• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

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Into the World of Magic: A Marine’s Tale

Author's Note:

This chapter is a side story written by High Flyer. This chapter takes place during the Battle of Avol, in a small Equestrian town called 'Neighpa Valley'. I was so impressed with this chapter, I've decided to make it canon. Be sure to give the author a lot of love. They deserve it.

Into the World of Magic: A Marine’s Tale
By: High Flyer

A sidestory for Into the Black: A Mare’s Tale, by Shirotora

I stepped down the ramp of my dropship, along with several other Alliance Marines. My name is Staff Sergeant Max Kabralt, and I was the only Aviva of the squad, we also had two Korgs, and two Humans. The sight before me was something that, had you described it to me three weeks earlier, I would have asked for your dealer’s phone number. Once we had left the ramp, the ground at our feet shook, and our dropship shot off into the air, leaving us alone on this pastel planet. As I looked around, I could see why we had been sent to this location in the first place. Originally, we had been a part of the guard detail for the diplomatic envoy being sent to Avol. Thankfully, the brass had seen wisdom in giving a show of force to this new planet, since we had been warned that our arrival would be quickly foreshadowed by a Dratali Fleet. Under normal circumstances, an envoy would turn tail and run at the sight of a Dratali Battle Group, however, there was nothing normal about our mission.

While I was not exactly privy to the exact details of the mission, the word that spread through the crew was that a distant planet of friendly beings was discovered. Furthermore, they had access to magic. If that was true, then they could very well be the key to winning this bloody war. That wouldn't be possible, however, if they were wiped out by the Dratali. The perfect solution to this issue was to send the hardest, most capable, fearsome, and deadly warriors this side of the galaxy to teach this peaceful race about warfare. Thus, here we stood; Alliance Marines.

"The fuck is this shit?" The Human Marine to my left, Private First Class Carl Jeghan, said. He had been chosen for our particular mission due to his skill with explosives. If it absolutely, positively had to be destroyed overnight, he was your man.

We were all taking in our new environment. We were used to seeing destruction, or the inside of a starship, however, this was something new. Everything had an almost childish look to it. Moving past the strange scenery, there was the equally strange 'defensive positions' that had been set up throughout the small hamlet we had been left in. Furniture had been thrown about almost randomly, doors and windows were boarded up, and there was a giant boulder that had been clearly dragged into the town center. Its purpose was a mystery to me, as was the group of ponies that approached us. They were smaller than the horses that I had heard about on the Human home planet, except that these creatures were florescent, and had gigantic eyes. The strangest thing, however, was their makeshift armor. One was wearing what appeared to be several frying pans strapped to his body, another was wearing a burlap sack with twigs and branches sticking out of it, One of them was just wearing a wooden bucket on her head with two eye holes cut out. I struggled not to cringe as they came up to us with eyes full of hope.

"Oh my," The mare in the bush suit said, "I'm so glad that you are all here to help us out. We think that we have a really good system going with our town's defenses, but any input that you lot have would just be so great!"

My squad took a look around the town, slowly scanning the poorly set up barricades, the laughable armor, and the lack of anything long ranged. Corporal Juk-Tal, a Korg chosen for his tactical knowledge, gave a long sigh, before looking back to the hopeful ponies. "I am sure that you have all put a large amount of effort into these... Defenses. However, I am very sorry to say that they will need a lot of effort before your town will stand up to a Dratali attack." The Ponies turned to look at each other, confusion covering their faces.

Private Sam Grisom, the Squad Medic, stepped up, trying to keep the Pony's spirits high, "Well it's nothing that we can’t improve with a little work. Why don't you show us around with the defenses that you already have set up, and we can throw some ideas around about how to improve them?" The Ponies seemed to cheer right back up at that. I rolled my eyes, unable to believe that I had been stuck in some backwater town for the upcoming fight.

"Certainly!" Bucket-Head said, "Well we closed off all of our houses and shops, we wouldn't want them to be damaged in the fighting you know. Then we have debris spread throughout the town to make it harder to move, and make it look the part of a battle. Next, we have a wall built on the other side of the town, with some spikes sticking out of it. Ain't no way that somepony will be coming from that direction, I sharpened some of those sticks myself. Lastly, we have the Boulder in the center of town. i'm not really sure why we put that there, but I'm sure that it will be of use!" He held his head high, clearly proud of his home's 'readiness'.

"Uhm. Okay then," Grisom said, "What about a Casualty Collection Point? do you have something like that setup? I'd like to see how your medical status is going."

