• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,185 Views, 280 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

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Zephyr Heights and an Angry Mob

As the morning sun rose over the land, Sunny, Izzy, and the ninja girls were traveling along the bottom of a misty ravine.

“So any plan on what to do when we get to Zephyr Heights?' Zink asked open to suggestions.

“Yeah. I mean who do we actually talk to about magic?” Mushroom wondered.

“I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out when we get there.” Sunny assured them.

“I hope it's soon.” Zanna moaned tired.

“Stand tall, Zanna,” Lita instructed, “Remember first impressions are very important. That goes for you too, Zink.”

“Hey!” Zink grumbled.

Izzy spoke up nervously, “You know, not to freak you out or anything, but you do know pegasi can steal your luminescence, don’t you?”

“Our lumi-what?” Lita asked, as the girls were confused.

“You know, like, your sparkle?” Izzy continued before peering at Sunny, screwing one eye shut, “Yours is... lavender!” she smiled with both eyes open.

“Huh?” Sunny asked confused.

“And the happier you are, the brighter it shines.”

“Oh, what about us?” Zanna asked interested.

Izzy looked to Zanna, “I see orange in yours.”

“Sweet!” Zanna cheered.

Izzy turned to Lita, “I'm getting some blue from you. But I don't meant that you're depressed. Not at all.”

“Ok.” Lita replied.

Izzy looked to Zink, “I'm seeing red in yours.”

“Let me guess, because I'm temperamental?” Zink asked with a frown.

“No way. It's because you have such fiery passion about what you love.” Izzy calmed her.

Zink hearing this started to smile, “Well, that's more like it.”

“And you, Mushroom, I see purple, or is it violet?” Izzy wondered, while Mushroom shrugged deciding to take either one.

As they continued on, they suddenly heard an impact against rock somewhere in the foggy heights.

“Did you hear something?” Mushroom asked, as they were all concerned.

Unable to pinpoint the source, they carried on. Suddenly a dark blur flashed past behind them; their heads swivel toward it and they cry startled.

“You all saw that, right?” Sunny asked them.

“We're not alone down here.” Lita said suspiciously.

The mystery figure zips over the ravine in the direction they have been walking, and they wheel to stare up and ahead with another pair of yelps. Its next pass dislodges several rocks, which kick-start the girls into a screaming charge. Looking back, they see the dark speck ping-ponging toward them and steadily descending toward ground level.

“What is that thing?” Zink asked in shock.

“Just keep moving!” Sunny ordered, as they hurried.

The group stopped before a rocky wall, “We're trapped!” Izzy cried.

“Not yet we're not!” Lita said determined, as she led them climbing up the slope.

Soon they made it up to the top where the sun shined, but Sunny being behind almost lost her grip and started to fall back

“Sunny!” Izzy cried, as she leaned out allowing the earth pony to grab her horn and pulled her to safety.

“Good thinking, Iz.” Mushroom smiled, as they sighed in relief.

“What was all that about?” Zanna asked.

Suddenly as if answering her question, the mysterious figure was following them erupted from the cloud cover and into full light, scaring Sunny and Izzy and making Lita and her sisters draw their weapons. The figure dropped into an air-ripping dive that barely missed them. It came to rest on a nearby outcropping, but paused for only the briefest moment before somersaulting upward from one to another. Finally it stopped on a ledge and stood up, displaying features that could only be glimpsed during the high-speed ascent.

It was a pegasus mare that had an off-white coat; deep blue and violet feathers edging both broad wings in two distinct rows, a deep pink mane/tail shot with streaks of blue-green and lighter pink, the former in a short upswept style; silver hooves; an imperious countenance topped by pale blue-green eyes with deep pink brows.

The sight of her made Izzy and Zanna gasp in joy while Zink spoke, “Whoa!”

“A real pegasus!” Sunny cheered.

“Impressive wing span.” Mushroom added.

“Incredible.” Lita gasped.

The pegasus mare herself looked down at the group and gasped equally surprised, “Whoa! A Unicorn? An Earth pony? And ponies on their hind legs?” she started to smile slyly, “Okay, well this day just got a whole lot more interesting.”

