• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,181 Views, 280 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

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Royal Celebration Disaster

Sunny, Izzy, and the ninja girls with their new friend Zipp made a decision to steal the Pegasus crystal from Queen Haven's crown and find the Unicorn Crystal with the hope of uniting the two and bring back magic to Equestria. But it wasn't going to be easy. Luckily Zipp had a plan.

“Alright, Izzy, Zanna. I'll get the supplies you two need,” Zipp began, as she explained things as they happen, “I'll pass them off to Sunny and Mushroom, and they'll get them to you.”

With the supplies needed, Izzy and Zanna started crafting a decoy crown to swap with the Queen's real one.

Once you've produced the decoy, get your flanks to the palace.”

“You got it.” Zink confirmed.

Everypony who's anypony will be there.”

By nighttime guests were arriving at the castle to see the royal celebration, while Zipp was walking the red carpet flaunting her stuff, “Security will be tight. I'll distract them. So you all can sneak in.”

“Maximum sneaky.” Izzy said.

“We got it.” Lita added.

From the elevator Zipp came out of, Sunny, Izzy, and the ninjas peeked into view from the door-frame, as Lita motioned them to move. They crept around making sure to stay out of sight.

“You'll really need to be stealthy. Carefully make your way to the grand hall, but watch out for the guards.”

As they made it inside they stopped and gasped seeing Zoom and Thunder up ahead on duty with Thunder taking glances at his phone while no one was looking. Luckily they hadn't spotted them, as the girls dove for cover under the tablecloth draped on a handy room-service cart. However, their momentum caused it to roll a few feet, jolting an empty vase among the dishes making it overturn with a clink. Thunder shoots it a brief glance before turning back to his phone, and the cart begins to move again, propelled by the undetected equines.

They moved the table further away as Zipp walked by a back door to the throne room, “I’ll open the door to the backstage of the throne room.”

She put her hoof to the doors lock opening it, as the girls move the table to the front of the door and slipped inside. They stood behind the three thrones keeping an eye out as the pegasi citizens poured in.

“And once Pipp starts singing, my mom will be so caught up that swapping the crowns will be easy-breezy.”

“Easy-breezy. Sure.” Sunny said to herself.

“Hey, at least we're in.” Lita reminded her.

“Next we swipe the crown.” Zink said.

“I hope this works.” Sunny said worry.

“Don't worry, we got this.” Izzy told her.

“I hope so.”

Meanwhile above the throne on another floor, the royal family were preparing themselves, as Queen Haven spoke to Zipp.

“I hear you paid our guests a visit.”

“Pipp told you?” Zipp asked in disbelief.

“Oh, you know she tells me everything. I wish you would tell me more. You’re going to be Queen one day. You’ll wear this crown. And trust me, it is heavier than it looks.”

“Actually, there is something I wanted to tell you,” Zipp admitted, as she prepared herself, “The unicorns don’t have any magic. I-I think it’s tied to why we can’t fly and I-” Queen Haven's face hardened and interrupted her.

“Zephyrina! I don’t know what silly ideas that unicorn put into your head, but we have a duty to protect our citizens. Pegasi are happy enough knowing that we royals can fly. Why would you want to disrupt things?”

“Cause it's a lie!”

“It makes them feel safe. Oh, one day you’ll understand.” the Queen said making Zipp frown.

“What I understand is Zink was right about you.”

Haven looked to her daughter curiously, “Zink?”

“One of the ninjas you threw in jail without giving them a chance to explain themselves. You always say Earth Ponies and Unicorns were bad news, but none of us have ever seen one before, especially not ponies that stand on two legs. How could you have been so sure they were any different than how we thought of the other two tribes?”

“Zephyrina, as queen it is my duty to ensure the safety of my citizens, especially from unknown types of creatures,” the queen sighed again, “I truly hope you'll understand. Your sister does. Oh, and here she is now!”

Pipp who was suspended a few feet off thee ground by wiring and an unseen harness came over, “Mi-mi-miiii…” she sang while flaring her wings.

“Oh, showtime!” Haven announced, as she spread her own wings.

