• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 16: An Unconventional Ally

Once again, Twilight sat in the gardens after a nice breakfast. They were waiting for one more pony before Twilight continued the story. Luckily they didn't have to wait long. Rarity came cantering up, levitating a package in front of her.

“Sorry I'm late,” She apologized, “I had to get a little late welcome home gift I threw together yesterday while you were... away.” She involuntarily rubbed her horn with a hoof making Twilight cringe a little.

“Thank you, Rarity,” Twilight accepted the gift. The lavender unicorn opened the box and levitated a furry, purple... “What is it?”

“Let me show you. Lift your right leg,” Rarity took the thing from her and slipped it around the metal hoof. It fit snugly around Twilight's prosthetic, the color and texture blended perfectly with her natural coat. Twilight looked at her leg as tears started to form at the corners of her eyes. She wrapped her friend in a hug.

“Thank you,” Twilight said with a huge smile, “It's almost like I have my leg back. It looks so real.”

“What are friends for,” Rarity returned the hug, “Now, I believe you were going to tell us about that town.”

“Right, of course,” Twilight released her friend and cleared her throat, “Now I had been training for about two weeks. My mana control was improving. I still wasn't even close to Rarity's level, but I didn't really need to be...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight moved the three flames, each in a different pattern. The focus it took was extreme as evident in the beads of sweat rolling down her face. Has-Ka watched his student with pride. So few adepts could improve so fast.

“Okay, that's enough for now,” He said. Twilight let the flames die and looked up at the Dratali. “Let's start improving your casting speed.” With a wave of his hand, a tall, flat screen floated over to him and was set about ten inches from Twilight's face, “As quickly as you can, gather as much energy as possible.”

Twilight nodded and started charging her horn. After about ten seconds of that Has-Ka stopped her and stared at the screen with a frown.

“What's wrong with this thing?” he asked out loud, “Watch this end while I try.”

He and Twilight switched places. With his hand held palm up he began drawing mana in. Twilight looked at the opposite end with confusion.

“What's that going into your hands?” she asked.

Has-Ka stopped suddenly, shocked by the question, “It's mana, why?”

“Wait, when you say “draw in mana” you mean draw it in from around you?” Twilight gave an inquisitive look, “Why don't you just use the magic inside you?”

“I don't have magic inside,” he replied, giving the mare a smile, “It's not supposed to be possible to keep that much magic inside of you. Just like it's not supposed to be possible to see a spell's matrix. You're just full of surprises, Twilight Sparkle. You truly have magic inside you?”

“I didn't think it was possible to draw in magic from around you,” Twilight returned the smile.

“Well, that makes things a little different,” the adept placed his hand to his chin for a moment, “Let's take the rest of the day off and go into town. I'll treat you to dinner.”

“That sounds great,” Twilight cheered, “I could use a break from your cooking.”

“At least I can make more than pancakes and sandwiches.” replied Has-Ka.

“Fair enough,” The two shared a little laugh before getting ready to head out the door.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight was pleasantly surprised by the sight. She expected a massive metropolis, but found a quaint little town not too different from Ponyville (though not as colorful). The homes and buildings all had painted wood paneling, and most had flower beds in front and gardens in back. The shops had goods on display in front with no fear of thieves. Twilight learned soon after she moved to Ponyville that small towns usually trusted each other with these things. One would never be so trusting in Canterlot. The only building that clashed with the natural setting was a large concrete building on the north-eastern edge. Has-Ka said it was the Terraforming Center. It's the reason this once barren moon has life. The town was comprised of people working on stabilizing the new ecosystem. Twilight was still asking many, many, many questions when the first inhabitant walked up and greeted them.

“How are you Hoss?” said an older gentleman if the gray streaks in hair meant anything, “And who might this be? Your eyes are too intelligent to be just some animal. A new race to our little galactic community perhaps?”

“Just a lost soul in need of guidance,” replied Has-Ka.

“Well, my name is Victor Chance, Mayor of this fine community.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight replied, “I'm a unicorn pony from the planet Avol.”

“A unicorn?” the mayor's eyebrow arched, “Humans have myths about unicorns.”

“So I've read,” Twilight replied, “My theory is that one of my kind developed some kind of spell that allowed contact between our races long ago.”

“Spell? As in magic?” Victor smiled, “Ha! Looks like you’re not the only ones with magic anymore, eh Hoss?”

“That's why she's here,” answered the Dratali mage, “Her people are peaceful and have few combat spells. As she is alone out here with no way home to learn what they do have, I'm teaching her.”

“Oh? I'm sorry to hear about that. Was it some magic accident?” The mayor asked. At Twilight's surprised expression he laughed, “Hoss here once tried to teleport some building supplies from town to his home. About a month later, we found them stuck in a tree about fifteen miles to the south.”

“It would have worked if not for that kid's ball hitting me in the head,” Has-Ka defended.

“We know,” Victor gave the Dratali a rap on the back and turned back to Twilight, “Well then, my little pony, I'll give you the grand tour.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Has-Ka went off to do his own thing while Victor showed Twilight around. He showed her to the town hall, the theater, the pub, the restaurants, and ended in the market.

“That's about all there is,” Victor stated, “I'm sure you'd like to pick up a few things, so I’ll leave you be. If anyone gives you a hard time, come see me. If I’m not in my office, my secretary will know how to contact me.”

“Thanks Victor. I'll see you later then,” Twilight bid him farewell.

