• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,152 Views, 279 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

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Raging War

After the failure of bringing magic back to Equestria with the Pegasus and Unicorn Crystals, Sunny, Hitch, and the ninja girls headed back to Maretime Bay. Even though Hitch would resume his duties as sheriff, Sunny herself didn't know what else she had to do since aside from her smoothie work she didn't have much left since she was focused on carrying on her dad's research. But now it felt like it no longer mattered. Even the ninjas were bummed over their failure. They had one mission to do and now it felt like they failed.

By the time they reached the Welcome to Maretime Bay sign, the sky started getting darker as nighttime was drawing close.

Hitch looked to Lita, “So what're you four going to do now?”

“Honestly, I do not know.” Lita admitted dismally, as she started walking away for the forest outside town.

“We'll keep an eye on her.” Zanna promised.

“And for what it's worth, we did enjoy traveling with all of you.” Mushroom assured them.

“Especially you, Sunny.” Zink added.

Sunny felt glad to hear that, but it wasn't enough to brighten her mood. So the three followed Lita, as Hitch spoke to his long time friend, “I'm right here if you need to talk, Sunny.”

Sunny just gave Hitch one long, lugubrious look and continues on toward her home, leaving him to heave a quiet sigh and start moving back in the direction of town.

Sunny entered her home, with all traces of her normal exuberance completely wiped out, and stood at the threshold for a few seconds that seemed like forever before entering. The closing of the door knocks the picture of herself and Argyle askew as it has before, but this time she did not even try to set it right like before; instead, she went to sit at her bedroom window and stare forlornly out to the darkening sky.

Voicing a sigh, she looked toward the shelf by her bed, where her figurines of Twilight, her friends, and the ninja bros are still lined up by the lantern Argyle made for her. She then took an open-topped wooden box and placed the figurines in it, keeping them in line; followed by the lantern. She then went up to the lighthouse’s lantern room; and started taking down her posters, pictures, and notes of Canterlogic and all.

Sunny looked to the circular table at which she designed her picket materials for the Canterlogic show. It was still littered with supplies and half-finished sketches, which she began to brush aside only to freeze upon noticing part of the design worked into the tabletop. More perplexed than morose, she continued to clear the papers away and gets a good look at the picture. Engraved into the surface is a simplified representation of the joined Pegasus and Unicorn Crystals, including the circular gap enclosed by them. She peers closely at the image, gingerly tracing a hoof over its surface, and the lantern comes to life in response to a sunbeam striking it from an angle that just misses her shoulder.

Sunny stood up to full height with slowly widening eyes, which she fixes on the spherical beacon above the table. The lantern’s beam connects solidly with this item and causes it to blaze up intensely for a moment, throwing images of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns all over every horizontal and vertical surface of this chamber. She turns to the lantern as the display ceases and gets a good look at its light source, a colorless circular crystal set into the base. Curiously she removed it and looked toward the table again. Hesitantly, she places the stone onto the circle representing the gap at the center of the two united crystals. It sinks into the tabletop, the remainder of the design doing likewise in sections; she stares down at this bit of mechanical action, her brain completely locked up by confusion and dawning comprehension.

“We were right!” she gasped.

Meanwhile back around the forest outside Maretime Bay, Lita had stopped walking and sat by a creek still silent since they left their earth pony friends.

“What do we do now, Lita?” Zanna asked.

“What else can we do, Zanna?” Lita asked rhetorically.

“Well, there's always something.” Mushroom believed.

“Come on, Lita, we're just giving up?” Zink asked in disbelief.

“What else can we do? We couldn't bring back magic with the crystals. We've exposed the royal family being unable to fly and ruining their lives. And we got the unicorns hopes up all for nothing. We failed.” Lita sighed in defeat.

“It's true failure hurts,” came a voice, as the four looked and saw Leo, Raph, and Donnie still as turtles standing close by, “But it can also be an experience to learn from.”

“Senseis!” the four gasped.

“Good to see you, squirts.” Raph smiled.

“You've all really been busy as of late,” Donnie noted before turning to Mushroom, “Nice you finally re-tuned my old portal projector, Mush.”

“Thank you, Donnie-sensei.” Mushroom said gratefully.

Lita spoke up to Leo, “Sensei-Leo, we are so sorry. We had one mission and yet we failed. And yet we were so sure we could've made a difference.”

“But you did make a difference.” Leo reminded her.


Raph spoke up, “You gave Sunny hope in all of you, convinced a stubborn Hitch he was wrong about all pony tribes, showed Izzy she had friends outside Bridlewood, showed Zipp anything is possible, even gave Pipp real friendship outside social media.”

“I'd say you girls made a real big difference.” Donnie noted.

“A lot of good it did us,” Lita sighed, “We still couldn't bring back the magic. Now every pony's just gonna continue to be miserable.”

Leo approached and put a hand on Lita's shoulder, “Lita, you know as well as I have, the mission is never over until you've given up. And I never trained you to give up.”

“No, sensei.” Lita confirmed.

“So I suggest you all finish what you started here.” Leo instructed.

“But how?” Zink asked.

“You can start by going to see Sunny.” Leo suggested, as Raph and Donnie nodded.

“Sunny?” Lita asked, as she and her sisters looked in the direction of the lighthouse, “But what will we-” she stopped as they looked back seeing their senseis were gone.

“Gone.” Zanna gasped.

“What now?” Mushroom asked Lita.

Lita dropping her dismal mood replaced it with a determined look, “We finish the mission.” Her sisters cheered seeing their leader was back in her right mood.

They rushed from the forest heading for Sunny's home, only to see the earth pony gallop out the door, “Sunny!” the sisters called.

“Girls!” Sunny called, as she pulled to a halt in front of them, “I'm so glad you're still here. We were right about the crystals.”

“We were?” Zanna asked.

“What do you mean?” Zink asked.

“I'll explain later, but we gotta get Hitch. Come on!” Sunny ordered, as she led them to town.

They hurried into town to discover it was totally deserted with broken tables, overturned food stand, movie posters ripped down, and litter scattered about.

“What happened here?” Lita asked.

“I know Izzy's presence here started a panic, but it wasn't this bad.” Mushroom noted.

“Where is everypony?” Zanna looked around.

