• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 2,185 Views, 280 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A New Generation - Wildcard25

  • ...

Growing Friendships

The next morning, the five ponies and four mutant ninjas had made it out of Zephyr Heights and started walking a flowery meadow while looking upon a tree of pink blossoms.

“Pretty.” Zanna marveled.

“That's the tree from the map,” Sunny explained, “That means... it's this way!” she points in a direction as the group followed her head.

Trailing behind the group was Hitch and Pipp who both did not look happy to be on this journey, “What am I even doing here? Hoofing it across daisy fields, looking for a magical crystal that doesn’t even exist!” Hitch grumbled to himself, while Pipp was grumbling her own frustrations.

“It was supposed to be my best show ever, and now it’s all over. I’m a criminal! (bitterly) And it’s all because of-”

“Them!” the two of them announced together.

“And that is so not cool.” Pipp grumbled.

“No, it is not,” Hitch agreed, before pausing in surprise, “Did I just agree with a pegasus?”

Lita who was close by passed him, “Yes. Yes, you did.” she smirked. Hitch scowled at her cheeky tone.

Pipp went to her sister, “Hey, are you sure she even knows where to find this other crystal?”

“Don't you trust me, at all?” Zipp asked.

“I don't know...you are the one who just threw mom in jail!!” Pipp reminded her.

Zink walked by, “Well, to be fair, you and your mom did lie to every Pegasus in Zephyr Heights about you three being the only ones who possessed the power to fly whilst forcing Zipp to do the same.”

Mushroom spoke up, “She's right, a real leader must know when to be honest among its team, as well as the kingdom they rule. If they give nothing but false promises, then everything will fall apart to ruin.”

Pipp shot the two a glare, “Not helping.”

Zipp sighed, “Look, once we get our magic back, the whole kingdom would be so excited, they won't even remember what happened back there. You'll be a hero Pipp.”

Zink nodded, “She's right. The Pegasi would look up to the pony who helped them gain what they lost long ago. And you'll be famous among your uh...dedicated fans.”

“And if all pony kinds learn to live together your fanbase could quadruple if you gain fans in unicorns and earth ponies.” Zanna tempted her.

Pipp hearing that started to imagine how much bigger her fanbase would grow if not limited to pegasi alone, “Well...when you put it that way."

“Also...whilst we're also talking about honesty. Given how you always try to please folks, it's no wonder you don't have any real friends.” Zink noted.

Pipp did a double take losing her good mood, “What's that supposed to mean?!”

“I just call it like I see it.” Zink shrugged.

Mushroom spoke to ease the tension, “Uh, what she means is...during our Masters' time when they were young, they and their friends encountered someone who was also obsessed with fame and trying to be better, as well as her em...BYBB philosophy.”

Pipp paused, “Wait, Be Yourself But Better?”

“That's right,” Mushroom confirmed, “And as one of our masters' friends once said "Perfection is unknowable. It's impossible, but it's also right in front of us all the time.", meaning you've been so obsessed into being "perfect" for your fans, you failed to realize what they really wanted, what was right in front of you.”

Pipp hearing those words started remembering the longing on the other pegasi's faces, “I...I never thought about that.”

Mushroom nodded, “Another lesson our masters taught us. Sometimes we need to take a step back, in order to see the bigger picture.”

As Mushroom and Zink walked a bit ahead, Pipp and Zipp looked at each other, feeling strangely moved by it.

“Huh...well how about that?” Zipp asked her sister.

At the same time, Hitch attempted to talk to Sunny, “Let's get this one thing straight.”

“We're almost at the river everypony!” Sunny addressed the travelers, as Hitch continued.

“After this whole escapade is over with, You're gonna march back home to Maretime Bay, with me, is that clear?”

“Crystal.” she replied not effected by consequences.

“Jeez, Hitch, you're such a busybody.” Zanna said annoyed.

“Hey! I'll have you know this badge, means that I...” he realized he wasn't wearing his badge anymore, “No, no, no, no!! Where's my badge!!” he spotted Izzy, “Hey, you!! I know Unicorns like shiny things.”

Lita sighed, “Really? Your badge goes missing and you automatically blame Izzy? You are so immature.”

Izzy thought about something, “Oh, you know. I think I did see a shiny badgy thing on the ground a few hours ago.”

