• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 15: Technology is Magic

Twilight waited in her room for Princess Celestia to arrive. The lavender unicorn had already delivered the culprits to her brother the moment she arrived. The entire trip back was a blur, her thoughts filled with what had happened. Soon enough, a knock issued from the door and Twilight called for the visitor to enter. As expected, it was the solar princess.

Celestia entered Twilight's chambers and began, “We need to talk about your encounter in Heart Valley.” She moved a nearby cushion to sit in front of Twilight. “First, I should apologize. Before you disappeared, I was in the habit of calling on you every time a problem came about that I could not see to myself. It seems I fell too easily back into that habit.” She closed her eyes for a moment before she continued, “Severing the horn of the culprit was too extreme, but considering what you just went through I shouldn't have sent you to take care of the issue.”

Twilight shuffled nervously, “That's just it though... I... I wasn't aiming for his horn...”

Celestia looked confused, “What do you mean?”

“Between the time I teleported and the time I cut his horn of... he... lowered his head...” the last part was uttered so quietly, Celestia barely heard it. Slowly, realization washed over the alicorn's face, “I intended to kill him.”

“I see,” Celestia said, almost losing her composure.

“And what's worse is that when I was looking down at him, the only thing that upset me was that I missed,” Twilight said in a near panic, “I didn't even care that he was bleeding, or screaming in pain, or that I took the one thing that makes unicorns unique. I... I... I...” Twilight finally broke down and cried her eyes out. Celestia wasted no time in pulling her student in a full embrace, hooves and wings, “I'm a monster. I was about to kill another pony without a thought.”

“No, Twilight,” Celestia said in a calm motherly tone, “You're not a monster. You reacted the way you were trained. I was the fool for sending you when I knew you had surely been affected by your experiences. Listen Twilight, I've arranged for you to meet with Dr. Shrink. She'll be able to help you cope with everything you've been through.”

Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes and gave her teacher a weak smile, “Thank you, Princess. Um, when am I suppose to see her?”

“In about three days,” Celestia released the unicorn and smiled, “In the meantime, I’ve received a request from the R&D department at Canterlot University. They want to examine some of the technology you've brought. What should I tell them?”

Twilight's smile widened, “I'd love to.”

“Good, I'll let them know to expect you tomorrow. Right now we should all get some sleep.” Celestia stood and left from the room with a quick “goodnight”.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

It had been a good four years since Twilight had last walked these halls. She trotted through the University with a large suitcase rolling behind her. She chose a few of the more fascinating pieces of tech to show, and was excited to teach somepony about it. She made her way to the door to the research and development department and let herself in. There was nopony in the main room and Twilight didn't want to wander.

“Hello?” Twilight called, “I'm here.”

“We'll be right with you,” came a voice from one of the other rooms.

Twilight set the suitcase beside her as a khaki colored unicorn with a black, braided mane and tail walked in. She gave Twilight a big smile.

“So good to finally meet you Ms. Sparkle,” greeted the scientist, “I'm Dr. Jynx Charm, head of this department. You can just call me Jynx. I must admit, I'm quite excited to see what you've brought.”

“Well, Jynx, you may call me Twilight.” Twilight shook Jynx’s hoof and unzipped the suitcase. “Alliance Tech is quite advanced. They mostly focus in implementing the most functionality in as little of a package as they can. This is perhaps my favorite.” She hovered a data pad out and presented it to the researcher. “This is a data pad. It can access vast amounts of information remotely, via data hubs placed throughout the galaxy. Unfortunately, we're too far out for it to receive a signal. Now when I say vast, I mean enough to make the archives look like a single reference book, abridged.”

Jynx's eyes went wide with shock, “That's... wow,” She examined the piece for a moment, “Would there be a way to receive a signal here?”

“If we get a com hub,” Twilight explained, “But they only give those to Alliance nations.”

