• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,186 Views, 280 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

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Maretime Bay

One night in New York, years had passed and now Lita and her weasel sisters, Zink, Zanna, and Mushroom had grown into teenagers.

The four were in the dojo meditating, with Zanna every so often scratching the back of her head. Suddenly the four felt another presence with them. They opened their eyes to see Leonardo kneeling before them. Leo had aura surrounding him as he smiled.

“Hello, girls.”

“Sensei.” they gasped, as they flashed back to an incident a few years ago. An incident that led to the unfortunate demise of Leo, Donnie, and Raph.

“It's nice to see you again.” Lita smiled.

“And it's good to see you four as well. You've grown so much since I last saw you,” Leo said, before noticing the dismal looks on their faces, “Don't beat yourselves up. We did what we were trained to do, protect our family.”

“We know, sensei.” Zink sighed.

“But I just had to come to warn you all.” Leo began in a warning tone.

“Warn us? Of what?” Mushroom asked, as they were curious.

“The four of you must go to Equestria.”

“Equestria?!” they asked in surprise.

“Yes. I sense there is trouble there, and it requires the four of you to help make things right.”

“But what can we do?” Zanna asked.

“All I know is you must seek out Sunny Starscout in Maretime Bay.”

“Sunny Starscout?” Lita asked.

“Maretime Bay?” Zink asked, as Leo nodded.

“So what do we do once we find her?” Mushroom asked.

“Everything will reveal itself, my students. But you must have faith.” Leo told them.

The four girl mutants looked at each other curiously, until Lita spoke up, “Sensei, we'll do all we can.”

Leo smiled, “Good luck, girls. And remember, we're always watching over you.” Leo then vanished.

Lita stood up and turned to her sisters, “Girls, gather what you need.” The Weasel mutants nodded, as they all headed for their rooms to grab the essentials.

Aside from packing ninja stars and smoke bombs, each of them grabbed their own ninja weapons. Lita grabbed two Tanto Blades and two Tessen Fans, Zink grabbed her bo-staff with a bladed spear on the end, Mushroom had a Fuduke Blowgun with darts in a pouch, and Zanna had a Chikiri Mace.

They met up in the lab section of the lair that was brimming with technology only the Utrom could possess. Mushroom dusted off an old portal projector that was re-tuned and refurbished.

“I've been working on this for awhile now, and now's the time to use it.” Mushroom said.

The other three nodded in agreement, as Mushroom was putting in the coordinates on the device until...

“What're you four doing up?”

The four jumped as they saw standing in the doorway of the lab was Michelangelo who looked even older than the last time.

“Sensei Michelangelo!” they gasped.

“We were just uh...” Zanna trailed off.

“You're going to Equestria, aren't you?” Mikey guessed.

“How did you know?” Lita asked.

Mikey smirked, “You think Leo only talks to you?” the four looked sheepish, “I had a dream of Leo telling me you four would have a big mission ahead of you in Equestria. And I assume he finally relayed that message to you?”

“More or less.” Zink replied.

“Then it is indeed time.” Mikey nodded in agreement.

“Any word of advice before we go, sensei?” Lita asked.

“Be careful. Equestria may not be the way it was during my time, so be prepared for anything.”

“Yes, sir.” Zink nodded.

“And look out for one another, help each other, and always have your friends backs.” Mikey continued.

“What friends?” Mushroom asked, “We don't know anybody there yet.”

“Except for this pony we're supposed to find. Sunny Starscout.” Zanna recalled.

Mikey nodded, “Sunny will be but one friend I know you will make while you're there.”

“Who else is there?” Lita asked, as her weasel sisters looked just as curious.

Mikey smirked, “That's the beauty of discovery, girls. You never know what you'll find.”

“Ugh, cryptic.” Zink grumbled.

“Alright, girls. Coordinates are set,” Mushroom began, “Fingers crossed.” She activated the portal projector that opened a portal for them.

