• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,152 Views, 279 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

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The Canterlogic Showcase

At the Canterlogic factory, all earth pony workers were developing every invention in the factory. Their main goal is to keep every earth pony safe from other tribes. All the products are then loaded in boxes and delivered to every building in Maretime Bay. As Sprout was making his way inside with the wagon of smoothies toed on his back, one little earth pony giggling wasn’t watching where she was going and almost bumped into Sprout, “Hey, watch it!” he shouted. Every pony was excited for the big event and were wondering what Phyllis is going to present on stage.

“Welcome, everypony,” A pony named Toots greeted visitors in the tour group, “Got any questions about the Canterlogic factory? Happy to answer them.”

“Oh, yeah. Where are the free smoothies?” an earth pony asked.

“Uh, I can't answer that.”

Hitch sighed while looking around, “You know what, Sprout? I think I finally got through to Sunny.”

Sprout spoke, “I’m glad you did, Hitch. We can’t have her ruin the annual presentation every time she makes a scene here.”

“Agreed.” Hitch replied.

“By the way, you didn’t tell Sunny about those freaks we ran into last nigh. Did ya?” Sprout questioned to Hitch.

“Nope. But if they show up again, we'll be ready for them this time.” He assured Sprout who had a smug look on his face.

But what those two stallions didn’t know was up from above, the ninjas were already hiding together in one of the conveyor belts up above filled with boxes near the window that wasn’t operated. They had heard the whole thing.

“Oh, we sure hope you two are.” Mushroom quietly chuckled to herself.

“Lita, what do we do now?” Zink questioned her, “We lost track of Sunny when she snuck in.”

“We'll meet up with her soon, Zink,” Lita assured her, “Right now, I wanna see exactly what this showcase is all about.”

“It probably has something to do with all this weird stuff.” Zanna opened up the boxes to see the gadgets these ponies made, and what she said was correct. They were weird stuff.

“What are these low tech inventions?” Mushroom asked looking at some.

“Based off all the fear of pegasi and unicorns around the town, I have a gut feeling this stuff is supposed to be used for defense against them.” Lita suspected.

“I think you're onto something.” Mushroom agreed.

“These are for defense?” Zink asked while holding up some weird antennae helmet.

Before they could further their conversation the lights went off and the show was about to begin, “Shh, the show's starting.” Mushroom said as the ninjas grabbed a pair of binoculars Mushroom invented to get a better visual.

An Announcer Pony spoke, “It's the moment you've all been waiting for. As the founder of Canterlogic, she's been keeping us safe and stylish for the last twenty moons. Please go wild for the one and only... Phyllis Cloverleaf!” All the crowds began to cheer.

Phyllis Cloverleaf entered on stage, “Thank you! Thank you! Oh, hey, how are ya? Thank you so much. We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled to create perfect products that protect ponies like you... from ponies like that!” She pointed to some pictures of pegasi and unicorns, “And, like I always say, "To be scared is..."

"...to be prepared!" the crowd finished.

“To be scared is to be prepared?” Mushroom questioned.

“Guess they really do fear all other pony kinds. Even us.” Zanna asked.

“Zanna, we may look like ponies, but we’re not from here. Ok?” Zink frowned.

“Shh.” Lita said.

“Oh, I love it! That's right!” Phyllis cheered from the crowds shared enthusiasm with her.

“Yahoo!” A pony named Rob cheered.

“So, let's start the show!” Phyllis declared, as runway music played and ponies started taking pictures.

Phyllis showed the crowd three ponies equipped with different products they invented to keep them safe, “Up first, we have Sugar Moonlight looking absolutely stunning in our high-tech Anti-Mind-Reading Hat. All those psychic unicorns out there are gonna be out of luck when you wear this little number.” She explained as the pony model was wearing a metal helmet with an antennae on top. As for Hitch, he was enjoy this and the music. Sprout just kept on drinking his smoothie. The ninjas were not satisfied with what they’re witnessing.

“Sensei said unicorns aren't actually psychic, they just use magic like levitation.” Zanna whispered to her sisters, as they continued to watch the show.

“Now let's welcome Sparkle Chaser in his Pega-Periscope Goggles, the easy way to keep your eye on the sky!” she continued. The pony model was wearing periscope goggles allowing him to look upward while keeping his head straight. Unfortunately, Sparkle Chaser wasn’t watching where he was going and accidentally fell off the stage, “Oh! [chuckles nervously] It's all part of the show!” Phyllis said sheepishly.