“What? Hours?!” Hitch asked in shock.

“Well, maybe that was for the best. Between you and me buddy,” Izzy whispered to him, “That badge was creating an unhealthy power dynamic.” Izzy then skips and sings a tune, whilst Hitch stands there completely baffled.

“Welcome to the circle of citizens 'sheriff'.” Zanna chuckled.

“Look, there's a bridge!” Lita motioned ahead.

They headed towards a stone bridge meant to extend over a ravine, only for them to discover the bridge was broken in the middle leaving a colossal gap between both sides.

“Oh, great!” Zink grumbled.

“There's no way we can jump that far.” Lita noted.

“And there are no trees close enough on the other side for our grappling hooks to stick too.” Mushroom added.

“What're we gonna do?” Sunny asked.

“Any ideas, Zipp?” Pipp asked snidely.

“You know what would be great right now? Let me think,” she spread her wings, and finished annoyed, “Maybe something like the ability to fly!”

“You know what would be even better? Not being stuck in the middle of nowhere as outcasts from our own kingdom!” Pipp argued.

Hitch just spoke casually over the sibs squabbling, “Oh, well, that’s the end of that. Time to go home. I wish I could say it was nice meeting all of you, but it wasn’t.”

“Rude!” Zanna frowned.

Hitch ignored her and spoke to his friend, “Come on, Sunny.”

As argument rose from the pegasi sisters, to Hitch getting on the ninjas nerves, Sunny was feeling the pressure before announcing, “Everypony, stop!”

That silenced the squabblers while unaware of Izzy walking towards a tree near the bridge. Lita went to Sunny to calm her, “Easy, Sunny. Deep breaths. It's how we were trained to calm our nerves.”

Sunny took deep breaths before she felt calmer, “Thanks,” she spoke to the others calmly, “I know it's been a rough night for a lot of us, but squabbling like this won't get us anywhere. We're this close to finding a way to restore magic, and nothing's gonna stop us. Not even a broken bridge. We will find a way to the other side, find the crystal, and bring back magic,” she turned to each of the squabbling ponies, “And once we do... You'll get to fly. You'll get your fans back. And you'll have me in custody.”

This prompt smiles from them, as Lita spoke to Sunny, “Way to step up, Sunny.”

“But I don't think letting Hitch there take you into custody is necessary.” Zink noted making Hitch frown.

“Hey, where's Izzy?” Zanna asked, before the sound of a crash was heard.

They looked to see Izzy who while the group was arguing used her horn to saw the tree she was by making it fall over turning into a makeshift bridge for them to the other side.

“Ta-daaaaa!” she declared.

“All right!” Zipp cheered.

“Way to go, Izzy!” Zanna jumped in excitement.

“Ah, great.” Hitch said sourly.

“Come on, everypony.” Sunny declared, as they crossed the tree bridge making it to the other side.

As Zanna walked behind she looked up to the sky to her left once again seeing the stallion still drifting with his Earth Pony Balloon Escape Pack. She once again waved his way hoping he saw her.

When nighttime came, the group stopped and made camp at the base of a big rock and Zipp and Mushroom started a campfire.

"Oh, yeah! Nailed it!" Izzy cheered.

"Booyah!" Zanna added.

"You rock, girls!" Zink said.

Hitch sat alone. He didn't want to be anywhere near the unicorn and the two pegasi. And he especially didn't want to be near the ninjas. Growling, he tried to light his own campfire, but was having no luck. "Come on, stupid stick." he complained.

Zipp called over, "You need some backup, sheriff?"

"Cause it sure looks like you do." Mushroom added.

"No! Thank you. I've got it," Hitch insisted, then he grumbled to himself, "Come on... If only I had a match..." Finally a small flame lit. "Hah!" He shouted in triumph, only for the flame to fizzle out, and growled in frustration, especially when Zink and Zanna laughed.

"Oh, well, that was sad to watch," Zipp commented.

"He sure got it alright." Mushroom put in.

"Nice fire, sheriff!" Zink remarked.

"A real camping expert!" Zanna mocked, and the two laughed again.

"Come on, don't be a hero, dude," Zipp called, "Come get warm."

