• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,180 Views, 280 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

  • ...

The Magic of Friendship Restored

Lita started opening her eyes and saw her sisters, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp looking down at her in concern.

“Lita?” Zipp asked.

“Are you alright?” Mushroom asked concerned.

“I-I think so.” Lita groaned as she sat up and realized she was an anthro pony again.

She was taken by surprise as Zink threw her arms around her, “Don't ever scare me like that again, you understand me?!” she sniffled.

Lita smiled, as she hugged her sister, “I'll try not too,” she motioned her other sisters into their embrace and joined her. She then remembered, “Where's Sunny?”

The ponies stepped aide to reveal Sunny perfectly fine, “Lita!” Sunny embraced her, “You saved me.”

“Well, of course. We're friends, aren't we?”

“We sure are,” Sunny confirmed, before Lita noticed Sunny's home was destroyed, “Oh, Sunny, your home.” the albino mutant gasped.

Sunny looked dismal seeing her home ruined, but her real concern was that her picture frame that was of her as a filly and her dad was broken into four parts.

“Is that?” Pipp asked Hitch who nodded.

“Sunny's father.” he answered.

The group looked around seeing all the other ponies present weren't hurt and getting back on their hoofs while surrounded by pieces of destroyed Hoof Bots. From the turned over Pony mech with the cockpit hatch closer to the ground, it opened up as Sprout climbed out and looked around seeing what his paranoia and bigotry has brought.

“YOU!!!” Zink shouted in Sprout's direction, as she dashed over pinning Sprout to his mech by the throat with the so-called emperor frightened, “IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?! YOU ALMOST KILLED MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS, INNOCENT PONIES, AND YOU DESTROYED SUNNY'S HOME! I HAVE THE RIGHT MIND TO-” Zink threw her fist back ready to deck Sprout, until Lita ran over and grabbed her sisters arm.

“Zink, stop!” she ordered, “You do that and you're only going to prove him right about what he thought about us. But you're better than that. But if you strike him then you'd only prove all those people back in New York that call us freaks and monsters were right about us. But you can do the right thing. Don't let it consume you.”

Zink struggled between her anger towards Sprout for what he put everypony through, and what her sister said, before she dropped her fist to her side before releasing Sprout from her hold. She glared at him speaking, “You're not even worth it.” Lita walked Zink away allowing Sprout to collect himself and realize she could've done what she wanted to do, but decided not to in the end.

“Oh, Sunny.” Izzy spoke to her.

“We're so sorry it didn't work again.” Zanna said equally down.

Lita remembered what she promised to tell Sunny from what she learned from her sense's and Twilight, until Sunny spoke up, “I understand now.”

“Understand what?” Mushroom asked.

“It’s not the crystals that need to be brought together. It’s us.” she began.

Alphabittle, Haven, and Phyllis looked on as Sprout hesitantly joined them, getting a dirty sideways look from his mother. The big unicorn has fully cleansed himself of Splat-a-Pult goop, as the other ponies from all three tribes stood behind them.

“We can bring back everything that was lost. But it’s up to us. We can stay separated by fear and distrust-or we can choose friendship.” Sunny finished as her friends smiled at her.

Lita smiled seeing Sunny figured it out on her own without her needing to relay the message. She then approached the broken picture frame, “I for one choose friendship.” she said gently moving the bottom half of the frame up underneath the picture.

Alphabittle, Phyllis, and Sprout were gobsmacked to see Haven coming forward. Tilt down to the photo and nudged the left piece of the frame into alignment with the bottom to form a corner. Sunny and Lita offered her a silent, shining-eyed smile of thanks in return for her gesture, which Alphabittle copies by pushing a third section into place. The last one is set by Phyllis to close in the form, after which the monarch, business-mare, and tea shop proprietor gave their warmest smiles of sympathy for Sunny’s losses past and present.