The Pony just stared at him blankly, "Why would we need something like that?" He... He really didn't understand what was going to happen, did he? I was resisting my urge to force my head through a wall at this point. Private First Class Raug Ne-Teh, the other Korg, mirrored my thoughts as he facepalmed.

"You know, for when the battle starts and injured start to flow in from the front. Where will you keep them all?"

The Pony's eyes grew wide as the realization hit him about what he was about to go through. "We... Uuh, we didn't really think about that... Actually. Our only doctor is out of town, trying to avoid the fighting."

That was it. That was my breaking point. If I was going to die surrounded by idiots who weren't ready for a fight, then I was going to do it my way. "Carl," I said, "Go grab some of our supplies and try and set up a minefield outside of that wall on the other side of town. So far, it's the only defense that they have that makes sense," He threw a mock salute and ran off towards the pile of supplies that we had brought with us. "Grisom, head into town and set up a CCP, we're probably going to need it soon." Grisom shot me a sour look before heading into town with some of the Ponies. I didn't care if he liked the way that I was talking to these Ponies, but the hard reality was something that I couldn't see them grasping. "Raug, see about getting these ponies some armor that will actually work, and get them as ready as you can for this fight. Juk-Tal and I will try and fix up this mess that they're calling a defensive line." We all went off our separate ways. The hope that I had seen in the eyes of the ponies in town was starting to fade as they heard about our assessment of their defenses.

It had been a difficult task to fix the mess that these Ponies had created around their town. Aside from the spike wall on the other side of town, almost every single thing that they had done to protect themselves had set back our plans. What had once been a simple hamlet on a crossroads, was now a slightly more defended hamlet on a crossroads. Hardly the place that I had imagined myself making a final stand.

We had received word from the Admiral, the Dratali were coming at us, In force. They had already begun the main battle across Equestria, and things weren't looking great for our side. Ships were going down in flames, and our numbers were dropping fast. If the message we received was correct, then nearly one-hundred and fifty Dratali troops had broken through the front line and were headed towards our position, with a few gunships as escort. Ready to face them, we had five Alliance Marines, one-hundred and thirty-six Earth Ponies, thirty-two Pegasi, two Griffons, twelve Unicorns, and six Royal Guards. While the Guards had done an admirable job teaching the Unicorns what battle magic they could, I didn't think that it would be enough. Thanks to the strange red tendrils that filled the sky, the Ponies were much more confident, looking out over them, Each and every one looked ready to fight for the town.

I shook my head. Unlike most Aviva, who saw any death in battle as the most honorable way to meet your fate, I had always believed that dying for a lost cause was pointless, and was not how I wanted to go. Regardless, I was an Alliance Marine, I would show the Dratali exactly what facing us meant, and I would take as many of them with me as I could. As I thought about the Ponies around us, I couldn't help but feel bad. They seemed so innocent, so full of hope, to think that they would be facing an enemy as brutal as this one was a sad thought indeed.

We had formed several lines around the town, opposite of the wall. While there were Ponies spread throughout each of them, we would, ideally, be able to fall back to each one as the assault came through. The Griffons and Pegasi were waiting in the clouds for the proper signal. Once the air support came over the battle, they would be met with a wall of gale force winds, lightning, and hail. In addition to that, we had placed the Unicorns at strategic spots around the town, a few who showed promise were wielding rifles that we had brought with us, while the rest would be throwing debris, explosives, and whatever spells they could manage at the enemy. Us Marines and the town Guards were going to be leading the fighting on the ground.

A silence hung over the town. We all knew what was coming, and most of the inhabitants had realized that not everyone would come out of this encounter alive, if anyone at all. I watched as Ponies inspected their makeshift armor and weapons. Some were talking quietly, others were asking the guards for advice. I noticed the rest of my squad spread out along the defensive line. Grisom was showing some Ponies how to apply a bandage, Raug was cleaning his combat knife and staring out over the soon-to-be battlefield, Juk-Tal was in the second line, looking out for signs of the enemy through his rifle scope. Carl was in the third line, checking the explosives that were going to be thrown at the enemy once they arrived. In one hand, he had a grenade, in the other was what looked to be scrap metal from inside the town. I looked down at my own gear, checking everything for the third time that day. My Carbine was loaded and zeroed out, my grenades all in their place, my two combat knives were in place on my chest and thigh, and my sidearm strapped to my leg. I shook my armor, making sure that nothing was loose, before bringing my attention to my wrist. A relic of a battle earlier in my career, attached to my arm was an experimental, magical shield array. With the press of a button, it would create a large, circular shield on my arm. I had taken it from the corpse of an Archon that had been killed by my old squad. It had a relatively short energy life, so I couldn't use it for long, but while it was still up, it would block almost anything, from magic to bullets to punches. It had saved my life on numerous occasions, and I was hoping that it would carry me through at least one more.

