• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 6: Chicken, Shopping, and Shows

Twilight expected the stares, but she was still uncomfortable. They weren't the glares she got when she performed magic on the ship, but not much better. She tried telling herself that it was just because they were curious about this new race among them (which, logically, she knew it was), but she still felt like they were judging her.

“So what would you recommend I see first?” Twilight asked.

“I always find markets to be a good way to get to know the locals,” Seth said, “You would be surprised what you can learn about a culture by what the sell and how they conduct business.”

“That's an excellent idea, Seth,” Twilight agreed. “Let's go shopping! Except...” she trailed off. “I don't have any money.”

“That's OK. The Admiral authorized diplomat status for you. You've also been granted an allowance. You can purchase whatever you want... Within reason.” Curt explained.

“Well, I really don't want to take money I haven't earned, so I guess I’ll find some way to pay it back,” Said the unicorn.

“You really are too nice, pony girl,” Debby tittered.

“You might be right,” Twilight admitted, “I'll start fixing that right now by not treating you to lunch.”

“Hey now, Twilight.” Debby protested, “I didn't say it was a bad thing. I just don't want you to get taken advantage of.”

Twilight shot the pilot a smirk, “I know. You really are just like Rainbow Dash. Who's hungry?”

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Seth and Curt were afraid this might happen. They knew equines on earth were herbivores, so they knew their new friend would be too. Now here she was staring at slaughtered, butchered, and cooked animals with wide eyes and hanging jaw.

“I've never seen so much meat,” She said slowly, “Do you really eat it every day?”

“Yeah,” Curt said, his uncertainty apparent in his voice, “We kind of have to.”

“And you just buy it?” She asked, “You just walk up to a vendor, and ask for some?

“Yes,” Seth said with only slightly less uncertain.

Before they knew it, Twilight was heading for a stand that was selling chicken. The two marines had seen what pissed of vegetarians had been known to do and moved to stop the destruction before it started. However, instead of the vendor's doom they were expecting, Twilight asked an unexpected question.

“May I have a leg, wing, and some of those fries?” She turned towards her escorts, “What do you guys want?” She looked at her gawking escorts, “What, do I have something on my face?”

“Uh, Twilight, aren't you vegetarian?” asked Debby.

“The pony diet is mostly vegetarian, yes.” Twilight said, “But that's mostly because there's not enough animal life to support everypony. Physically, we're omnivores, but since meat, other than fish, is hard to get, we've magically alter flowers to contain the same nutrients found in meat needed for higher brain functions. Meat is a very rare commodity that's reserved for special occasions. Even princess Celestia only has meat about four or five meals a year. Most ponies only ever get any on Hearths Warming Day.”

“Meat only once a year. I'm glad I'm not one of you.” Said the Aviva behind the counter.

“For some reason, that disturbs me,” Curt said.

“What?” Twilight queried, “You thought I was an herbivore? You can't sustain the kind of brain needed for sentient, sapient thought with an herbivore's diet.”

“I guess we just assumed you were like equines from Earth,” Seth said, “So... I guess I'll take a leg and thigh combo.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“... And then the cart crashed into Sticky Sweets, the local candy shop, flinging me and the fillies through the window and into a tub of chocolate sauce.”

Twilight and her friends were eating their lunches while the pony told the story of the time three little fillies offered to help her gather data on a rare bird of prey that Fluttershy told her about. Applebloom had the idea to use a cart she made to get around faster.

“Bon Bon, the owner, was furious. That was the last time I let them help me with research. I mean I love the fillies, but they were a natural disaster when they went crusading.”

“So did they ever find their cutie mark thing?” Asked Aden.

“Yeah.” Twilight said, “Applebloom found hers in construction, Sweetie Bell in music. Scootaloo was the last to find hers about three years ago now. Everypony knew she was a great dancer, but nopony expected her talent to be ballet.”

“Well that's good of them,” Seth said, “These marks sound like a big deal.”

“It sounds like a pretty sweet deal.” Curt said, “Knowing exactly who you are and what your place is in the galaxy.”

“But what colts and fillies go through before they find it is terrible.” Twilight lamented, “Those three were tormented daily by bullies at school. There was one filly in my class that was even killed because she was so desperate. She tried getting a cutie mark in manticore wrestling.”

“Shit,” Debby said, “That's messed up. Was she a friend?”

“No, I didn't know her very well.” Twilight said, “I didn't really have any friends when I was a filly, except for my older brother, and foal sitter.”

“I'm done.” Debby finally finished, the others having consumed their meals minutes before, “Let's go shopping.”

The five of them got up and tossed their trash. The shopping plaza was connected to the food court, so the walk was short. Twilight looked in awe at all the wonders on sale. There were shops selling pots and pans, some selling electronic devices, and all kinds of other tech. In between shops were smaller kiosks selling all manners of trinkets and knickknacks. One caught her eye more than the others. The sign above said simply “Oddities”, and that was exactly what he sold.

“Why hello, madam unicorn,” Said the man tending the goods, “What can I interest you in.”

Twilight looked up at the strange looking man. His hair was a two tone white and black, that fell down to his shoulder. It was his eyes though that really caught her attention. They reminded her of someone, but she couldn't quite place who.

“I'm just browsing, Mr...”

“I know just the thing. You're going to love this.” The man reached under the counter, pulled out a simple white wooden box, and held it out to her, “This is for you, a gift. I'm sure you'll figure out how to open it.”

