• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 33: Fallen Angel

“I still think this is the dumbest idea I've ever taken part in.” Seth sat in his command chair looking at the shielded world through the screen. The week they spent training the unicorn on the way there didn't help alleviate his fear.

It's the dumbest idea I’ve ever had, but unless you have a better one...” Twilight said through the comm.

The captain rubbed his eyes in frustration. “How’re we lookin' Aden?”

“We're in position,” came the tech expert's voice from the computer, “We're far enough away that our black hull should keep us visually hidden when we uncloak.”

“Okay, commence final checklist,” Seth ordered followed by a small squee from the comm.

“Inertial dampening field?” Seth started the list.

Active,” Twilight replied.

“Target location 23.8 by 16.3.”

“Target acquired,” from Aden now.

“Mass driver?”


“Uncloak and fire on my command...” Seth took a few breaths and gave a silent prayer. “Fire!”

The ship shuddered from the force of the powerful cannon. The projectile barreled toward the planet, the magic cocoon ignoring the shield.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Duty on one of the most well protected worlds in Dratali space was quiet. Very little happened here despite the high value targets. The heavy defenses meant the Alliance would have to spend more resources than they were willing, so it was unusual when a violet light appeared and passed through the shield. Confusion was quickly replaced by panic as they realized it was heading right for them. The object slammed into the communications array, smashing it to pieces and landing just in front of the building, leaving a crater and a cloud of dust in its wake.

Two of the braver dratali approached with an aviva and a human convert close behind. The crater emitted a low whirring noise that made the four increasingly nervous. They couldn't see anything due to the dust still filling the air. Suddenly, a pair of lights flared to life inside the cloud. The guards raised their weapons, ready to fire on the unknown object. Before they could react, four lavender lances struck them down. The surrounding guards opened fire on the invader with rifle, rocket, and spell. Even the massive Basilisk heavy tank lumbered over to join the devastation.

Eventually, the assault ceased. Just as the soldiers gazed into the dust cloud, a rocket, glowing with a violet shell, passed through the tank's shields and buried itself deep into the armor before detonating, taking the machine with it. Before the dratali could restart their attack, a fifteen foot tall metal monster shot from the cloud. It was similar to the Titan battle suit but thinner, quicker, and under the command of a much more powerful adept than who usually piloted their suits. They could barely process what was going on before the first of them were cut down by a heavy machine gun mounted on the right arm. The heavy, armor-piercing rounds showed no mercy, despite the cover that some of them tried to get behind.

Seeing the rounds from their comrades' rifles bounce harmlessly off the beast's shielding, several of the adepts jumped from cover for a simultaneous attack. They all grinned as their spells found their target, but those smiles quickly fell into confusion as the magic attacks, too, were deflected by the machine’s shielding. Stunned by the unexpected uselessness of their greatest weapon, they were easily dispatched by lavender bolts of magic from the invader.

Fear gripped them as the realization of who they faced set in... the abomination... the evil one who dared wield the holy art against the galaxy's champions... the one the Prophet called Twilight Sparkle.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Laying it on pretty thick, aren't you?” Curt chuckled.

“Shut up Cunt Face, I'm telling the story, not you,” Twilight rebutted.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

That's 74, Twilight thought as she cut down a korg convert with an energy blade mounted on Zeus' left arm. Of course, it was probably more, but she couldn't tell how many of the rounds that poured into the buildings found targets. A smile played across her lips at the thought. The more of them she killed now, the better off the universe would be, or at least that was the thought going through her mind at the time. An aircraft tried flying away from the base.

“Where do you think you're going?” Twilight sneered. She reached out with her telekinesis and grabbed the vehicle, slamming it into a nearby building followed by a couple rockets.