Suddenly, there was clanking motion coming towards them. The pegasus looked to her left and saw two pegasus guards marching around the corner. With a frightened look, the white pegasus dashed passed the group. She looked back at them and requested, "Don't tell them you saw me."

"Hey wait!" Lita asked.

But it was too late, she just jumped and disappeared into the clouds.

"There's no way we could." Izzy called out to the mysterious pegasus, "We don't even know your name."

The ninjas and Sunny were amazed on what they witnessed today.

"She seems nice." Izzy commented to her friends.

"And she's awesome!" Zanna added back to Izzy.

Zink smirked, "Yeah, with her flying skills, she'd make a fine ninja."

Lita smiled, "Yeah, she sure would."

They were startled by a frightened scream, before spotting two more pegasi in guard armor. One of them cowered back behind the other who remained calm.

“Thunder, get it together!” the one ordered the other.

“But, Zoom, that's an earth pony!” Thunder motioned to Sunny.

“They're harmless,” Zoom replied dismissively, “They have very tiny brains.” Sunny scowled from that insult.

“But that about those ones?” Thunder motioned to the ninjas, “They have weapons!”

“That's right,” Zink confirmed, “So one move and I'll...”

“Stand down, Zink.” Lita ordered.

“What?” Zink asked in shock, while Zanna and Mushroom were confused.

“These two might be able to get us into the city.” Lita explained.

“You're actually suggesting we surrender?” Zink asked not liking this idea.

“Just play along for now.” Lita warned her sister.

Zink sighed, “Fine. Weapons down.” she and the others sheathed their weapons.

“See, that wasn't so hard.” Zoom told her partner.

“But what do we do about that?” Thunder motioned to Izzy.

“Well, did you bring the shield?”

“What shield?” Thunder asked.

Zoom nudged him angrily, “Didn’t you read the Guard Guide?”

“Yes!” he answered before pausing, “Okay, no.”

Zoom groaned, “Fine,” she advanced towards the group spreading her wings, I’ve got this.”

Next thing they know they were all in an glass elevator with Izzy now wearing a tennis ball on the tip of her horn.

“That's creative.” she said.

Mushroom spoke to her sibs, “If this is their way of defending themselves from unicorns, than they're worse at this than the ponies in Maretimy Bay.”

“No kidding.” Zink agreed.

Sunny decided to make the most of their time by interviewing Thunder with questions from her dad's journal, “What’s it like to fly? Is your wingspan the same as your height?”

“Well, I-” Thunder was cut off by Sunny who continued to ask questions.

“Do you need a license to fly? How far can you go?

“Can you fly to the moon?” Izzy asked.

“That'd be cool.” Zanna said.

“And yet illogical.” Mushroom put in.

“Do pegasi wear horseshoes, or do they just weigh you down?” the earth pony questioned some more.

“Well, I-I do collect sneakers.” Thunder admitted.

“Really? Are they Air J's?” Zanna inquired.

“H-H-Hey, hey! Don’t answer anything!” Zoom interrupted, before whispering to her partner, “They could be spies.”

“Hey, relax, Zoom, we're just travelers trying to make conversation. Lighten up,” Zanna spoke up calmly, before whispering to Thunder, “Your partner's really stuffy.”

“I know.” Thunder replied only for Zoom to stare at him shutting him up.

Suddenly the group gasped before looking out the elevator to see Zephyr Heights in all its glory.

“It's like New York.” Zanna gasped.

"Wild.” Zink admitted.

Indeed Zephyr Heights was a metropolis compared to Maretime Bay. All around the pegasi were walking about with some on their phones. From a video screen on a building were two news anchor ponies ready to deliver news to all the citizens.

“Good morning, Zephyr Heights! I'm Skye, and this is Dazzle.” the first greeted.

“Good morning!” Dazzle greeted, as Skye continued.

“It’s another beautiful day in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight’s royal celebration.”

“Royal Celebration?” Lita asked curiously.

“Talk about great timing.” Izzy smiled.

Dazzle continued, “Tonight’s royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning. But the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp’s performance! Isn’t that right, Skye?”

“Oh, my, yes, Dazzle. And this just in—an exclusive vid from Pipp, for all you loyal fans out there in ZH.”