"It's better than being cold." Lita noted, but Hitch didn't budge. She sighed and shook her head. Then turning to Sunny, she asked, "How can you be friends with him?"

"I know Hitch has his... flaws, but he's really not a bad pony," Sunny explained, "I'll go talk to him." She got up and walked toward her friend, who was trying again to light a fire.

"Are you sure about all this?" Hitch asked, "Because if we just go back to Maretime Bay..."

"What have we got to lose?" Sunny inquired.

"By giving magic back to our enemies?" Hitch retorted. "Uh, let me think. I know – a lot!"

"Come on. Do they look like enemies to you?" Sunny motioned toward the other ponies.

"My sparkle is aquamarine?" Pipp asked after Izzy had said it to her, "That's, like, my sixth favorite color!"

"Well, I know for a fact those ninjas are enemies!" Hitch glared at Lita and her sisters.

"And why is that?" Sunny asked, nonchalant.

"Hmm, let's see, they attacked me-”

“Lita said, they just shoved you out of the way and they barely hit you!” Sunny argued.

“Well, the one punched me in the face!” Hitch continued to list off.

“We were in the middle of a heist to get the crystal and you would've jeopardized the mission.”

“Which went so well.” Hitch replied in sarcasm.

“Hitch!” Sunny snapped, “Will you stop being sheriff for one minute, and just be Hitch for once? Ever since you met them you kept treating them like they're monsters just because they're different. When they only retaliated against you because you provoked it out of them first. They have names and they have feelings, just like we do. Just because they're different from us, doesn't mean they're dangerous!"

"How can you be so sure of that?" Hitch questioned.

"Because they saved me and Izzy from those Hoof Bots," Sunny explained. "If they were as bad as you say, they wouldn't have bothered to do all that. Lita, Zink, Zanna, and Mushroom are friends, so are Izzy, Pipp, and Zipp. And I think you're open-minded enough to see that."

Hitch sighed and admitted, "I don't know. Maybe I should just go back to Maretime Bay where I'm needed."

"If that's what you want. But you should know I'm actually glad you're here, Hitch," Sunny said, "We all are." She walked back over to the others and nodded for him to join them.

As Sunny left to join the rest of the group around to fireplace leaving Hitch to himself, Lita looked over and walked up to him.

"Hitch." she began.

"What now?" Hitch asked in a groan.

"Let me ask you something, how did you become Sheriff of Maretime Bay?"

"Through hard work, dedication, and loyalty, of course." Hitch answered like it was obvious.

"Really?" Lita crossed her arms, "Because after what Sunny told me about how Maretime Bay really is, I don't think you've actually done anything worthy of that title."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hitch squinted.

"She told me the ponies there are all law abiding citizens, not because you keep it that way, but because they all share the same brainwashed belief that all other pony tribes are bad and they're the only good ones. Basically all you do is order ponies to pick up their litter."

"That's not true!" Hitch protested, "I mean I... I." Hitch tried to argue some more but started realizing despite all his talk and dedication to keeping Maretime Bay safe, he never actually did lock up any pony in their jail or anything. This started to make him doubt himself until Lita continued.

"I'm not trying to step on your hooves, but to give you the chance to actually do something good for not just yourself, but for all ponies. Even be a hero for once."

"A hero?" Hitch asked.

"Yes. Like it or not you've become a part of something much bigger than yourself and everything else could ever imagine. If you help us restore the magic to Equestria you'll go down in history as a hero who helped all ponykind. Think about it." Lita walked back over to the girls to join them around the fire.

Hitch deciding to swallow his pride got up and joined the girls around their fire, "Glad you could join us, Sheriff." Lita smiled.

"Yeah, whatever," Hitch muttered, "But if I have to journey with you outlaws, I at least want an apology from her!" He pointed at Zink.

"For what exactly?" Zink inquired.

"Oh, how about for assaulting back at that pegasi city!" Hitch recalled.

"It was one punch." Zink noted.

"And it hurt!" Hitch insisted.

"First of all, it was on impulse," Zink rebuffed, "And second, I ain't apologizing because you had it coming."

"For what reason do I deserve to get punched for?" Hitch demanded.

