• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 18: Rider

Twilight groaned as she regained consciousness in medical. Her head and horn were getting their revenge for pushing them so hard. She looked around at the room she was in. It was the standard treatment room; monitors showing her heartbeat, O2 levels and blood pressure, an IV in her foreleg for fluid, and several others for emergency use. She chuckled weakly. They were probably worried sick, not knowing what was wrong with her.

“Nurse!” she called, much to her headache's displeasure.

Soon after, a nurse, the same one from her first day on board, entered with a relieved smile, “Lieutenant, I'm glad you're awake. We couldn't figure out why you passed out and feared the worst.”

“I'm sorry to worry you,” Twilight apologized, “It was just magic exhaustion. I pushed myself too far. All I need is water and some chocolate.”

“Chocolate?” the nurse asked curiously, “What does chocolate do?”

“Certain enzymes found in chocolate help stimulate mana regeneration,” The unicorn explained.

“Interesting,” The nurse took a few notes on a wrist mounted datapad, “I'll see if I can find some. In the meantime, does magic exhaustion require any further hospitalization?”

Twilight chuckled at the irony of the question, “No.”

“Well, then you're free to go,” the nurse said, “I think I should mention that, um... here.” The nurse held up a mirror.

Twilight looked into it and groaned, flopping back on the pillow. All the fur on her snout and cheeks was gone, burned off by the blast. “At least I still have most of my fur... I do right?"

“Yes, now let's unhook you. Oh, hold on.” The nurse checked her datapad and smiled, “Your squad mates are on their way and Major Verdan is bringing some chocolate.”

By the time Twilight was unhooked and put in a wheelchair, the others arrived.

“Twilight! You crazy ass Mary Sue, stop making us look bad.” Curt said joyfully as they walked in, “First you take out a Titan, then a fucking Phoenix.”

That's when it hit her. She personally killed five thousand people. If she had anything in her stomach she would have vomited. Seth saw the regret and self blame painted on her face and kneeled beside her, placing an arm across her shoulders.

“I know you feel bad Twilight.” said the large soldier, “You killed a lot of people out there and you feel like a monster,” Twilight nodded, “But that's why you're not a monster. Monsters don't regret killing. We all hate killing, but we do it anyway. Think about what would have happened if you didn't destroy that ship. It would have destroyed the White Wolf and all seven thousand people aboard. Then after it finished with us, it would have found some defenseless civilians and killed them too. We sacrifice our innocence so others don't have to.”

Twilight wiped the tears she didn't even realize she was shedding. It still hurt, but it was a numb hurt now. “Thank you, Seth.”

“Here you go Twilight, from my own personal stash,” Debby said as she handed the chocolates over, “Eat up. Chocolate always helps me when I'm depressed.”

“You get depressed?” Twilight asked, as she accepted the sweets.

“We all do, Twilight.” Raak said in his deep soothing voice, “Like Seth said, we all feel remorse for the lives we end. Heh, I still remember the face of the first Dratali I ever killed. He had this look of disgust when I stabbed him. Not anger, or fear... disgust. It was as if it he just stepped in something barefooted.”

“My first was a human convert,” Curt said, “He never even saw me, but I saw the smile on his face as he shared a funny story with a friend. He was so care free at the time. I still dream about that shocked look he had.”

“I didn't see my first before I shot him down,” Aden shared, “but his body, or most of it, bounced off my canopy.”

“My first was before I joined the military,” Debby said, “Some jackass aviva that decided that I owed him a piece of ass. He dragged me into an alley and tried to force himself on me, but I grabbed a metal pole and hit him repeatedly until he didn't even look like an aviva anymore. I was arrested, but because it was self defence, they went easy on me. They gave me the choice between prison, or join the military. You can guess my choice.”

“My first was just... I just shot the first guy I saw.” Seth said, “Nothing horrendous, or unique. The Dratali just rounded a corner and I fired. I didn't see his face since he had a helmet on, but I still remember every detail of that helmet, and his armor.”

