiously.

Sunny continued, “Even though none of you has magic, we're here to bring it back.”

“Is it possible?” Jasper asked.

“Did she say magic?” Thunder asked Zoom.

“This is a trick.” Zoom answered skeptically.

“What'd I tell you about lightening up, Zoom?” Zanna scowled.

“I know it sounds unbelievable, but…please, just let us try.” Sunny pleaded.

“Please, Mom, trust us.” Zipp pleaded with her mom, as Pipp backed her up.

“You two?” Haven stammered, before sighing resignedly, “Fine.”

“You're wasting your time, kid.” Alphabittle said doubtingly.

“You'll change your tune soon enough.” Lita assured him.

Sunny and Izzy now stand alone on a plateau at one end of the clearing, all others ranged at various distances facing them. They hold the Pegasus and Unicorn Crystals, respectively.

“Ready, Izzy?” Sunny asked.

“Ready.” She confirmed.

“This is it.” Mushroom told her sibs.

“The moment of truth.” Zink added.

The two ponies slowly raise the stones toward each other, aligned to connect as Sunny hypothesized in Zephyr Heights; their friends watch with hopeful smiles, Pipp unfurling her wings as well. The spirit spreads to a couple of Alphabittle’s customers, and Haven’s eyes grow the merest fraction as the big guy’s stolid demeanor begins to crack. Next the eyes of Thunder and a customer next to him widen…the two crystals inch ever closer…their holders’ cheeks stretch with broadening smiles…and then the two gems click into place.

“AHH!” Zanna shouted expecting something big only for her to stop and see nothing's changed.

This caused the general mood of happy anticipation to melt into deep disappointment. Pipp folds in her wings as Sunny backs away, regarding the Pegasus Crystal.

“It...it...” Sunny stammered wondering what happened.

The colt from the playground looked to his dad, “Why didn’t it work, Daddy?”

“’Cause it was all just make-believe.” he answered in disappointment.

Sunny spoke nervously. “We can try it again! Maybe-maybe we-we did it wrong somehow.”

Unfortunately, the unicorns turned around and sulked back to their homes while the pegasi guards went the other way, “Wait, wait! Don’t go!” she tried putting the crystals together again hoping something to happen, “Oh, come on! Work!” Her friends; Hitch moves slowly toward her, “Work, please, work! Come on…”

Hitch spoke gently, “Sunny, it’s okay. You did everything you could.”

Sunny's voice started breaking, “I…I thought it would work. I was so, so sure of it.”

“We all were, Sunny.” Lita replied feeling just as downhearted as her.

Feeling lower than she probably ever has in her entire life, Sunny straightens up and trudges across the clearing.

“Well, what do we do now, Sunny?” Zipp asked hoping for a new plan.

Without a word, the downcast mare places the Unicorn Crystal on Alphabittle’s lifted hoof, then turns away from his thunderstruck expression to face Haven before giving the Pegasus Crystal back to her.

“I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you.” She plods back across the grass.

“Sunny, we can’t give up!” Pipp tried to reason with her.

“There must be something else we're missing.” Mushroom believed.

“I thought that I could make a difference.” Sunny answered them, before glumly watching the unicorns returning to their dreary lives; the colt who spoke up earlier gives her a brief, sad look over his shoulder as he walks alongside his father.

“Everywhere I go, I just make things worse.” Sunny said sadly.

“That’s not true,” Izzy spoke up, “We’re all in this together. Right?”

“Yeah.” Pipp agreed.

“Of course.” Zipp agreed, as Hitch nodded.

“We've come so far,” Zink explained, “In the beginning all pony tribes were just afraid of each other. But you proved magic or not they can all be friends.”

“What Zink said.” Zanna agreed.

Sunny spoke up still not swayed by their attempt to be optimistic, “I’m so sorry I let you all down.”

Turning her back on what remains of the gathering, she walked out of the clearing as if every hoof was heavy. Hitch began to follow her, but pauses upon feeling the weight of Izzy’s disbelieving gaze on his back and sighs, pivoting back to her.

“I guess this is goodbye…friends.” Hitch said in sorrow.

“Better hurry, Sheriff.” Zipp said shakily, as Hitch followed Sunny.

Lita who was just as down about what happened felt like the weight of the world was crushing her before following with her sisters who were just as concerned for their leader.

'We failed,' Lita thought, 'Sensei's. I'm so sorry.'