I perked up as my radio came to life, "Spartan One, this is Spartan Two," Juk-Tal's voice came over the radio, "I have eyes on Dratali gunships about five miles out, They're coming."

I turned to the would-be defenders of this small hamlet, "Everybody, get ready. The moment that we have been preparing for is here. Get in position, once you see them, hit'em with everything that you've got!" I raised my carbine over the barrier in front of my, focusing through my scope.

Only the sound of wind could be heard through the town. Everyone was watching the treeline ahead of us, looking for any sign of the enemy. I scanned from tree to tree, bush to bush, watching for any sign of movement. My heart started to beat faster, I felt my wings twitch, a familiar feeling washing over my body. I was ready, no matter what the outcome, I would do everything in my power to win.

I saw something, a bush rustling. A tree branch moving slightly. Hues of green and brown filled my vision, suddenly a blob of grey coming into sight. My breath hitched, I saw a Human convert through the trees, slowly making his way through the forest. I moved my cross-hairs over his chest, slowing my breathing. I saw his head perk up, he saw me too. Time seemed to slow as he pulled his rifle up. Just before he put it against his shoulder, I let out a burst of fire, echoing across the field. He dropped, three geysers of blood spurting from his chest. As his body hit the ground, time started to return to normal. It was silent for a moment, before gunfire filled my ears. The treeline was filled with muzzle flashes and the oncoming horde advanced towards us. I moved quickly from target to target, two or three rounds at a time, not waiting to see the bodies hit the ground before taking aim again. I was a flurry of well-oiled death, striking everything that entered my sight. I barely even notice the terrible toll the opening volley had reaped upon the defensive line. Ponies screamed as they were hit, small slugs ripping through their bodies. I had stopped firing for a moment as an Aviva-style gunship zoomed past our line, the guns on the front blazing as they tore through our meager defenses. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the gunship reduced to a fireball, and lightning and hail ripped through its shields and hull.

I took a quick glance down our line, nearly half of the defenders had already been killed. "Fall back!" I shouted through my suit's amplifiers, "Fall back to the second line!" Anyone who could still move abandoned the first line, some dragging themselves, others dragging their wounded friends. I jumped over the second line, pumping my wings to vault me over. As I turned around, I saw a wave of objects flying through the air. I almost chuckled as I saw Dratali being pounded with chairs, tables, and other pieces of furniture. An Aviva convert screamed out as she was crushed underneath a refrigerator. Explosions tore through the Dratali line as grenades and homemade explosives detonated where they were thrown. We were holding better than I had thought, but I could see the multitude of bodies that were left behind from the first line. I knew that we wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

I moved down the line, rising occasionally to send a few bursts towards the Dratali as they got closer and closer to our lines. I quickly found Bucket-Head, who I learned was the mayor of the town, and named Radiant Sunrise, "Sunrise! We can't hold here, have your unicorns keep throwing whatever they can until you get everybody out of here!" I ducked as a bullet struck the wall near me, "The Guards and Marines will hold them back for as long as we can, but you've got to get out!"

Radiant Sunrise turned to me, "What are you talking about? We are not leaving!"

"Unless you all want to die, you have too! If you run now, most of those who are left might get out!"

"No!" She stomped her hoof, "We will not leave! If the fighting drags on, then Equestria will need this crossroad for a supply-line, and more than that, this is our home! We will never let it go without a fight!" She turned away from me to help a Pony who had been shot. I felt a new respect for these ponies. Most Alliance settlements would have fled before the fighting even began, but these Ponies, already seeing the sheer amount of death that waits for them, were going to stand their ground. I still thought that they were idiots, but at least they were loyal idiots.

Twenty Minutes Later

The fighting was not going our way. We had been pushed back to the third and final defensive line, the Griffons and Pegasi in the clouds had managed to destroy a few of the Dratali gunships, but they had been quickly wiped out. Most of the Unicorns had exhausted their magic, and there were no more than one hundred of our side left. Only two of the Royal Guards remained, and Juk-Tal had been killed falling back from the second line. The few of us that were able to fight were bruised and battered. The Dratali, on the other hand, weren't doing too well either. From what I could tell, they only had three gunships left, and perhaps sixty soldiers. I was thankful for the small lull in fighting that seemed to be taking place, but I was nervous. The Dratali never back down from a fight unless they were waiting for something.

