• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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90. Bond (Canon!Celestia, Author SI, Romance)

I woke slowly, wondering where I was; what the soft surface was that I lay upon. Why were there white-furred hooves surrounding me, holding me close against--what? And what was I surrounded by that was actually breathing? Opening my eyes, I looked around... and then, I remembered. I'd come to the Royal Palace of Canterlot to assist with finalizing the trade agreement between Aiur and Equus... but as the negotiations had completed I'd collapsed. Now, I was...

"Where...?" I rasped, then coughed violently.

From somewhere, there came a soft nicker; then I felt the soothing, damp warmth of a large, soft tongue lick-grooming the sweat from my forehead and partly washing my hair. I squirmed a little, groaned with discomfort, but the tongue washing me wouldn't relent. When at last it did, I felt softened breath blow past my ear and through my hair, felt the hooved legs surrounding me wrap just a little tighter than heard Celestia's voice as she spoke softly, "You're here with me, David. You're safe now."

Golden magic enveloped a glass of fresh water, holding it to my lips that I might drink from it and I did, slowly. "What happened?" I whispered once my throat was moist enough.

Nuzzling me here and there, Celestia replied, "Y-You... you collapsed, bleeding from your eyes and nose. We didn't know what to think at first, but then when we got you to the healers they discovered a... 'a stress-related cranial aneurism', they said it was. You... if they hadn't gotten to you, you could have died..." A distressed noise escaped her then and she nuzzled me again, gently, looking stricken. "Why did you not tell us of the pain inside you? About your Lifemate's death?"

Her eyes misted with tears as she breathed upon me, sharing her breath with me, something so very, very pony and I accepted the affectionate gesture, inhaling deeply and breathing back at her. "Because," I intoned softly, "I believed it was my pain to bear. And so I did... for many, many years. The mind affects the body and I guess... it finally caught up with me..."

Ponies were far more affectionate and tactile than humans and Celestia was no exception to this. Apart from the underwear I wore I was naked and so was she; she'd divested herself of her royal regalia that she might cuddle close to me. She was spooning me, all four legs wrapped about my body, her barrel pressed against my front. Nuzzling me, oh-so-gently, she softly whispered, "You should have told us; we could have helped you..."

Moving but slightly within her embrace, I softly kissed her below the base of her long, spiraled horn; at this she gasped gently and nuzzled my cheek, nickering. "I... I appreciate the offer, sweetie, but..."


"Ouch! What'd you do that for?" I exclaimed. She'd poked me with a hoof!

"You. Talk. Now!" she nickered sternly in Ponytongue. "Or we stay here until you do."

What followed was a combination tickle-fight and wrestling match for the ages... but as I was weaker than a kitten there was only one winner; Celestia rolled atop me, a look of triumph in her eyes. "You. Talk. Now," she said, then proceeded to lick-groom me some more until...

"Ack! Eeeh! Urgh... Alright, alright, uncle, I give!"

... I gave up. Then, as Celestia watched on - slowly, hesitantly - I began to speak. "When Ieesha died," I began "... I felt it happen, I felt her mind torn from my own as she slipped away. It... it was agony... Much of my very soul was lost that day; or at least, it felt like it. Where her presence once resided in my thoughts, now there was this horrible void, a chilling darkness that's threatened to swallow me up, leaving me nothing but a broken shell. I... I've tried to move on - tried to continue following the Path of Khala and do my duty as a High Templar and Citizen of Aiur - but... how can I when part of my very soul is just... gone? I... I've tried to keep going but... but the darkness left where she once resided... it's been subtly affecting me. Most Riders of Kirathian Dragons don't live long once their beloved companions pass away, and it's only my strong will, the Weyr, and my dedication to my duties that's kept me going. But I... I've become... emotionally colder, arrogant, quicker to lash out in anger. I... I don't... I don't know what to do anymore, sometimes, I... help me, Celestia. Please, please, please..." I was clutching her now, broken, begging, pleading. After a while, Celestia raised her head to look into my eyes. Her magenta eyes were so beautiful...

I didn't notice her horn glow a gentle gold...

... Didn't hear as Princess Luna burst into the room, a cry of, "Sister, no!" escaping her lips.

... But I did hear us both emit a softened moan, a whimpered sigh... as the darkness within me was obliterated...

* * *

Celestia twined her very soul about the human's own, establishing thousands upon thousands of spiritual and magical quintessence linkages deep into every aspect of her frien-- her belov-- HIS mind and spirit, filling the void in him with her warm, sunny presence as she established a powerful bond with him; something she'd wanted to do for a long time, selfish though it may have been to put herself before Equestria. In time, she knew, the linkages would become permanent, and the bond he and she now shared would become legendary. At that moment, she couldn't help herself - a rush of her happiness transmitted through their newly established bond - she was thrilled to be with him! With the groundwork completed, and their bond established, Celestia moved carefully through David's wondrous memories and shared with him her own experiences such that his memories became hers and hers became his, until all were synchronized and up to date. Two lives, mortal human and immortal alicorn merged together... and became One.

And then, as a furious Luna looked on...

* * *

"Do you... do you have any idea what you've done?" I laughed softly, through tear-misted eyes, feeling lighter and happier than I had in years.

"Yes," Celestia choked out through her tears, a beatific smile upon her face. "Yes, I do..." At last her loneliness was at its end.

Together, as one, we wept our joy.

When at last, we were able to stop crying, I petted Celestia - scratching her behind the ears and combing her mane just so, the places where she loved to be touched - as if I'd been doing so all my life. "You know..." I giggled. "Luna's been standing there for a while, looking really pissed off. What are we going to do?"

Happiness from Celestia filled my thoughts as she nickered, "I'll speak with her. And then... you know, I think we ought to take the Weyr somewhere and have a little vacation; talk about a few things... See where this new bond will take us. That sort of thing."

Wrapping my arms about her form, I hugged the white alicorn for all she was worth. "That," I choked, fresh tears beginning to fall, "that sounds like a really good idea..."

Author's Note:

A battered and broken Templar asks Celestia for help... and gets a bit more than he asked for. Have you ever taken a cold shower. Well... multiply that by fifteen million times; that's how pissed off Equestria's probably going to be once those Little Ponies find out about this.

"Why are you looking at us like that, Luna?


Uh... why's she gone all Nightmare Moon on us?

Uh, Celestia... HALP!"

"Run away!"

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