“And the same to you, Twilight,” Victor returned.

The two parted and Twilight made her way into the hustle and bustle of the market. It was surprisingly familiar and made her quite homesick. She halfway expected to see Applejack with her cart of apples, two bits apiece. Perhaps even Fluttershy purchasing some carrots for little Angel Jr. Perhaps even the Crusaders shopping for some candy. Heck, she could almost hear Pinkie singing... her ears swiveled around. There was someone singing. It wasn't Pinkie but...

Come on every-pony smile, smile, smi-le.
Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine.
All I really need's a smile, smile, smi-le,
from these happy friends of mi-ine.

“What the...?” Twilight tried to locate the source of the singing. There! She ran toward the origin of the impossible music. It was coming from an alley between two shops. She caught a brief glimpse of a figure turning a corner, and went after it. A dead end. There was nothing there but a wall. Twilight turned to try to find another way only to find the way she just came was blocked by a wall.

“What the hell?” Twilight exclaimed.

The first stages of panic were just about to set in before a section of wall opened. Left with little choice and the need to know what was going on, Twilight entered the mysterious door and found herself in...

“My library?” Twilight gasped at the sight of her beloved books, tomes, and scrolls, “This is an illusion. There's no way I’m home. Has-Ka, if this is some joke I’m going to strangle you!”

“Oh my,” said a voice from some unknown source, “That's rather violent for a pony.”

“Who's there?” Twilight charged a lightning spell.

“You don't remember me?” the voice came from behind her.

Twilight jumped around a gasped, “You? You're that weird merchant from Placid Harbor!” She recognized the half black, half white hair. Of course the matching suit was new.

“I'm touched, really,” he wiped a fake tear from his eye.

“Who are you? Do you work for the Dratali? How are you doing this? How did you know that song?” Twilight interrogated.

“Okay, in order. You can call me James for now. No. It's called magic. I know far more about you, your friends and even Equestria that you, Celestia or Luna could ever hope to know.”

Twilight stared at him with a touch of fear, “What are you?”

“I,” he gave a toothy grin, “Am a Chaos Lord.”

“A Chaos Lord?” Twilight took a step back, “What... like Discord?”

“Oh,” James said with mirth in his voice, “You do know what he is. I'm surprised. Do you know what our purpose is?” Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted, “Wrong! We don't live to disrupt harmony, we are harmony. When light and dark are in harmony, chaos is born. Discord just went mad with power and forgot his purpose.”

“What do you want?” Twilight asked nervously.

James chuckled, “Simple, I want you to do what you're doing. All I want to do is give you some advice and an incentive. My advice; when you get back, open the box, and have a chat about what you find with the good Admiral. I'll tell you what to do after that. As for incentive, well,” He came in close to her ear and gestured to Twilight's home, “I know where this is.”

Twilight's eyes widened, “You mean...?”

He nodded, “I can tell you how to get home.”

Just like that, he and the library were gone, leaving Twilight alone in the alley. She stood there for several moments trying to make sense of everything. With a new purpose, and renewed hope, Twilight ran back to town. She was as determined as ever to finish her training and go back to her new friends, and then find her old friends.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“That's the last of it,” Victor said as he shut the storage compartment on Twilight's Ax.

“Thanks, Victor,” Twilight gave the man a hug, “I'll visit you guys some time.”

“You better,” Has-Ka said, “You still need to teach me that mustache spell. I've never learned a completely useless spell before.”

“It's not completely useless, just mostly useless,” Twilight chuckled, “Maybe I can bring my friends next time.”

Twilight climbed into the pilot's seat and gave one last wave to the other friends she made in her two months training under Has-Ka. It was returned with waves and smiles from the small crowd as the canopy closed.

Twilight waited for everyone to get to a safe distance before bringing the engines up. The spacecraft began its slow ascent above the trees. Angling the nose of the fighter in the direction of the beacon, Twilight hit the throttle and shot off out of the atmosphere. Anchored on a nearby piece of debris was the FTL sled left by the White Wolf. She only ever docked with one three times in the simulator, but that was because it was an easy maneuver. Within five minutes, she was hooked up and ready to head to New Aroth to await transport back to her friends.

“Hello again,” came a familiar voice.

“James, is that you?” Twilight wasn't expecting to hear from him again so soon.

“I just thought I'd let you know I changed the destination of the sled.” said the Chaos Lord, “It'll take you straight to the White Wolf. Good thing, too. Ciao.”

“Uh, okay then. Thank you,” Twilight said, happy that she was going to be reunited with her friends sooner than anticipated.

Twilight activated the FTL sled and felt the ship shudder. Debby warned her that large ships like the White Wolf have dampeners that reduce the effects of FTL travel, but smaller craft, like her fighter, didn't.

Twilight would never have to wonder what spaghetti feels like.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Celestia looked at Twilight with concern, “I'm not sure how to take the news of a third Chaos Lord existing. I've only ever heard of two but, they were both evil.”

The other ponies nodded in agreement, except for Pinkie who was preoccupied with a butterfly at the time.

“Actually there are twenty four, as well as other Chaos beings, but we'll get into that later,” Twilight lectured, “Plus Discord wasn't really evil, just crazy. He was just trying to have fun.”

“Still, are you sure he is good?” Celestia asked.

Twilight chuckled “Good? No. He's a being of balance. He's not good or evil. At the time, though, he was a great ally.”

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