• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,186 Views, 280 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

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Out in a meadow outside Maretime Bay at sunset, were three little ponies, one from each tribe walking and singing Pipp's song.

Unicorn: Glowing up!

Earth pony: Kinda love!

Pegasus: (hovering briefly) We say “hi,” you say-

All three: “What?”

The three laughed having such a fun time until the Pegasus kid announced, “Race you to the bridge!” and darts on ahead followed by the Unicorn.

“Oh, it's on!”

The Earth pony laughed, “But no using your magic this time!” and follows in pursuit.

“Last one there is a rotten sardine!” the Pegasus called.

“I'm gonna win!” the Unicorn announced.

“Me first!” the Earth pony called, as the three raced.

As they drop out of sight over a hill, a trail of glowing prints appears in the grass to mark the earth pony's path in reverse. The hoof print was heart-shaped, and its radiance intensifies as the grass contained within the print looked shorter and well trimmed compared to the grass outside the print. Whatever this meant for Equestria, anypony would know it was something magical.

In New York City Mikey had entered a warehouse loaded with equipment courtesy of the Utrom. He entered a lounge area seeing someone on a sofa facing away.

“Hey, girl, how's it going?” Mikey addressed the person.

The person got up and turned around revealing it was his long time human friend April O'Neil, older and had some gray in her hair, while wearing a yellow jumpsuit.

“Hey, Mikey, what brings you topside?” April asked.

“I just came to tell you the girls succeeded in their mission.” he began grabbing April's attention.

“So they restored magic to Equestria?”

“Oh, yeah. They said it wasn't easy, but when has anything ever been easy?”

“No kidding.” April agreed with a chuckle.

“And they made all sorts of new friends there. You'd really like them.” Mikey smiled.

“I can believe it.”

“And here, while I was there I was given a gift from their new friend Sunny Starscout. But I think you should have this one from it.” Mikey reached into his bag and pulled out the figurine of Pony Donnie presenting it to April.

April gasped upon looking at the figurine while remembering the special mutant she was so close to, “Donnie.” she said with a smile as she took the figurine.

“Yeah. Sunny's father made other figurines for her when she was a filly, of me and my bros. Even of Princess Twi and the others.”

“Twilight,” April repeated, as she fondly remembered the days of her old pony friends from Equestria, “So what happens now?”

“Well, Lita and the girls are gonna be going back there to help them rebuild Sunny's home.”

April nodded, “True friendship. Just like the ones we forged over the years.” the two old friends looked over seeing an old picture of them and their friends together.

“Good times,” Mikey admitted, “But now it's a whole new generation.”

“And yet things still feel the same.” April chuckled with Mikey.

The school bell rang at Roosevelt High as all the students entered the building and moved about the halls. Only it wasn't just human students, half were mutants and half were of multiple alien species. There were teenage Utrom piloting undisguised droids to Triceratons who were surprisingly not as big as adult Triceratons. There were Salamandrians like Mona Lisa, Insectoids like Dregg, Daagons, and many other species.

All the mutant and alien students were wearing human clothing as opposed to whatever attire they were accustomed to wearing on their own planets, dimensions, etc. Even the Utrom droids were dressed in casual clothes, while making sure the Utroms were uncovered.

And it wasn't just the students, but some of the school staff were of mutant and alien races. Some were teachers, PE coaches, cafeteria workers, and janitors.

The human, mutant, and alien students were mingling, chatting, and hanging out with each other between classes. A human jock boy was flirting with a pretty alien girl, a mutant pig was playing a fantasy card game with some other students, and an Utrom was doing an internet challenge while his friends were filming it.

A mutant teenage ant girl had just collected her books from her locker and was making her way to class, when she passed a group of boys and the one in front stuck out his leg and tripped her, making her fall and drop her books.

The boys pointed and laughed at the mutant ant, revealing that they were in fact bullies.

The lead bully bent down and mocked, "Better watch your step, freak!"

The ant girl looked at the bully in annoyance, "Tripping me? Very original." she deadpanned.

"Really? Then how's this for original?" The bully grabbed her by the antennae and body-slammed her hard onto the floor. Then he turned to his buds, "Let's squash this bug-Hooouie!" He cried out.