The ninjas could not believe what they're seeing, “Wow. This is just… lame.” Zink said who was not happy about this.

“Yeah, I don’t think these inventions will ever keep them safe.” Mushroom agreed.

The third pony was about to activate what looks to be a backpack, “Next up, the Earth Pony Balloon Escape Pack!”

When the balloon pony activated the escape pack, he shrieked as he flew up into the air so fast that he flew past the ninjas and out of the window. The ninjas gasped and were worried. Lita, Mushroom, and Zink didn’t remember leaving that window open when they came in here. Except for Zanna, “I meant to close that. He’ll be alright, I’m sure.” Zanna chuckled sheepishly. Her sisters looked at Zanna and frowned.

Down below Hitch was still enjoying the tune, and Sprout was still drinking his smoothie. Hitch spoke after witnessing the pony go out the window on the escape pack, “Yikes. That's gonna be a lot of paperwork.”

Phyllis then continued for the final part, “We take great care here at Canterlogic to ensure the safety of you, our loyal customers.”

“Awwww...” the ponies said together.

“But recently, unicorns and pegasi aren't our only threat now!” the audience let out a gasp fearing a new threat, “That's right, just last night, our beloved Sheriff Hitch and his deputy, my son; Sprout. Were viciously attacked by a gang of what my son described: Ninja Pony Freaks!” The audience cried in alarm as Phyllis motioned to Hitch and Sprout who suddenly grabbed an icepack from somewhere and held it to his head while making fake hurt moans.

“Viciously attacked?” Zink asked in outrage.

“We barely did anything to them.” Zanna said equally miffed.

"We didn't even have to touch the red one." Mushroom put in.

“That's why, we have developed a new defense to combat this new threat which we'll reveal at the end of our presentation. Now please stand back,” she said as the crowd stood back, “This product testing demonstration is fully automated.”

Sweets activated the cycle and the lights went on to show a training field with a training dummy standing on a platform. As they were about to begin, Sunny who dressed as an alicorn jumped on the platform and pushed the dummy aside smiling. Phyllis gasped at seeing Sunny on stage, followed by Hitch, while Sprout who went back to drinking his smoothie did a spit take. The crowd then gasped, along with the ninjas.

“It's Sunny!” Zanna gasped.

“What's she's doing?” Zink asked.

“I don't know.” Lita replied.

“This is not going to end well.” Mushroom said worried.

They all watched Sunny pull out a sign of a unicorn horn, pegasus wings, and a horshoe. But what Lita saw that made her eyes wide, was the Hamato symbol embedded on it as well.

“Look at the sign, girls,” She whispered. And they all gasped to see the symbol, “That’s our clan symbol. Sunny must’ve heard of the ninja clan!”

“True, but she hasn’t met us!” Mushroom whispered back.

Sunny shouted to the guests, “Earth ponies of Maretime Bay! Fear is not your friend! But the ninjas, unicorns and pegasi can be! Let's extend the hoof of friendship!” Suddenly, the platform attached boots to Sunny’s hooves, “Wha—? That is not what I meant.”

Phyllis whispered to Toots and Sweets through gritted teeth, “Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!” Sweets tried to turn it off, but she couldn’t. Phyllis chuckled sheepishly trying to keep the audience calm, “So... Now you can prevent an aerial abduction with a set of our new Anti-Pega-Lift Boots!”

Then a claw that looked like a pegasus came down and grabbed Sunny’s cardboard horn and wings clean off.

Sunny Starscout shouted while avoiding the claw, “Peace with Pegasi! Ah! Unity with — ah! — unicorns! Honor with— whoa — ninjas!”

Both Toots and Sweets kept fiddling with the controls to stop the program, but to no avail. Sunny grunted while banging her sign at the claw to shoo it off. But it took her sign away anyway, “Hey! Gimme that back!” and dropped it on her head “Ow!”

“Ugh, Sunny.” Hitch groaned, as he ran to try and help save his friend. Sprout didn’t care one bit and just kept drinking his smoothie.

At the ninja’s hiding spot, they too were not enjoying this, “Oh, this is embarrassing.” Zanna moaned.

Then another claw grabbed Sunny’s back and was lifted off the ground. The platform started to rotate and show what appears to be a trap labeled X.

“Peace with... Pegasi! Unity with unicorns! Honor with ninjas!” Sunny yelled.

Phyllis then showed everybody the next phase, “Uh, e-e-everypony, take a look at our Unicorn Entrapment Device!”

Sunny was then equipped by a horn and the claw released her, “Whoa!” she squeaked. When she landed on the platform, She was trapped inside with an alarm buzzing.