She placed the spell channel on the right arm on the ground and sent a fissure to swallow up some Dratali taking cover behind a destroyed wall. Five more adepts tried to challenge her, their spells colliding with her side. Once again, her magic fed shield stopped the otherwise fatal attack, but unlike the previous mages, they realized why their spells didn't penetrate the defensive barrier and avoided the counter attack. There weren't many Dratali adepts that used shield spells, but they knew that, unlike their tech-based counterparts, magic shields can actually stop magic attacks. They would have to strain the spell to its limit if they wanted to get through.

“So you do learn?” Twilight taunted. “Good, I was hoping some of you foals would give me a challenge.”

One was dispatched rather quickly with a lightning bolt. The others were smarter, though. They knew that the best way to strain a magic shield was with physical attacks, so they threw boulders and debris from the buildings and machines at the mech. Each blow sent a jolt of pain through the unicorn's skull, and her temper was reaching its boiling point. With a cry of anger, she let out a wave of fire that burned everything it touched. The screams of the adepts and the few others that remained were drowned out by the roar of the flames. When the blaze cleared she examined the devastation. A groan caught her ear and she turned toward the downed Dratali adept. He was burned, but not too bad. Twilight figured he had cast some kind of protective spell.

As Twilight approached, fear filled the adept's eyes. He dropped to his knees and threw his hands up in surrender, begging for mercy... so Twilight crushed him under Zeus' foot.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“What the hay, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash indignantly spoke up after what seemed like hours, “The guy was giving up, and you killed him?”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash, I did,” Twilight said, guilt heavy in her voice, “I... please, before you judge me, let me finish. If I stop now, I don't think I’ll be able to bring myself to continue again.”

“Fine,” Rainbow Dash said, her face a combination of anger, fear, pain, and confusion.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

She had to hurry. She may have taken out the comm center, but that will only delay a distress call. The whole prison complex would be on high alert by now, and the soldiers inside the facility would be waiting for her. Zeus was too big to navigate the halls, so she would have to go on hoof from here. With a hiss, the front to the mech slid open and the purple pilot dropped to the ground. As she expected, the doors in front of her were shielded by the emergency blast doors. She examined the area for several minutes for a way in but came up empty.

“Would you like me to show you a trick for that?”

Twilight spun around with her rifle at the ready. As expected, she found herself face to face with a Dratali. What she didn't expect was to recognize the Dratali.

“Has!” Twilight beamed at the sight of her teacher. He was wearing what looked like a modified version of the Archon uniform she's seen in images.

“I got a call from a very weird guy. He told me that one of your partners was captured, and you were coming here to save him. He sounded pretty desperate, so I dug out my old fighter and sled rushed over,” the ex-Archon explained.

“Does this mean we're going to kick some ass together?” Twilight asked.

“Not just yet,” Has-Ka said with a sly grin, “First, I'm going to take you prisoner.”

Twilight looked at him in confusion for a second before she caught on. “Oh-ho-ho. I like it.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

A voice came over the intercom. It spoke in the guttural, barking language of the Dratali. Has-Ka answered the call and held up the limp body of Twilight Sparkle to the camera. The voice came back with a joyful sounding series of barks and hisses. The blast doors lifted and an excited guard opened the door to let Has-Ka carry the unicorn inside. As one of the soldiers went to the comm, his throat was pierced by a shard of crimson energy. The other met a similar fate by a lavender spike from the not-so-unconscious mare. Has-ka rushed to the console and began searching.

“Ah!” he proclaimed, “I found... wait? Human adept?”

“It's a long story. Short version; we found out that my people use to be human, but some demigod-like beings decided to take humanity's magic and put it all in us. Now, thanks to some freaky artifact, my partners' magic was returned.”

“Okay... you have to give me the long version after we get out of here,” Has-Ka chuckled. “Follow me. The base has been given the all clear so they shouldn't be expecting us.”

The pair made their way into the prison, avoiding the enemy. Two bodies in the area made discovery inevitable as it was, and more would only alert them sooner. For some reason, this upset Twilight. She wanted to kill everyone they passed.