Out of nowhere, a modified drone flew in and used some extending claws to reach down and give the bully a wedgie. The bully turned around and glared at the one controlling it.

Standing a few feet behind him was a mutant turtle. He was mud green with dark stripes around his head, arms, and legs. He had green eyes and wore a dark magenta mask underneath some glasses.

Like the other mutant students, he also wore clothes. A teal hoodie with the hood up and half the sleeves being white, dark gray sweat pants, and white high tops.

The turtle stifled a laugh. "Oh, sorry 'bout that, Drake," he said, hiding a smirk, "I've still got some glitches to iron out on my drone." He snickered.

The bully, Drake, stomped towards the turtle, cranking his knuckles, "You're a corpse, Kirby!"

"I wouldn't do that, man," the turtle, Kirby, warned, "Unless you wanna deal with my sister."

Drake scoffed, "And what's she gonna do?" Suddenly, both he and the rest of his buds were lifted off the ground by an invisible force.

Walking up next to Kirby, with one hand held out, was a girl who looked like April back in her teen years, only her hair was black and she had hazel green eyes.

"I'll do that," the girl answered Drake, "And this!" She thrust both her hands out and the bullies went flying right into a nearby mail cart.

The bullies laid there and Drake growled when he was interrupted by a whistle.

"Yoo-hoo," came a cheerful female voice.

The bullies turned to see another girl standing next to them. She had dark blonde hair with a black streak, brown eyes, and tan skin with freckles.

She readied a hockey stick, "Goongala, jerkbags!" she grinned and whacked the cart, sending it rolling away down the hall with Drake and his buds screaming.

At the end of the hall stood a boy, another girl, and a mutant frog.

The boy had short black hair and wore a green shirt.

The girl had long blonde hair and grey eyes. She wore a dull grey t-shirt over a dark red flannel top, sand colored jeans, and light blue sneakers.

The frog had blue skin and big yellowish green eyes. He wore a black hoodie with white sleeves and a neon yellow hood, and black pants with a white line down each leg.

As the cart sped toward them, the frog rushed forward, jumped into the air, and landed on the edge of the cart, tipping it over and launching the bullies out. At the same moment, the boy and girl opened a window and the bullies went sailing out and landed in a dumpster.

As the boy and girl closed the window, the frog cheered, "And they're outta here!"

The bullies groaned as they sat up covered in garbage. Drake had a Chinese food box on his head with noodles hanging out.

The bully growled, "I'm gonna break every bone in those freak-lovers'-"

"Ahem!" Drake paused as he noticed a woman in a suit standing before them. She was African American with short hair that had one purple curly bang. She had a stern look on her face.

The woman was Angel Bridge, now an adult, "Care to explain yourselves?" She asked.

"Uh, principal Bridge, hey!" Drake greeted, "Casey Marie, her dumb brother Kirby, and their friends did this to us!"

"Yeah, and we didn't do nothing!" one of his buds lied.

"We were just minding our business!" Another also lied.

"Is that right?" Angel inquired, taking out a phone, "Then would this qualify as you 'minding your business'?"

She showed them multiple video footage of them not just bullying the ant girl, but terrorizing other students as well, especially the mutant and alien ones. In one video they shoved an Insectoid boy in a locker, another showed them giving a swirly to a mutant mouse, and in another they had yanked a utrom from her droid and were kicking her around like a hacky sack.

"Also Andre here just informed me that you were the ones responsible for that chili explosion in the cafeteria!" Angel continued.

A boy appeared next to her. He was African/Caucasian mix with a poof of dark brown hair and grey eyes.

The boy Andre showed some video footage from his own phone. The video showed Drake and his buds sneaking into the kitchen and pouring some chemicals, that they raided from the science lab, into the chili pot then ran away as it exploded out all over the kitchen and the cafeteria.

Drake had a look of disbelief, he was so sure no one had seen the whole thing. His buds meanwhile sunk down knowing they were in a lot of trouble.

"Busted!" Andre singsonged.

Back inside, Casey Marie helped up the ant girl, "You okay, Wanda?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Wanda replied.