The remaining ponies were preparing themselves for this last push, which would surely spell our doom. I could see despair in some faces, but most that I saw seemed to be filled with a fiery resolve to fight that I had rarely seen. They were all ready to die to protect their home. 'Not just their homes,' I realized, They're willing to die for each other' It was a common feeling among soldiers, that once the battle starts, you don't care about anything other than the men and women around you, but to see such resolve in these small beings was a shock to my system. I had expected these Ponies to either run or give up once the attack started, but now I was seeing something different. If every Pony feels that way, then this planet may just have a chance.

I heard a distant Boom, and my eyes turned to the sky. Well above us, I saw a cloud of smoke appear, and something falling towards the battle. After a few seconds, it got closer and closer, until it landed in front of our line, sending a shockwave through the town. I looked towards the new arrival, and felt my new hope wash away.

"Oh fuck me" I heard Carl say from behind me.

Out of the dust rose a large metal being. Inside it, I could see the brightly colored robes of an Archon. The Titan slowly stepped out of its crater, its arms moving away from its body, and a light forming at the end of one.

"Run!" I heard Carl shout, before he disappeared in a cloud of fire. Shots rang out, pinging off of the Titan's armor, as the Dratali force behind it charged towards the town with renewed vigor. After a moment of panic, the Ponies charged too. The two sides clashed, and what I saw was inspiring and horrifying at the same time. Ponies were dropping fast, but they weren't the only ones. Dratali were being tackled, kicked, stabbed, and shot. I saw Grisom ran out into the battle to reach a pony who had been shot, and began pulling her back to cover. I tried to warn him as the Titan turned towards him and sent out a bolt of electricity. I watched with horror as my friend was hit squarely in the chest. I watched him spasm violently, before his body dropped to the ground, twitching occasionally.

With an outraged cry, I charged the Titan, throwing a grenade at its feet. The grenade made the large beast stumble as it turned towards me. I shot my carbine at full-automatic into its shields. As I got close, its arm swung out to swat me away. I pumped my wings and flew above the arm, still unloading my weapon. I landed atop the Titan and armed another grenade, sticking it onto the beast, before flying off and landing a few meters away. It stumbled again as my grenade detonated, and I watched as the shields started to fizzle out. I started to run, once again firing my weapon at the lumbering beast. It rose its arm up to shield the Archon inside, before aiming its spell matrix. I dropped my rifle and brought my arm out in front of my torso, raising my magical shield and jumping up, tucking my legs behind the shield mid-air. He shot with a loud Crack and I was sent flying backwards as the shot impacted my shield.

I tumbled backwards, colliding against the wall of a building. I slumped down against the wall, red notifications popping up on my HUD, clearly, my suit wanted to tell me that I was injured. I slowly stood up, walking out of the cloud of dust that surrounded me. The Titan had turned away from where I landed, obviously expecting me to be dead. I made my way over to the large beast, picking up my pace as I got closer. The Titan was firing on a group of Ponies who were running between buildings.

As I got closer to the Titan, I was at a full sprint, ignoring my injuries. I jumped, using my wings to aid me, on top of the Titan once again. I clambered my way to the hatch covering the Archon, pulling out one of my combat knives, I pried at the latches until they broke off, and the hatch fell away. The Archon looked up at me with a burning hatred as he brought one of the titan's arms up and swatted me again, knocking me off.

I hit the ground hard, and rolled away just in time to avoid the large foot that smashed into the ground. I stood back up, squaring off against my foe, with my knife at the ready. The Archon looked down at me through the opening in front of him and laughed.

"And what," he said in a mocking tone, "Are you going to do with that?"

I snorted in disgust as i flipped the knife around in my hand, holding it by the blade. I ran forward, throwing my weapon at the Dratali. He raised the Titan's arm in front of him, blocking the knife.

The arm started to lower, "What did you think-" The Archon was interrupted as I jumped into the cockpit next to him, punching him in the face with all of the strength that I could muster. He reached his hand up in front of me, blasting me out of the cockpit with a wave of force. As he did that, however, he noticed the grenade that I had left behind him. With a frightened yell, he jumped out of the cockpit as fast as he could, barely making it out before the Titan exploded behind him.

The Archon stood up, eyes filled with fire as he walked over to where I was lying on the ground. He rolled me over and grabbed me by my neck, lifting me up.

"You will pay dearly for that," He said, "And once I'm done with you, I'll burn this pathetic place to the-" He was once again interrupted as I slammed my gauntlet against his face. He dropped me onto the ground and recoiled, blood pouring down his face. I took out my second knife as he charged me with an enraged snarl. His hands were glowing with energy as he punched and kicked at me. I did everything that I could to avoid his blows, but one of his punches caught me in the shoulder, resulting in a small explosion which launched me back into another building.