The display did wonders to lift the spirits of the group of adventurers as the other ponies gathered around them. Suddenly something begins to glimmer beneath the tumble of rock fragments of the debris, and in due time the brilliantly gleaming Unicorn Crystal rises from them and into the air. The Pegasus Crystal and the one from Sunny’s lantern do likewise, each putting out enough luminous intensity to serve as a lighthouse beacon in a pinch, and begin to orbit around Sunny.

“What?” she gasped.

“Sunny!” The ninjas gasped.

Faster and faster they go, light trails nearly forming a solid circle; they rise into the night air, startling a squawk from Sunny as she is hauled up as well. Soon she is above the roof level of her trashed home; her other friends gasp in wonder, and a pair of wings formed from gold-hued light fade into being on her back. A similarly colored horn takes shape on her forehead, and she proudly rears up in midair as a rainbow-colored streak appears in her mane, the braid coming undone to hang as a thick, loosely twisted sheaf of hair over one shoulder. The crystals rocket upward, assembling themselves into their intended triumvirate formation and sending a rainbow shock wave over all of Maretime Bay. It leaves vivid aurora borealis ribbons in its wake, and Izzy and Pipp/Zipp find flickers of light springing to life in horn and wings.

“Whooooaaa!” Izzy gasped as her horn glowed.

Zipp lets off an exultant laugh as she and her sister lift off into real, soaring, looping flight for the first time in their lives.

“We're actually flying!” Pipp cheered.

“Way to go you two!” Zink called from below.

Haven, and her guards spread their wings feeling the magic course through them, as did Alphabittle and the unicorns with him felt the magic in their horns.

Sunny started descending, as her two pegasus friends flew around her, “Sunny, look at you!” Lita gasped from below.

“Check it out!” Zipp cheered.

Sunny tries a whooping little dip and descends with them to rejoin Hitch, Izzy, and the ninjas on the ground.

“What?!” Hitch asked excitedly.

“I can’t believe it!” Sunny cheered.

“Now that’s what I call a glow-up!” Izzy said.

Pipp pointed into the sky, “Look!” she pointed to the aurora spreading far and wide.

“I got a feeling there's gonna be a lot of happy unicorns and pegasi after this.” Lita smiled.

Back in Bridlewood, at the playground the foals slumped listlessly on the equipment snap out of their gloom in a very big hurry once their horns power up, and the colt on the swing hops off to gallop for home.

“Daddy, Daddy! The magic is real!”

All over the unicorns gloomy moods were changing upon seeing their horns glow. Even the crystals of Bridlewood shined bright.

Meanwhile in Zephyr Heights all the pegasi were getting their first taste of true flight. They cheered and giggled while flying among the extravagant architecture and bright display screens. Truly they weren't going to be using their hooves 24/7 anymore.

Back in Maretime Bay the very next morning, Sunny was at the railing overlooking the sea with Lita close by. The two smiled placidly as a yipping Cloudpuff bobbles across in midair, chased on hoof by a laughing colt. All around ponies from all three tribes were learning to get along, like Sparkle Chaser and Zoom were each enjoying a smoothie. Even all the earth ponies ditched their mind reading helmets. Alphabittle and Haven were standing around getting to know each other, as Cloudpuff settled onto the back of the pegasus who noticed the colt that was playing with him.

“Oh, I see you’ve made a new friend.” Haven chuckled.

Alphabittle noted an earth pony colt looking up at him in awe, “Hi there, buddy!”

Hitch, Thunder, Zink, a construction worker, and one of the birds from Hitch’s little posse were staring up and have been thrown for a very big loop.

“Wow!” Hitch gasped.

Turns out Izzy and another unicorn had been suspending the knocked over trolley car in the air before gently lowering it down to the ground upright and back on the track. This got cheers from its conductor and a filly as they watch.

Zanna who was also watching cheered, "Perfectly placing you two!"

Pipp brought up her phone to snap a picture of a cheerful bunch consisting of Zipp, Toots, Sweets, Mushroom, an earth pony, a unicorn, Hitch’s “squad,” and Alphabittle’s armadillos. That done, she tucks it under a wing.