A technician stallion at a backstage control panel was watching a monitor that shows four different camera angles. Most of the screen is taken up by an image of Pipp dangling near the railing; the others show her from a slightly different perspective, Haven’s throne, and a closed curtain. He turns his head to address himself over his shoulder, “We are go for launch.”

Music started playing as the lights dimmer, and the tech pony pulled a switch to lower Haven and Zipp into the throne room. Both are now hooked up to flight wires; Pipp remains up top.

“Remember to smile.” Haven told her daughter.

“Ugh...” Zipp groaned, as they spread their wings as spotlights blaze upon them.

Ponies in the street watched on the building-mounted screens as they settle into their seats, Cloudpuff already balanced on one arm of Haven’s and barking in rhythm. Cut to just behind Zipp’s and Haven’s thrones; Zipp throws a quick glance back toward Sunny and the others, hunkered down behind the big chair. Sunny gave the others a firm nod.

“This is it.” Lita said quietly.

Pipp who was floating above came down from the ceiling and glided around singing.

Pipp: We got the light, we’re coming in stronger

We’re in it together, if you want it, it’s all inside your mind

We got the light, won’t wait any longer

We’ll get it together, if you want it, then you can paint the sky

As she made a few low-altitude passes over the crowd, Haven watched with great satisfaction. Lita begins to reach over the top of the throne in a bid for the crown, but quickly ducks away to avoid a passing spotlight beam. She is standing on the palms of Zink and Zanna, who grunts in discomfort trying to keep her sister steady.

Lita made it back up and, in one lightning-fast move, plucks the crown off Haven's head and leaves the decoy crown in its place. Zipp eyes her worriedly, but relaxes at both her mother’s lack of notice and her friend’s smile of triumph. Lita ducked out of sight behind the throne.

“Success.” Lita told them.

“Good, now let's get out of here.” Sunny said.

Pipp: I used to care what they’d say, let ’em into my brain

But I found the new way [Ooh-ooh]

Every time I fall down, I pick it up like rebound

Gotta get through somehow

The group started sneaking off as Cloudpuff lets off a quiet, puzzled bark feeling something was off. The group raced to a set of closed doors in a darkened area, Sunny having stuffed the crown into her saddlebag. She hits a button to open them, but is met with the sight of a guard stallion on the phone unaware of the group.

“No, you hang up,” the guard insisted, “No, y-”

Sunny quickly closed the doors, “Awkward.” Mushroom told the group.

They heard whimpering before looking down and saw Cloudpuff, “Oh, aren't you adorable?” Zanna cooed, “Cootchie-cootchie-coo!” suddenly Cloudpuff snarled going into attack-dog mode.

“Run!” Lita shouted, as they started running as the little dog chased them.

“I can't believe we're running from something so small!” Zink told her sisters.

“Smaller the deadlier!” Zanna noted.

Pipp: We don’t fly like we used to, we take what we’ve been through

And we can feel brand-new [Ooh-ooh-ooh]

As the little dog maintains pursuit, Pipp continues her aerial ballet.

“Quick through there!” Lita motioned to a pair of doors.

They threw them open only for the group to yelp in surprise. For on the other side as if waiting for them was Hitch wearing a fake mustache and a pair of buckled-on wings.

“Sunny Starscout, you are under arre-” Zink punched Hitch in the muzzle before slamming the door.

“Zink!” Sunny chided.

“It was an impulse! Besides we can't deal with him right now.” she argued.

“Girls, the pup's back!” Zanna motioned to Cloudpuff.

The dog dove for Sunny's saddlebag grabbing the crown racing off carrying it in his teeth.

“No!” Sunny cried.

“Get that dog!” Lita ordered.

Pipp: I know I am a fighter, I feel the fire

I’m shining brighter [Ooh-ooh-ooh]

As they chased after the dog, Hitch banged the doors open determined to chase them down, “Oh, my muzzle.” he groaned, before looking around the throne room before up at Pipp.

Pipp: Glowin’ up kinda love, dip and slide through the cut

Glowin’ up kinda love, dip and slide through the cut

Glowin’ up kinda love, we say, “hi,” you say, “what?”

As Hitch watched, he involuntarily shook his flank and tail to the rhythm. He regained his senses and started nosing around for Sunny and the others.