“Here we are,” Has-Ka said when they reached an elevator.

“Thanks for being here,” Twilight said with a grateful smile, “I would have been searching this place for hours just trying to find this place. Of course, that's only if I could have even gotten through the door.”

“I'm glad to be doing something besides checking soil pH levels for a change. Now, the all clear would've said you were captured, so they're expecting you to be brought there. This means we're using the same plan as before.”

“Has, won't your uniform give you away? It's different from the standard Archon uniform,” Twilight inquired.

“Archons often personalize their uniform. Some don't, but most will add at least a little flair,” he explained. “We're almost there, get unconscious.”

“Catch me,” Twilight put the back of her hoof to her forehead in an overly dramatic faint that would make Rarity proud.

Has-Ka chuckled, “Alright drama queen, let's get this over with as quickly as possible.”

With her eyes closed, she couldn't exactly tell what was going on, but she could hear voices well enough. They sounded absolutely ecstatic, laughing and speaking in tones that almost sounded sarcastic. She didn't need to be able to speak the language to know they were taunting her. She smiled viciously on the inside. The moment the unicorn sensed the spell from her combat magic instructor, she sprang into action. There were only four, and the Has-Ka killed the only adept first. Twilight killed one with a simple bolt, but the second was dispatched a bit more painfully. She conjured two spikes and stuck them deep into the soldier's lungs and threw him to one side.

Has-Ka examined the screen on the desk to find the list of prisoners. “Ah, let's see... Kordar, Vesk, Tem, Leia... Ah, human adept. This way.”

The two ran down the hall to Curt's cell.

“Perhaps I should open it,” Twilight said.

The Alliance Dratali gave a nod and stood aside to let his student enter the room. With a flick of magic on the panel, the door slid open, and Twilight peeked inside. She almost screamed in joy at the sight of Curt's sleeping form. After taking a few breaths to regain her composure, she walked in and nudged him with her magic. He bolted awake, and glared at where a Dratali soldiers head would normally be only to see the open door.

“I'm short, not invisible,” Twilight quipped, holding back from laughing at his confused face.

He looked down at the lavender warrior and looked like he was about to faint, “T... Twi... Twilight... is that you?”

Twilight became concerned at his drunken demeanor. As if reading her mind, Has-Ka came around the corner and explained, “He's been given a drug called...” Twilight couldn't repeat the name even if she did remember it, “It's meant to muddle the mind and prevent adepts from focusing enough to cast spells.”

“Look out!” Curt shouted and threw himself toward the Dratali only to be caught in a lavender glow.

“Hold on there, Curt,” Twilight set him back down on the bed, “This is Has-Ka, the one who taught me combat magic.”

“So... I was right?” the drugged human asked, “Cool, can we show him to Deddy... Deffy... the one with the wings.”

“That's up to Has.”

“I'll think about it,” Has-Ka said, “Right now, we need to get out of here. We're lucky they haven't noticed the door guards are missing yet. Let's try to clear some of that drug out of you first, though.”

Curt flinched back when Has-Ka's hand approached him, glowing crimson. Twilight reassured him, though, and he relaxed a little. Twilight watched the spell just in case she would need to know how to do it later. A few seconds of cleansing magic and Curt looked more aware, but still not quite one-hundred percent.

“That's all I can do. Sorry it's not better than that, but I’m no medic,” Has-Ka apologized.

“Whoa,” Curt swooned a little, “Don't apologize. You did plenty, though I doubt I’ll be very good in a fight for a while. At least I can think a little better. So... you taught Twilight how to use combat magic? I always thought we had a Dratali or two on our side, but I never thought it would be an Archon.”

“I know you probably don't trust me ri-” Has-Ka started, but was interrupted.

“I'll trust you,” Curt said, “Twilight says you're okay, and I trust her.”

“Just like that?” asked the Dratali. Curt nodded, “Well, I can't say that's the most intelligent thing, but you humans are an emotion driven race.”