“Well, girls. This is it.” Lita told her sisters.

“Go with care, my girls,” Mikey began, “And return safely.”

“We will not let you down, sensei,” Lita turned to her sisters, “It's Ninja Time!”

“Yeah!” the weasel girls cheered, as they charged into the portal that closed behind them.

Mikey smiled as he thought of his brothers, “Leo, Donnie, Raph. They're ready to take the next step in their training.”

The portal reopened up atop a building roof, and the four mutant girls emerged from it before the portal closed.

“Everyone, ok?” Lita asked.

“I'm good.” Mushroom said.

“So am I.” Zink admitted.

“Uh, girls.” Zanna said.

“What is it?” Lita asked, as the three turned and saw Zanna had changed into an anthro pony creature.

“Zanna, look at you!” Zink gasped.

“Look at me? Look at yourselves!” she replied.

The other three looked themselves over and saw they too had taken on the form of anthro ponies.

“Holy cow!” Lita gasped, as she looked at her hands.

Zink felt her head, “We have hair?!”

“The correct term is 'mane', Zink.” Mushroom corrected her.

Zanna held up her actual pony tail, “And check out these tails. Much better than our weasel tails.”

“Mush, explain.” Lita looked to the smarter sister.

“Well, remember when our sensei's told us they took the form of mutant ponies when they traveled to Equestria, so the dimensional convergence has affected us as well.” Mushroom explained.

“Well, it beats walking on all fours. How could we expect to wield our weapons without hands? Use our mouths?” Zink asked rhetorically.

“Well, we don't have to do that.” Lita told her.

“Wow, look!” Zanna gasped, as she looked over the edge of the roof.

The group looked out seeing the town they were in a coastal village by the beach, “Is this Maretime Bay?” Lita asked.

“I'd say most likely.” Mush confirmed.

“It's a beach town?” Zink asked.

“Hey, I love the beach.” Zanna said.

“Ok, girls. Focus,” Lita reined them in, “We have to find Sunny Starscout.”

“And how? She could be anywhere in this town.” Zink noted.

“Why don't we ask someone to see if they know?” Zanna suggested.

“It is the most logical thing to do.” Mush shrugged.

“Fair point, but we got to play it safe. We have no idea how ponies will react to ones of our appearances.” Lita reminded them.

“Yeah, it'd be just like how some of those human supremacists back in New York are against non-humans.” Zink reminded them.

“Hey! Look down there,” Zanna motioned down to the Sheriff's station, “If we're looking for someone we should ask the local law enforcement.”

“Makes sense,” Lita agreed, “Alright, let's move.” the four mutant ninjas went down from the building and blended to the shadows.

At the sheriff's station, coming out of it was Hitch and Sprout much older now with Hitch wearing the sheriff's badge on his person.

“Ah, nothing like closing up shop for the night, huh, Sprout?” Hitch asked, as he locked up.

“Yeah. It's been a long day. And tomorrow's gonna be longer.” Sprout groaned.

“I know. The annual Canterlogic show. Gonna wanna get my sleep for that.” Hitch said, as he was about to trot home, until the two heard a voice spoke up unknowingly belonging to Zanna.

“Pardon me, are you the sheriff?”

Hitch and Sprout looked seeing four figures in the shadows of an alley which made Sprout nervous, but Hitch spoke up in confidence, “Why yes I am. Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer. And what might I ask are you four doing out so late?”

“Sorry, but we're in need of help.” Mush answered.

“Ah. Well, I'm always ready to help a pony in need.” Hitch admitted, while unaware of Sprout wordlessly mocking Hitch with mimicking his lip movements.

“Good. Because we're looking for some... pony we know who lives here.” Zink continued.

Hitch looked at the four and sighed, “Before I help any of you I'm gonna need you four to step into the light.”

“Uh, that might be a problem.” Lita explained nervously.

“Why? Do you have wings or horns?” Hitch asked suspiciously, making Sprout worry.