The girls continued tailing Cloudpuff to get the crown back, only for two guards move closer for a better view of the show, prompting Izzy to gasp and both to dive out of sight.

“He's taking it back to the throne!” Zanna motioned.

“Oh, no!” Sunny feared the Queen spotting him.

Cloudpuff sat at the bottom of the dais facing Haven but she hadn't noticed him, having been too caught up in her daughter's show.

Pipp: Everywhere that I’ve been, yeah, they say I’m different

But I’m good in my skin [Ooh-ooh]

Zipp managed to spot her mom's pet and left her seat, sliding down the incline and grabbing hold of the wingtips on the Pegasus Crystal. A vigorous tug-of-war ensues between them.

“Give…it…to…me!” Zipp ordered while straining to get it.

She ends up holding the gold portion, but Cloudpuff got away with the actual crystal and was off like a shot through the crowd, with Zipp after him.

Pipp: If it doesn’t feel right, break it in with tie-dye

And don’t you stop ’til sunrise

We don’t fly like we used to, we take what we’ve been through

And we can feel brand-new [Ooh-ooh-ooh]

Mushroom spotted Hitch who spotted them back giving a sardonic grin, “We need to disappear.” she ordered everyone.

“Behind here!” Izzy called, as they backpedaled through a nearby curtain.

Unfortunately they backed right into the backstage control room where the tech pony spotted them and screamed in fright while jittering around.

“It's the prisoners!” he ran circles around the console; the mares try in vain to intercept him.

“No, no, no! Shh, shh!” Sunny pleaded.

“Quiet!” Izzy added.

“We're not going to hurt you!” Lita told him.

“Unless you give us reason too.” Zink spoke up making her sisters glare at her.

Cloudpuff continued to elude Zipp who was blocked by so many ponies. The pup not looking where he was going ended up running into Hitch's legs losing the crystal.

“Huh?” Hitch asked looking down at the canine.

Suddenly upon seeing Hitch sparked something inside Cloudpuff who dropped his attack-dog behavior and looked at the stallion with big doggy eyes and smile, before whining in joy.

Backstage the girls tried to calm the tech pony, “It’s okay, don’t be scared.” Sunny told him.

“I'm not gonna fry your brain, okay?” Izzy asked.

Unfortunately the tech pony wasn't calming down and ended up climbing atop the control panel and ended up hitting a button making the spotlights on Pipp falter.

“What the-?” Pipp wondered.

Suddenly the spotlight stopped on Hitch who froze in place, as the ponies looked to him. Not wanting to stand out he started to dance badly and sing out of rhythm.

Hitch: Throwin’ up, find a glove, fly around, up above

Doin’ stuff that I love, you’re like, “Why?” I’m like, “What?”

Backstage the group saw Hitch performing and stared in shock, “Remind me not to take him to karaoke.” Zanna told them.

“Uh-huh.” Izzy agreed.

Pipp watched Hitch completely confused, “What is happening?” even Cloudpuff whined in discomfort about Hitch's poor performance.

Hitch: Crisp and dry, eat some mud, glowing up, lovey-dove

You say, “Why?”

In the tech pony's mad scramble to get away from the girls, he kept hitting several buttons, killing the audio track, and yanks a switch that sent Pipp swinging and rising out of control.

“Whoooaaa!” she cried, and trailed off screaming as Hitch and the crowd gasp in fright; Zipp seizes the moment to retrieve the dropped Pegasus Crystal and snuck away with it.

The yelling tech pony barges out through the curtain, as the others followed him before Zipp arrived.

“I got it!” she told them.

“Nice save.” Mushroom said in relief.

“Yes!” Sunny cheered as she took it.

“Let's go!” Zipp ordered, as they were about to make a run for it, only for Hitch to spot them.


The group did so catching sight of him across the throne room gasping, but resume their hasty exit as a commotion broke out in the crowd.

“It's the prisoners!” a pegasus pony cried.

Pipp ended up swinging by close enough to dislodge the fake wings off Hitch exposing his true identity, “Another earth pony!” a mare cried.

Hitch seeing his cover was blown cleared out, as Pipp yelled again before coming to a sudden dead stop. She wound up dangling upside down over Haven’s throne, the few active spotlights trained squarely on her and picking out her wires for all to see. A beat of dead silence is followed by a disbelieving gasp from all present on the ground.