"I'll give you five," Zink listed off, "You tried to wrongfully arrest me and my sisters and labeled us outlaws when we did nothing wrong, and tried to do the same to Izzy. You told Sunny to abandon her beliefs instead of supporting her like a "real friend" would do. You stalked us all the way here. You accused Izzy of stealing your stupid badge without proof. And you act like a total hot shot!"

"Well, if you four had come along quietly, I wouldn't have to brand you outlaws." Hitch tried to justify.

Zink scoffed, "Typical black and white outlook cop."

"What is your deal?" Hitch asked.

Zink stood up and shot back, "My deal is that people like you, or in this case, ponies like you, who think people like me are freaks who should be locked up, cast out, or even destroyed just because we're different and don't bother to get to know us at all!" Zink then sat facing away from Hitch, crossing her arms.

"Whoa, uh, Zink, you okay?" Zipp asked.

"Your sparkle is really mad, but also very very sad." Izzy noted.

Zink's frown softened, "When I was kid, I learned the hard way that mutants aren't well liked. I wanted to befriend this cool group at our school and they seemed like they wanted to be my friends too. Or so I thought! They took me to the roller rink where they said they had a surprise for me. And when I got out in the rink, I found out what it was. They had gotten everyone in the rink to dump food and drinks all over me! Then the group picked me up and stuffed me in a garbage can! While live streaming the whole thing!"

"Wait, they did what?!" Zipp asked in shock.

"Harsh!" Pipp huffed.

"Everyone laughed at me and the group said the trash was where freaks like me belonged," Zink continued sadly, "And it got worse. One of the members brought in a police officer and said I had stolen his wallet and the officer arrested me without even bothering to search me!" Zink shot a look at Hitch, "Ringing any bells, sheriff?" Hitch was at a loss for words.

"I... I can't believe you were treated like that?" Sunny said in shock.

"Believe it," Zink replied. "But surprisingly, this story has a happy ending. The next day, the group started heckling me and tried to stuff me in a garbage can again, until they were chased off by two of my now friends, Trisha Campbell, and Shadow Jones. I was skeptical at first, but they showed me that they were real."

Lita nodded, “It's all true.”

“Whoa.” Hitch gasped starting to see things through the ninjas perspective.

“So while we're on the topic, Lita,” Zipp began, “What are you and your sisters really?”

“Some other pony tribe Equestria forgot about?” Pipp wondered.

“Nothing like that,” Lita replied, “My sisters and I are actually mutants.”

“Mutants?” Pipp asked, as Zipp was just as curious.

Mushroom nodded, “That's right. In fact where we're from we're not really ponies.”

“Then what are you?” Izzy asked.

Lita answered, “I'm actually an albino turtle.”

“A turtle?” Zipp raised a brow.

“That's right.”

Zink spoke on behalf of herself, Zanna, and Mushroom, “And the three of us, we're actually weasels.”

“Weasels?” Pipp asked.

“Well, that explains a lot.” Hitch muttered.

“So where did you come from?” Zipp wondered.

“To understand our origin, we need to go back to the beginning,” Lita began, “Before us. Before all of you.”

Mushroom reached into her bag and pulled out a circular device that projected above it holograms of the turtles.

“Who are they?” Izzy gasped.

“Our senseis.” Zink answered, as Lita explained.

It all started with four turtles, mutant brothers. Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo.”

The device showed each turtle alone performing ninja moves awing the other ponies.

Once four ordinary turtles until they were adopted by a kind human man named Hamato Yoshi who moved from Japan to New York City, where he adopted them as babies from a local pet shop. As he exited he caught sight of someone suspicious and proceeded to investigate. He discovered this person was making a trade off with this canister containing a green glowing substance called mutagen. But Yoshi gave himself away when he stepped on a nearby rat alerting the two people. A fight broke out and in the process the canister shattered causing Yoshi and the baby turtles to be covered with the mutagen. The mutagen affected their DNA, and Yoshi was transformed into a mutant version of the last organic thing he came into contact with.”

The hologram showed Master Splinter surprising the pegasus sisters, “A rat?” Pipp gasped.

Yes. And the mutagen had mutated the turtles into human like beings. Because of Yoshi's new appearance he fled to the sewers before taking the turtles with. Over time their minds had begun developing a form of human intelligence thanks to the ooze. Yoshi knew eventually they would desire to go up to the surface, but he also knew they wouldn't survive. So he trained them in the art of ninjitsu so that when they were ready they would be able to defend themselves. It was there Yoshi would be known to them as...”