“We can debate on proper reasons to trust later,” Twilight interrupted, “Let's go.”

They left the cell and headed back to the elevator. They filed into the tiny box and waited for it to reach the surface. Twilight noticed Curt looking at her out of the corner of her eye.

“You seem different,” he said, “Are you feeling alright?”

“Never better,” replied Twilight.

Curt looked like he wanted to pursue the topic, but decided to keep it to himself for now. Twilight faced forward as the lift slowed to a stop and the doors slid open. In an instant, everything exploded in red. Twilight stared in horror at the gaping hole that appeared through the center of her friend and teacher's chest. With the Adrenalin clearing the last effects of the drug from his system, Curt threw a shield around himself, Twilight and their fallen Dratali ally.

Twilight stared at the vacant expression of Has-Ka as he lay in a pool of his own blood. She could barely tell that Curt was yelling something at her, but she couldn't tell what. It was as if everything stopped existing except for her friend that lay dead before her... and pain... unbearable pain that gave way to hatred for those that took him.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight was trembling, “I... I...”

Curt held her as she began sobbing, “It's okay, I can tell them. You can leave for a bit if you want.”

Twilight pulled herself together and shook her head in response, “No. running away won't change anything, but it might be better if you would tell it. I still don't remember a lot about what happened.”

“Alright, just tell me if you want me to stop.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Curt struggled to maintain the barrier against the cannon the korg convert bombarded them with. Twilight was in shock at the sight of losing a friend and wasn't responding to him. He was starting to fear that she was going to have a total breakdown right there... and then she screamed. It was a blood chilling wail of rage and despair that terrified the soldier like nothing before ever had... until he looked back at her.

He remembered that time on Placid Harbor when she flipped out. He remembered how she changed physically. He remembered her coat turn pure white and her mane bursting into flames. It was like she was vengeance personified, born to punish the wicked. It was inspirational... but this was not the same. He coat wasn't the pure white it was then, but a black, inky color spread across her that seemed to steal away the light, and her eyes... they were the most terrifying of all. Gone were the beautiful eyes of the kind, intelligent pony he called a friend. Instead, they were the cold, slitted eyes of a predator, ready to kill.

She stood a walked through the shield like it wasn't even there, and spread a pair of draconic wings menacingly. Curt stared in awe as the shots from the cannon seemed to just miss her. The korg was enveloped in a purple aura that seemed dark and wrong. He was lifted into the air where the beast that was once Twilight Sparkle tore his limbs off one by one. Curt was frozen in fear as his friend went insane right in front of his eyes.

The monster continued deeper into the facility until she turned down another corridor and vanished from sight. Curt sat there, still unable to process what just happened. He looked at Has-Ka and then to the pieces of the korg, trying to figure out what just happened. He was brought out of his thoughts by the sounds of screaming. He sprang to his feet and ran toward the sounds, hoping that Twilight was okay.

He turned a corner and stumbled to a stop. The sight nearly made him vomit. The floor, walls, and ceiling were painted red with blood and gore. Chunks of unrecognizable flesh littered the floor, while shards of bone were embedded in every surface. Worse still, screams could be heard as Twilight continued her rampage. He followed through the nightmarish place, following the sounds of massacre, until he came to a set of blast doors that were torn open as if they were made of paper.

He ran outside to find her in the middle of a battle with a pair of Archons. The pair of elite mages were barely able to hold their own against the mad unicorn. Curt looked in shock at the expression of sadistic glee in her cat-like eyes.

“Beautiful, isn't it?”

Curt spun around to face the probable threat. Xander was standing behind him, staring at Twilight with a hunger in his eyes. Curt fired a bolt of magic at the zombie, but it was easily deflected.

“Has Twilight ever told you about Nightmare Moon?” asked the stallion as if nothing happened.

“Yeah,” Curt answered reluctantly, not dropping his guard, “Princess Luna turned into her, why?”

