• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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103. Miracles? Miracles? We don't need no stinkin' Miracles! (Reworked)

Celestia finished off her own cup of tea, closed her eyes, and then began to speak. “I know you can fix her spine, Luna. Both of us could heal her without breaking a sweat. That much I’m certain you know.” She paused and Luna gave a curt nod. “But times have changed, dear sister.” Luna could not help but notice that one of Celestia’s forelegs was beginning to shake, as if dancing to an unheard and rhythmless song. “What we can do, and what we can actually do are simply not one in the same anymore.”

It was Luna’s turn to sit in silence, questions flooding her, words themselves just out of reach. Once again she resorted to shaking her head. “Hundreds,” she said. “That’s how many we’ve healed. Back when this land and we too were young. A guard with a severed wing? Regrown. A miner whose legs were crushed in a cave in? Put together, good as new. Remember Storm Shard?” Celestia blinked, then nodded, a frown curving along her lips. “Shattered spine, told he would never walk again. One spell and five seconds later, and he walked until the end of his time. And now you’re telling me we can’t do that anymore?” She scoffed and took another sip from her cup. She could not taste it anymore, could not feel it burning her tongue.

“Yes, I am.” Celestia rose from the table, teacup still held aloft in her magic, and began to pace. “Those times before were different. A different time, a different world.” A kettle came floating out of the kitchen, jars of cream and sugar flanking it. As she poured another cup, she continued. “We could afford miracles back then.”

* * *

Standing before the two sisters, I slowly shook my head. "Celestia" I softly intoned, "you're a thousand year plus old politician and you're seriously implying that you can't come up with a single plausible excuse or lie to hide how Twilight recovered from her injury?"


"And what about Discord? They're friends now, and even if he doesn't take mercy on her and fixes her injury on his own volition, a single plea from Fluttershy will make him cave and do it anyways."

"Discord is not a healer-"

"Of course he isn't," I heaved an exasperated sigh. "But he does tell reality to go fuck itself and makes stuff happen. I'm not buying that fixing a spinal injury is somehow more impossible than creating chocolate milk rain clouds or turning gravity upside down with a snap of his fingers. And what if Twilight figures out a way to heal herself? Because she's both smart and powerful enough to do it. Will you tell her she's not allowed to walk on her own, or worse, break her spine again to keep ponies from knowing that she can heal that sort of injury?"

"I... I would never do such a foul thing!"

I gazed at the white alicorn sadly, then slowly shook my head. "In a way, you're already doing it." I stated. "You are denying her the ability to walk! She is your student! Your friend! And a fellow princess, as well as a critical part of Equestria's primary means of defense! How in Adun's name is she supposed to help protect the country against the next great threat... from a wheelchair?! Do you think someone like Tirek would kindly wait for her to roll onto the field of battle or not exploit her disability? Think about it!"

"I... I..."

"And this isn't even touching on the fact that she won't be able to play with her friends the same way ever again. She won't be able to help out Applejack with apple bucking, fly with Rainbow, visit Zecora in the Everfree or participate in any of the many physical activities she could once take for granted! She's saved you, your sister, the whole damn world! If any pony deserves healing, it's her! If you have any love for Twilight, any appreciation for her and all the things she has done for you at all, you will leave this cafeteria and go fix her spine right fucking now!"

Celestia sniffled, her magenta eyes clouding with tears--and then a soft, choked sob escaped her before she teleported herself away in a blaze of golden sunlight. Once she was gone, I heaved a weary sigh - resting my head in a calloused hand - before I turned my attention to Luna. "Well," I spoke bluntly, "have you nothing to say?"

"That was harsh, David. You made her cry," the Moon Princess replied in answer.

"Yes, I did," I responded. "What I said to her was wholly deserved, Luna. Celestia is a good pony, but she's not flawless and she needed to hear every word, no matter how much it hurt."

Luna nodded sadly, but then, her expression brightened somewhat. "Could you not have healed Twilight?" she asked.

"Of course," I answered. "I could have constructed a bio-system cybernetic spinal graft to 'bridge' the break in her spine - something like that's easy with the technology of the Dragon Weyr - but if I did, what would Celestia have learned? No, she needs to do this herself, both for Twilight's sake and her own. I will not have a bond as deep and meaningful as theirs broken because Celestia has managed to delude herself if I can help it."

Luna pondered my words for a moment--and then - to my surprise - she splayed her forelegs and bowed gently to me in thanks. "Thank you, Templar," she said. "En Taro Adun"

"T'Was my pleasure. Sometimes even the best of us need a good kick in the rear. Well, I'd best be off; I have a menagerie to feed and my chores to complete. If you need me, you know where I'll be. Adun Toridas, Luna."

Author's Note:

Miracles by RazedRainbow pissed me off. Enough said. This snippet has been completely redone with dialogue from Anon42 - full credit to him - as it better reflects the true nature of my SI; how he would really act.

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