“Master Splinter.” Sunny spoke up.

“You know?” Zink asked her surprised.

“It was part of my dad's research.” she explained.

“Wow.” Zanna gasped.

“Your dad really must've known a lot.” Lita said.

“He wanted to prove to everypony that all three pony tribes were once united. So he did his research and even uncovered the truth that a group of mutant ninja warriors once walked our very world.” Lita nodded to Sunny, as she continued.

And so the four brothers ventured forth out into the city known as New York City, where they made many friends and allies.”

They saw the hologram depicting such people as April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, Shini, other mutants, even a bunch of girls that bore a striking resemblance to the old figurines of the mane six Sunny's dad made her which got her attention.

Together, they fought many enemies, from ninjas, aliens, mutants, monsters...”

They saw such examples included Foot Bots, the Kraang, Triceratons, Rahzar, and even Kavaxas.

But their greatest enemy was none other than... the Shredder.”

The hologram depicted Shredder who performed ninja moves on a whole other level which surprised the ponies.

“The Shredder?” Zipp asked.

“Those blades look sharp.” Pipp feared.

“Well, he probably never has to look for a can opener.” Izzy joked.

The Shredder was their most challenging and vilest of enemies. Especially since he was once friends with Master Splinter.”

“Friends?” Izzy asked.

Yes. Both belonged to a different ninja clan at the time. Yoshi with the Hamato Clan. And Shredder who back then was known as Oroku Saki was with the Foot Clan.”

“Foot clan?” Zipp asked while suppressing a laugh.

Don't be distracted by the clan's name. The Foot Clan was a notorious clan rivaled only by the Hamato. For centuries both the Hamato and Foot clans have had a bitter feud until one day the Foot fell. Oroku Saki who was the son of the Foot Clan's leader at the time was just a child. Yoshi' father Yuta took pity upon Saki and took him in raising him as his own. Since that day Yoshi and Saki were raised together as brothers, and rivals, as brothers often are. They competed in all things, but their competition led them to fighting for the love of a woman named Tang Shen.”

The hologram showed Tang Shen whose appearance wowed the pony girls while felt enamored himself.

“She is gorgeous.” Pipp gasped.

“She sure is.” Zanna agreed.

Yoshi and Saki's rivalry for Shen's affection turned bitter, but in the end Shen chose Yoshi. Together they started a family with their newborn daughter, Miwa.”

They saw the hologram of Yoshi, Shen, and Miwa together, “Oh, the baby is so cute!” Izzy cooed.

But eventually Saki's jealousy turned to hatred when he discovered his birthright. He rebuilt the Foot Clan declaring revenge. He went to kill Yoshi in his home, but before he could land the final blow, Shen took the strike and perished.”

“No!” Zipp and Pipp gasped.

Yes. And Yoshi's home burned out of control. In the midst of the chaos, Saki stole Miwa and through his own guilt convinced himself it was Yoshi's fault Shen died. So he took Miwa and raised her as his own renaming her Karai.”

“Whoa.” Hitch gasped.

Saki had always assumed Splinter died in the house fire, but when he discovered he was alive and in New York, he traveled there bringing with him his army of Foot Ninja, his closest henchmen, and even Karai herself. And the turtles on so many occasions battled Shredder and his forces. When Karai discovered the truth she defected from Shredder and joined the turtles. Together they sought to cripple Shredder's empire until one night Shredder took the life of Splinter.”

Izzy gasped, “No!”

When that happened the turtles and their friends got together to finish Shredder once and for all. And they succeeded.”

“Well, that's a relief.” Zipp sighed.

But even with Shredder gone, and Karai taking over the Foot making it more honorable there were still dangerous forces they had to deal with. Especially in Equestria.”

“So the turtles were in Equestria.” Sunny gasped.

Yes. They fought along side many good ponies from way back then. And because of their heroics the land was opened up to many other species other than ponies. Even several of the alien species they knew migrated to Equestria to learn more and broaden their horizons.”

“So how come we never heard such creatures existed here?” Zipp asked.

“Whatever happened in the past between the three pony tribes must've driven the alien species away as well.” Sunny theorized.