“Nope. We got none of those.” Zanna admitted.

“Then I don't see what the problem is.” Hitch said.

“Ugh, Lita, we better show him otherwise we'll be here all night.” Zink told the oldest.

“Alright. Alright. Brace yourselves, both of you.” Lita instructed Hitch and Sprout, who were concerned.

The four stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight revealing themselves to the two ponies. Needless to say both ponies were in shock as Zanna spoke trying to lighten the mood.


“What in the...” Hitch began.

“Freaks!” Sprout accused in a scream.

“Freaks?!” Zink asked with a frown.

“Look, I know, we look different...” Mush tried explaining.

“Exactly,” Hitch cut her off, “You're different, you're strangers, which means I can't trust you.”

“Yeah, what he said!” Sprout spoke up.

“We're not looking for trouble!” Lita tried reasoning.

“Well, I'm sorry but you being here just caused it.” Hitch said, as he was about to hurry to sound an alarm.

Zink quickly caught on, “No ya don't!” she slid in knocking Hitch away from pushing the alarm.

“Ow! You hit me!”

“Because you were about to do something stupid.” Zink replied.

“Alright, for assaulting the sheriff I'm taking you four in for questioning!” Hitch declared.

“Sorry, but this is our first night here, and we have no intention of getting arrested.” Zanna said.

“Deputy, cuff them!” Hitch ordered, as Sprout looked from side to side.

“Me?” he asked nervously.

“Who else?” Hitch asked in annoyance, as he tried to apprehend Lita who blocked him from trying to apprehend her, “Hold still!”

“Yeah, not happening.” Lita answered, as she kept knocking Hitch back.

Sprout looked at the three mutant ponies nervously, “J-Just come along quietly, and no pony gets hurt.”

Zanna laughed, “Look at him shaking in his hooves.”

“He doesn't have the guts to arrest us.” Mush chuckled.

“I do so!” Sprout said trying to put up a tough guy act.

“Hey,” Zink said causing Sprout to look in her direction, “Boo!”

Sprout shrieked in fright before trying to run for it only to bump into Hitch causing them both to fall over. Lita looked over at her sisters, as Zink spoke to her, “We're not getting anywhere with these idiots.”

“Good point. We're out of here!” Lita ordered, as they gathered close.

“Adios!” Zanna said, before throwing down a smoke bomb blinding the two.

The smoke cleared and they were nowhere to be seen, “They're gone.” Hitch gasped.

“What was that about?” Sprout asked still scared.

“Don't know, but I feel they'll be back.” Hitch believed.

“I better alert my mom about this.” Sprout suggested.

“I'll join you. She needs to be warned of a potential new threat we must be prepared for.” Hitch said, as the two trotted off.

Atop one of the roofs were the four sisters with Zink grunting, “Great! We're here for only a minute, and already we're being treated like enemies!”

“Yeah. I mean, so what if we don't walk on all fours like they do,” Zanna asked, “Doesn't mean, we're freaks.”

Mushroom sighed, “Lita, how do we find Sunny Starscout now?”

“We'll have to search in the morning. But right now, we need some sleep.” Lita said, as the others agreed before laying down and slept under the clear night sky.

When the sun rose up, the ponies of Maretime Bay were already up and about going through their morning activities, and opening up their shops and businesses. The sisters awakened by the suns glow sat up and yawn.

“Morning, girls.” Lita greeted.

“Morning, sis.” Zanna stretched her arms up.

They got up and stretched as Mushroom looked down below, “Hey, girls, check it out.” The others looked down seeing the ponies of Maretime Bay, all being earth ponies.

“Whoa, look at all the ponies.” Zanna marveled.

“They're all earth types.” Mushroom noted.

“Didn't our sensei's say this world was populated by three types?” Zink asked.

“Yeah. Aside from Earth ponies there are also unicorns and pegasi.” Lita remembered.

“But didn't that sheriff from last night ask if we had horns or wings?” Mushroom recalled.