As I regained my vision from the blow, I saw him coming at me once again. His stood over me with his hand in the air, charging up energy to finish me off. Before he could punch, however, a blood-covered Korg jumped onto his back, pounding him with a flurry of fists. I stood back up as the Archon was struggling to throw Raug off of him. I charged, knife at the ready, and slashed at his stomach. The Archon dodged, barely, and threw his elbow into Raug, knocking him off. I slashed at him a few more times, not landing a single blow.

After what felt like forever of trading blows with the Archon, he suddenly slammed both of his fists into the ground, knocking both me and Raug off of our feet. The Archon looked furious, and came back to me, getting ready to kill me. I started to scoot back along the ground, trying to make some distance, but he caught up to me.

"Do you really think that you can defeat ME?" He said, "I am an Archon! Blessed with the power to wipe this universe free of filth and-" For the third and final time that day, the Archon was cut off from his monologue, as gunfire exploded behind him, peppering his back. He fell to his knees, blood pouring from the holes in his chest. I looked behind him to see a number of Ponies standing behind him, one of the unicorns holding my carbine in his magic.

I stood up slowly, wincing from my injuries. I looked around the town, now noticing how quiet it had become. There was no more gunfire, no more whining from the gunships flying above, and no Dratali standing anywhere I could see. I saw Ponies walking, limping, or being carried into the town square, where an Alliance dropship was waiting, surrounded by more Alliance soldiers. I nodded at the Unicorn holding my carbine, and walked over to Raug, who was being bandaged by a Pony. We made eye contact, and he nodded at me as well, before resting his head back on the ground.

I picked up my sidearm from where it had fallen after I was hit by the Titan, and walked over to the Archon, who was still alive. I kneeled down next to him, watching the blood pouring out of his chest.

The Dratali turned his head to me, "I.. Am an A-A-Archon! I w-will destroy..." he fell silent as his head dropped to the ground. I stood back up, before shooting him in the chest three times.

Five Hours Later

The cost from the battle had been high, not just here in this tiny town, but all over this world. Everywhere, Alliance soldiers laid dead next to Dratali and Pony alike, but we had won. We held our ground against the Dratali, destroyed their fleet, and saved the planet. Even so, it was hard to think of this as a victory. In this skirmish alone, we had lost three Marines, and one-hundred and twelve ponies. I was sitting on a supply crate as a medic tended to my wounds. There was a somber feeling to the small village, once those magical tendril things had left the sky, that confidence that I had seen in the ponies slowly went away and the cost of the battle had started to affect them. Despite that, however, there was still a feeling of hope; hope for the future and hope to rebuild.

I was approached by Radiant Sunrise, who had a grim expression on her face, "Sergeant Kabralt. I'm... I'm sorry for the loss of your squad. They died protecting us, and that's a price that we can never begin to repay."

For the first time since I arrived in this town, I smiled, "It's what they volunteered for. Every Marine knows the cost of our job. Though I feel that I am the one who should be apologizing," She was about to say something, when I raised my hand and stopped her, "I should have had more faith in your townspeople. I thought that you all weak, fragile things. It seems that you have proven me wrong. It was truly an honor to participate in this battle, and to have fought by your side." Radiant Sunrise looked confused by my words, and didn't appear to know what to say.

"Don't mind him," Raug Ne-Teh said, as he limped over to me, "It's an Aviva thing. That was one of the biggest compliments that I've ever seen him give. What he meant was that we were proud to have been able to help you, and we know that our comrades felt the same. We also hope that your town will be able to move past this tragedy, and begin to rebuild" I shot him a confused look, I thought that I had just said that.

"Yes... Well, it will be difficult at first, but we should be able to prosper after this. This... Event, will have left most of us scarred in some way or another, but we will remain strong. Otherwise the sacrifice of so many of our own will have meant nothing," She turned towards the giant boulder that still remained in the town square, "Which brings me to another topic, one of our stonemasons took a look at that boulder, and it seems to be made of mostly granite, and the idea was thrown around of what to use it for. As a collective, we have decided to turn it into a monument, in honor of all those lost in this battle, and we would like your input into what we should make it into."

Raug and I looked at each other, seeming to be thinking the same thing, I spoke up, "It doesn't matter what it is, we are honored that you would acknowledge our comrade's sacrifice in such a way."

Sunrise looked pleased, and bid us both farewell in our travels. After being cleared by the medic, we made our way to the dropship, walking up the ramp. I turned around, looking out at this new world with a new perspective, and a new found respect. I made my way into the ship, which promptly took off, giving us a wonderful view of the sunset over Equestria.

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