“She’s a fake!…Fake!” one took a picture of her.

“The royals can’t fly either?” Another asked in shock.

Zipp halted and looked back across the space with a soft gasp, seeing the wide, pleading eyes of her inverted younger sister.

“Zipp?” she asked.

Zink spoke to the oldest while running past her with Lita, Zanna, and Mushroom, “Come on!”

As Sunny and Izzy race for the door, the former runs into Zipp and the crystal flew out of her saddlebag.

“Zipp! Hurry!” she galloped away.

“They can’t fly?…Fake!…She’s faking it!” the spectators continued to announce.

Zipp followed the others away, as none of them noticed that the Pegasus Crystal had fallen to the floor. Pipp is left at the mercy of the spotlights’ glare and the clicking of camera shutters as dozens of phones are held up to get a good clear shot.

Later the girls and Hitch were running along a city street as police sirens wailed through the night.

“Yeah, now this reminds me of New York.” Zanna told her sisters who had no time to retort.

“Quick! This way!” Zipp ordered, as they took a sharp left into an alley and stopped. Hitch coming to rest behind a trash can and very nearly wiping it out.

“Okay. I think we lost ’em.” he said, as a winged rat scampered out from behind the container and hugs one of his hind legs with a joyful little squeak.

“Hitch, what're you even doing here?” Sunny asked in confusion.

“And it better be a good reason.” Lita added.

“Arresting you!” he began to them making the ninjas frown, “And... saving you, so, you know, little bit of both, actually. You’re welcome!” he finished indignantly.

“You want another punch to your muzzle? Because I'm willing to do it again!” Zink raised a fist only for Lita to stop her.

“Down, Zink!”

Zipp chuckled sarcastically and stepped up to Hitch, “Oh, gee, thanks. But we don’t need any saving, okay?”

“And you are?” Hitch asked.

“Her mom is the Queen!” Izzy answered.

Hitch did a double take before looking at Zipp, “So that means…you’re a princess?

“Huh. Look at that. The Sheriff just became a detective.” Zipp dryly told the ninja girls making Zanna and Zink chuckle.

“What?” Hitch asked.

“Uh, guys, look!” Mushroom motioned to the big screens on the buildings seeing a breaking news story come up, with a graphic of the upside-down Pipp appears next to her, marked by a “BREAKING NEWS” caption.

Dazzle began relaying her report, “Breaking story. Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly.”

It cut to a random citizen being interviewed about what happened, “Pipp used to be my favorite!”

Soon more pegasi were expressing their outrage, “If we can’t trust our own royalty, who can we trust?…I blame the unicorns and the earth ponies. They ruin everything! I'll bet those two legged ponies had something to do with it too!”

“Really, blaming us for something we didn't know about until today?!” Zink growled.

Dazzle received a notice off from the side, “This just in. Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney.”

Zipp gasped, as Haven was being escorted off by Zoom and Thunder, “No comment! And no photos! Ok, one photo.” she struck a glamorous, smiling pose with one foreleg raised, and a flash pops to capture it. The bulletin ends.

“Well, this went so well!” Zink said in sarcasm.

“Anypony care to explain” Hitch asked the girls.

“We had to get the crystal,” Sunny explained while reaching into her saddlebag, “Look,” she found nothing, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no! It’s not here!”

“Seriously?” Zipp asked wishing it was a joke.

“After all that?!” Mushroom asked in disbelief.

“Oh, great!” Lita dropped her head.

“On the bright side, we had so much fun losing it.” Izzy tried to be positive.

“We have to go back!” Sunny ordered.

“But it could be anywhere!” Zipp noted.

“And we're fugitives here now!” Zanna cried.

The rattle of a tin can halted the group. They turn toward the noise as the ninjas were ready to draw their weapons. There stood a silhouette at the opposite end of the alley. The figure emerges into the light revealing a noticeably disheveled and disgruntled Pipp.

“Somepony seriously needs to explain why this thing was so important that you had to ruin my whole show over it!” Pipp asked holding up the Pegasus Crystal.

Everyone was relieved as Zipp went to her sister, “Trust me, it was.” she reached for it, only for Pipp to pull it away.