“Stunning!” she said singsong, “I'm really gonna be getting a lot more followers after this.” she walked off past Phyllis and Sprout, fluttering happily.

“Mommy, was I a good sheriff?” Sprout asked nervously.

Phyllis stopped in place and looked to her son, “No, Sprout. You were not.”

“I figured as much.” Sprout sighed.

“You were supposed to just be sheriff and keep ponies from panicking. But instead you turned into a warring dictator,” Phyllis continued expressing disappointment, “I may have wanted to keep the ponies in town safe, but I never wanted to incite a war unless we had actual reason too,” she sighed, “But I can't pin all the blame onto you.”

“Really?” Sprout asked hopefully.

“No. I played a large role in how you turned out this way because of all my fear pandering to everypony. Argyle was right. I was the one brainwashing the minds of everypony in Maretime Bay. But not anymore. Both of us have to make up for all we've done. For me, I'm shutting down all future Canterlogic product developments. It's clear it's not Pegasi and Unicorns we need to be prepared for. And as for you. I already talked it over with Hitch, and your deputy status is officially revoked.”

“Huh?” Sprout asked.

“We both need to make up for our actions.” Phyllis reminded him.

Sprout sighed, “Yes, mommy.” the two walked on.

Lita, her sisters, and the rest of Sunny's friends approach said pony, “You did it, Sunny.” Hitch congratulated her.

“No,” Sunny bumped Hitch playfully., “We did it-together.”

“We sure did.” Zink agreed.

“Now we never have to be apart!” Izzy pranced in place.

The group laughed, before pulling up on hoof/hand each at the center of the circle, and spoke together, “Hooves to hearts!”

Suddenly dropping in for a landing was the earth pony who tested the Earth Pony Balloon Escape Pack comes in for a landing at very long last, facing away from them.

He lets out a relieved breath, “Hey, guys! What’d I miss?”

“You missed it all.” Zink answered.

The earth pony turned around getting an eyeful of the group, and freezes in place upon seeing representatives of all three tribes at peace and the mutant ponies. His paralysis gives way to jittering hooves and a top-of-the-lungs terrified scream.

Hitch ran over to calm him, “Hey-hey, relax. There's no need to be afraid now.”

“There isn't?” the pony asked.

“No. All pony tribes are friends now.” Sunny showed him all the ponies of Maretime Bay getting to know the unicorn and pegasi.

“Really?” he asked, as Hitch nodded before sighing, “Oh, well, that's a relief. So what do I do now?” he asked.

Zanna put an arm around him, “Why don't you go make yourself a new friend or two.”

The earth pony looked at the unicorns and pegasi and saw a good opportunity, “You know, I think I will. And thanks for those waves you sent my way.” he galloped off to befriend some of the new ponies.

“This has been some day, huh?” Zink asked the group.

“No kidding.” Zipp agreed.

“And yet it all worked out in the end.” Lita smiled, until a bright light shined surprising them.

They saw a portal appear and stepping out was another anthro earth pony with his mane and tail orange with a touch of gray to it.

“Oh, yeah! Just like old times.” he stretched his arms up.

“Sensei?” the ninja girls asked surprised, as the ponies were just as surprised.

“Hey, girls. How's it going?” Mikey asked his students/daughters.

“Sensei!” they cheered before rushing over to hug him.

“How'd you get here?” Mushroom asked.

“A little extra portal projector. What you think Donnie only made one?”

“Wait, if there was already an extra in good condition then why didn't you let us use it?” Zink asked confused.

“Donnie wanted Mushroom to refurbish his old one to test her. And you passed, girl.” Mikey told Mushroom who smiled with pride.

“But how'd you know to come here?” Lita asked.

“I felt the vibes, Lita. And you know when you feel the ninja vibes you know what you have to do.” Mikey explained, as Lita smiled knowing how right he was.

