• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 21: Scars Unseen

Twilight still had about an hour and a half until breakfast, so she decided to go for a little run. She use to take a run through Whitetail woods every morning back in Ponyville, a habit she got into about six years ago. Of course, Whitetail woods was too far to travel just for a run, so instead She decided to go for a run through the park. It was early so the park was deserted. About two minutes into her run she started humming a song she heard a bunch of the soldiers singing before. After another minute she started singing.

“Wow,” said a voice from behind.

Twilight quickly spun around, drawing her ever present pistol and aiming it right in the face of Rainbow Dash.

“Woah,” The pegasus quickly ducked behind a nearby rock, “What the hay, Twilight!”

“Oh, shit. I'm sorry Rainbow, you startled me.” Twilight apologized.

“I'm glad I didn't try the guess who game like I planned,” RD laughed nervously as she came back from around the rock.

“Yeah, that wouldn't be a good idea,” Twilight returned the weapon to its holster on her metal foreleg, “So what's up?”

“I was just wondering if you wanted some company, but then you started singing that... song,” Dash's face contorted into a grimace.

“Oh, that,” Twilight rubbed the back of her head with a hoof, “It's a military song.”

“I thought you hated all the... ya know, killing,” the rainbow pony said.

“I do. Most soldiers do,” Twilight assured her friend, “We love being soldiers, what we stand for.”

“So you don't like killing, but you like being someone that kills?” Rainbow scratched her head in confusion.

Twilight sighed, “We don't fight so we can kill. We fight so others don't have to. We suffer, we hurt, and we die, so the evils we fight are kept from innocent people.”

Rainbow Dash trotted alongside her purple pal, thinking for a bit before continuing, “Twilight. Why did you say “we”? Every time you talk about those guys you say “we”. I mean, you're back now so shouldn't you say “they”?”

“Doesn't matter. I'll be a marine until the day I die,” she replied, “Come on, I need some chow before I meet my shrink.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight made her way to the royal gardens, but not to continue her story. Celestia had closed off the area to everypony but two. The first was the lavender unicorn herself, and the second was Doctor Clear Mind. Twilight walked leisurely through the garden, not really taking in the scenery like she normally would. Instead, her thoughts were racing with questions. How much should she tell the doctor? Will the doctor even be able to help? What was that pastry with the sweet red filling at breakfast? Could her enemies possibly find a way to follow her?

After about ten minutes of this, she heard whistling. She gave a little chuckle. The doctor was purposely making noise. He/she knew that Twilight might respond badly if startled and made him/herself known. Soon, an unexpected sight graced the lavender soldier's sight. The doctor was a changeling. It made sense, with their ability to sense emotion.

“Ah, Good morning, Lady Sparkle,” the changeling said, his masculine voice telling his gender, “How are we this morning? I sensed some turmoil a little ago.”

“I'm actually quite good, thank you Doctor,” Twilight responded, “I was just thinking to myself. And please, call me Twilight.”

“Very well, Twilight,” The changeling doctor replied, “I'm Doctor Clear Mind, you can call me Clear if you'd like.” The doctor started walking alongside Twilight as she lapped the garden again, “So, where would you like to begin?”

“Well, I can tell you what my own diagnosis is,” Twilight sighed, “It's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. It happens to a lot of soldiers that go through something like I did.”

“And what did you go through?” the doctor asked.

“I... I'd rather not talk about it, not yet anyway,” the unicorn sat beneath a willow and stared at the ground, “The reason I'm telling the princesses and my friends everything as a story instead of just telling them the important stuff is because it's too hard to. Talking about it like this gives me time to prepare myself for the worst of it.”

Clear took a seat beside the troubled mare, “That makes sense. Was that your idea?”

“Not exactly,” Twilight looked over at the changeling therapist with an unsure look, “Just to make sure, everything we speak about is completely confidential, right? You can't even tell the princesses?”

“That's correct,” Clear confirmed, “Unless it's a threat to others, nothing you tell me will ever be repeated without your express permission.”

Twilight nodded her head, “Truth is, I didn't come home for no reason.” Twilight took a deep breath and pulled out another cigarette and lit it...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Princess Celestia looked out over the landscape. The lands she had ruled over for well over a thousand years stretched out towards the horizon. It was the most beautiful sight on Avol to her. She pictured all her little ponies working and playing, making friends... sometimes more. The thought brought a smile to her face. She was brought out of her reverie by a knock at her door.