"Here, I believe these are yours." Kirby used his drone to pick up Wanda's books and hand them back to her.

"Thanks," Wanda smiled, then turned to the others, "And thank you all for saving me from Drake."

"You're welcome." the boy replied.

"Yeah, no one get's bullied on our watch," the blonde girl stated, "Especially our friends."

"And especially not by Drake and his gang of jerks." the girl with the hockey stick added.

"Well, I better get to class," Wanda said before she took her leave, "Thanks again!"

"See ya around, Wanda!" The frog waved then turned to Casey Marie, "Man, that thing we pulled on Drake was sic! Nice job with the window, Trisha and Tommy."

"It was nothing, Jay," the black haired boy, Tommy, shrugged.

The blonde girl, Trisha, grinned, "The way you launched those creeps was awesome! Same with you whacking them, Shadow." She spoke to the girl with the hockey stick.

"Thank you." Shadow beamed, raising her stick up in triumph.

Jay turned to Casey Marie, "So how'd you come up with that plan, Casey?"

"Our mom once told me and Kirby how she and her friends pulled the same stunt on her bully, Tiffany," Casey Marie answered.

"All to defend my mom after Tiffany got her thrown in detention." Shadow chimed in.

"We just modified her original plan to better work against those jerks." Kirby explained.

"I like her style." Trisha smirked.

Just then, the boy, Andre, came up, "Well, guys, it's safe to say that Drake and his pose won't be tormenting anyone for quite a long time."

"Oooooo!" Shadow marveled. "What did Principle Bridge do to them?"

"I didn't stick around to find out," Andre answered, "I learned you do not want to get on auntie's bad side. But I did hear her tell Drake and his cronies that they were in a mountain of trouble!"

"Oh no." Casey Marie chuckled.

"I almost feel sorry for those neanderthals," Tommy said, "Almost."

"Man, wish Zink, Zanna, Mushroom, and Lita were here to learn that." Trisha grinned.

"Yeah, Zink would be over the moon!" Kirby added.

"And Zanna's gonna be so bummed that she missed out." Jay said.

"Hey, speaking of which," Tommy spoke up, "We haven't seen them in two weeks."

"Hey yeah," Trisha realized. "I mean, sure they're ninjas and that sometimes makes them tardy, but they're never usually gone for this long," She turned to Casey Marie, Kirby, and Shadow. "They're your cousins. And your family's pretty close to them. You know anything?"

"You got me, Trish?" Shadow shrugged, "I dropped by the lair and asked Uncle Mikey where they were, and he told me they were on an important mission."

"Our mom said the same thing when we asked her." Kirby added.

"Good thing, Aunt Angel is so tight with their sensei Mikey," Andre noted, "Otherwise, they'd be in as much trouble as Drake right now."

"I hope they're okay?" Casey Marie wondered in concern.

"Relax, guys," Jay eased them, "I'm sure they're alright. And who knows? Maybe they'll turn up?" Then he noticed something and looked in amazed surprise, "Ask and ye shall receive."

He pointed and the group looked. Just coming in through the front doors were Lita, Zink, Zanna, and Mushroom. They were no longer wearing their ninja gear and instead were dressed in regular clothes like the other students. Though they still wore their ninja masks.

Lita was dressed in a light blue t-shirt, dirt brown capri pants, and pink sneakers.

Zink was wearing a black top under a dark red flannel shirt, black ripped jeans, dark grey sneakers, and a grey beanie.

Zanna was sporting a white sports jacket with mango trimmings, a hip hop cap, shorts, and high tops.

And Mushroom wore a plum sweater, a sandy yellow skirt, light pink slacks, and grayish white toms.

Lita saw them and waved, "Guys!" And the sisters hurried over to the group.

"Well, the Prodigal Ninjas return." Casey Marie joked, hugging Lita.

"Good to see you again, Zink." Trisha fist-bumped with the grey weasel.

"Right back at ya," Zink replied, then she locked fists with Shadow, "Hey, Shadow."

"Hey there, Zink." Shadow replied.

"Yo, Jay, Andre, my boys!" Zanna hi-fived with both Andre and Jay.