Suddenly the door to the sheriff's office opened and Hitch came galloping out, “Sunny! Lita! Girls!”

“Hitch, what's going on?” Zink inquired.

“Where did everypony go?” Lita asked.

“I have no idea. It was like this when I got here.” he answered.

“Hitch, girls, I figured out what went wrong with the crystals.” Sunny spoke up.

“What went wrong?” Zanna asked.

“There's actually a third-” Sunny was cut off as the crack of fireworks lit up the sky having been shot up from the Canterlogic factory.

“I'm guessing something big is going on there.” Mushroom assumed.

“Come on!” Lita ordered, as they hurried for the factory.

As they got closer they saw every pony in Maretime Bay marching in lock step like soldiers all while wearing the Anti-Mindreading Hats.

“What's with them?” Zink asked.

“Let's find out.” Hitch suggested, as he and Sunny went ahead while the ninjas stayed back so not to rile up the other ponies.

Hitch spoke to Toots in the formation, “Hey, wait, wait! What is going on here?”

“We can’t tell you. We’ve signed the Official Sprout Act.” Toots answered, as they kept marching.

“Official Sprout-what?” Hitch asked in disbelief.

The ninjas caught up, “Hitch, what was that about?” Lita asked.

“Did he say Official Sprout Act?” Zanna asked.

“Hitch, what happened when you left to find us?” Sunny asked.

Hitch realizing he goofed spoke up nervously, “Well, I needed somepony to watch over things and keep the town calm while I was away. So I asked... Sprout.”

“WHAT?!” the ninjas asked in outrage.

“You left him to be in charge?!” Zink growled.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Mushroom shouted.

“Girls, come on. We have to see what's happening!” Sunny instructed as they followed the marching earth ponies.

They stood outside the front entrance of the factory where set up was an implausibly tall lectern decorated with a large gold copy of Hitch’s badge; equipped with a ramp for a user to reach the microphone, and a padded stool is set at the base of this. Sweets stood near the ramp, while Phyllis was across from her. An eerie silence falls once the last hooves have stomped into place, broken only when Sweets speaks.

“The Stallion-in-Chief!” She blows a chewing-gum bubble as from the entrance two impassive ponies emerge pulling a wagon. Its front end is also decorated with the gold badge, but its rider is out of view for the moment. Phyllis aims an adoring gaze at this individual, who proves to be Sprout. The high, dark green collar he wore during his factory tour has been augmented with a variety of gold pins and medals, and a head-on shot and slow tilt down shows a matching peaked cap with an abundance of gold braid and trim. He was also wearing his old brown sash in addition to the collar.

Hitch's three animal deputies were even part of the throng, wearing miniature Anti-Mindreading Hats of their own. Sprout now fully seen was resting on a padded chair. Above a haughtily raised chin, his imperious eyes are hidden by a pair of mirrored sunglasses.

“Sprout?” Sunny and Hitch gasped.

“He's sure been busy.” Zanna said surprised.

The wagon having stopped, the little dictator hopped down onto one puller’s head and from there to the ground, landing out of view behind the lectern.

“Step!” Sprout called for irked.

“Oh! Right.” Sweets remembered.

She quickly pushed a stool mounted on a wheeled scissor-lift jack stand up the ramp and into Sprout’s hidden location. A few turns of a crank lift him fully into view so he can speak into the microphone.

“Citizens of Maretime-” Sprout was unceremoniously cut off by the bottom edge of an enormous banner as it falls on him while being unfurled. It depicts a profile of his proudly defiant face against a yellow sunburst backdrop, with no shades or cap. Zanna and Zink laughed at this while no pony was aware of them.

Sprout managed to wrestle his way out from the weighty textile with a grunt of effort, but comes up with his accessories askew and has to spend a moment straightening them.

“Can we try that again?” he inquired.

Sunny and Hitch rush to the center stage, “Sprout! What are you doing?” Hitch demanded.

All three of Hitch's faithful critters happily throw off their Anti-Mindreading Hats upon seeing the pony they loved.

Sprout however sneered down at Hitch before removing his sunglasses, and spoke mockingly, “Awww, little Sheriff Hitchie came trotting back. Waaah,” he spoke in normal tone, “Just in time to see me do what you couldn’t-attack our enemies!” One hoof brushes against the microphone, setting off a feedback squeal that startles him into dropping the tinted lenses. Sunny and Hitch wince at the noise, Hitch audibly so.

“If you think we're gonna let you start an unjust war then you're sadly mistaken!” Lita called, as she and her sisters approached.

“Oh, the freaks return!” Sprout mocked.

“They are not freaks!” Hitch shouted before the other ponies could panic, “They mean us no harm. And the pegasi and unicorns can be our friends too. There’s no need to be afraid of them. Besides, they don’t even have any magic.”

“What?” Phyllis asked sounding positively floored by this revelation.

Sprout however saw this as a bonus, “No Magic?” he laughed, “This is even better!” the mutant ponies frowned.

Sunny addressed the crowd, “But we can bring magic back! Bring friendship back!”

“So we don’t have to fight?” Sparkle Chaser asked before sighing in relief, “That's a relief.” he cast off the Pega-Periscope Goggles he still wore, and those around him do likewise with their Anti-Mindreading Hats, throwing a fair-sized wrench into the aspiring despot’s mental gears.

“W-Wait. Wait. W-Whoa, whoa! D-Don’t listen! They’ve been brainwashed! You’ll all be next if we don’t end this now!” Sprout ordered.

The ponies nervously put their gear back on much to the girls shock, “Are they that stupid to listen to this idiot?!” Zink asked outraged.

Sprout laughed maliciously as he brings a hoof down on a large red button set into the lectern. The concrete beneath Sunny, Hitch, and the girls begin to tremble, and they are forced to step back quickly as a hatch grinds open and something very, very large begins to rise from the depths. Its shadow falls over them and the nearest ranks of supporters.

“Say hello to Sprouticus Maximus!” Sprout announced.

Sprout's project with the factory was a red truck-mech pony version of himself with a cockpit in the head.

"Sweet mother of mutation." Mushroom gasped.

“Maybe this is a bit too much, dear!” Phyllis tried coaxing her son.

“Listen to your mother!” Zink ordered before pausing, “Wow. Now we do wanna listen to her.”

“What a day.” Zanna groaned.