“You know,” Twilight decided to voice her thoughts, “that Dratali I shot when I panicked, he wasn't disgusted, or mad, or in pain...he was confused. It was like everything he knew about the world just no longer made sense. That's what hurt the most. Did I kill his spirit before his body? I guess there's no way to know.”

Twilight tried to open the box and failed. She looked at the box and to her metal hoof. She hated it. Not so much the leg itself as the lack of her real one. She pushed the depressing thought from her mind and switched, lifting the lid with her left hoof. Everyone was brought out of their reminiscence by the sight.

“Um, Twilight,” Curt said, a bit bewildered, “How are you doing that?”

Twilight popped a sweet brown morsel in her mouth, “What?”

“How are you picking those up with your hoof?” Aden clarified.

Twilight was confused for a moment before she realized they had never seen her use her hooves, “Oh, ponies have an innate contact telekinesis field around our hooves, though most unicorns just use magic. It's how earth ponies and pegasi manipulate objects without magic, although pegasi can also use their wings. Their primaries are jointed and they can use them in similar ways as your fingers.”

Curt laughed, “There's still a lot to learn about you ponies isn't there?”

“Yeah, I just wish you could meet my...oh my gosh, I just remembered!” Twilight exclaimed, jumping out of the wheelchair and promptly collapsing. Luckily Curt was quick and caught her before she hit the floor, “Sorry. Nice reflexes, though. Can you guys take me to my room? I need to get that box from Placid Harbor.”

“I forgot all about that thing,” Curt chuckled, “What made you think about it?”

“The merchant,” Twilight took on a serious tone, “He was on the moon I was training on. I don't know what his game is, but he's the same race as Discord.”

“That crazy guy you and your friends fought?” Debby asked.

“That's right,” Twilight confirmed, “and he knows how I can get home.”

“Oh, by the way,” Curt said with a cheeky grin, “I like the reverse beard look.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Are we almost done? My ice pack is melting.” Curt watched the pony search through his one good eye.

“Be glad I can't use magic right now,” Twilight shot back as she dug through her trunk in her closet, “I didn't even know I had this much stuff.”

“You don't. I figured since you were going to be gone for a while, I’d use your closet for a few things.” Debby explained, “I was going to take it out by the time you came back but you're a few months early.”

“Ah, found it,” Twilight pulled out the little white box, “Also, feel free to use my closet, Debby. I don't need it. A little help?” After getting some help to her bed from Raak, the blushing Twilight continued, “Heh heh, thanks Raak.”

She cleared her throat and tried to push her mind away from the improper thoughts that were racing through it. She peeled the lid of with her left hoof slowly, afraid it might be some prank. Inside was...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Restroom break!” Twilight shouted and teleported away before anyone could say anything.

“Hey! Not cool!” Rainbow Dash shouted at the empty spot her friend was moments ago.

Pinkie was rolling in hysterics and even Cadence and Celestia laughed a little. After a minute Twilight flashed back with a smug grin. Rainbow glared at her, while Celestia gave a little grin of her own.

“I have taught you well,” said the solar princess.

“And I picked up a few things from a friend from out of town,” Twilight replied.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Inside was a data disk and a smaller box, about ten inches across and high. Twilight passed the disk to Aden, and he slid it into the wall terminal. Several figures, symbols, and pictures appeared on the screen. Everyone except Twilight stared at it with shock written on their faces.

“Seth, is this what I think it is?” Curt asked.

“Yes it is,” Seth replied. He took out the disk and stood up, “We need to show this to the Admiral.”

Twilight tossed the second box on the bed as Debby pushed her out the door. The six quickly made their way through the ship to the Admiral's office. Seth reached up to knock on the door.

“Enter,” came Admiral Gibson's voice.

They filed in and came to attention (except for Twilight).

“Sir, we have something you should see,” Seth said as he handed the disk to the CO.