“He did,” Zanna confirmed, "And he asked us like it was a bad thing if we did."

“I got a funny feeling things really aren't quite what they used to be here during our sensei's times.” Lita suspected.

“So now what?” Zink asked opened to suggestions.

“We still have to find Sunny Starscout.” Lita reminded her.

“Question is where could she be?” Mushroom wondered.

It cut to the old room of Sunny, as the earth pony who was also older like Hitch and Sprout laid in bed, before her clock alarm rang, before she reached over tapping the snooze button with her hoof.

She sat up in bed, displaying both an eager smile and a badly frizzed-out, flyaway mane. With a yawn and stretch of her legs she was on her hooves and looked at her calendar taped to a full-length mirror propped against one wall. Her gaze flicks past rows of crossed-out days and the activities written in for them, stopping on one box adorned with a quartet of glittery stickers—sun, heart, two stars. Anticipatory glee yields to consternation once she gets a good look at herself in the mirror and blows a stray magenta strand away from her eye. She opened a nightstand drawer to reveal hundreds of rubber bands, one of which is quickly snapped on to secure the end of her mane in a single long braid.

Sunny dawned her saddlebag and gave her reflection an approving nod, having applied a second rubber band farther up the length of her braid, as morning light filters through her closed curtains.

In the lantern room of the lighthouse the toys from her youth have been replaced by a mishmash of loaded bulletin boards, taped-up papers connected by strings, houseplants, books, and arts-and-crafts supplies on the table where she and the colts played. One of the boards shows a large photograph of an imposing glass-fronted building topped by a gigantic replica of Phyllis’s glasses; tacked up next to it is a flyer for an annual show at Canterlogic, which boasts a logo of that mare’s eye-wear and mane with the silhouette of a building worked into the hairline.

Now at the table, she puts the finishing touches on a sheet and lifts it; the camera is positioned so that none of the contents are visible for the moment, “Perfect.” she told herself.

She folded it up and slid it into the saddlebag, and later she descended via the lift into the study/kitchen. She trots confidently toward the front door, passing Argyle’s worktable—but he is not there. Resting on it among the artifacts and ancient literature are his wooden pendant, a framed photo of him, and his glasses in an open case.

Sunny opens one set of curtains to take in the bright morning sunshine, then trots eagerly toward the front door. The photo of herself and Argyle is still hanging next to it, “Today’s the day, Dad. I actually have a plan this time. Wish me luck!” She lets herself out, knocking the picture off kilter when the door closes, then reaches back in to straighten it before going on her way.

Outside Sunny stood wearing rollerskates on her hoofs and a crash helmet before singing as she skated for town.

Sunny: Good morning, sun, no time to chat, I gotta run

Cause I got places to be

She reached the town proper, and stopped on a bridge to gaze over streets and water.

So much to do, excited, yes, and nervous too

A change is starting with me

Rolling to ground level, she loads up a parked delivery cart with the wares from a nearby mobile smoothie stand, harnesses herself to it, and is off again.

I never worry ’bout upsetting carts, hardened hearts

Or wonder, “Will I belong?”

Hearing the singing, the mutant ninja sisters looked out and spotted Sunny ready to take off with her delivery cart.

“You think?” Zanna asked.

Lita nodded, “I do.”

“Let's go!” Zink called, as Sunny took off, as the ninjas were ready to tail her from the roof tops.

I’ve heard it enough, I’m calling their bluff

I’ll never get lost in the gray

An expert spin carries her past Sprout seated at an outdoor table; he indignantly throws down the newspaper he has been reading and gives chase to her.

There’s something inside, burns bigger than pride

Shines out of me, lighting the way

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Be my day]

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Ah-h, ah-h]
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Gonna be my day]

As she passed a stallion seated to eat a bit of breakfast; he gasps in unwelcome surprise when Sprout pauses just long enough to chug/gobble all of it.