“We can take it down.” Lita said ready to fight.

“How can you possibly take it down, when you have to go through the front line?” Sprout asked, as they saw running out from the entrance of the factory before getting into formation was his new and improved Hoof Bots.

“What the?” Zink gasped.

“Whoa! Now they do look more dangerous.” Mushroom gasped in shock.

Sprout leaped nimbly up the chassis and the flame panels stretching back from the mechanical shoulders and opening a hatch so he can access the cockpit.

“Troops! On to Bridlewood!” he shouted. Sprout hit a button to start the rig rumbling to life and pulled a hanging cord to blow the horn.

“We have to warn them!” Sunny told Hitch and the girls.

“Then let's move!” Lita ordered, as they ran from the factory, while the steel beast rolls out, lurid green headlights pointing the way. Sprout followed them down the street, laughing maniacally and plowing a trolley off its tracks. The fleeing heroes barreled toward the lighthouse.

“Sunny what you said earlier about being a third something. What is it?” Mushroom asked.

Before Sunny could answer, they heard Izzy's voice, “Sunny!”

The group stopped to see Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp galloping over, “Girls!” Zanna cheered relieved t see them.

“What're you all doing here?” Zink asked.

“We don’t care what anypony says!” Izzy began.

“Yeah, we just want to stay friends!” Zipp added

“Pipp, Zipp…” came the voice of their mom.

They saw Haven galloping over with Cloudpuff at her heels and her guards and the Bridlewood contingent at a distance. She has managed to clean herself up since leaving the clearing.

“I know you’re upset, darlings, my sweet little darlings. But it’s time to go home now.” Haven tried reasoning with her daughters, as Alphabittle arrived.

“Izzy Moonbow, you’re gonna get us all jinxed! Come back to Bridlewood.

Haven spoke back to him, “Excuse me, do you see my mouth still moving?” she began over-enunciating her words, “That means I’m still talking.”

“Will you zip it?” Zink asked, “Because you're all in danger here!”

“I'm sorry, what?” Haven asked confused, as was Alphabittle and the others.

“We got us a giant pony mech and a squad of dangerous robot ninjas on our tails literally!” Zanna panicked.

A blast from the horn of Sprouticus Maximus catches all the new arrivals off guard and elicits a gasp, and the assault vehicle comes tearing into view from around a bend. It hisses to a stop, sending up plumes of dust through which Sprout’s followers and robots march up in formation and halt, some now wearing miniature Splat-a-Pults in harnesses across their backs. Their discipline evaporates with a round of pop eyed stares and a nervous little stammer from Toots, as they have found both pegasi and unicorns facing them down. The big boss has now shed his cap.

“Would you look at this? Our enemies delivered themselves to us!” Sprout told his followers.

Haven called up to him, “No, no, no, we’re not here to fight. Mr. Big Robot Pony.”

“I do not accept your surrender!” Sprout replied ignoring her actual claim.

“No one said they were surrendering since they said they weren't fighting!” Mushroom called up, but Sprout ignored her.

Sprout spoke to his troops, “Load the Splat-a-Pults!

Down at ground level, the ones carrying the mobile artillery instead break ranks and peel off as fast as their hooves can carry them.

“So much for your troops, Sprouty!” Zanna mocked.

Sprout snarled at their fleeing, “Why do I have to do everything myself?” In response to his tweaking of the controls, the front bumper lifts off the turf on a set of jointed arms to serve as a battering ram.

“We have to stop that thing!” Zipp told the others.

“Yeah, but how?” Izzy asked.

Sunny answered, “With magic!” She spoke to Alphabittle and Haven and held out her hoof, “Quick, I need your crystals!” The two items in question are swiftly passed to her.

“Sunny what's this all about?” Lita asked wanting a clear answer.

“There’s a third crystal!” she answered.

“What?” Zink asked surprised.

“Huh. Now that I think about it, it does make sense.” Mushroom realized.

“Follow me!” Sunny ordered, as Izzy and the royal sisters do so.

“There's what?” Hitch asked bewildered, before he and the ninjas follow in suit.

“Oh, no you don't!” Sprout called, before calling down to his robot minions, “Hoof Bots, attack!”

The eyes of the robot ponies glowed red before drawing their weapons and were prepared to attack the group, Haven, Alphabittle, and the others.

“Mom!” Zipp and Pipp looked back.

Lita seeing this called to Zink and Mushroom, “You two follow me! Zanna, go with Sunny!”

“Right!” Zanna answered, as they split up.

Lita led Mushroom and Zink towards the army of Hoof Bots, “Take them down, ninjas!”

“Oh, yeah!” Zink called, as they engaged the robot ninjas.

Lita used her katana swords against some Hoof Bots who fought back using their own, while Zink and Mushroom were fighting back and disarming some more. Unlike last time however, the Hoof Bots weren't going down so easily.

“Alright, looks like we're finally getting a challenge!” Zink said reveling in the feeling.

While the three were protecting the other ponies, Sprout gave a hard yank at the steering controls, he slewed the machine around and trained his headlights on the others, racing up the hill toward the lighthouse with more of the Hoof Bots following his lead.

Hitch looked back seeing the mech heading for them, “I’ve gotta rein that thing in!” He turned back toward it, followed by Zipp.

“I’ve got your back, Hitch!”

As Sprouticus Maximus hurtled up the grassy slope, the two leap aboard and fetch up behind the raised front bumper. Zanna and the other three reached the lighthouse, but Zanna saw the Hoof Bots closing in, “You three go on. I'll hold them!” she glared the fast approaching Hoof Bots, “Alright, Mikey-sensei, You have your cry. Well, now I'm gonna unleash my own... Tabodi!” she announced and charged at the robot ninjas fighting them head on.

Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp after getting inside the lighthouse made their way up to the lantern room before gathering around the table in which the crystal from Sunny’s lantern is still embedded. Sunny pulled the Unicorn Crystal from her saddlebag, drawing a sly chuckle from Izzy, and sets it in its place on the recessed outline. The Pegasus Crystal is brought out next-but here comes Sprout, chuckling nastily and feeding gas as he covers the final yards to reach the lighthouse. The bumper plows into the ground floor, shaking the entire structure and jolting the three crystals all over the place. The mares are thrown to the floor with a cry. Zanna jumped away while some of the Hoof Bots were rammed into the Lighthouse flattening them, but more were still functioning and started heading into the lighthouse as Zanna chased after them.