"What's up, Z?" Jay grinned.

"Welcome back, girl." Andre said.

"Sup, cous?" Kirby shook hands with Mushroom.

"Hey, Kirby." Mushroom smiled.

"So, what we miss?" Zanna asked.

"Oh, just stopping the local jerk brigade from terrorizing Wanda and many others." Shadow informed.

"Oh, no! Drake?" Lita asked.

"Bingo," Tommy replied, "But don't worry, we took care him and his goons."

"Oooooh, whacha guys do?" Zanna asked eagerly.

"Well," Andre began. "From getting wedgied by Kirby's drone, getting launched out an open window into a dumpster, and then facing the wrath of my aunt, Principal Bridge, it majorly sucks to be Drake right now."

The girls blinked before they all burst out laughing.

"Are you serious?!" Lita giggled.

"Oh, if only we got here earlier!" Zink chortled.

"I would've loved to see that jerk get his!" Zanna said.

"Very creative drone work." Mushroom commented Kirby.

"It's a gift." Kirby bragged.

"So, what's new with you guys?" Andre asked.

"Yeah," Shadow added, "Where were you for the last few weeks?"

"It's a long story." Mushroom stated.

"But to put it simply," Lita began. "You remember that pony world our senseis and your parents used to tell us about when we were kids?"

"Yeah," Casey Marie nodded, before her eyes widened in realization. "No... way! You went there!"

"You know it!" Zanna grinned.

"You got dad's old portal device to work?" Kirby asked Mushroom.

"Yep." Mushroom nodded.

"Awesome!" Kirby cheered.

"That is so cool!" Shadow gushed. "What was it like?!"

"Did you meet any ponies?!" Casey Marie asked in excitement.

"Did you turn into ponies?!" Kirby inquired.

"Did you still have your clothes?" Andre asked.

"Hey hey, whoa whoa whoa!" Trisha interjected, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Yeah, what pony world?" Tommy asked in confusion.

"I'm in the dark." Jay stated.

"We'll tell you later," Lita promised, "And to answer the rest of you, it was very different from our sensei's time."

"And we made some new friends." Zanna added.

"Reunite the three pony tribes and helped bring back magic." Mushroom said.

"And fought off some robots controlled by this cowardly egotistical stallion." Zink noted.

"And we stayed behind to help one of our friends rebuild her house that got destroyed," Lita finished, "Which is why we were gone for so long."

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of classes.

"We'll tell you guys the full story after class." Lita promised.

"Alright," Casey Marie replied, "I'm dying to hear the full details!"

"That makes two of us." Shadow added, as they all headed off.

"And I wanna know more about this pony world." Trisha said.

"It sounds rad!" Jay exclaimed.

"Oh, you bet it is!" Zanna confirmed.

"Yeah, and wait till you guys hear about how fixing up our friend's house went down." Mushroom said.

"Really?" Andre asked.

"Yeah," Lita chimed in, "Let's just say that we all learned the hard way that DRY and creative differences are NOT a good combo!"

"But that work song we sang with our friends was catchy." Zanna admitted.

"Sounds like it's gonna be a long story." Tommy figured.

"You have no idea!" All four sisters replied.

Back in Equestria at the Canterlogic Factory, a huge cart was loaded with pieces of Hoof Bots, or some missing a few robotic limbs. After the destruction, all the Hoof Bots pieces were removed and were meant to be broken down and recycled. Suddenly the pieces started moving as an arm reached up and climbing out was a Hoof Bot despite it's paint-job faded and scratched up it was still in one piece.

Its eyes flashed red a few times before staying red permanently. The robot climbed out of the cart before landing on the floor. It got back up and limped its way off repeating, “Destroy ponies. Destroy ponies... I destroy ponies!”

Elsewhere inside a dark throne room a magical screen was set up showing all the ponies celebrating the return of magic and new friendships being made through it. A tall lone figure stared at the screen in the shadows.

"Well, would you look at this?" The figure stepped into the light, revealing herself as a dark magenta alicorn. She had a white mane that had two small braids around her ears and fell down into two big swirls on each side of her, with streaks of aquamarine. She had light blue mascara around her blue eyes and wore black shield shaped bracelets around each of her legs.