Gibson inserted the disk into the console on his desk. As he looked at the data stored on it, he became very serious.

“Where did you get this?” he asked sternly.

“It was given to me,” Twilight explained, “On Placid Harbor there was this merchant that gave me a package. After everything that happened, I forgot about it until I met him again on Habogad. He said his name was...”

“James,” the Admiral interrupted with a sigh, “He's always withholding something important, but gives just what's needed.” The other six stared at him in shock, “Yes, I know who James is. His advice has been invaluable.” He looked at Twilight with a smile, “Why do you think I gave a being that we knew nearly nothing about so much responsibility and privilege? It was on his advice that I made you a Griffin. It was he that recommended I make you a flight specialist. It was he that recommended I contact our mutual friend for your training.”

“And now I'm giving you a gift,” said a voice from above them. They looked up and saw the chaos lord sitting upside down in a lawn chair sipping on lemonade, “How's it going?”

Five of the seven people present started at the sudden, physics defying appearance. With a snap of his fingers, James was sitting in a plush recliner wearing a red velvet robe and smoking a pipe. Another snap and everyone else was in similar chairs and attire.

“Hokay,” James clapped his hands, “Now that everyone's comfy, let's let Twilight in on the mission. After all, she's going to be essential to its success.”

“Very well,” Admiral Gibson agreed, “Twilight, do you remember that little retrieval mission Curt and Seth were on when they found you?” Twilight just nodded, “They were there to retrieve research data. This data tells of the location of a second magic capable race. I now believe it speaks of your homeworld.”

“Is that what you meant, James, about being able to get me home?” Twilight asked.

“That's for you to find out,” replied the Chaos Lord, “I can only interfere so much. You see, my boss doesn't want mortals to become reliant on us to solve their problems.”

“Your boss?” Seth asked, “Who's your boss?”

“I have no idea,” James said with a laugh, “Never met him. Hell I don't even know if it's a him, her, it, or them. It might be a God or just some old, powerful life form that's taken on the role of guardian. In all honesty it doesn't really matter. What matters is your mission, right Gibby?”

Admiral Gibson scowled at the nickname before saying, “He's right. You six have your next assignment. A ship is being prepared for you as we speak. It'll take another month and a half, but you six are going to be leaving this ship. Major Vasiliev, congratulations, you're a Lieutenant Colonel. I am giving you command of this mission and the ship you'll be using, so don't fuck it up. Lieutenant Sparkle, you're a First Lieutenant now. Major Verdan, show the Lieutenant her welcome back present. More details will be given upon departure. Speak of this to no one. Dismissed.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Here she is,” Debby beamed, “Your brand new SF-23T.”

“SF-23T?” Twilight scratched her chin, “I'm not familiar with the T variant.”

Debby smiled, “The T is for 'Twilight'. That's right, Pony Girl, This bad boy was made special for you. Take a look.”

Twilight climbed the ladder and peeked inside. The first thing she noticed was the seat. It was obviously designed with pony anatomy in mind. The controls were made to better fit hooves, and crystal inlays would make it easier for her magic to manipulate them.

“This is amazing!” Twilight exclaimed.

“That's nothing,” Debby said ecstatically, “You see those domes on the sides, and the third cannon under the nose?” Twilight looked at said additions, “Those are based off of Dratali mage weapons. They will allow you to cast your spells outside of your Ax. One more thing. Come down here.”

Twilight jumped down rambling about how she couldn't wait to test it. She hadn't been this giddy since she got to meet the author of Dawn Shield, her favorite book series. Debby motioned for her to stand where she could see the whole ship.

“Yesterday, you showed balls,” The Aviva pilot began, “You did some crazy shit and ended up blowing up a goddamn Phoenix by yourself. So it's my honor and privilege to say, you've earned your callsign.”

Debby pulled a piece of white tape from the side. Underneath the tape was printed, in large red letters, one simple word...


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