“SPROUT, STOP!!” Hitch shouted, as the impact sends fissures racing up the tower and into its balcony; up top, Sunny has recovered only the Pegasus Crystal.

“Where are the other crystals?” she asked frantically.

All three look frantically around themselves as some Hoof Bots cut holes in the floor and climbed into the room.

“Uh-oh!” Izzy gasped.

Before they could attack, Zanna shot up from the hole swinging her weapon around bashing some of the robots, “What's going on up here?!” she asked.

“We gotta find the other crystals!” Sunny ordered, as they looked for the other two.

Down below, Hitch plastered himself across the windshield, his voice muffled by the glass since the camera is inside the cockpit.

“This ends now!” Hitch ordered Sprout.

“What, and let them have magic? Never!” He yanked a lever, backing up from the lighthouse, and Hitch began to climb up the rear end. In far too short a time, panels have opened on both sides so that a pair of giant Splat-a-Pults can deploy and begin hurling globs of green slime.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Hitch gasped, as he kept away from the flinging pults.

Meanwhile the other ponies were scrambling frantically trying to avoid the out of control flinging goo balls. Some Hoof Bots got their feet stuck to the ground making them easy targets for Lita and her sisters to destroy.

“Well, at least these goo balls are helping.” Mushroom noted, only for Zink to push her aside before some almost hit her.

“When you're not in their line of fire!” Zink told her.

As every pony kept trying to find cover, Alphabittle’s armadillos come within a whisker of being shot down; he raced in and planted himself directly above them as an equine shield. One missile splatters across his back while another connects with a rear hoof, gluing him to the ground despite his efforts to pull free. Many, many more slam into the windows ringing the lantern room. Pipp shrieks in surprise and fright, recoiling slightly and putting a hoof down on the crystal from Sunny’s lantern.

She smiled and grabbed it up, “Sunny!” she threw it across and Sunny caught it.

“Got it!” It is slammed into place to fill the gap at the center of the Pegasus Crystal, which has already been set, “We need the Unicorn Crystal!”

“I’m looking, I’m looking!” Izzy cried, trying so hard to find it.

Zanna kept on knocking the Hoof Bots out of the tower, “Make it fast!” Zanna called, before smashing one with her weapon, “I can’t hold them off forever.”

More and more Hoof Bots kept climbing up the tower to finish them off. Sprout sped forward again which made Hitch fall off.

“Whoa!” He cried.

Zipp grabbed his hoof before he almost got hurt, “Hitch!” She cried and pulled him back safely.

Eventually, Izzy found the unicorn crystal near a potted plant, “Found it!” She said.

“Incoming!” Zanna screamed, before Sprout rammed the lighthouse again.

The four flopped, groaning from the impact. Suddenly, the unicorn crystal fell off of Izzy’s hoof, “Ahh! No, no, no!” she gasped as it bounced towards the ledge.

When Pipp stood up, her weight caused the elevator to drop her as the young princess screamed all the way back down to the first floor. Lucky for her, the elevator stopped at which it barely touched the ground.

“Are you alright, Pipp?” Zanna cried.

“I’m okay!” Pipp shouted to their relief.

Izzy raced out to fetch the Unicorn Crystal. She was just about to come back inside when a Hoof Bot leap tackled Izzy from above as the unicorn screamed when part of the structure they were on fell off.

“Izzy!” Sunny and Zanna screamed.

They both raced out to find Izzy holding onto the ledge with the Hoof Bot trying to pull her down and nearly got hit by the splatter balls.

“Ah! Let go of me!” She grunted.

Sprout’s Hoof Bots that were on the roof slowly traversed around the tower, until Zanna tried to stop them.

“Go! Save her!” Zanna motioned Sunny who began to pull Izzy up.

Mushroom shoved a Hoof Bot away from her before seeing the one holding onto Izzy. She watched it slowly pull a dagger out of its back, realizing that it was going to stab Izzy in the back.

“Izzy!” She cried.

The brown ninja started blowing a few darts with her fukedake blowgun which came in contact with the robot. Izzy saw it short circuiting, which gave her chance to deliver a powerful buck that made it let go of her.

As Sprout put his ride in reverse, Hitch and Zipp noticed Izzy was going to fall at any minute.

“We need to shut these down!” Zipp suggested.

They both spotted a pin that was securing splat-a-pult from falling off Sprout’s machine. One look and they knew they had the same crazy idea.

Alphabittle tried get the splatter ball off his hind hoof, but it was no use. He was unaware that Sprout was going to run him over.

Pipp ran outside and noticed, “Alphabittle, look out!” Pipp shouted.

He turned to see it coming up behind him, only for him and the armadillos to be pushed out of the way by Haven.

“Nice save!” Zink cheered.

Pipp was relieved Alphabittle and her mom were safe, until she saw some more Hoof Bots race toward her.

“Uh-oh.” She gulped.

When they were about to attack, Lita and Mushroom came to finish them off.

“Run, Pipp! Run!” Lita shouted.

Pipp made a run for it and watched them destroy them as much as possible. But try as they might, more and more Hoof Bots kept on coming.

“There’s too many!” Mushroom spoke up, who couldn’t keep this up.

Then suddenly, Mushroom got whacked by Hoof Bot wielding a scythe that made Pipp gasp. When Pipp saw the ninja was in trouble, her face changed from being frightened to being angry. The brown ninja got up before she was shoved and banged to the wall that made her drop her weapon. The robot ninja raised its scythe up to finish her, only for Mushroom to grab its weapon before it could end her life.

“Is that the best you can do?” She grunted.

Mushroom tried to grab her weapon that was near her, but the Hoof Bot kicked it away and was about to strike. The anthro robot was interrupted, as Pipp jumped in, “Here I come!” she strangled its head and pulled it back, allowing Mushroom to get clear. The Hoof Bot struggled to get her off, only for it to receive a few punches on the head by Pipp, “Leave my friend alone!” she yelled at it. Eventually, the Hoof Bot tossed her off and decided to kill the pegasus instead. Before the robot could slice her, it felt something nail it in the head. It burst some sparks before it fell down to the ground. Pipp looked over seeing Mushroom with her blowgun, panting but gave a thumbs up to her.