The alicorn looked at the scene of Maretime Bay with a evil smile, "The spell that fool Twilight Sparkle cast to hide Equestria from me has finally been broken! And with her and her friends gone, there will be nopony who can stop me from taking what is mine! All the magic!" The alicorn let out an evil laugh.

Suddenly, green fire nearly hit the alicorn, making her duck. The alicorn shot a glare behind her at a second figure in the shadows, "You mean what is ours, Opaline Arcana!" The figure growled in a male voice, "Less you forget who gave you the dark power you now wield!"

"And less you forget who restored you to your physical form," Opaline reminded the figure, "So you best show some respect, considering that you have hardly any power yourself."

"Do not presume any less of me, Opaline!" The figure warned in a threatening manner, "I may be greatly weakened, but I could easily take all your power if I so desire!"

"Be that as it may, we can't afford to be at each others throats," Opaline noted, "Not if we want to gain all the power and rule over Equestria!"

"That is true," the figure admitted, "However, these five ponies, and especially the four descendants of my old enemies the Turtles, will undoubtedly stand in the way of our conquest. And if either of us have learned anything, is that we must not underestimate our enemies!"

Opaline considered this as she stared at the five ponies and four ninja girls, "Perhaps you're right," she admitted, "We'll have to keep on eye on these little ponies and ninjas. That's very good thinking.... Kavaxas!"

The second figure came into the light, revealing himself as the ancient demodragon himself, who chuckled darkly.

Watching the two from inside another room was a unicorn mare who looked nervous, “I have a bad feeling things are really gonna get worse here.”

Author's Note:

And there you have the final epilogue of this story. Jebens1 provided the epilogue taking place at Roosevelt High. And to all my partners and such, just because I made this story doesn't mean you have to automatically start making Gen 5 stories now. Just continue to focus on the Gen 4 ideas you have in the works.

The characters featured in Roosevelt High were drawn up by Jebens1 which can be seen at deviantart with profiles to their characters

Comments ( 43 )

The school bell rang at Roosevelt High as all the students entered the building and moved about the halls. Only it wasn't just human students, half were mutants and half were of multiple alien species. There were teenage Utrom piloting undisguised droids to Triceratons who were surprisingly not as big as adult Triceratons. There were Salamandrians like Mona Lisa, Insectoids like Dregg, Daagons, and many other species.

Back in Equestria at the Canterlogic Factory, a huge cart was loaded with pieces of Hoof Bots, or some missing a few robotic limbs. After the destruction, all the Hoof Bots pieces were removed and were meant to be broken down and recycled. Suddenly the pieces started moving as an arm reached up and climbing out was a Hoof Bot despite it's paint-job faded and scratched up it was still in one piece.

Its eyes flashed red a few times before staying red permanently. The robot climbed out of the cart before landing on the floor. It got back up and limped its way off repeating, “Destroy ponies. Destroy ponies... I destroy ponies!”

Its eyes flashed red a few times before staying red permanently. The robot climbed out of the cart before landing on the floor. It got back up and limped its way off repeating, “Destroy ponies. Destroy ponies... I destroy ponies!”


The name is up in the air until he's reintroduced

Kavaxas is BACK!?
WHEN!? HOW?! WHY?! WHAT?!!!!!!

"You got dad's old portal device to work?" Kirby asked Mushroom.

Wait, so April and Donnie were able to get a kid?! How...you know what, I don't wanna know.

This epilogue is amazing. I knew from the start that this Hoof Bot was special, as if it wanted to destroy earth ponies in addition to pegasi and unicorns. But what really surprises me the most is that Opaline somehow managed to bring Kavaxas back from the dead or rather from Nothingness if you know what I mean. Me, I always thought that, in this new series of stories, the villain who will team up with Opaline was none other than Kraang. More precisely, Kraang Subprime's cousin. Honestly, I wasn't expecting the return of the lord and master of all demodragons at all.

That's a good question. Especially if we know that it takes a very powerful mystical seal to control Kavaxas.

I knew it! I freakin' knew it!

