• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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199. Vehicle.

Even during the darkest of nights, all that could be seen of the vehicle was its headlights, sickly yellow, cutting through the gloom as it shredded the roads, streets, and highways of Manehattan. The vehicle never seemed to bother anypony and wasn't part of any crime, but still... it always seemed to be present at major disasters and accidents, many of them horrific. In any case, Street Racing - no matter how benign - was still illegal, and the Driver of said vehicle was wanted as a witness.

When at last an Officer of the MHPD managed to intercept the vehicle - barely - and the thing slowed to a stop, the poor mare who'd done the deed almost wished she hadn't. The vehicle itself was massive - far larger than anything she'd ever seen in her life - and its paint job looked wet, slimy, like blackened skin lathered with sweat. Even worse, the darkness of the vehicle seemed to absorb the light around it, and the engine's idle was a terrible, threatening growl as if the mere mortal mare was being humored, or was an annoyance to it.

Exiting her police vehicle, the poor mare approached the... the... the black monolith of a car, and tapped on the... the--strange, there seemed to be no windows, or doors, or... any method of entry or exit from it. Tapping where she thought the driver's side window might be she called, "Officer Raven, MHPD! Sir, or Ma'm, I'm going to need to see your license and registration, please!" Did the night suddenly become darker? Officer Raven Quill wasn't sure. Did the vehicle suddenly seem menacing? Oh, yes, yes it did--as it turned--no, it simply rotated to face her using all four fleshy-looking wheels, the whine of some sort of futuristic electric motors loud in the deathly silence...

... and then, sheer terror gripped the Equestrian Police Officer's guts as - with a horrible, wet sucking sound - the hood of the vehicle split open like a flower to reveal a sight that made her completely terrified! Where there should have been an engine, inside the hood - within some sort of perfectly shaped organic depression, slick with oil or some other unknown substance - there laid a pony! Dozens of tubes, tendrils, and linkages physically connected the pony into the car such that the poor, terrified mare couldn't tell where one ended and the other began; tubes running from the pony's split open barrel and guts, tubes moving red, black, blue fluids in and out, in a out, linked to his heart and breathing which matched the idle of the engine!

Even worse, this pony was ruined horrific burns covering ninety percent of his body, bones shattered and broken. Was the vehicle keeping him alive? Was he being consumed by it? Before she could answer her own question, she startled as the pony 'driver' opened an eye of pure silver and then softly uttered "You shouldn't have stopped us. You are going to die. But... everything will be... okay." Raven Quill couldn't take it anymore; a scream escaping her, she fled into the night, across another street--and was struck down by a tired pony truck driver, the stallion not even registering the bump as the mare was crushed beneath his wheels.

As Raven Quill lay there dying, however, from out of the shadows of darkened streets came slowly another monolith of a vehicle; yet this one looked sleeker, younger if such was possible. Brand new from her world and having been on the 'hunt' for a partner for a while, the biotechnological vehicle thrummed with excitement - she'd finally found the pony engine she needed to really push her limits! Opening her hood, she extended her linkages, cradled the pony, drew her inside, settled her. Then... connection; tubes and linkages were connected to barely functional organs to provide vital life support and interconnects to the bio-system car body...

And Raven Quill gasped, thrashed, awakened, screamed and lived ... but with a price terrible indeed; never would she be able to leave the being she now inhabited. A cry mingled with an engine noise that sounded like a mare in mourning split the night.

A new Pony Engine had been found.

Another Monolith had been born.

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