“Mushroom!” She embraced her, “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“Yeah. Thanks to you.” Mushroom smiled.

Phyllis scrambled around looking around in horror of what her own son brought upon their town all because of the paranoia she kept on inciting in every pony in town. Especially her boy.

Hitch and Zipp managed to pull the pin out for the splat-a-pult only for it to fly out and nail into the lighthouse almost hitting Izzy in the process.

“Ok, that was a bad idea!” Hitch told Zipp.

“Ya think?!” Zink called from down below

“I almost got it,” Izzy reached for the unicorn crystal. But then it slipped off the ledge when Izzy almost caught it, “No!” Izzy cried as her weight caused Sunny to slip off the edge and fall off the tower.

“ZANNA!!!” they screamed.

Thinking fast, Zanna lassoed Sunny’s hind hooves with her weapon just in time, as did Izzy who caught the unicorn crystal.

“I gotcha! I gotcha!” Zanna grunted.

Sunny called, “Bring us up!”

Zanna pulled them up slowly. Just then, one Hoof Bot approached, raising its blade up high preparing to end her.

“Zanna, look out!” Izzy warned out loud.

Before the droid could end her, Zink leaped up and threw her spear straight through the droid’s head as it fell off the ledge. The two mares shrieked when it fell past them.

Zink retrieved her weapon, “Hurry! Get them in place!”

Wasting no time, Zanna pulled them up with all her strength. When Sunny felt her body touch to the top of the tower, she and Zanna pulled Izzy back up to the ledge. They all panted. Izzy raised her hoof holding the crystal. Both Zanna and Sunny were relieved.

Back on the ground Phyllis continued to watch all this chaos happen before her, “I-I never wanted it to come to this.”

“Then what did you want?” asked Zink as she destroyed more Hoof Bots close to her.

“I-I just wanted to protect ponies, not incite war.” she explained as guilt crept onto her.

“Yeah, well, your son doesn't feel the same way!” Zink pointed out, “He's turned into a dictator because of your constant spreading of fear through everypony's mind! You caused this whole mess to happen, so what are you going to do about it, huh?”

Phyllis looked up at her son piloting his mech before looking firmly and galloped to catch up to it before calling up to him.

“Sprout! Let's put the toy away!”

“Mommy, please! I’m in the middle of something!” he whined.

“You come down from there right now!” she ordered once again.

“But Mommy, I’m... in… CHAAARGE!!!!” Sprout yelled when he went full throttle.

Phyllis stood in front of him, “I… said… STOP!” she shouted.

Sprout shrieked when he was about to run over his mom. He quickly jerked out of the way to the right causing both Hitch and Zipp to be tossed off. Everyone watched as Sprout rammed the lighthouse hard. Sunny, Izzy, and Zanna shrieked from the impact.

Hitch cried, “No, no, no!”

Mushroom gasped, “The lighthouse is coming apart!”

Zink worried, “They gotta get out of there!”

The tower started to crumble even more. It started to tip as the ninja and the two ponies were losing their balance. Sunny wouldn’t give up. She carefully climbed to the center and slammed the unicorn crystal into place. But just like before, nothing happened.

Izzy mumbled, “It... It didn’t work.”

Zanna spoke confused, “I-I don’t get it.”

The tower started to come off making the three crystals to fly off the alter and roll outside.

“No, no, no!” Sunny cried.

Izzy screamed until Zanna grabbed her, “Hold onto me!” She cried.

“But the crystals.” Sunny exclaimed.

Seeing as there was no time, Zanna immediately grabbed Sunny, “Forget the crystals. Let’s go!” she shouted as they jumped before the tower slowly started to tip more.

They landed to the ground with a thump causing them to break off. Sunny, who was out cold, groaned. But what she didn’t see was she was at the position where the tower was going to fall on her. Lita gasped when she saw her friend was going to die. Having no choice, she ran towards her.

“SUNNY, NOOOOOO!!!!” she screamed, before she jumped and pushed her out of the way with all her strength just in time as the tower crashed onto the white albino ninja.

Zink/Mushroom/Hitch/Pipp/Zipp screamed, “LITA!!!!” Lots of debris fell creating a huge smoke bank at the entire area.

Deep in the other side of the universe, Lita lay flat on her back on the ground. She was no longer a mutant pony, but once again a mutant turtle. The sky was bright blue, the sun showed its brightness, and the breeze was fresh. Lita quickly gasped and sat up. She awoke in limbo, realizing she was not at Maretime Bay anymore.

“Where am I?” she spoke to herself, “What is this place?”

She looked around to find nothing but the silence and solitude. She remembered saving Sunny, but she didn’t really know how she got here.

“Hello?” she called out, “Is anyone there? Sunny? Sunny, where are you?”

Lita looked up ahead to see a big, long hill near a road that got her attention. So, the turtle mutant decided to walk up to see where she was. When Lita reached to the top, she gasped in shock to see a familiar castle near the side of a tall mountain and a beautiful waterfall.

“It... It can’t be. It’s…. Canterlot,” She muttered slowly, who almost shed a tear. Lita carefully walked her way down the hill to the stone road, “How is this possible? I thought this place would be in ruins. It’s so beautiful.”

She kept staring at this place, wondering how she ended up to this strange world.

“Hello, Lita.” said a voice as she turned around. What she saw made her eyes wide. There who was slowly approaching her was Princess Twilight Sparkle. The former ruler of Equestria.

She smiled, “Do you like my castle?”

“You’re Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Lita gasped before kneeling down with respect.

“No, no, please. No kneeling,” Twilight chuckled before gently grabbing her hand, “You have done so much for Equestria. If anypony should kneel, it should be I.”

The princess placed her wing on Lita’s shoulder.

“Come with me. Let us walk.” Twilight said politely.

Lita slowly nodded as they both proceeded to walk through the entrance of Canterlot.

“Is this really Canterlot?” Lita questioned.

Twilight walked near her, “Yes, only it’s a memory of what it usually looked like many moons ago.”

“A memory?” Lita asked in confusion, “What is this place? Where are we?”

Twilight explained, “We’re on a higher plane of existence. I have attained this world when my time came to an end. When passing into death, we merge with all of life.”