Now that you know the back story behind them. It's time you learned of the time following them. Over the years the four brothers eventually became renowned and no longer stuck to the shadows as much. Eventually the world became opened to non humans, allowing mutants to come out of hiding and even alien species to migrate to earth. But even though non-humans were allowed to live on earth. There were still some who had issues with those who were different and made no attempt to hide it. But still there were those that tried to make sure all species had equal rights as did the humans. But to this day it's still a fight for equal rights.” Lita continued.

Hitch hearing that started seeing more of just how bad things really were between the pony tribes. Despite their differences they were all deep down not so different. And their behavior towards the other was exactly how those in the ninjas world were to others not as socially acceptable.

Now for our story. As said I was once an ordinary albino turtle in a pet store. One day, the shop was devastated after it was caught in the crossfire between the Turtles and their long time alien enemies the Kraang. My tank, along with a cage containing a trio of weasels.”

“Which was us.” Zanna interrupted, as Zink and Mushroom covered her mouth.

Their cage was also knocked over in the battle like mine. Leo spotting us scooped us up to place us somewhere safe. Unfortunately we ended up getting covered in some mutagen the Kraang had on us. After the Kraang were defeated, Leo found we had mutated into humanoid babies and he and his brothers decided to raise us as their own.”

“Just like Splinter to them.” Zipp realized as the weasel sisters nodded.

We were also trained in the art of ninjitsu to prepare ourselves for whatever troubles were in the city. And with the way the city was with many treating other species with hostility we had to be ready for anything. Then when we were fifteen, my sisters and I got into a fight with a gang known as the Purple Dragons and were beaten due to our lack of teamwork. At our established family dojo in the city, Sensei Leo scolded us as I explained that the gang was beating up a helpless family and we were trying to help, just like he and his brothers used to. Sensei Leo decided we needed a leader and chose me, which surprises me since I'm the youngest.”

“Wait, you're the youngest?” Zipp asked.

“That's right.”

“But you seem more mature than your sisters,” Pipp said making the trio grunt, “No offense, girls.”

“So if you're the youngest, then who is the oldest?” Sunny asked.

“That'd be me.” Zink answered.

“Huh, I never would've guessed.” Izzy said.

Unfortunately for us, the Dragons came back, stating the Hamato Clan had interfered with their crimes for the last time. A fight broke out and the dojo was burned down and blown up, Sensei Donnie, Sensei Raph, and Uncle Chaplin were killed in the explosion. The gang's leader then stabbed Sensei Leo in front of me. On his dying breath, Leo told us to take care of each other and rely on one another. His last words were, "You're Better Together."

The ponies looked saddened at that, while Hitch tried to hold it together but failed.

We were devastated, but determined I led my sisters into battle against the Dragons. Working as a team this time, we defeated the Dragons and I personally knocked out the leader and the Dragons were subsequently arrested. We went back to our sewer lair where Sensei Leo's came to us saying he was proud of us all. When I asked why he made me leader instead of Zink, he explained it was because I showed the most leadership skills growing up. He said that we would soon face many challenges ahead but told us that if we relied on each others strengths, we would prevail.”

“Wicked.” Zipp said moved.

“You said Raphael and Donatello died with Leo. What about Michelangelo?” Sunny asked.

“Sensei Mikey was the only one of the bros who made it out alive. And he continued training us since that day, even now.” Lita finished.

“Wow. You all went through so much.” Pipp gasped.

“And at such young ages.” Izzy looked sad.

“Yeah. But it's the hard times that made us grow in body and spirit.” Zink noted.

“And here we are, taking on new challenges and making new friends as well.” Zanna motioned to the ponies who had to agree with her.

As they continued to get warm by the fire, Sunny spoke, “So, I think we should set off at first light. Last stop, Bridlewood.”

“Alright!” Zanna cheered, as Lita and the others smiled in agreement.

Sunny then noticed Izzy looked downhearted, “What's wrong, Izzy?”

“It’s just that…being with you ponies has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I guess…I just don’t want our adventure to end.” she explained sadly.

“We get it, Iz, but nothing lasts forever,” Lita explained, “But just because an adventure ends doesn't mean it's the last.”

