• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 26,140 Views, 5,397 Comments

Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 41: The End Begins

“The pods will then attach to the ships, allowing the unicorns inside to cast a shield spell around the ship if needed and wrap the mass driver warheads in magic.” Jynx finished her presentation to the ship captains on the mechanics of the 'mage pods' she, Technia, and Aden had developed.

“These magic shields will keep out enemy magic attacks?” one of the officers asked.

“That's correct,” Jynx confirmed, “These shields were designed to repel magic, but this comes at the cost of being vulnerable to physical impacts. For this reason, the magical shields will be erected underneath the ships' shields. Any other questions?” After she heard none she continued, “Okay then. If you'll excuse me, I have some ponies to brief.”

With that, the khaki unicorn left the room and headed down the hall. Admiral Gibson turned around to address the captains, “Now head to your ships and make ready. We don't know when they’re going to arrive, but it will be today,” After that, he made his way to Princess Celestia in the corner.

“You do know the risk that every unicorn that participates in this operation is taking, right?” he asked.

“I know the risk, Admiral,” she replied, “As do my ponies. As much as it pains me to put them at risk, it's necessary. I know that before the day is over, many of my ponies will lose their lives. The death toll will likely be higher than any war this world has ever seen, and there will be innocents among those numbers.”

“I know this is hard,” the Admiral comforted her, “It's hard to give an order to send those you love like your own family into battle. Especially when you know some of them won't be coming back.”

“But it must be done...” Celestia looked out the window at the various ponies and other beings, “This day can only end in sorrow.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I should buck you into next week, ya dern feather head!” Applejack scolded as she pressed her future brother-in-law against a wall, “What the hay were you thinkin'? You can get killed out here!”

“I want to help protect Applebloom,” Parry said as proud as he could, which really wasn't much.

“Then you should be by her side, not leavin' her! What'll happen if you get killed? You want your foal to be fatherless?” She released him and sighed, “It's too late now, though, ain't it? You done signed up and showed up, but Ah swear to you, if you get yourself killed, Ah'm gonna have Twilight bring you back, just so I can kill ya again!”

“Y-yes ma'am,” the swordpony saluted his commanding officer.

“Good, now... do you get how the hay these things work?” Applejack motioned to the rifle mounted on her shoulder, “Cause that Technicality, or whatever her name was, was talkin' about as fast as Pinkie, but usin' Twilight words.”

Parry chuckled, “Alright, it's like this...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Oh my,” said the voice of a certain shape-shifting monarch, “Don't you look like a real warrior?”

“Ah, Chrysalis, are your soldiers in position?” asked the solar princess as she finished adjusting her golden armor.

“We're ready,” replied the changeling, “I'm just making sure you are... and I love what you did with your mane. Red's a good color.”

“Thanks,” Celestia chuckled, “I thought it would be more intimidating.”

“So you're going to be placing yourself on the front lines after all,” Chrysalis smirked, “I've always respected how you're not above getting your hooves dirty.”

“I could say the same about you,” Celestia said and placed the golden helm on her head, “Now let us join our brave subjects.”

Chrysalis grinned, “And spill the blood of our enemies.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Are you sure you're gonna be okay?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah,” Spike said as he looked around the cave, “There's plenty of room, and it's strong. It'll take the magic in stride.”

“I don't mean the cave,” RD deadpanned, “Are you going to be alright?”

“I'll be fine,” Spike placed his claws on the cyan pegasus' neck and leaned his forehead to hers, “I'm more worried about you. I wish you'd wear some kind of armor.”

“It'll slow me down too much, and my speed is what'll keep my flank alive. These blades slow me down enough,” she flared her wings, showcasing the metal blades adorning them.

“Just come back to me,” Spike gave his love a kiss.

“Hey, I have an idea,” Rainbow Dash said, sounding kind of nervous and blushing, “I love you and you love me, right? Well, I was thinking that, maybe, if you wanna, after all this mess we... could... I don't know... get married...”

Spike snickered, “Okay, changeling, where's the real Rainbow Dash? Actually, keep her. Can you change into Rarity next time we do it?”

“Hey!” Rainbow punched him in the shoulder, “I go off on a limb and get all emotional, and you make a joke?”

Spike brought Dash into a tight hug, “I'm sorry, and sure, let's get married.”

The supersonic pony squeed and squeezed her dragon, “If anypony asks, though, you asked me and I acted aloof.”


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

How did Twilight navigate this maze? Luna thought as she wandered the massive ship. It was her duty to oversee the “mage pods” and the unicorns within. After they were attached, she decided she wanted to see the place Twilight called home for several months, to which Gibson agreed. Naturally, she had an escort, but refused to ask him for directions out of pride. She found herself in an observation room with two others. They stood out quite a bit compared to the others. One was a blonde woman wearing a light green shirt and white short pants, while the other was a man in a brown jacket.

The woman turned around and smiled as if seeing an old friend, “Hello, Luna. How have you been?”