“Sensei, you gotta meet our new friends!” Zanna said, as they brought him over.

“Everypony, this is-” Lita began before Sunny cut her off.

“Michelangelo!” she gasped, “You're one of the ninjas of legend from Old Equestria.”

Mikey nodded, “And you're Sunny Starscout. Love the wings and horn. You remind me of another pony like that. Except hers were a part of her, these look like they can be accessed.”

Zink continued to introduce, “You know Sunny, this is Sheriff Hitch.”

“Welcome to Maretime Bay, master.” he greeted.

“Please let's skip the formality. Just call me Mikey.”

“Sure thing.”

Zanna brought Izzy over, “This is Izzy.”

“Oh, my gosh it's so good to meet you!” Izzy pranced around Mikey, “Zanna, and the others old us so much about you I couldn't believe it, but now I can because you’re right here!”

Mikey chuckled, “So full of spirit and excitement. You remind me of another pony I used to know.”

Lita remembering spoke to him, “Speaking of said pony, sensei. She says hi.”

Mikey smiled at that, as Mushroom spoke, “And these are Princesses Zipp and Pipp.”

“Nice to meetcha.” Zipp greeted.

“It's fabulous to meet you!” Pipp singsonged.

“Likewise.” Mikey eyed them both seeing Rainbow Dash and Rarity in the two.

“I need a selfie with you!” Pipp insisted before pulling out her phone and sis a selfie with him.

“Whoa, Equestria has phones now?” Mikey asked surprised, “Well, nice to know this world has evolved in tech. Donnie would've been proud of that.”

“We did it, sensei,” Lita explained, “We united the tribes and brought back the magic of Friendship.”

Mikey nodded, “Yes you did. I'm proud of all of you.”

“I even found my own battle cry, sensei!” Zanna spoke up.

“Really? Well, tell me what ya got, Zanna.”

Zanna announced, “Tabodi!” she looked at her master, “What do you think?”

Mikey's surprised look turned into a bright smile, as he hugged her, “You learned so well!” Zanna laughed form the happy hug before Mikey put her down.

“Hey there!” Alphabittle called, as he and Haven approached while noticing Mikey, “So who's this?”

“Another mutant like you girls?” Haven asked Lita and her sisters.

“Yes, Queen Haven.” Lita confirmed.

“This is our ninja master, our sensei-” Zanna began, as Mikey finished.

“Michelangelo. The raddest party dude of both New York and even Equestria!” he laughed while making a few poses only for some bones to crack, “Ooh! I really can't move like that anymore.” the group chuckled.

“Well, Michelangelo-” Haven began.

“Please, call me Mikey.”

“Mikey,” she corrected herself, “I just want to commend for raising such wise girls. For they've taught me much these last two days.”

“Same here,” Alphabittle agreed, “We used to fear each other, but they and Sunny and the rest of these ponies proved we can be friends.”

Mikey nodded, “Yes, you can. After all Friendship's always been the real Magic.” The ponies nodded in agreement.

Later on a stage was set up in front of Canterlogic Factory as everypony in Maretime Bay and several more from Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights were gathered. Stepping up to the mic was Phyllis who spoke up.

“Attention, everypony, and I mean everypony!” she began, as the ponies looked to her, “I know things have been crazy in the last 24 hours, but today and forever more we now meet not as enemies but as friends. I myself didn't think it was possible as did the rest of you. But today we were proven wrong. We were shown that fear wasn't our friend, and that we could be friends with the ponies we all thought were enemies. And it's all thanks to some very special ponies. So let's give a big hoof for Sunny Starscout and her friends!”

The ponies cheered and applauded, as Sunny, her friends, Lita, and her sisters stepped on stage ready to give a performance to celebrate their new-found friendship.