“You left me hanging there, in the spotlight! Now everypony knows we can’t fly!”

Suddenly Pipp's phone vibrated, and she brought it up finding it to be playing a second bulletin. Now Haven’s mug shot is displayed next to Dazzle.

“A warrant is out for the arrest of the Princesses.” the news anchor began.

Haven's image expanded filling the screen, “Pipp, Zipp, save yourselves!” She swiftly arranges her face into a dignified profile pose and her picture is taken.

“What?!? This is not happening. This is so not happening!” Pipp said putting her phone away.

“Pipp!” Zipp snapped her sister out of it, “Forget about all that. We think we can bring back magic, but we need that crystal.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Pipp questioned her sister.

“Please. This might be our only chance.” Zipp insisted.

“And ya kinda don't have too big a choice here.” Zink reminded her of the situation.

Pipp seeing no other alternative groaned loudly, “Fine! I know a way out. Come on.”

“Lead the way!” Lita ordered.

She galloped back the way she came as the girls started following. Hitch on the other hand looked on incredulously over being ignored.

“ What? Wait, you can’t just-” he called petulantly, “But I'm a sheriff!” he growled in frustration.

Mushroom stopped and looked back, “Not here you're not!”

“So you can either join us or we leave you for the cops!” Zink gave him an ultimatum, “Your choice!” they continued on. Hitch groaned as he swallowed his pride before following them.

As they made their escape Zanna ran beside Pipp, “You know we haven't had a proper introduction. I'm Zanna, this is Lita, Zink, and Mushroom.” Pipp could just sigh for this was not the way she wanted her night to go.

Meanwhile back at Canterlogic in Maretime Bay, the factory employees were building constructing something by Sprout's orders to help them fight the threat of the potential invading pony tribes.

The elevator from an upper floor came down and opened up as it looked like Sprout standing in it while breathing heavily. He came into the light to reveal he was sipping a smoothie loudly. He had now started wearing a high raised black collar secured by a gold copy of the badge decoration he took from the office.

He spoke to Toots and Sweets, “Why aren’t you finished yet?”

“W-We’re working as fast as we can, but-but we’ve run out of rivets.” Toots explained nervously.

Sprout rolled his eyes and spoke sarcastically, “Riveting story,” he let out a fake chuckle before grabbing Toots' tie dragging him closer, “Just make it work, okay?”

The two employees scuttle away as a pipe swings past, occupied by a screaming laborer. Soon Phyllis arrived and spoke sweetly to her son, “Sugarcube... I know your little top secret project is important and all, but when do you think my workers can get back to making Canterlogic products?” She was cut off by the growing sound of a yell, and the pony uttering it drops into view and hits the floor with a loud groan.

“Back to work, Glitter Cupcake!” Sprout ordered the pony who staggered upright and was hoisted away by a clamp.

Phyllis walked with her son, “And it is my factory, after all, dear.”

“But it’s my town, Mommy!” Sprout whined before regaining confidence, “Your son’s now Emperor of Maretime Bay!”

“Emperor?” Phyllis asked surprised before scoffing, “But yesterday you were only the sheriff.”

“Well, see how fast I’m climbing the ranks? This defense factory is going on offense!” Sprout explained, “Take a look, I've already finished having the Hoof Bots refurbished and ready.”

Phyllis looked seeing a squad of Hoof Bots stepping into view. No longer looking poorly made and designed at the last minute. They now stood with their bodies colored black and gray with glowing red eyes. They attacked some targets set up completely destroying them.

“Aren't they perfect?” Sprout asked, as the Hoof Bots bowed to Sprout, “And it’s all thanks to your love and encouragement,” he ordered another worker, “Break’s over, Bubblegum McGinty!” he walked along leaving behind his mother who gave a very concerned gaze at him.

“Oh, dear. Somepony’s getting a big head.” she told herself, fearing she just made a big mistake when encouraging her son.

She walked off after Sprout as welding is carried out behind a floor-to-ceiling translucent screen set up as a glare protector. Flashes from the sparks give split-second views of a colossal framework being assembled.

A lone Hoof Bot spotted a poster depicting a unicorn and pegasus in a bad light before throwing two shuriken stars nailing each image.