“May I?” Jynx asked. Twilight nodded and her fellow unicorn took the device in her own aura and looked around, “Where... where is that useless... ugh. Technia, get your flank out here!”

“I'm busy!” shouted another voice.

“Twilight Sparkle is here with her alien tech!” Jynx called back.

A series of crashes came as a dark, ash gray unicorn with a cinnamon red mane and tail came running out of one of the rooms, “Why the hay didn't you say so?” She looked at the piece of floating tech like Pinkie would a chocolate river.

“Back!” Jynx warded her off with a levitated chair as if she were a lion tamer, “We are not going to take it apart unless Twilight gives us the go-ahead. Am I understood?”

“Oh, fine,” Technia huffed and crossed her forelegs, sitting on her haunches.

“I'll have to think about it, but I'll probably let you have this one,” Twilight told the pair, “It doesn't work out here anyway.”

Twilight rummaged through the things she brought, placing everything on two tables.

“Okay, the items on this table you can have,” Twilight pointed to one with a few trinkets and devices, “Everything on this table over here is mine,” She indicated a second table, “But I’ll give a detailed explanation on their function.”

“I must admit, what I'm most interested in is that,” Jynx said, indicating the prosthetic, “You see, my younger sister is a pegasus, but she lost her wings in an accident. I've been trying to find a way to make wings for her, but...”

“Say no more,” Twilight stopped the khaki unicorn, “I'll show you. Uh... is she alright?”

Twilight was looking rather nervous as the gray unicorn stared at the leg with a manic look. Twilight knew that look all too well. It was the same look she herself had when they discovered a new work by Star Swirl the Bearded. This mare really liked technology.

“No,” Jynx sternly told Technia. She looked at Twilight apologetically, “She’s weird, but she's a good friend. Techy, sit! Stay!”

The cinnamon maned pony glared at her co-worker but complied.

Twilight sat down and removed the limb, “Okay, the most important and advanced part to this is actually embedded in my body. Look here,” Twilight wrapped her stump in a lavender glow and a close up image appeared beside her, “Do you see those silver lines webbed across my skin? Those are woven directly into my nervous system. It's an excruciating process and anesthetics would interfere and lead to improper integration. It was the worst pain I've ever felt. I'd rather screw a cactus than go through that again.”

The other two mare's looked at her with wide eyes.

“Well,” Jynx cleared her throat, “That sounds rather painful indeed.” She levitated a notebook and began scribbling notes, “Can you tell me about the process?”

“Okay, but it's going to take quite a while, so get comfortable. Might as well give it a full upkeep while I’m at it,” Twilight pulled her maintenance kit out (she planned on showing them that anyway) and began disassembling the leg, explaining the inner workings as she went.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

After a very long and very technical explanation of the technology she had brought with her, Twilight packed up her property, while Jynx and Technia filed away the tech they were given.

“Now, ladies,” Twilight gave a sly smile, “If you'll follow me...”

Twilight led the two researchers out of the university halls. Despite the barrage of questions about what they were doing, Twilight walked in silence. Eventually, they came to an open area that ended in the shear drop of a cliff. Rainbow Dash was sitting beside a table with a quill and a small stack of paper, scribbling away.

“Hey, Dash,” Twilight greeted her friend, “Are you writing another book?”

The pegasus quickly took up the paper and shoved it in her saddlebag, “I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just sitting here being awesome, waiting for you.”

“Sure,” Twilight laughed, “When can I expect to read it?”

“Hopefully by Hearths Warming,” Rainbow said with a smirk.

“Thanks for keeping an eye on my equipment,” Twilight thanked her friend, “I'll teach you how to use them later.”

“Awesome, can't wait. You kids have fun playing with Twilie's new toys,” the speedster teased as she flew off toward the distant sky.

“Okay!” Twilight said as she rubbed her hooves together in excitement, “This portion of Show and Tell is all about a few of the tools I used to kill my enemies as quickly and efficiently as possible. Yes, I said “kill”. That's what I did and these are the tools I used to do it.”