Taken back, Luna slowly responded, “I'm... fine... Have we met?”

“Oh, not for another three hundred years,” said the man in the jacket, “Come, Rose. How does dinner in Italy sound?”

“Lovely,” she responded.

“Allons-y!” declared the man as the two left, leaving a very confused princess.

After a few moments, Luna regained her composure and turned to her escort, “I'm finished, could you please take me to the bridge now?”

“Very well, follow me.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rainbow Dash looked down on the training ground from her cloud perch. She had spent most of the morning practicing flying with the hindering metal on her wings, and was resting and waiting for the Dratali to arrive. To say she was anxious was an understatement. Her pegasus blood was itching for a fight, but her mind was dreading it. She knew that several of the ponies below would never see another day, some of them she called her friends.

Her musing was cut off by a familiar voice calling out to her. She looked up to see a her favorite ballerina wearing a helmet and one of those rifles like Twilight had on her back, “Scoots, what are you doing here? You're not here to fight are you?”

“I am,” replied Scootaloo as she landed with a grace that only one in her profession could, “Don't try to talk me out of it.”

Rainbow laughed, “Don't worry, I know trying to talk you out of anything is a lost cause. I just figured you've gotten too girly to fight.”

“I can still kick your flank,” the young pegasus grinned.

“Not in a race,” Rainbow grinned back. The two shared a laugh for a bit, “Thanks, Scoots, I needed that.”

“We both did.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Okay everypony, just like we practiced!” Cadence called out to the gathering of her subjects.

The Crystal Heart stood in the center of town square. Surrounding it, about a third of the population of the kingdom began to rise up in a soft, but powerful melody that filled the air. In response, the Crystal Heart began to pulsate with a crimson light as it rose into the air. Cadence took her position beneath the Heart, ready to activate the spell.

Shining turned back to the Comm device Seth gave him, “We're ready, Admiral.”

I'm glad to hear it,” Gibson replied, “I can't wait to see this 'Crystal Heart' in action. I'll give the word when they arrive.

“We'll be waiting.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Trixie glared at the object floating in Twilight's magic. She was never one to let go of a grudge easily, and invading her thoughts definitely earned her wrath. If not for the facts that it was essential for her friend's sanity and nearly indestructible, she'd smash it into a billion pieces. Twilight didn't notice the look on the traveling showmare's face. She was too enthralled by the scarlet amulet she held.

“Hard to believe isn't it?” Twilight mused, “This ancient, eighteen hundred year old artifact is made out of a piece of me. I'm a part of history. Lord Copper, Madam Blackthorn, Nightshade... I was there for all of them...”

“And helped them toward their evil goals,” Trixie reminded the lavender mare, “Those were three of the cruelest ponies in Equestrian history.”

“I know, and I hate that they used my Nightmare fragment, but it's just... everything I knew about history has changed so much in the past year. First, I find out Mayhem wasn't the evil destroyer, but a savior and one of my best friends’ father. Then, I find out that ponies use to be human. Now, I find out one of the most infamous artifacts is a piece of me.”

Trixie laughed warmly, “Kind of like believing you're the most powerful unicorn in Equestria, and then, when you go to some backwater town to earn a few bits to eat for the next few days, you find a librarian who's twice the mage you'd ever be? Yeah, I know the feeling. To believe all that you know to be truth, is to believe yourself god.”

“Wow, that's really deep,” Twilight was shocked.

“Zilma, a zebra shaman, taught me that when I was in the Zebrican isles.” replied Trixie.

“You really have to tell me about your travels.”

“And you must tell me of yours, but for now, I must go,” Trixie gave her friend a hug, “I'm going to be needed on the battlefield. Too few ponies have actual experience in war.”

Twilight quirked an eyebrow, “And you do?”

“Remind me to tell you about Stalliongrad.”

“You didn't just put on shows did you?” asked the egghead.

“Let's just say I helped end wars,” Trixie grinned.

“Oh, we are so going to have to spar after this,” Twilight got a gleam in her eye.

Trixie laughed, “How is it that you've changed so much, and yet you're still the exact same? Good luck, Twilight, and I hope that thing works.”

“So do I Trixie.” With that, the blue unicorn left the lavender one to herself.

Twilight looked around her room. She had a lot of fond memories in that space. So many long hours studying, experimenting, and theorizing. It was in this very room that Twilight received the letter that changed her life for the better. She looked back at the day she thought going to a small backwater town was the worst thing in her life... if only it were. The steel-legged mare took a deep sigh and slipped the Alicorn Amulet around her neck.

“Huh... is it work-Ahh!” Twilight was interrupted as her body suddenly felt like it was on fire.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

As the few last minute preparations were made, more than an hour passed. As expected though, the still peace of the void was broken as a fleet of Dratali warships entered the gravity well of the lonesome planet.

Author's Note:

Check this out. It's a great story written by an excellent author, but it needs more love.

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