• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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91. Fallen (Author SI vs Fallen Equestria. Sad, Dark, Bittersweet.)

With the death of the so-called Alicaribou, King Dainn, I had thought his magical enslavement over the anthropomorphic ponies of this odd, alternate Equestria broken. It had been... but the sad truth of it all was tragic. After stripping the Caribou King of whatever valuables he had possessed - and then burning his body with psionic plasma-flame, I swiftly made my way over to the two Princesses - Celestia and Luna - and broke the clasps holding their collars. That was a mistake. With a wordless roar, Princess Luna - seeing me not as a savior but just another slave master - launched herself into an unthinking attack against me, an attack which I was far too exhausted to defend myself against.

No sooner had she done so, however, then the white Alicorn, Celestia was throwing herself in front of me, slamming into her sister and wrestling her to the floor of the tent. Then, as I watched - half in awe, half in sadness and revulsion - the white Alicorn kissed her sister, then fondled and rubbed the midnight blue mare's furred breasts. Rubbing became kissing became a gentle suckling... and then - even as Luna writhed and hissed and spat curses at me - Celestia lapped at Luna's nether-lips, first one, and than the other; as she did this, occasionally, her tongue would slip between those lips, deep into the wet, liquid heat of her sister's vagina, only to emerge, wet and shining with her essence.

Despite my training as a High Templar I was still a red-blooded human male and as such the sight of Celestia eating Luna out as it were should have aroused me greatly. It did not. All it did was give me a sense that the Caribou King, Dainn, had merely used the two sisters for his own carnal delights and had never seen to their own pleasure. All in all... the sight of these two broken mares pleasuring each other - the only satisfaction, the only bright thing they could look forward to if Dainn allowed it - just made me disheartened and sad. Finally, when she could take it no more, Celestia moaned deeply, as she drove her wet and dripping tongue past the lips of Luna's vulva, deep into the wet, liquid heat of her vagina and began licking her to orgasm.

Licking Luna furiously, stimulating her inner walls, Celestia whined softly as she tasted her sister's thick honey, until finally - groaning deeply, cursing to the sky - Luna climaxed hard, thick creamy mucus rushing from her vagina. Most of it, Celestia drank, but there was too much; the rest coated her face and muzzle, and ran down her neck. When it was over, Luna huffed - giving me the evil eye - as Celestia turned her still-dripping muzzle towards me, looking for praise for a job well done. After the long battle with Dainn, however - due to a combination of stress, exhaustion, and plain revulsion for all I had seen prior... I... I just couldn't deal with it anymore, my eyes slipping closed as I passed out.

* * *

Sometime later, I awoke upon a large bed - the former king's bed - having been stripped naked of my equipment and regalia. 'What the--?' I thought... but no sooner had the thought entered my mind then I became aware of the two Alicorns sleeping on either side of me--because, to my horror, I had one hand placed upon Luna's breasts whilst my other hand was between Celestia's legs, upon her... her...! I froze, paling. 'I... I didn't... I didn't... did I?' Seconds later, two pairs of eyes opened as two Alicorns moved to peer down at me; then Luna huffed and moved my hand over to her other breast whilst Celestia hummed softly and gently rocked against me so that my hand brushed her clitoris, swollen and prominent.

Dear readers, forgive me, I beg of you... for that was when I began to fall. Don't think me wrong; I did not become harsh like the Caribou King; on the contrary I was incredibly gentle and kind. I gently stroked the coats of these wondrous beings, then petted and ruffled their manes and scratched them behind the ears until they became melted mares in my hands or - in the case of Luna - burst into happy tears, for she hadn't experienced anything so gentle from the Caribou. Thereafter I was kissing the two Alicorns, Celestia gentle and submissive in her ministrations whilst Luna was rough and near-dominant. Later, Celestia wept as she rode me whilst Luna howled as she orgasmed, her fluids showering my face.

Later that morning - once we'd all gotten up and had used the magical shower within the tent - after getting both mares to dress themselves (after I'd laundered it, Celestia wore the former King's robe whilst Luna wore the robe of an aide) the first thing I did was to find poor Sombra and get him out of the waste he lay in. No sooner had I grabbed him from his own shit and filth than - even as the Alicorns noses wrinkled in disgust - I burned the area clean with psionic fire than took the trembling grey colt into the bath chamber to wash him thoroughly. During the procedure, little Sombra didn't even look at us; he just whimpered and trembled, no doubt expecting some new form of punishment... but it would never come. I saw not the former King of the Crystal Empire; instead I saw a little broken colt. Someone who I wanted to help. So I did.

As the months passed, I did my best to see this Equestria right; with Celestia and Luna at my sides I gleefully slaughtered any Caribou I could find, freed as many pony slaves as I could, and - literally - tried to aid in rebuilding this pony society... but, I failed. Equestria did rise from the ashes of Caribou enslavement... but - "led" by Celestia and Luna - the ponies came to see me as their Great Herd Leader; their Stallion King, and they... they saw themselves as... as a kind of mass Harem; they were for my pleasure. Dear readers... I tried to stop this from happening, I really did... but Celestia and Luna... those mares utterly believed they were mine despite the fact that I tried so very hard to break them of their slave conditioning! Those mares... they taunted and teased and coaxed and cajoled and in the end... they won, and I gave up. I fell.

My days were spent repairing and rebuilding Equestria - even integrating aspects of Protoss Society within - whilst by night I made love to, mated with, rutted, fucked my two mares 'till their essences soaked the sheets of what was formerly Celestia's bed chamber; Celestia bouncing on my member whilst Luna rode my face and sloppily kissed her (or sometimes they would switch). Then, after changing the sheets I would settle down to sleep with Celestia and Luna at my sides, along with little Sombra who actually became a happy little colt. On the bed around us, many, many other ponies slept, they too having engaged in carnal fun. "Fallen" Equestria was irreparably broken; I realized that now. All I could do was look after it and its ponies the best I could, that and look after my family. Celestia, Luna, Sombra, and I were all broken. We would never be the same. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Author's Note:

My Author SI tries to fix "Fallen" Equestria... and fails, when Celestia and Luna see him as their new Master after he defeats King Dainn of the Caribou... There is sex in this one, but look upon it with sadness and disgust for these poor ponies are broken despite my attempt to help...

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