“A Nightmare is born when negative emotions are allowed to fester in the hearts of powerful ponies. I take it she told you that a pony's magic is tied directly to their emotion?” Curt nodded his answer, “When emotion becomes powerful enough it can manifest itself if it is allowed to. If it is kept bottled up, though, that emotion grows. Tell me, have you noticed her temper growing? Or her taking pleasure in killing?”

Curt thought about it for a bit. Despite coming from a complete fuck stick, it was true. She had been growing a little more violent, and the look she had when her “want it, need it” bombs went off...

“That's right, Twilight Sparkle is no more. She is a Nightmare now, and once a nightmare is born, there's no getting rid of it.”

“Bullshit!” Curt growled, “Twilight and her friends cleansed Luna of her Nightmare!”

Xander laughed, “No, my boy, they only suppressed it. Nightmare Moon will exist as long as Luna does. And if you think you can just suppress Twilight's, you forget... the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can do that, and considering the most important one is the one you need to save...” he let out a maniacal laugh.

A mangled corpse slammed into the ground between the two of them. Curt looked up to see his friend hovering above them. She fired a bolt at Xander who simply teleported away. The blast sent Curt through the air and into the ground. He struggled to turn over so he could see what was going on. He saw Twilight land in front of the undead pony and laugh a twisted, evil laugh.

“I'm going to tear you apart and eat your heart,” Twilight's Nightmare seethed.

“Oh, little newborn Nightmare,” Xander made a 'tsk' sound, “You've been very naughty. What would Princess Celestia say if she saw you now?”

For a brief instant, Curt could have sworn he saw Twilight in there, but that instant was all Xander needed. He teleported to her side and touched her with his horn, sending bolts of lightning through her. She collapsed as he lifted her in his magic. With a sadistic grin, he slammed her into the wall beside Curt with a sickening crunch. Again and again, he threw the mare into the ground, walls, and anything else before driving her one last time into the ground in front of him.

He climbed on top of her and smiled again, “You're dangerous, Miss Sparkle. We need to fix that.” He placed his fore-hooves on either side of her horn and, with a boost from his magic, wrenched it from her head with a revolting snap. The helpless mare let out a heart wrenching scream. Xander, though, wasn't quite done. He took the horn in his magic and buried it into her right lung.

He laughed at her pain and placed his horn to the stump of hers. Twilight screamed in agony as lavender light poured from her and was sucked up by the evil vampiric pony. Twilight's wings vanished in a lavender flame as her coat returned to its natural color.

“No!” Curt hollered as he tried in vain to stand up, “Leave her alone!”

Curt watched as Twilight was being murdered and he laid there helpless to do anything. Tears formed in his eyes as he cursed himself for being so weak.

“Curt!” he heard Twilight cry his name, “P-please... I don't want to die!”

Something snapped. Curt found himself rising up, the pain he had just been suffering from just a distant memory. In the blink of an eye, he was by Xander's side as his fist kissed his cheek. The evil unicorn went flying into Twilight's mech, toppling it over. Xander struggled to his feet and glared at the sniper/mage. Curt wrapped his hands around Twilight and focused with all he could. He had seen it done a hundred times, and Twilight had even showed him how.

“Come on, come on!” Curt felt the spell starting to form. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Xander charging a powerful bolt that was obviously intended to take them both out. He saw the cock sucker release the attack just before Curt's spell was finished and the world became blue light.

When the light faded, he heard voices, muffled by his exhaustion, but familiar all the same. The last thing he saw before he faded was the worried faces of Seth, Debby, Aden, and Raak.

Author's Note:

Woo! Longest chapter to date! Twilight's tale is almost over. The next chapter marks the end to her adventures in space, but fret not my faithful readers, the story is not over yet! There's still the matter of a certain undead douche to deal with.

Now the bad news, I'm working 8 days in a row, so I won't be able to get to the library to post the next chapter for a while. I'm still writing, though, so don't worry.

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