Hi there, Wildcard25! I have been following your story collection of ENGs for a while now! And I'm a huge fan of your work! I was wondering if it is cool if I can make my own ENGs fic with your permission. I'll confess I have never ever made a fic on the fimfiction site, I only ever made it on Fanfiction.Net. So I was hoping if I can get your permission on the matter.

Regarding this fic, I enjoyed reading as well as the addition of the Hoof Bots! It seems we will be having an Ultron in Equestria now, and it looks like Opaline and Kavaxas have teamed up to take down their enemies.

I was kinda hoping to see the Rainbooms in the epilogue, but the reveal of the Turtles and the descendants of their friends from New York is pretty cool too!

Overall, awesome story and I can't wait to see what you have next to show!

ok. lots of new and old threats are coming in. not good.

They adopted him

Please do so. I can't think of anything

This is for what? For the evil Hoof Bot who wants to destroy all kind of pony or for Kavaxas?

The Hoof Bot is superior.

No, not the name silly. I mean the hoof bot thinks he's superior and thinks all pony kinds are inferior. Take it from Soundwave.

I know the reference

I know, totally cool. In fact, I imagine Izzy saying to her friends that the Hoof Bot reminds her of a villain she remembers from watching the Trotformers in the cinema with Senior Butterscotch. Gotta love the mlp and transformers references appearing in these hasbro shows.

You need a more positive outlook dude.

I'm just not a fan of spoofs

That was good.

The reason I asked about the year thing at the beginning of the fic was because I might do a future thing for Team Shine where Shine Boy's son takes on the legacy. It's gonna be similar to Batman Beyond only maybe not as dark.

Interesting. Yeah can't rule out the future of Team Shine

Well, It's still in beta, but it's coming together.

You mean like a kind of "Shine Boy Beyond"?

Something like that. Like I said, I’m still working on it

Comment posted by zooloverryan deleted February 24th
Comment posted by Anyalover25 deleted March 12th

Opaline considered this as she stared at the five ponies and four ninja girls, "Perhaps you're right," she admitted, "We'll have to keep on eye on these little ponies and ninjas. That's very good thinking.... Kavaxas!"

😱He's back!!!

On the opening the girls were younger and it was before the three bros and Chaplin died

PERFECT music to listen to during the reconstruction of Crystal Brighthouse:

Charlie Morningstar - Sunny Starscout

Lucifer Morningstar and Vaggie - Lita

Angel Dust and Cherry Bomb - Zanna and Hitch Trailbrazer

Husk and Niffty - Zink and Izzy Moonbow

The Vees (Vox, Valentino and Velvette) - Alphabittle, Queen Haven and Phyllis Cloverleaf

Alastor (except in the final) - Opaline Arcana y Kavaxas.

So, what you think?

Boulder Media

Boulder Media Studio Manager
Jenni Macneaney

Haven Alexander
Tim Sullivan

Olivia Holt As Lita
Vanessa Hudgens As Sunny
Kimiko Glenn As Izzy
James Marsden As Hitch
Nicole Sullivan As Zink
Sofia Carson As Princess Pipp
Liza Koshy As Princess Zipp
Michaela Dietz As Zanna
Cree Summers As Mushroom
Ken Jeong As Sprout
Elizabeth Perkins As Phyllis
Jane Krakowski As Queen Haven
Phil Lamarr As Alphabittle
Micheal McKean As Argyle

Greg Cipes As Michelangelo
Tabitha St. Germain As Rarity
Tara Strong As Twilight Sparkle
Seth Green As Leonardo
Sean Astin As Raphael
Andrea Libman As Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie
Rob Paulsen As Donatello
Ashleigh Ball As Applejack/Rainbow Dash
Arturo Hernandez As Toots/Thunder/Jasper/
Pegasus Guard
Brooke Goldner As Sweets
Gillian Berrow As Zoom
Alan Schmuckler As Sprout Singing Voice
Heather Langenkamp Anderson As Dazzie Feather/
Mayflower/Confused Mom
Will Friedle As Skye Silver/Commercial VO/
Glitter Cupcake/Comet Tail
Robert Cullen As Sparkle Chaser/Rob The Pony/Wings
Laura Bailey As Kid Earth Pony 1/Pippsqueak 1
Kari Wahlgren As Pegasus Fan
Tony Matthews As Balloon Pony/Unicorn Father/
Worker Pony 1
Lisa Linder Silver As Beatnik Unicorn/
Pegasus Concert Goer/Pippsqueak 2/Tran Driver
Thomas Rickert As Announcer Pony
Inbal Elazari As Bunnies
Maggie Cullen As Unicorn Kid