Zink spotted this in shock, “It's that idiot pony from last night. The red one! He just ate that pony's food!”

“Rude much?” Zanna asked.

“Come on!” Lita ordered, as they continued to tail Sunny.

Sunny:Hey there, hello, the friends I make, the friends I know

Today you answer my call

Two foals batter a pair of piñatas one of a pegasus and the other of a unicorn into submission and eagerly gather up the candy, to Sunny's dismay. A third is quick to get in on the haul.

Instead of hide, instead of staying stuck inside

Instead of building your wall

Come on and party with me, join the band, understand

We’ll all be singing the song

Sunny offered a unicorn balloon sculpture she made to a downhearted filly, instantly boosting her spirits. When the youngster shows it to her parents, though, they recoil from it with cries of shock. Now Sprout commandeered a colt’s skateboard to keep after Sunny.

“Now he stealing a kids skateboard?!” Zink asked in shock.

“We'll worry on that later!” Lita ordered, as they focused on Sunny.

I’ve heard it enough, I’m calling their bluff

I’ll never get lost in the gray

Just after Sunny rolled over a closed manhole, a construction worker props it open from underneath to stare after her. Sprout hits the incline and is launched into a graceless, screaming flight.

Go big or go home, get real or get known

Get ready and raring to say

Meanwhile, the mare with all her wheels still on the ground begins to affix heart-shaped stickers to lampposts, trash cans, and more. Some have silhouettes of unicorn heads, while others carry the likeness of a pegasus. Zoom in quickly to an extreme close-up of one and cut to Sunny on the move through another part of town.

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Be my day]

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Ooh]

A trio of onlookers glance worriedly toward their hooves, then scream and bug out upon finding a winged shadow falling over them. Its source proves to be a pair of kites, one bird-shaped, whose kid operators laugh sheepishly at having caused the scare.

Sunny: Everyone’s afraid

Always judging, never budging

Sunny stopped at a framed poster of a shadowy pegasus menacing an earth pony and paints a large red heart onto the glass. The camera points out from behind it toward her.

Ain’t it time we made

The team, the dream?

A badly winded Sprout caught sight of her full effort and shoots a nasty look after her. The heart is painted around the winged figure, framed by smaller ones, and smiley faces have been added to both ponies.

Sunny: Let’s open our eyes, sun’s starting to rise

And finally able to say

A burst of speed allows her to catch up to a passing trolley so she can grab the rear bumper and be towed along.

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Gonna be my day]

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Gonna be my day]

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day [Be my day]

Sunny released her grip and slid to a stop before going at her own pace. While Lita and her sisters stopped on another roof having been tailing Sunny since they spotted her.

“Where do you think she's off to?” Mushroom asked.

“And with those smoothies? Yum.” Zanna licked her lips.

“I think I have a good idea where she's going.” Lita said, while looking ahead, as they saw she was looking at the building of Canterlogic.

“Canterlogic?” Zink wondered.

“What's that?” Zanna asked.

“To find the answers, one must seek it.” Mushroom answered.

“Agreed. Come on.” Lita said, as they continued to follow Sunny before hiding on a roof close to the walkway of the location.

The four watched Sunny approach it, but before she could get closer, Sheriff Hitch popped out from a nearby sign.

“Aha! There you are, Sunny. Just the pony I was expecting.”

“Him too?” Zink asked in disbelief.

“So he knows her?” Lita wondered, as they listened in to the two ponies conversation.

“Morning, Sheriff Hitch. I see you brought the whole squad along again.” The four mutants saw accompanying Hitch were two small birds, one wearing an empty can for a hat, and a crab.

They saluted, as Hitch let out an exasperated sigh, “What is it with me and critters? I’m like a magnet to them. Guys, come on. Give Hitch a little space.” They retreat only an inch or so; he groans and straightens up to face Sunny again.

“So what's up?” Sunny asked Hitch.

“Oh, please. Like you don’t know? Today is the annual presentation at Canterlogic.”