Lita: Some days get the best of me

Sometimes I feel like givin' up, givin' up

I'm not where I wanna be

I know I'm not the only one

Everybody needs somebody

I'm somebody, too

Zink, Zanna, and Mushroom: Everybody needs somebody

Lita: If you ever need somebody

I'll be there for you, yeah

Lita (Zink, Zanna, and Mushroom): You know the truth is

We're not so different after all (Can you feel it?)

Can you feel it? (Can you feel it?)

I need a friend, too

I'll be here to catch you when you fall (Can you feel it?)

Can you feel it? (Can you feel it?)

'Cause we-e-e-e're better together (Can you feel it?)

Together (Can you feel it?)

We-e-e-e're better together (Can you feel it?)

Together (Can you feel it?)

Sunny: Some days get the best of me

Sometimes I feel I'm not enough, not enough

That's not who I wanna be

I know I'm not the only one, no

Lita: Everybody needs somebody

I'm somebody, too, oh, yeah

Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp: Everybody needs somebody

Sunny: If you ever need somebody

I'll be there for you

Lita: You know the truth is

We're not so different after all (Izzy and Zanna: Can you feel it?)

Sunny: Can you feel it? (Pipp and Mushroom: Can you feel it?)

Lita: I need a friend, too

I'll be here to catch you when you fall (Hitch, Zipp, and Zink: Can you feel it?)

Sunny: Can you feel it? (All: Can you feel it?)

Sunny & Lita (Zink, Hitch, Zanna, Izzy, Mushroom, Zipp, and Pipp):

'Cause we-e-e-e're better together (Can you feel it?)

Together (Can you feel it?)

We-e-e-e're better together (Can you feel it?)

Together (Can you feel it?)

Sunny: Everybody needs somebody

I'm somebody, too

Lita: If you ever need somebody

I'll be there for you

Sunny & Lita (Zink, Hitch, Zanna, Izzy, Mushroom, Zipp, and Pipp):

You know the truth is

We're not so different after all (Can you feel it?)

Can you feel it? (Can you feel it?)

I need a friend, too

I'll be here to catch you when you fall (Can you feel it?)

Sunny: Can you feel it? (Lita, Hitch, Zink, Izzy, Zanna, Zipp, Mushroom, and Pipp: Can you feel it?)

All: 'Cause we-e-e-e're better (better) together (Can you feel it?)

Together (Can you feel it?)

We-e-e-e're better (better) together

Together (Can you feel it?)

The ponies cheered at their performance with Haven and Alphabittle applauding, and Mikey watching with a smile.

'Just like old times, huh, girls?' he thought while recalling the Rainbooms and their many performances.

Afterward at the wreckage of Sunny's home, she and her friends along with the five ninja looked on upon it still in sorrow over its destruction.

“We're sorry this happened, Sunny.” Hitch apologized.

Mikey put a hand on Sunny's shoulder, “I've been here before Sunny. One time my home was trashed by my family's long time enemies the Kraang when they invaded our world. Months later after we were finally able to beat them we moved back in, cleaned up, and started anew.”

Sunny hearing those words got inspired, “Then that's what we'll do.”

“What do you mean?” Zipp asked.

“We can rebuild the Lighthouse, make it better, a home for all of us.” Sunny said brightly.

“Sounds like a plan, Sunny.” Lita smiled.

“Will you girls stay and help?” Sunny asked hopefully.

Lita curiously looked to Mikey and nodded, “Sure thing. But we need to get back to the city and get our affairs in order. We can even bring some of our own tools to help you rebuild it.

“I'd really appreciate that.” Sunny smiled, as she trotted through the wreckage before finding something underneath some debris. She gasped and smiled brightly before another idea came to mind, “Mikey-sensei.” she spoke up grabbing his attention.

“What is it, Sunny?”

Sunny walked over with a wooden box with no lid, “My dad made these for me when I was a filly. But I would like you to have them. As a sign of our new friendship.”

Mikey curiously looked at what Sunny was holding and gasped. The box contained the figurines of the Mane Six and Mikey and his bros as anthro ponies. Sunny has originally planned to pack them away any of her pony unity research when she almost gave up hope. She was lucky they weren't damaged when the lighthouse came down.

