• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 36: Family Bonding

The train to Ponyville barreled down the track. In one particular car five ponies, a dragon, and a chaos lord in the guise of a pony sat. Applejack continued to glare at her hyper pink friend for several minutes before finally speaking her mind.

“So Pinkie... when were ya fixin' on tellin' us your pa was an all powerful demigod?”

Pinkie gave a snorting laugh, “He's not 'all powerful', and I did. Dad just made a spell that made it so if I ever said anything, you'd hear something else. Like this one time I told the Crusaders how Equestria was made, but all they heard was how I got my cutie mark. It was funny.”

“So you made Pinkie dishonest?” the farm pony asked James, “Ah don't even know what to call ya.”

“Yes, it's my fault she couldn't tell you, so don't blame her for it. And you've always called me Clyde, so why stop?” replied the chaos lord.

“Cause you're James and Mayhem, too. Do you even know know who ya are anymore?”

“I'm a father who will do anything to protect his family. I didn't want you to know about Pinkie because I didn't want you to shun her, being related to Discord and all.”

“You guys are related to that creep?” Rainbow Dash jumped in.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy scolded softly in the way only she could, “He's not a creep. He's just a little... different.”

“Says his best buddy,” grumbled the multicolored pegasus.

“Yes, we're related,” Clyde interrupted before they could continue, “He's my brother, just like Turmoil is my sister.”

“Is that why this Turmoil was helping you?” Rarity asked.

“Doubtful,” explained Mayhem, “I think she was acting on orders from The Boss. She'd never leave out something as important as the Lux Abyssi being involved otherwise.”

“Is that book really so bad?” Spike asked.

“Yes and no. It has the potential to do great things, both good and bad.” The chaotic stallion snapped his hoof and a pair of hammocks appeared. He jumped in one and Pinkie jumped in the other, both sipping on pink lemonade. “Get some rest, we’ll arrive in an hour.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rarity walked in to her beloved boutique. When the bell rang a voice called out.

“Sorry, but Rarity's not here right... oh, welcome home.”

The young mare that entered the showroom had a solid white coat. Her short mane was jet black and hung over her left eye. The black lipstick, eyeliner, and studded collar complimented her mane well.

“Hello Sweetie Belle, how were things?”


“Any orders?”

“On your desk.”

“How was Opal?”


“I love our little talks.”


Rarity let out a sigh, “Something's happening...”

“I heard Celestia's announcement...” Sweetie replied, “Is it really true? Aliens are coming to invade us?”

“Yes, and by what Twilight said about them, they are quite dangerous.”

“I want to fight,” said the younger pony.

Rarity spun around and stomped her hoof down, “Absolutely not! I will not have you fighting. You could get yourself killed. What would mom and dad say if I let that happen?”

“Hopefully, that I died fighting to protect the whole world,” Sweetie answered, “Just because you're too afraid to volunteer-”

“How dare you accuse me of cowardice!” Rarity snapped, “I don't want you to volunteer because, as a knight of Equestria, it is my duty to fight.” The fashionista sighed and spoke with a softer tone, “There is a very good chance that anypony that fights will not return. What I'm saying is... if I die, mom and dad will need you more than ever. Please, don't volunteer.”

Sweetie looked into her sister's pleading eyes and sighed, “Fine, on one condition. Don't die. I don't think I could handle losing my big sister.”

“I...” Rarity wanted to make that promise, but knew it was likely a lie, “I promise.” She wasn't the Element of Honesty after all, “Now come. I have a brilliant idea for a dress for you. It has plenty of black, just how you like it.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Big Mac and Applejack set the table while Applebloom put the finishing touches on supper and Cheerlie waited patiently with little Autumn Gold. Soon enough, the family table was full of all kinds of good, old fashion home cooking. The young cook served up the deliciously aromatic sustenance.

“Can Ah feed Autumn?” Applebloom asked her former teacher.

“Of course, thank you Applebloom,” replied the educator.

“Come to auntie Applebloom,” the yellow pony cooed as she took her niece.

As they ate, AJ told them a shortened version of what happened to Twilight in the past year. Of course, she left out a lot of the violence, and... intimate moments, but the three others were still riveted. After answering a few questions, they retired to the living room where Big Macintosh lit a fire.

After they were all settled in, Applejack struck up the conversation, “Anything interestin' happen while Ah was gone?”

“Eeyup,” big red stallion gave a look to his wife.

Cheerlie replied by standing and saying, “I'm going to take Autumn for a walk,” She strapped on the baby harness, kissed her husband, and walked out the door.

Big Mag looked at Applebloom accusingly, “Applebloom, tell your sister what happened.”

Applebloom looked down in shame, scuffing the floor with a hoof. Applejack knew that look quite well. It meant her little sister did something wrong.

“What did you do?” the orange mare inquired.

“Um... well ya see...” Applebloom stammered a bit as she tried to find a way to say what she had to, “Ah'm... pregnant.”

Applejack's breath hitched. She stared into the fire for several minutes trying to convince herself she didn't hear what she knew she heard.

“It was Parry Riposte wasn't it?”

Applebloom just nodded.

Applejack stood and went into the kitchen, only to come back out holding a large knife in her mouth, heading toward the door. Big Mac acted quickly, jumping to block the homicidal mare from doing something that she likely wouldn't regret, but would get her arrested.