“Annual Presentation?” Zanna asked her sisters who were just as curious.

“Hey, I’m headed there right now.” Sunny said, as she made her advance only for Hitch to block her with a foreleg.

“Uh, no, you’re not,” Hitch answered, “Listen. I know that you have come up with some harebrained scheme to sabotage it. And if you think I’m just gonna let you walk in there-”

“Hey, Hi-i-i-itch…” she began in sing-song.

Hitch catching on what she was hinting at spoke sternly, “No.”

“Come on.” Sunny pleaded, as two mares passed by.

“Good morning, Sheriff Hitch!” one greeted.

“Morning, Mayflower, Dahlia,” he greeted with a chuckle, before turning back to Sunny acting all business, “Sunny, I'm on duty!”

Sunny who was still smiling, lifts a skate-clad front hoof and wiggles it, much to the ninjas confusion. Hitch reluctantly giving in performed a hoof shake routine with Sunny speaking word for word, “Up high, down low, hitch it to a post, Flip it sunny side up and on a piece of toast!”

When the routine finished, Sunny glided through a playful nudge and giggly arc and stopped facing him, “Ok?” Hitch asked if she was satisfied.

“Oh, that is so sweet. They're like besties.” Zanna said sweetly.

“Gag.” Zink pointed down her throat.

Sprout, finally arriving was about to collapse from lack of oxygen, stumbled up and leaned against the sign, “I did what you asked for, Hitch. She never left my sight. Not even once.”

“He is such a liar.” Zink told her sisters.

“Obviously.” Lita agreed.

“Oh, hey, Sprout,” Sunny greeted him, before noticing his exhaustion, “You okay? You seem kinda wheezy.”

Sprout regained his composure and spoke, “That’s Deputy Sprout to you.”

As Sunny skated away Hitch called, “Hey, w-wait up! I’m not finished! Sunny!” he made in front blocking her path, “Sunny, we both know how this goes. Every year you try to sneak in, and every year I stop you.”

The mutants looked at each other curious about Sunny sneaking into this place wondering what her M.O was with it, as Sunny spoke to Hitch.

“Look, you have nothing to worry about. I’ll just go into the factory, deliver my smoothies, and-”

Sprout interrupted her, “Ah-ah-ah! You can’t even step a hoof in there. My mom had you banned.”

Mushroom spoke to the others, “Banned? What was she banned for?”

“Haven't a clue.” Zanna replied.

“Look, I-” Sunny tried to argue with Sprout only for Hitch to stop her.

“I’m asking you as your friend, Sunny, not as Sheriff. Just please try not to pull any stunts today?”

“Okay, okay. I’ll try.” she promised.

“Thank you. Now, give your delivery to Sprout and go home.” he ordered Sunny.

“Who does he think he is telling her what to do?” Zink asked with a frown.

“Well, he is sheriff.” Mushroom reminded her.

“Nevertheless.” Zink replied.

As a pony passing by dropped some paper on the ground Hitch galloped after them calling, “Hey, hey! That’s a violation of Code Thirty-Three!” as the critters follow after Hitch, Sunny turned toward the entrance to the Canterlogic grounds but is brought up short by Sprout standing smugly in her way.

“Buh-bye.” he said smugly. Sunny rolled her eyes disgustedly and wheels slowly back the way she came, accompanied by his unfriendly chuckle. Hitching up to her cart, Sprout starts up the hill toward the Canterlogic facility.

Zink frowned at Sprout's behavior towards Sunny, “I really don't like that guy.”

“Yeah, he's such a smug jerk.” Zanna agreed.

“Wonder why Sunny wants to get into Canterlogic?” Mushroom wondered, as Lita watched, seeing Sunny back pedal with a squint-eyed smirk over her shoulder toward the place.

“Girls, I think we may find out just yet.” Lita said, as they watched Sunny sneak her way towards Canterlogic, before they followed her full ninja mode.