“I’m so sorry,” Lita sighed feeling sad, “I always wanted to meet you in person, but not like this.”

“Don’t be, Lita,” Twilight assured politely, “When I passed away, I have been watching you all this time. You have done so well protecting New York with your sisters.”

Lita was surprised, “You have?” Lita asked her who nodded back, “But why am I here? Am I dead too?”

“No, you’re still alive. This is your subconscious. I had to bring you here so we could see you.”

Lita stared at her, “We?”

Twilight nodded and motioned her to look ahead of the city of Canterlot where she was leading her to a group of ponies that looked familiar. Right in front of the castle were her friends; Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.

“I can’t believe it,” Lita stared at them in awe, “They’re you're... you're....”

“Yes, Lita,” Twilight confirmed, “These are my friends.”

When they saw them, her friends slowly walked towards Lita. Lita was surprised on what she is witnessing today.

“Hi, Lita!” They said in unison.

“Hi, everyone. It’s an honor to meet you all.” Lita said, still feeling shocked.

“Do you know our names darling?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Yes, I really do,” Lita said, before naming them she looked at, “Rarity,” who nodded, ”Pinkie Pie,” who gave a big smile, “Applejack,” who tipped her hat, “Rainbow Dash,” who winked, “and Fluttershy.” who gave heartfelt smile.

“You got it, sugarcube.” Applejack chuckled.

Lita stared at Pinkie who hopped with joy, “Oh my gosh, we are so, so excited to finally meet you after all this time! I can’t believe it!” Pinkie beamed excitedly.

“I’m so surprised you're all actually here.” Lita said.

Rainbow smirked, “Everypony's gotta be somewhere, kiddo.”

“Yeah, I know,” Lita remembered, “My sensie's keep telling us that when we meditate.”

“And yet you four have grown up and have come a long way since you’ve been training with your masters.” Rarity mentioned.

Lita’s eyes went wide, realizing that not only Twilight have been watching her and her sisters, but the rest of the mane 6 have as well.

“Y-Y-You’ve all been watching. All this time you were all watching us before we came to Equestria?” Lita inquired.

“Of course, we have silly,” Pinkie giggled, “We’ve been looking out for you just like our friends have.”

Rainbow added, “We never even doubted you girls for a second.”

Fluttershy put in, “And you still believed all the stories they told you about all our adventures, our happy times together, everything. We couldn’t be any prouder to see you all have come this far.”

Lita couldn’t help but smile. She was so happy to be here, yet she didn’t know why.

“So, why are you all here?” She wondered.

“We all came to help you finish your mission,” Twilight walked toward her friends. “What you did today was very brave, wise, and noble. We’re just glad that you're still alive and have a chance to finish bringing back magic that is stored in the crystals.”

“But they didn’t work,” Lita remembered, “We couldn’t bring back magic and spread harmony to Equestria the way it was supposed to be. We failed you guys.”

“That’s the point, Lita,” Applejack said smugly, “Yer forgetting the most important part to activate the crystals.”

“I am?” Lita asked.

Twilight nodded, “Yes. Do you remember the story your sensei's told you?”

“Yes.” Lita recalled.

“What was it about?” Rainbow inquired.

“It was about Twilight given a task to go to a nearby town of ponies her mentor Princess Celestia told her.”

“To do what?” Fluttershy said.

“You’re getting closer.” Rarity sang.

“To learn about friendship. She made lots of friends among other creatures—”

Pinkie cuts in , “Hold it! You just said the answer! Say it again.”

“What? I said she came to learn about friendship.” Lita said confused.

Lita looked at them showing their smiles to her. Not having a clue for a second, until her eyes went wide to realize what this was all about.

“Wait a minute... Friendship,” Lita exclaimed, “Friendship! That’s the answer! The key to bringing back magic is friendship!”

Pinkie pulled her cannon out of nowhere and launched confetti over Lita, “Hooray! You figured it out!” Pinkie cheered which her friends laughed.

“I can’t believe it,” Lita replied in shock, “I thought it was the other way around.”

Twilight chuckled, “Lita, friendship is what makes Equestria so magical. Even though I’m the ruler of Equestria, I’m still the Princess of Friendship.”

Lita smiled, “I get it now. No wonder why my senseis look up to you when you first met them. Epsecially Sensei Leo.”

Twilight giggled hearing that, “That’s true,” She blushed a little before explaining, “Anyway, we also wanted to thank you for saving Sunny. We were so worried that the future of Equestria would continue living in darkness. But we’re all curious to know why you did it.”

Lita took deep breath, “She was my friend. I wasn’t gonna let her die... and she never gave up on us and all pony kind. We were told by our sensei's to find Sunny and discover what really happened when we arrived.”

“And make new friends.” Said a voice.

Lita turned to see Leo, Raph, and Donnie approach the group still as turtle mutants..

“That is the most important thing we wanted you and your sisters to have on your adventure.” Leo answered.

“You knew,” Lita stared at her masters in disbelief, “You knew all along the magic was lost forever. Why didn’t you tell us?”

Donnie calmly stated, “We wanted you four to continue your training before you were ready. The world has grown dark over the years since all pony kinds and creatures have been divided.”

Raph added, “By the time you were teenagers, we knew it would be the perfect opportunity for you to put an end to this crisis. The balance needed to be restored the way Equestria was meant to be, and we saw the pony who could unite them all.”

“That’s why we wanted you to find Sunny, Lita,” Leo told her standing near Twilight, “She believed all the stories her father told her when she was a filly and hoped to one day to meet new friends.”

“I see.” Lita mumbled.

“Do you know why you're leader of this team?” Leo inquired.

Lita recalled, “You said I showed the most leadership skills back then when I was growing up.”

“That is true. But it’s not the only reason you are leader, Lita.” Leo said.

Lita looked at him, “Huh?”

“A leader must look out for those in need, to protect those they care about most,” Leo explained, “I saw myself in you from how you look after your sisters the same way I did for my bros.”

Lita looked at Twilight who placed her hoof to his hand.

“Leaders like me and Leo look out for their friends and loved ones too, because they trust each other,” She spoke to her, “We’re a team, a family. It’s how it makes us stronger when we’re together. You are persistent, tough, kind, caring, and loyal to your team, including your new friends. These are the qualities of a great leader that you’ve inherited from us.”