Mikey looked at each of them smiling remembering his pony friends, “Rainbow Dash. Rarity. Pinkie Pie. Twilight.”

Sunny nodded, “You were friends with them many moons ago.”

“Yeah. Some of the best friends I ever had in this world,” Mikey said fondly before looking at the figurines of him and his bros, “Oh, yeah I remember how young I looked back then. Your dad really captured me and my bros likeness. Although he could've made Raph a little uglier than this.” he laughed, as did the others.

Sunny smiled and looked to the ninjas, “Thank you all for coming to Equestria and help me prove we were always meant to be friends.”

“That's how we were raised and trained for, Sunny.” Lita reminded her.

“And I have to admit, Equestria is really some place.” Zink confessed.

“We're glad you think so.” Hitch replied.

“And you know from the way you girls described you're world. I'd kinda wanna see it myself.” Zipp added.

“Oh, so do I!” Pipp put in excitedly.

“Me too!” Izzy cheered.

Mikey chuckled, “Well, you may get that chance. But for now. Enjoy the time you ponies have now that you're all together.”

“Will do, Mikey-sensei.” Sunny smiled, as she and her friends gathered for a group hug.

Lita glanced behind her and saw the spirits of Leo, Raph, Donnie, Twilight, and all her friends in the distance smiling at her, 'Thanks, everyone.' she thought.

We got the light, we're comin' in stronger, we're in it together

If you want it, it's all inside your mind

We got the light, won't wait any longer, we'll get it together

If you want it, then you can paint the sky (hey!)

Glowin' up, kind of love

Dip and slide, through the cut

Glowin' up, kind of love

We say "hi", you say "what?"

Glowin' up, kind of love

Dip and slide, through the cut

Glowin' up, kind of love

We say "hi", you say "what?"

Vanessa Hudgens as Sunny Starscout

Kimiko Glenn as Izzy Moonbow

James Marsden as Hitch Trailblazer

Everywhere that I've been, yeah, they say I'm different

But I'm good in my skin (ooh-ooh-ooh, hey!)

If it doesn't feel right, break it in with tie-dye

And don't you stop 'til sunrise

Sofia Carson as Pipp Petals

Liza Koshy as Zipp Storm

Ken Jeong as Sprout

Elizabeth Perkins as Phyllis Cloverleaf

We don't fly like we used to, we take what we've been through

And we can feel brand new (ooh-ooh-ooh)

I know I am a fighter, I feel the fire

I'm shining brighter (ooh-ooh-ooh)

Jane Krakowski as Queen Haven

Michael McKean as Argyle Starshine

Phil LaMarr as Alphabittle

We got the light, we're comin' in stronger, we're in it together

If you want it, it's all inside your mind

We got the light, won't wait any longer, we'll get it together

If you want it, then you can paint the sky (hey!)

Olivia Holt as Lita

Nicole Sullivan as Zink

Michaela Dietz as Zanna

Cree Summers as Mushroom

Glowin' up, kind of love

Dip and slide, through the cut

Glowin' up, kind of love

We say "hi", you say "what?"

Glowin' up, kind of love

Dip and slide, through the cut

Glowin' up, kind of love

We say "hi", you say "what?"

Greg Cipes as Michelangelo

Seth Green as Leonardo

Sean Astin as Raphael

Rob Paulsen as Donatello

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) We got the kind of

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) We got the kind of love

(Ooh-ooh-ooh) We got the light

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) We got the kind of

(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) We got the kind of love

(Ooh-ooh-ooh) We got the light

Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash and Applejack

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity

Glowin' up, kind of love

Glowin' up, kind of love

At Zephyr Heights, the station below the castle where Zipp would go to was completely restored to good as new so that the unicorns and earth ponies could use it to travel to. Even the stain glass windows were repaired brand new, with a third window put in the center displaying an earth pony with the Earth Pony Crystal above it.