Additional Voices
Will Friedle
Arturo Hernandez
Heather Langenkamp Anderson
Lisa Linder Silver

Mae Whitman
April O’Neal

Consulting VFX Supervisor
Karen E. Goulekas

Associate Producer Manager
Rachel Brennan

Assistant Production Manager/VFX Manager
Emma Rooney

Assistant Production Manager
Richard Barragry


“Gonna Be My Day”
Written By
Michael Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Produced By Ron Fair
Co-Produced By
Michael Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Mixed By Peter Mokran
Performed By Vanessa Hudgens

“I’m Looking Out For You”
Written By
Michael Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Produced By Ron Fair
Co-Produced By
Michael Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Mixed By Peter Mokran
Performed By
Vanessa Hudgens & Kimiko Glenn
Featuring Olivia Holt, Nicole Sullivan,
Michaela Dietz & Cree Summers

“Danger Danger”
Written By
Michael Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Produced By Ron Fair
Co-Produced By
Michael Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Mixed By Peter Mokran
Performed By Alan Schmuckler

“Fit Right In”
Written By
Micheal Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Produced By Ron Fair
Co-Produced By
Michael Mahler & Alan Schmuckler
Mixed By Peter Mokran
Performed By
Kimiko Glenn, Vanessa Hudgens & James Marsden
Olivia Holt, Nicole Sullivan,
Michaela Dietz & Cree Summers

“It’s Alright”
Written By
David Sneddon, Marco Parisi, Giampaolo Parisi
Produced By Parisi
Performed By Johnny Orlando
Courtesy Of Universal Music Canada

Written By
Aaron Pearce, Stephen Kirk, Rob Grimaldi
Produced By Aaron Pearce
Performed By Callie Twisselman
Courtesy Of Class Modern Entertainment, LLC

“Glowin’ Up”
Written By
Jenna Andrews, Bryan Fryzel, And Taylor Upsahl
Produced By
Frequency For Freq Show Music, INC.
Vocals Produced By Jenna Andrews
Executive Produced By Jenna Andrews And Ron Fair
Performed By Sofia Carson
Sofia Carson Appears Courtesy Of Hollywood Records

Look For The Movie Soundtrack Recording!

The Producers Wish To Thank The Following
Kevin Evans
Rita Hsiao
Tim Pfeiffer
Paul Gerard
Kate Leith
Sandy Rabins
Elaine Gill
Grazia Lynch
Jamie Simone
Jamie Goodman
Katherine MacDonald
Mireille Soria
Jiner Ho
Jenn Mioduchowski
Jamie Thomason
Adam Pava

Writer’s Room Special Thanks
Peter Chiarelli
Deborah Kaplan
Sarah Peters
Harry Elfont
Samantha McIntyre
Laura Steinel

Cameo Courtesy
‘My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic’
‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’
Which Was Developed For Television By
Laura Faust
Kevin Eastman
Peter Laird

To Our Family And Friends, For Your Unconditional
Support In Making This Film Possible.

Produced With The Support Of Incentives For
The Irish Film Industry Provided By The Government Of Ireland

NO. 53250

My Little Pony, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And All Related Characters Are Trademarks Of Hasbro, Inc. & Viacom International Inc. And Are Used With Permission.
©️2021 Hasbro, Inc. & Viacom International Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

The Persons And Events In This Motion Picture Are Fictitious, Any Similarity To Actual Persons Or Events Is Unintentional.

This Motion Picture Is Protected Under Laws Of The
Untied States And Other Countries,
Unauthorized Duplication, Distribution Or Exhibition
May Result In Civil Liability And Criminal Prosecution.

A ViacomCBS Company

Sequel with "Tell your Tale" and "Make your Mark"?

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