“Geh ow a da way,” she said through the handle, “He has da die.”

“No AJ,” the stoic stallion stated, “He's takin' responsibility for it. He's been out for the past two days look for work to buy an engagement bracelet.”

The livid farmer spit out the knife, which embedded itself into the floor, and glared at her younger sister, “How in Tartarus did this happen!”

“Ah didn't know mah heat came early. It wasn't due for another month, and we hadn't done it for a week-”

“What!” Applejack interrupted, “What d'ya mean a week? You mean y'all were already sleepin' together? For how long?"

It was Applebloom's turn to be angry, “Ah'm sixteen, Applejack. Ah'm an adult and can sleep with anypony Ah want. Ah understand that Ah messed up, and Ah'm sorry. We shoulda used protection, but you ain't got the right to tell me Ah can't have sex with mah coltfriend.”

Applejack was caught completely off guard. Never before had Applebloom snapped at her like that. She wanted to deny it all, but her sister was right. She was a grown mare, and could have relations if she wanted.

Applejack sighed as her expression softened, “Ah know you're grown. It's just... hard. You're still mah baby sister, and this is a big thing, getting' married and havin' a foal. Ah'm worried about you.”

Applebloom gave a warm smile, “Scared about what? Ah have you, Big Mac, Cheerlie, Sweetie, Scootaloo, and a dozen other ponies that can help. Are you worried Parry won't be good to me? You know he'll do anything for me.”

“You're right, he's a good colt... Ah'm still gonna have a little chat with him, but Ah guess Ah won't kill him.”

“Thanks sis.”

“Can't promise Ah won't smack'em around a bit...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rainbow Dash opened the lid of her father's chest. It was the all she had left of him, and was her most valuable possession. The last time she looked through this was just before the Equestria Games in the Crystal Empire. A tear formed in her eye as she looked at the picture of an extremely excited filly with a larger, similarly maned, stallion. It was taken a half hour before they were told that Cloudsdale wasn't going to be hosting the games... and three days before the last time she saw him alive.

A pegasus that turns away when others are in need aren't worthy of their wings.

That was the reason he gave her for leaving. He was one of Celestia's elite operatives, and was sent to Stalliongrad to rescue some hostages. She didn't know anything else about the mission except that it took her father from her. A diamond dog tore his throat out.

For so long, she hated him. She hated him for leaving her. She remembered his last piece of advice, and made it a point to never help anyone else unless there was something in it for her. The only pony that mattered to her was herself... until she met Fluttershy. After she got into a fight with Gilda and a few of her griffin friends beat her to a pulp, the shy yellow pony carried her to the hospital. Fluttershy stayed by her side the whole time.

For weeks after, Rainbow was conflicted. She didn't know what to believe, what to feel. And then, when she saw those bullies picking on the shy filly, it clicked. She realized why her father did what he did. Some ponies were genuinely good and would never hurt another even in self defense. It was then that Rainbow Dash swore that she would never again abandon a pony in need.

She came to the cloth wrapped object she was searching for. She pulled it out and set it on her bed. Slowly, reverently, she untied the bindings and unwrapped it. Beneath the aged cloth, a pair of wicked blades shimmered in the light. They were her father's wingblades, lightweight steel swords that strap to the leading edge of the wing. This was what he used to protect Equestria from those that would harm its ponies, and what she would use to do the same.

A bell announced the arrival of a visitor. Rainbow already had an idea of who it was, but covered the weapons just in case. She flitted down stairs and opened the door to reveal an young purple and green dragon. Dash grinned and stepped aside for the drake to enter.

“Took ya long enough, Spike,” She teased.

“I had to get something ready,” he replied.

“Are you gonna fight?”

“Yes, but don't tell Twilight. She's going to have enough to worry about.”

Spike took a seat on the cloud couch, a look of worry on his face. Rainbow Dash frowned, “What's wrong?”

He snorted a puff of smoke, “A lot. Everything that's happened to Twilight, these guys coming here to kill everypony just because we exist... I'm messed up in the head enough already.”

Rainbow Dash sat down beside him and smiled comfortingly, “You know I’ll always be here for you.”

“But that's just it! What if you're not? What if you get killed? I don't think I can handle that,” Spike took her hooves in his claws, “I love you too much.”

“Oh, come here you big, mushy lug,” The cyan pegasus pulled him into a loving kiss that lasted only a few seconds but was full of emotion. She broke the contact a circled his chest with a hoof, “So, since we might not make it, you wanna finally do it?”

Spike rolled his eyes, “And dragons are the ones with the reputation for being horny.”

“What, we've been together for more than a year! That's a long time to be waiting, dude!”

“And like I said a year ago, I'm not going to take that step until we tell Twilight about us. She's my big sister and your friend. She deserves to know first.”

“Then why don't we tell her now?” asked the athletic mare, “I gotta head back to Canterlot anyway. I need to get my father's wingblades fit to me, and Ponyville doesn't have a smith that knows how.”

“Right now?” Spike asked, “Alright, but I gotta grab a few things from the library first.”

“That's cool,” She gave him another peck before she opened the door and the two of them glided down to the great tree.

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