“Enter,” she called.

The door opened and her favorite nephew-in-law stepped in.

“Princess, can I talk to you for a moment?” Shining sounded troubled.

“Of course,” The alabaster alicorn made her way to her favorite chair, conjuring another for her guest, “What can I do for you, Shining?”

“It's about Twilight,” he said, “I'm worried about her. What they did to her... She says they're her friends, but what kind of friends would do that. My sweet, innocent sister being trained to hurt others? I'll be honest, I'm having trouble seeing her as my little sister, as if somepony is just impersonating her. I mean, my Twilie would never kill someone.”

Celestia gave him a warm smile, “May I ask you a question? If some horrible pony had Cadence and was going to take her life, and you had one of those weapons Twilight has, what would you do?”

The question hit the blue maned unicorn like a physical blow to the gut. The thought of some pony trying to hurt his beloved Caddie was just...there was no word for it. Just the thought made him angry, and easily imagined himself taking that weapon and... He shook his head, feeling disgusted with himself. Killing was always wrong...wasn't it? Doubt started to creep into his mind.

“You know, Equestria hasn't always been as peaceful as it is.” The solar ruler's expression darkened ever so slightly, something Shining Armor had never seen happen, “When Luna and I took power after mother and father passed, Griffiny decided to capitalize on the instability and invaded. They meant to take Equestria for their own. For five long years, pony and griffin alike lost their lives. Luna and I hadn't seen any conflict, but we heard plenty of reports. One day though, a dozen assassins broke into the palace and came after Luna. I heard her scream and went running. When I found her, she had two arrows in her, one in her right wing, the other in her right foreleg. For just a moment I tried to think of a way to stop them without hurting them...until I saw the spear. There was no time for thought, so I just killed them.”

Shining stared in shock. All the years he's known her, he's never heard this story. He knew Equestria had seen war, but he never knew Celestia, bringer of the sun, paragon of perfection, had ever killed. He had never known anypony that had ever killed. The unicorn that Twilight caught was the first murderer Equestria had known for nearly 400 years.

“I can tell you're conflicted by that, but let me ask you something.” Celestia continued, “Would it have been better if I let them kill Luna? Should I have let them kill me, too? Come here.” She lead Shining onto the balcony, “What would have happened to all of this,” She motioned to the land before them with a hoof, “If Luna and I died that day? Would ponies still be living the lives of carefree bliss they do? What would happen if Twilight's new friends don't fight back? These beings have made it their purpose to end all life. Surely they have ways of locating said life. How long do you think before they find us? Luna and I are powerful, but against a force like that even we would be overwhelmed.”

The two went back inside, Shining heading toward the door.

“It's true that killing is a terrible thing,” Celestia said, “But it is a worse thing to stand by and let others die when you have the power to stop it.”

Shining stayed quiet for a moment before finally speaking, “Thank you, Aunt Tia. You've given me a lot to think about. I'll see you at lunch.”

“Take care,” Celestia bid him farewell and returned to the balcony, I have a feeling you may need to follow in your sister's hoofsteps before too long.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

All things considered, Twilight felt better. Doctor Clear Mind was very good. He listened and spoke when he needed to, and comforted her when she needed. She found it easier to tell him things she couldn't tell her friends, brother, or mentor. He even said that telling her story to everypony was probably the best thing at the moment and agreed to keep the sessions to once a week.

Twilight was also happy that he prescribed some medication to keep her nightmares at bay. She was looking forward to a good night sleep, but at the moment she was finally going to do something she's wanted to do since she got back. She nodded to the guard that opened the door.

“Good to see you back, Twilight,” the stallion said with a warm smile.

“It's good to be back, Vigil,” Twilight replied, “Could you have lunch sent to me in a couple hours?”

“Of course.”

She made her way up the spiral stairs, the smell of paper and ink welcoming her. A tear formed as she made her way through the archives, taking tomes and scrolls at random as she passed. She loved the wealth of knowledge the Alliance Archives held, but nothing beat a good, old fashioned book.

Author's Note:

Warriors song is the song Twilight was singing, in case you were wondering.

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