“A gift?” Twilight asked as she grabbed it with her magic, “Are you sure?”

“Of course I am,” Said the man, “I have a feeling you'll need what's inside.”

“I never got your name,” Twilight said.

The man laughed, “No you didn't. That's kinda funny.”

Twilight waited for a few moments more before deciding he wasn't going to give his name, “Well then, thank you for the gift. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye, Twilight.” Said the strange man.

Twilight and the others turned around and started heading back when Twilight realized something.

“Hey, I never told you my... name?” She looked at the kiosk only to see it empty, “Where did he go?”

“Where did who go?” asked Curt.

“Ha ha. That weird guy at the kiosk,” she said.

The others gave each other a look.

“Are you feeling OK, Twi?” asked Aden, “We haven't even stopped at any kiosks.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight said, “Where do you think I got this from?” She held up the box.

Before they could continue, Twilight felt something small stroke her mane. She looked to her side to see a small human child reaching up to her.

“Hi horsey,” she said.

“I am so sorry,” an older human woman, the child's mother no doubt, ran up and picked her up, “I turned around for a moment to get something to eat and she was gone.”

“It's quite alright, ma'am.” Twilight replied, “I don't mind at all.”

The woman looked at Twilight for a moment before asking, “May I ask where you're from? I don't think I’ve ever seen a race like you...”

“I'm from Avol, a very isolated world.” Twilight said as she saw the crowd of children behind the woman, “Um, are all these children yours?”

The woman looked behind her and chuckled, “Kind of. I run the local youth home. Most of them are orphans, but a lot of them just got separated from their parents for one reason or another.”

“That's terrible,” Twilight said.

She looked at the downcast faces of the young ones. They looked like they hadn't smiled in months. Pinkie would have a fit..

“I have an idea,” Twilight said, “I saw a stage over there a ways. Why don't all of you go there and wait for me.”

The caretaker thought for a moment before replying, “OK, by the way, my name is, Hanna.”

“My name's Twilight Sparkle,” the unicorn introduced herself, hoof offered.

“Well Ms. Sparkle, it's a pleasure to meet you.” Hanna shook the offered hoof.

“Please, call me Twilight,” she said.

“Come along children!” Hanna called as she lead the young ones to the stage.

“Can one of you hold my box?” Twilight asked.

Seth took the parcel and stowed it in a pack he brought.

“What are we doing?” asked Curt.

“Those kids need to smile, and since Pinkie's not here, I'm going to give them something to smile about.” Twilight stated.

“How are you going to do that?” Debby asked.

“I'm going to give them a little show.” Twilight said with a huge grin.

“Wow, that's creepy,” Curt said.

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Aden stepped up to the microphone and spoke, “Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages. I invite you all to witness feats so amazing, so mind boggling you won't believe your eyes. Put your hands together for the one, the only...” Dramatic pause, “The Great and Powerful Twilight!”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Five ponies gave Twilight a deadpanned stare.

“Really?” Applejack deadpanned.

“What?” Twilight asked indignantly, “I didn't know anything about showbiz, so I borrowed a few pages from Trixie's book.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Sparklers and fireworks lit up the faces of the children and others that stopped to see what was going on. The curtain lifted to reveal an empty stage. Looks of confusion shifted into looks of shock and awe when a flash of light revealed Twilight wearing a black top hat, and old fashion magician's tuxedo. The crowd cheered at the spectacle.

“Greetings to you all.” Twilight said, her voice slightly amplified by a simple spell, “I am the Great and Powerful Twilight, and I am here to dazzle and entertain you with the finest and most amazing feats of magic you've ever seen.”

The crowd cringed a little at the mention of magic. Twilight noticed this and quickly attempted to alleviate their discomfort.

Twilight said, “Now, I understand that when most of you think of magic, you think of the terrible things done by terrible people. Worry not my friends for this magic is the magic of the heart.”

Her horn glowed and a swarm of illusionary butterflies fluttered over the crowd. Everyone looked on in awe at the magical creatures until they faded. It was the children in front that started the applause and it carried from there.

So this is why Trixie does this? Twilight said as a warm feeling washed over her.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Thank you so much,” Hanna thanked, “I haven't seen them that happy in years.”

Hanna was talking to Twilight off to the side of the stage. The show was a huge success, and all the children were smiling more than many of them could ever remember. It gave the mare a warm fuzzy feeling to know she brightened their lives. She could see why Pinkie did it all the time.

“I'm just happy that they're happy,” Twilight said.

“I owe you quite a lot, Ms. Twilight,” said Hanna, “But we have to get going now. I promised the kids I'd take them out for pizza.”

Twilight waved to the children as they were guided to the food court. With a flash of her horn, her costume vanished.

“That was probably one of the nicest things I've ever seen,” Curt said, “I never thought I'd see magic used to make peoples lives better.”

“I never thought I’d see magic used to make it worse.” Twilight countered.

“I take it you like kids?” Aden asked.

“That, and there's a pony I know that's an orphan,” Twilight said, “She lost her parents when she was very young. Her life had been one struggle after another, but she has her friends to help her through.”

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“That's because they're the best five friends a little orphan filly could ever ask for.” Rainbow Dash said as, in a rare display of emotion from the tomcolt, she pulled her friends into a hug.

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