“Yeah. And you'll get your magic back.” Sunny added, as Izzy started feeling better now.

Hitch finally decided to get some answers of his own from the unicorn, “Can I ask you a question? W…why did you come to Maretime Bay?”

Zink looked curious, “Yeah. I mean of all times, what made you decide now?”

“I always wanted to visit. When I was a filly, I found this pretty lantern,” she fished into her mane pulling out a folded paper, “It had a message inside. It-it said I had friends in Maretime Bay.”

Izzy unfolded the paper revealing it was the very message Sunny and her dad made when she was a filly. Her face lit up seeing it again which Izzy noticed and made the connection, “It…it was you.” she passed it to Hitch, as Lita looked at it by Hitch's side.

“You made this, Sunny?”

“Yeah. With my dad,” Sunny said, as she took it from Hitch, “We always promised each other that someday, we would prove that all ponies were meant to be friends. “We’ll do our part, hoof to heart.”

She looked from one to another, lost in the happy memories of her youth. Izzy, Mushroom, and Pipp each lift a front hoof/hand and touch them together, and Sunny and the others smiled at this small gesture of growing friendship. Eventually Hitch decided to speak up.

“Hey um... I wanna do my part.” Hitch confessed to Sunny who smiled.

Lita smiled as well, though her sisters were skeptical, “What changed your mind?” Lita wondered.

Hitch turned to her, “You did, Lita. You, your sisters, and my friend Sunny,” he replied, “Our tribes have been divided. I was wrong to think otherwise.”

Lita nodded her head that he now understands. Zink had her arms crossed, “Are you still gonna treat us like freaks?”

Hitch was a little terrified from Zanna, Mushroom, and Zink's stern looks, but he took a deep breath before he spoke.

“No, I am not. I realize that what we earth ponies are doing in Maretime Bay is wrong. I like to think myself as a great sheriff, but I’m not. As a matter of fact, I really don’t know what it’s like to be a hero at all,” Hitch said looking down with regret, “You ninjas are welcome to say what you want about me. But I do feel bad for everything I did to you guys when we first met, and I take it all back. I’m sorry. I was just trying to protect my town. I should've known better than to just follow the crowd like that.”

The ninjas were surprised to hear what Hitch said to them. They didn't think he would actually beg them for forgiveness. The sheriff turned to Mushroom who had her arm on his shoulder.

“Apology accepted.” She smiled.

Zanna approached with a smile, “We’re sorry for 'attacking' you when we first met.” She admitted.

“It was just a shove. Didn't hurt too bad.” Hitch admitted, as he received a nudge from Zink.

“It’s about time you’ve come to your senses, Sheriff Hitch.” She chuckled.

Hitch rubbed his back and was happy that Zink didn't feel hostile towards him as he's been to them anymore.

Hitch continued, “I wanna be a hero to all ponies, just like you girls,” Hitch extended his hoof to the leader, “May I join you?”

Lita stared at him before happily accepting his friendship, “Well, I like your resume.” She smirked.

Hitch gave a sheepish smile as he shook her hand.

“What have we got to lose, right?” He reminded.

Zipp cheered, “Whoo!”

Izzy cheered, “Alright!”

She, Pipp, and Lita’s sisters whooped with excitement.

“Hey, let's do what our senseis did when they were excited.” Zanna pleaded.

“What's that?” Zipp asked.

Lita smirked, “This,” she and her sisters announced, “Booyakasha!”

The ponies blinked, “What was that?” Pipp asked.

“A battle cry our senseis would cheer when going into battle or in victory.” Zink explained.

“I love it!” Izzy cheered.

“It's no Pipp-Pipp Hooray, but it works.” Pipp admitted, as Zipp playfully nudges her.

"So come on, join us." Zanna beckoned the ponies.

As the five ponies shrugged, Zink spoke, "Say it loud, and say it proud!"

"BOOYAKASHA!!!" The five ponies cheered, before laughing.

The mood of the group felt better than ever with no hostility between them. Hitch turned to Sunny and spoke, “I have to admit. A unicorn forest does sound kinda magical.”

“I sure can't wait to see it.” Zanna said excitedly.

“Well, we will tomorrow. So we better get plenty of sleep tonight.” Sunny instructed.

“Yeah!” they all agreed.