Hitch came over to the two ponies who were still fiddling with the controls, “Toots! Sweets! Shut her down! Sheriff's orders!” He demanded.

“We're trying!” Toots shouted.

Sweets spoke, “Fully automated means it has to go through the whole cycle!”

Soon, the unicorn trap opened, and now Sunny was equipped with a pair of wings, “Huh?” she questioned. The door on the right opened revealing a launcher that was aimed at Sunny, “Oh, no.” She moaned and was lifted off the ground swooping around the training field, “Whoa! [screams] Peace with Pegasi! Unity with unicorns! Honor with Ninjas!”

The crowd and the ninjas kept staring at her flying around in circles, “Uh, a-a-and this is the Splat-a-pult!” Phyllis stated.
Sunny was spun faster and faster, and was covered in gooey slime that was launched from the device, “CEASE FIRE!” she shrieked as she was splat in the face. That made the crowd and the ninjas groan. Then, the splatapults were turned off and Sunny was gently placed on the ground.

Phyllis shouts out. “Let's hear it, everypony! Come on!” The crowd cheered at Phyllis and her projects. But the ninjas were not happy about this.

“A splatapult? Really? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!” Mushroom answered.

“Yeah, now I know how Sensei Michelangelo feels.” Zanna said.

“What are you talking about Zanna?” Zink asked.

“Remember hearing story of the Newtralizer?” she explained to her big sister. “Sensei Donatello named that alien lizard when he was rescuing April’s dad alone. And when his brothers showed up, Sensei Michelangelo was so mad at Sensei Donatello that he named something without him. He always had a habit of naming stuff, remember?”

“Touché, Zanna. Touché.” Zink groaned flatly.

Soon, a different alarm went off, then a big door opened from behind the training field, revealing what looked like anthro ninja pony bots but they looked a bit last minute put together. The crowd could not believe their eyes.

“Are those robots?” Zink questioned.

“They look like pony versions of the old Foot Bots to me.” Mushroom suggested.

“And yet they look poorly put together.” Lita noticed.

Phyllis presented, “And for our last presentation, I present you Hoof Bots!” The crowd ooed and ahhed at the sight of them.

“HOOF BOTS?!” Sunny and the Ninjas screamed.

Phyllis explained, “Don’t you love it? My new robotic Hoof Bots follow our orders to a T. No arguing, no prodding, they do whatever we want. Cool right?”

Lita huffed, “Yeah, convenient. Nice.”

The crowd cheered as Phyllis continued, “These bad boys are programmed with dozens of fighting styles. Each one is equipped with their own ninja weapon, along with some shurikens and kunai daggers. My hoof bots will know every move, every skill, every attack those freaks make. Though they're still in their development stages, once they are all fully operational, they will be under our sheriff’s command!” she smirked. The crowd went crazy and cheered.

The ninjas and Sunny gasped. Zink could not believe what she just heard, “You’ve got to be kidding me! Those tin-cans are going to follow the sheriff’s orders?! We can't let them use those things!”

“Zink, be quiet!” Lita demanded.

Suddenly, the Hoof Bots eyes were lit on and they all stared at Sunny, “Uh-oh.” She whimpered.

The hoof bots charged at her and she screamed. She ran as fast as she could, but the bots were catching up. Soon, they piled on her and she cried out, “SOMEPONY HELP ME!” The Hoof Bots just held Sunny down, as the crowd of ponies groaned and cringed as the robots kept piling on top of her.

Zink moaned, “Oh, not cool!”

“Shouldn’t we do something? She could get hurt out there!” Zanna asked in worry.

“No. We can’t interfere.” Lita ordered her sister.

Then one Hoof Bot picked her up and was about to throw her. Sunny screamed, “PUT ME DOWN!”

Phyllis shouted, “TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF NOW!”

“We’re trying! We’re trying!” Sweet shouted back. Both she and Toots still can’t stop it.

Hitch had enough “Oh, will you just—”

He pulls the plug and the whole cycle was shut down. All the Hoof Bots were shut off and were flopped to the ground. But the last one that was holding Sunny threw her before it shut down. Sunny rolled and slid her way to the audience.

The crowd gasped when they saw Sunny splattered, and roughed up all over her body. Sunny spoke to the audience, “Aren’t you tired of being scared all the time? The truth is we’re not in danger. It’s all a lie. We don’t need any of this Canterlogic junk.”

Phyllis frowned “Oh we don’t, do we? How do you suggest we defend ourselves? With hugs and cupcakes?” the crowd laughed.