The pegasi stopped and looked up at the screen seeing a live video streaming featuring a pegasus mare. She had a pink coat framed from the shoulders up. Purple mane/tail, the former falling in shoulder-length waves down the right side of her head; a thin gold tiara or headband marked with a jeweled cluster of feathers above the left ear; bright green eyes with purple brows. And her wings looked very feathery.

“What is up, everypony? Big shout-out to all my fans, the Pippsqueaks,” she began, as foals squeal in anticipation while some adults watch on phones, “So tonight’s the night. I can’t wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but—not as much as you guys!”

“Awww…” the crowd went.

“We love you so much, Pipp!” one of them cheered.

“Okay, guys, I love you lots. Gotta go,” Pipp fluttered her wings, “Pipp, Pipp, hooray!”

“Pipp, Pipp, hooray!” The crowd cheered.

Izzy, Zanna, Thunder, and Zoom cheered, “Pipp, Pipp, hooray!”

Sunny and the others looked to their friends as Zink spoke to her sister, “Seriously?”

“Just being supportive.” Zanna replied with a shrug.

“And she's royalty after all.” Izzy reminded her.

The elevator reached the top floor as Zoom announced to the group, “Move it!”

“Yeah-yeah, we're moving.” Zink grumbled before whispering to Lita, “You better be right about this.”

They pressed on as Sunny looked around seeing all the pegasi were walking instead of flying with their wings.

“Do you see anypony flying here?” she asked Lita.

“Not a one.” she replied.

Izzy gasped as they looked up at the castle, “They have a castle!”

“Well, they do have a queen and princess. So obviously.” Mushroom reminded her.

As they were escorted inside a throne room where there were three red-upholstered seats with the center one being bigger.

“Wow!” Izzy gasped.

“Bow before our queen!” Thunder ordered.

Some guards played fanfare on trumpets as more guards standing side by side the group bowed followed by Zoom and Thunder. The group looked and saw a small winged dog with fluffy white fur emerge onto the dais and sit imperiously before the central seat. The silence is broken only by his effort to scratch a troublesome spot.

“What the?” Lita began.

“Your majesty!” Izzy declared before bowing.

“Is this some kind of joke?” Zink asked in disbelief.

A shaft of sunlight falls onto the dog from above, causing him to yip happily and jump in place. Sunny and Lita looked upward with a gasp, prodding Izzy and the others at the same time to get her upright and watching. Three figures swoop in through a circular aperture in the high, domed ceiling above the dais, and slowly descend toward it. Two of which was Pipp and the pegasus they ran into outside the city, and third and older one was their mother Queen Haven who wore a crown with a lovely crystal piece.

As they descended down they landed before their individual seats. Izzy spoke in the one pegasus' direction, “Hi, new friend!”

The pegasus seeing it was them shook her head nervously reminding them of promising to have not seen her before. They nodded and made a zip gesture across their lips.

The Queen addressed her guards, “Guards, state your business. And please make it quick. We’re on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure— Pipp needs to rehearse—and I need to practice my laugh,” she gave a loud forced laugh making the ninja girls cringe, “Hmmm... Still not right.”

Zoom spoke up, “Your Highness, we found these intruders in our territory.”

Haven looked towards the group identified as intruders and stammered aghast, “An earth pony and a unicorn…in Zephyr Heights!”

“We have them under control your highness!” Zoom assured her.

“O-Oh, a-and we deployed the shield!” Thunder added.

The queen still unnerved noticed Lita and her sisters, “And-and how're they standing like that? What are they?”

Her one daughter who the girls met before spoke up, “Well, based off what they're wearing they look like ninjas.”

“Ninjas?” Haven gasped in shock.

“That's correct.” Lita answered truthfully.

Haven was still not liking this, “Is this an attack? On the night of our royal celebration? Why are you here? Who sent you? (Gasp.) Nopony must know they’re here!”