“Well, I'm not a fan of killing, but I wasn't in your situation, so I won't comment on the morality of it.” Jynx dismissed Twilight's declaration with a wave.

“And all I care about is the tech.” Technia added.

“Alrighty then!” Twilight exclaimed, happy that she wasn’t being judged for once, “On with the demonstration. First up is the M443-1911.” She drew her pistol from her holster with her magic, “A custom miniature mass driver weapon made to resemble an M-1911; a weapon over a thousand years old that changed the way firearms were made. This one also has arcanium inlays to allow spell channeling. With this bad boy I can wrap rounds in a magical cocoon and penetrate shields as if they weren't there. I can also enchant it to stun or knock out my target instead of killing if need be.” Another option I could have used against that stallion but didn't.

“Are you alright?” Jynx asked, noticing Twilight's darkening mood.

“Yeah,” Twilight reassured the other two unicorns, “Just thinking. Anyway, this thing functions by charging a small Tungsten pellet and propelling it at hypersonic speeds using magnetic force.”

Twilight aimed the weapon at a stone slab about twenty feet away and opened fire, unleashing a barrage of ten rounds. The stone crumbled under the assault. Jynx was furiously scribbling away in her notebook.

“That's remarkable,” Jynx mused, “Using magnetics as a means to propel a tiny projectile with lethal force. I never would have thought about that. What else could this be used for? Transportation? Delivery of goods to distant locations? Parcel delivery? The applications could potentially be incredible.”

“If you like that one, you'll love this,” Twilight pulled a larger weapon off the table, “This is the M-66 primary assault rifle. It works the same way but with one minor difference.” Twilight pointed the weapon at a second, larger stone slab and opened fire. A veritable river of death flowed from the thing, reducing the stone to rubble, “As you can see, the increased rate of fire means more destructive capabilities. Unlike my pistol, this doesn't have the spell channels.” Twilight replaced the weapon on the table, “Next up, explosive devices. Pay attention to this cause I can only demonstrate once.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Celestia watched from her balcony as her student showed her weapons to the two scientists. With her eyesight, she could see everything going on. The flutter of wings brought the solar princess' attention beside her.

“Good afternoon, sister,” Celestia greeted her sibling.

“I'm concerned, Tia,” Luna got straight to the point, “We've seen ponies who suffer from dark memories. Twilight is hurting. She tries to hide it behind a mask of sarcasm and humor, but we both know that won't last. I fear she may hurt herself or somepony else.”

“I understand and share your concern,” Celestia replied, “I've contacted a professional. She will arrive here late tomorrow night.”

“There's something else troubling you, isn't there?” It was more a statement then a question.

“Yes,” Celestia walked back into her chambers as Luna followed, “She's not telling us something, something important.” Celestia took a seat on a cushion and levitated another from her closet for her sister.

“Are you sure?” Luna asked, taking the offered seat, “Perhaps she just doesn't want to 'spoil the ending'.”

Celestia shook her head, “No, I know her too well. She's still the same pony I grew to love as if she were my own daughter. She may have a few bad habits, and a new love for her strange, crude humor, but I know her too well.”

“You don't suppose it's something dangerous do you?” Luna had a tinge of nervousness in her voice.

“There would have to be a good reason for her withhold something that could cause harm,” Celestia's expression was a contemplative one, “I have the feeling Twilight's experiences are going to change Equestria. Whether the change is for good or ill... we'll just have to wait and see.”

Author's Note:

Technia belongs to blazikenking.

Jynx Charm is from my previous fic Chaotic Harmony. I always have a character from my previous fic make a cameo, just like my next fic will have a character from this one. It's just my thing.

If you enjoy this, help support my other fics in the Dawn Shield series beginning with The Broken Soldier and continuing with The Elements of Light.

There's also another pretty good fic that really hasn't gotten the love it deserves. Space Ponies (not sci-fi) by Boss Hoss1. Check it out.

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