Sunny continued, “Just imagine if you have a friend who could fly or a friend who could–”

Phyllis added, “Fry your brains with a single horn zap? Or swoop down and snatch you away? Or worse, those ninja freaks will come for you, striking you down, and showing no mercy?!” the crowd gasped in horror, as the ninjas growled at Phyllis slandering them without even trying to understand.

“Sheriff, do your job.” Phyllis ordered.

“All right Sunny. Let’s go.” He told her.

“No!” she said, “Everypony needs to hear this! Everything you believe about ninjas, pegasi and unicorns is wrong! They used to be our friends and can be again!”

Phyllis rolled her eyes, “Oh, please.”

“But, if ninjas are here at Maretime Bay.” She continued. “then… then…” she took out a deep breath,


The whole group erupted in collective gasping. Everyone could not believe what they just heard from Sunny. The ninjas were surprised and felt touched.

Phyllis frowned, “Are you saying you want to be a ninja?!" Sunny nodded, "Sunny Starscout, you have gone too far! We don’t need nasty freaks to help us and invading our town. We have these Hoof Bots now and we can defend ourselves by doing it our way. If they ever show their faces again, it’ll be too late for them.”

Sunny gasped, “No! NO! You can’t do that! Don't hurt them! Please! They’re not our enemies!”

“Hey, we don’t need any of them around here!” a pony in the audience declared, as others started booing her.

“Get off the stage!”

Hitch goes over to Sunny, “Sunny, let’s go,” as he pulled Sunny out of the stage, “Show’s over, Sunny.”

“Sunny, you’re just embarrassing yourself.” another pony mocked.

Phyllis smirked, “It’s quite sad, really. Now, where were we? [giggles]”

The ninjas could not believe what they just heard from her. And so, they jumped out of the window to discuss what they’ve witnessed in the factory.

“Sunny's been following up on our clan.” Lita began.

“And she believes the other pony tribes can be their friends.” Mushroom added.

“But why does every pony else feel threatened by them?” Zink wondered.

“Sensei wasn't kidding when he said Equestria might not be the same as it was during his time,” Zanna said, “But I'll bet he'd never imagine it would be like this.”

“Why are the pony tribes separated?” Lita questioned, “And how did this all happen?”

“We should start by getting some more intel out of Sunny,” Mushroom suggested, “This is why we came here after all to find her, and figure out how to help Equestria.”

“Well, there she and the sheriff go.” Zanna motioned to the two leaving the building.

“Come on, girls. Let's go!” Lita said, as the four followed them.

They returned to the Smoothie stand where Sunny was closing up shop, while listening to Hitch lecture her.

“Do you have any idea how many bylaws you broke in there?”

Sunny answered in a snarky tone, “I’m sure you’re about to tell me.”

“Actually, for once I can’t, ’cause there’s so many!” Hitch continued to lecture, and sighed, “I tried to warn you. I can’t keep associating with somepony who breaks every rule and causes chaos wherever she goes. I’m the Sheriff!”

“Exactly!” Sunny agreed, “Other ponies look up to you! You could help!”

Hitch just sighed heavily, “The law is the law, Sunny, and I’m here to uphold it and keep everypony safe.”

“Aha! You just said 'everypony,'” Sunny called it, “That includes pegasi and unicorns. And those ninjas you and Sprout claimed to have seen.”

“Come on, Sunny, what did you think was gonna happen? You give a little speech, and what? Everypony just magically welcomes unicorns, pegasi, and others into Maretime Bay? You keep saying there’s nothing to be afraid of? Well, then, prove it!”

The idealistic mare has no immediate response to this challenge, while the ninjas watching felt bad for Sunny. Hitch breaks the silence with a gentle, resigned sigh.

“All of that “pony unity” stuff was just a foals’ bedtime story made up by your dad. Like it or not, this is the way it is, and always will be,” Hitch paused, “I’m the last real friend you got in this town. You really want to lose me too?” Sunny deflates with a quiet exhalation of her own, and Hitch takes his leave.

The ninjas watched and didn't like Hitch's ultimatum he dropped on Sunny, “That's cold!” Zanna frowned.

“Low blow.” Zink frowned with her sister.

“But she's not wrong,” Mushroom spoke up, “If our senseis stories are anything to go by that is how Equestria was back then. But somehow the ponies divided up and forgot they were friends.”

“So what do we do now, Lita?” Zink inquired their leaders insight.

“We came here to talk to Sunny,” Lita replied, “And talk is what we're going to do.” she promised.