But no sooner, Pipp was already on her phone launching another live stream to the ponies of Zephyr Heights, “Check it out, Pippsqueaks. Live, from the castle…”

The citizens watched the screen from the building seeing Sunny and Izzy who waved, “It's a real unicorn and earth pony!” upon seeing them, the onlookers gasped, “I know, right? This is so not a filter. And check these out,” she moved her phone to capture the ninja girls on screen where Zanna waved, “Ponies standing on their back legs! And get this, they are ninjas! Isn't that exciting?!”

“Great now we're public.” Zink crossed her arms.

“But this means we're famous now.” Zanna noted.

“I don't think this is the good kind of famous.” Mushroom replied.

Haven came into view and ordered Pipp, “Pipp!” she took the phone and turned to speak to those viewing, “There’s nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies have been captured. Your Queen will protect you. Shut it off.”

Haven ended the feed and tossed the phone back to Pipp. Sunny laid out her journal deciding to get to the bottom of things, “Excuse me, M-Majesty? Um, we only want to ask you a few questions about magic.”

“We need to-” Lita was cut off by Haven.

“Guards! Please escort these ponies to the dungeon until I can question them properly! And confiscate the book and their weapons!” Zoom yanked the journal it from Sunny’s grip, as Thunder and some others took the girls weapons.

“Hey, give those back!” Mushroom ordered.

“But—but, Your Majesty, I just wanted to ask you a few questions!” Sunny pleaded, until Zink shouted.

“Hold it!” this caught the three royals attention, “We came all this way to get answers out of you, and you're arresting us before even hearing us out?! That is not very regal is it?!”

Haven blinked before speaking to one of the guards, “Better put a muzzle on that one. Such a temper.”

The three royals lifted off back from where they came out from leaving the girls and ninjas in shock, “Well, that went well.” Mushroom said sarcastically.

“Did she say dungeons?” Izzy asked nervously.

“Nice plan, Lita!” Zink grumbled.

“Well, it got us here didn't it?” Lita argued.

“And now we're being arrested!”

Sunny sighed, “What else could go wrong today?”

As if answering her question, back in Maretime Bay Sprout had plastered his face over one of the images of Hitch on the calendar he tore down. He was kicking back at Hitch's desk wearing his fake badge feeling good about himself.

Phyllis entered having once again escaped the crowd of earth ponies who were still frightened over what happened the other day.

“Mom?” he asked, as she took notice of her son.

“My, oh, my, aren’t you the handsome Sheriff? Look at you!”

“Yes. Yes, I am, Mommy.” Sprout replied bashfully with a laugh.

“Well, this is it. It is your time to shine, dear. Everypony wants to hear from you.”

“They do?”

Phyllis leaned closer to Sprout and spoke into his ear, “Of course! You are in charge now. It’s your destiny.” Sprout smiled ready to do what he always wanted to do.

Outside the office, the door kicked open as Sprout announced, “Citizens-” he was cut off as the door slammed right on him cutting him off. Sprout opened the door again and stepped outside, “It is I, Sheriff Sprout!”

“Sheriff?” Toots asked in confusion, “Where's Hitch?”

“We need a real sheriff!” one of the spectators spoke up.

“Tell us what's going on!”

“Hitch would know what to do!”

Phyllis stepped out and spoke up, “Come on now, everypony. Let’s listen to what our new Sheriff has to say,” after some silence, she nudged her son, “That's you, sugarcube.” she stepped aside giving him the floor again.

“Right that's me.” Sprout recalled.

“Everything’s gone wrong!”

“We’re doomed!”

“What’ll we do?”

Sprout spoke up to calm them, “Okay, folks, calm down. There’s no need to be scared.”

“We’re scared, and we want to be prepared!” Toots cried on the verge of tears.

Sparkle Chaser who was still wearing the goggles he modeled at the show was also in a panic, “The unicorns are coming! The unicorns are coming!” he tried running only to end up tripping again because of the goggles.

“Can anypony tell me where Hitch is?”

“What do we do?”

“What's your plan, Sheriff?” one asked Sprout.

“What if the unicorn and those bipedal ponies come back?” Another questioned.

Sprout letting all their panic and fear get to them started letting it consume him and thought of the worse, “Actually…what if you’re all right? The unicorns and those freaks could come back! They could even bring the pegasi! We are all in danger!” the ponies gasped, “Now is not the time to be complacent! We should do something!”