“You’re just like Sunny,” Leo mentioned, “Both of you care about this world and all the ponies around you.”

Lita sighed, “Yes, but not all ponies here share the same values or even care about friendship or harmony more than we do.”

“Lita, sometimes folks fear what they don’t understand.” Applejack responded.

“We all have our ups and downs as time goes on,” Pinkie replied humbly, “But this is how life in Equestria and all other worlds really are. It doesn’t matter if ponies are good or bad. What matters is to make them their friend. As long as they're willing to open themselves up to it.”

Rarity replied, “That’s how the magic works around Equestria, by making friends and trusting each other.”

“Your team never gave up when you almost had the chance to bring back magic.” Fluttershy exclaimed.

Rainbow put in, “But now you have the perfect chance to change the way things are and get the tribes united together again.”

Twilight smiled, “We can’t thank you enough for all what you have done. Equestria can once again have a new beginning.”

Lita mumbled, “I’m honored. But...”

“Yes?” Twilight wondered with her friends by her side.

“I’m not quite sure I understand.” Lita replied with honesty.

Twilight went into teaching mode, “Lita, remember this: Life in this universe is balance. Endings are never really endings. Only brings out new beginnings. And you have given us all a new beginning, a new generation. The future is often what we make of it, and you refused to let our future end in darkness. You have shown such great strength, courage, and resilience in your struggle to prove all pony kinds were friends. This will be your greatest lesson you’ve learned from us for you did today. And because of that, you have become a greater ninja than you would have otherwise.”

From hearing Twilight’s words, the wind blew the flowers that circled around Lita. She stared at the group who knelt in front of her with respect.

“Well done, Hamato Lita. Well done.” Twilight said softly before she knelt.

“You have made us all proud.” Leo thanked her.

Lita still unsure of this muttered, “Thank you. But... I really don’t understand any of this.”

Twilight smiled, “You will soon, if you choose to go back to Maretime Bay.”

“Still, why is Sunny the key to everything?” Lita inquired.

Donnie smirked, “I think you're gonna have to go back and see for yourself.”

Lita stared at a statue of the her sensei's, their pony friends, and a little dragon together. The white albino ninja placed her hand on stone feeling a little upset.

“So, are you ready to go back to finish your mission?” Leo asked hopefully.

Lita looks at the statue for one moment, and then she slowly turned around to stare at them giving a sad expression.

“No.” she shook her head sadly.

“What?” The said in disbelief.

“I... I can’t go back,” She said, concerned, “I’m not ready.”

“What do you mean you’re not ready?” Rainbow spoke in disbelief, “Of course you are. This is your big moment.”

Lita looked down in sorrow, “For them... Not for me.” Lita sniffled.

The turtles and the mane 6 were beginning to see something was wrong with Lita. Quietly, they all gathered around Lita.

“What’s wrong, Lita?” Twilight worried.

Lita confessed sadly to her masters, “T-To tell the truth, I can’t go on without you guys. I don’t wanna leave.”

Leo knelt in front of her, “You must, Lita. Your team needs you. If you don’t return to Maretime Bay, the future of Equestria will never change.”

“I know, master. It’s just...” Lita said as eyes started to water up. When she couldn’t handle the stress, she put her arms around her master, “I wish I can always be with you!”

Leo was taken back a little as he continued to listen to her conversation.

“The universe just doesn’t feel the same when you’re not all with us. You were always there when no one else was ever since we’ve been protecting New York City on our own,” Lita sobbed and looked at Twilight, “And now since we’ve come to Equestria for the first time, I really wish you guys weren’t like this at all. Why can’t things be the way they are?”

Leo couldn’t help but shed a tear too as he gently embraced her. Even Leo’s departed brothers joined in too. Hearing what the young ninja said made them feel sorry for her. They were also shocked that Lita still doesn’t want to forget them knowing how much she cares so much for them. Including their friends. The three turtles broke off as Leo gently wiped the tears off the young ninjas face.

“I know how you feel, Lita. We all do. When I was your age, I wasn’t ready to be a sensei when our father was gone.”

Raph and Donnie knelt down towards Lita. Raph spoke up, “Our sensei knew his fate would come to an end when he sensed his brother would return to finish him, and he wanted us to end the Shredder so that he and his foot clan wouldn’t cause more destruction to the city.”

Twilight stepped in, “I was there when I received their message,” She rubbed Lita’s head, “It felt terrible when we came to mourn our departed master. After we ended the Shredder, we’ve moved on and Splinter’s spirit has been roaming free.”

“Was he always looking out for you guys?” Lita inquired.

“Of course, he was!” Donnie beamed, “Splinter would appear out of nowhere to help those in need who are consumed with despair. The same way we’re here today.”

“Does it hurt?” Lita asked, placing her hand on her chest.

Leo sighed, “It does. It is another reason how life goes on in the universe.”

Lita looked down in despair until Leo gently lifted her chin up.

“I know you are in pain. But you have to get used to it. All ninjas must face reality as time moves on. Especially if they must let go of the things they really care about most.”

“But knowing that, it makes me feel so alone.” Lita admitted feeling empty inside.

Twilight knelt beside Leo, “It’s okay to feel alone, Lita. This happens to everyone around the world. Sunny felt heartbroken too when her dad passed away. But she wouldn’t give up on bringing friendship to the tribes. Because she had help. From you, your sisters, and your friends.”

Lita kept listening to their conservation.

“Understand this, you’re not alone, Lita. Never will be. You have them, and you have us in spirit,” Twilight then points Lita’s heart, “We’re all with you in here. It’s all a matter of opening your heart, Lita. You just need to let go of the past and focus on the future that is yet to come. If you keep your spirit up, you will never be truly alone.”

Leo smiled, “And no matter what happens, Lita, we will always love you.”

Lita was shocked to hear them say that. She looked at everyone who all smiled and nodded to her that they will always be with her, just like Master Splinter was there for them.

“Remember what Sunny said, Lita,” Twilight reminded, “We’ll do our part...”

“...Hoof to heart.” They all finished in unison.

This made Lita tear up more, but she gave a big smile, “Hoof to heart.” She said silently.

Lita then embraced both Leo and Twilight.

“I love you guys!” she giggled happily.