Rock music started playing all around, while Sprout was darting from one pony to another as he began to sing.

Sprout: Something is lurking, something is near

Something is feeling stranger, stranger

Stirring up discord, whipping up fear

Sweets, who was blowing a bubble from a wad of gum, is startled into letting it pop.

Sprout: (softly) Danger, danger

Sprout whisks an ice cream cone from a foal’s grip and sticks it briefly to his forehead for a horn.

Sprout: Outsiders creep up slow and steady

Wings glistening, horns at the ready

Think what they could do the status quo

Phyllis: Oh, no

He stomped a toy house flat, to the dismay of the two youths playing with it, then appears on a wall of television sets so that all the screens together make up his head.

Sprout: They’re gonna steal, plunder, and pillage

They’re gonna take over the village

He bucks the armchair out from under a pony who has dozed off watching TV at home, then turns to a couple and their toddler eating a meal in their kitchen.

Don’t just sit on your butts and do nothing and wait

Let’s enter a blind irrational state

The foal throws a sippy cup and food aside, splattering the latter all over the camera lens; the mess drains away to frame Sprout addressing the crowd outside Hitch’s office as a rising whoop drifts up from them.

Sprout: Better get nervous, better get tense

The stallion who dived over the railing during Izzy’s visit just now muscled his way back up, but loses his hold and goes into the drink again.

Better not let them catch you blinking

You don’t need a reason, fillies and gents

Sprout was soon addressing a crowd through a bullhorn from atop a moving trolley.

Sprout: This is no time for sober thinking


Spectator 1: Mob?

Sprout: M-m-mob-mob

Spectator 2: Mob?

Spectator 3: Mob?

Sprout: Angry, angry


Ponies: Mob, m-m-mob, mob

Mob, mob, angry, angry

The new sheriff stepped up to a microphone on a stand under a green light.

Sprout: Fight

See in black and white

That’s your pony right

Time to lift your manes and proudly

Sprout was standing on a tall pedestal marked with Hitch’s badge, he addresses the green-lit masses.


Numbers make you strong

Millions can’t be wrong

Especially when they’re screaming loudly

One spot washes past the camera and clears to frame him on a moving conveyor belt, watched by every local who can fit in the place.

You might not have

A bale of hay to borrow

Are you saddled with your sorrow?

Are you scared about tomorrow?

A clamp drops from the ceiling, closing around his midsection and hoisting him up onto the trolley, which rolls ahead on a set of roller-coaster tracks before plunging downhill.

Well, it’s all gonna work out painlessly

If you follow my orders brainlessly

The scene shifted to ride with the vehicle, rapidly closing in on a set of posters hung up across the track to form caricature of the ninja ponies. As this fills the view and the eyes burn white, cut to Sprout leading a steadily growing multitude of disgruntled ponies through the streets of Maretime Bay.

Sprout: What are we?

Ponies: We’re an angry mob!

Sprout: What are we?

Ponies: We’re an angry mob!

Spout spotted an ear of corn on a stalk.

Sprout: Look at this corn!

Ponies: It’s on the cob!

He eyed a stallion in a hat.

Sprout: Look at that guy!

Hat stallion: Um, my name’s Rob.

Sprout’s new supporters head-bang and march in time through the unwholesome green light, a giant image of his head slowly swiveling to gaze upon them. The view soon shifts to a zoom along a tunnel of horseshoe arches and larger-than-life copies of Sprout.

Sprout, Ponies: Mob, mob, m-m-mob, mob

Mob, mob, angry, angry

Mob, mob, m-m-mob, mob

Mob, mob, angry, angry

Even Hitch’s three critter buddies get in on the act as an ice cream stand is capsized; by this point, the sky has gone that same sick emerald hue. The ponies sing the first three of the previous four lines again, with each of the following lines laid over one of theirs as he leads them through the town.

Sprout: Mob, mob, mob, mob

Mob, mob, mob, mob

Mob, mob, mob, mob

There was a close-up, zooming out quickly to put Sprout on the roof of Hitch’s office and the locals in the street, all spoiling for a fight.

Ponies: Mob, mob

Sprout, Ponies: Angry, angry mob