Both Leo and Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle as they both embraced the young ninja. The rest gathered around joined in the group hug giving Lita more comfort, love, and appreciation. When they broke off, Lita felt much better.

“Thank you, everyone, for bringing me here, and for helping me complete my mission,” She said feeling happy, ”I’m so glad I have great masters and wonderful friends that are looking out for me, and my sisters.”

“You’re welcome. We are all lucky to have wonderful ninjas like you to come here and to make a difference,” Twilight responded, “When you go back, you must help the ponies see friendship is better than fear.”

“I promise, Twilight,” she promised before looking at her castle, “But, when I go back, will I remember this?”

Leo exclaimed, “You will think it was a dream, Lita. But in time, you won’t forget all about what you’ve learned today.”

Lita was glad to hear that comment and now knows what life is like in the universe. Lita watched Twilight’s friends’ slowly approaching her as they each embraced her one at a time.

“Don’t forget about us darling, okay?” Rarity smiled, shedding a tear drop.

Lita nodded to her comment before they broke off their embrace. She looked at Applejack who took off her hat and gave a small smile.

“We won’t forget about you, sugarcube.” She said with honesty before wrapping her hoofs around her.

Rainbow came near Lita, ruffling her head that made her laugh, “You’re gonna do great, Lita. We’re all counting on you. Just keep on going and don’t give up till it’s all over.”

“You got it, Captain Rainbow.” Lita saluted the Wonderbolt leader.

Rainbow was shocked and couldn’t help but laugh. She almost shed to tears before she embraced her close, “You are one awesome ninja, you know that?” Rainbow sniffled, “Don’t ever change.”

“You bet.” Lita agreed.

Lita turned to Pinkie who tried so hard not to bawl into tears. Pinkie sobbed before hugging Lita, “I’m gonna miss you, Lita.”

“Me too,” Lita said seeing that Pinkie is so sad. So, Lita broke off her embrace to cheer her up, “Hey, turn that sad frown upside down. Isn’t that what you say?” Lita smiled.

This made Pinkie laugh, including Lita, “You’re right.” She giggled. She wiped her tears and gave Lita one more embrace, “Tell Mikey I said hi.” Pinkie said softly.

“Of course, Pinkie.” Lita confirmed.

Fluttershy approached to Lita who felt the same. A little upset, but she showed a kind smile to the ninja.

“I wish you the best of luck, Lita. Your team is going to love Equestria once your mission is complete.“ Fluttershy commented.

“We sure will,” Lita sighed, “I hope you’ll all stay close to us whatever we encounter something that is impossible.”

Fluttershy placed her hoof on Lita’s cheek, “Of course, we will, Lita. As long as you guys keep your hopes up, we will always be there for you. In your hearts and your memories.”

Lita shed a single tear drop before they both embraced each other. Fluttershy said softly, “We believe in you.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Lita thanked.

Lita looked at her sensei’s as they all bowed to each other.

“Thank you, for sending us to Equestria,” She thanked them, “It still would’ve been nice if you sent us to this place when we were little.”

Leo smiled, “I know. But like I said, Lita, times have changed for us.”

Raph patted her back, “Stay strong, kid. You have to take care of your sisters and your friends. Especially our brother Michelangelo who always has your back.”

“I promise Sensei Raphael.” Lita vowed.

“Look out for your friends. Train them to be ninjas of our clan, Lita,” Donnie spoke up, “There will be new enemies you will encounter when you journey together at Equestria, New York, and anywhere else. The forces in the universe are immense and formidable. But we are certain you will accomplish great things, as what you will today when you’ve completed your mission.”

Lita said, “But we needed your help, guys. We’ll always need your help.”

“You’ve become a great leader, Lita,” Leo smirked, “Do not doubt yourself.”

Lita nodded his comment before he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“And if you ever feel left out again, you know how to reach us.” He mentioned.

“Thanks. Although, I hope my new friends will follow my leadership.”

Leo smiled, “They will. Trust them, like you trust your sisters. Understood?”

Lita nodded, “Hai, Sensei.”

Donnie sighed, “We’re gonna miss you, Lita.”

“I know I will too.” Lita smiled as her masters embraced into a family hug.

Twilight walked to Lita who sighed, “I guess this is goodbye.” The ninja replied.

“Yes. Just remember, we’re still with you in here.” Twilight pointed Lita’s heart.

“I know.” Lita said trying not to cry.

“I want you to be prepare for the worse though. When magic returns, you must make sure Equestria’s future does not end in darkness again.”

Lita wondered, “From what? Who’s behind all this?”

“That is a secret. But you’ll find out when you visit Equestria occasionally. You must make sure your friends will help you anyway they can.”

Lita was really shocked to hear that. Unsure what Twilight meant but knew that this was serious. Especially if there gonna need some help from the farther regions of Equestria, to the streets of New York City, or any place else from other dimensions. With a smirk on her face, she felt ready for anything that will stand in her way.

“I understand.” Lita confirmed.

“Very good,” Twilight smiled, “Promise me you’ll look after Sunny when you go back, okay? She really needs you, more than ever.”

“I will, Twilight,” Lita nodded. She then did a familiar promise she remembered when she was little turtle, “In fact, I cross my heart, and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye!”

The entire group couldn’t help but laugh seeing that Lita’s got nothing to worry about, “Oh, she’s growing up so fast.” Pinkie shed a heartfelt tear drop.

Lita and Twilight embraced each other one last time, “Thank you for everything, Twilight. I’m glad I got the chance to meet you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I met you too, and I know, deep within our hearts, you’re going to do so well with your team.” Twilight said.

Lita took a deep breath, “I’m ready.”

The two both smiled and bowed each other farewell.

“I won’t let you down, Twilight. I’ll make you proud.” Lita answered.

“I know you will. Goodbye, Lita.” Twilight said softly.

Lita began to slowly walk away from the group. Twilight’s friends gathered around with Leo holding her arm watched Lita walk away. Lita then stopped and turned around to look at them one last time to say her final words.

“Goodbye everyone! I won’t forget you!” She waved happily to them.

They all smiled and waved back at her, “We love you, Lita!” they said in unison before the scenery started to vanish and Lita left the spiritual plane.

Author's Note:

Plenty of dialogue courtesy of Cyan Tank, and Zanna's battle Cry Tabodi was suggested by Darth Wrex.