• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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120. Princess no More (Author SI / Twilight Sparkle, Dark)

As I stormed into the Command Pit of the Dragon Weyr - a special bunker below Weyrhome wherein I could navigate and 'fly' the Great Nexus like a common spacecraft - I heard the telltale sound of teleportation behind me as a distraught Twilight Sparkle materialized into the place. I ignored her.

"David?" she whispered softly. "What... what are you doing?"

"Leaving," I stated, monotone. "As you can see, I'm preparing for departure. If you know what's good for you, you'll transport yourself out before the Dragon Weyr takes off; otherwise you'll never see your Home World again." That said, I continued to warm up the Weyr, pressing buttons, pulling levers, studying readings...

"But... but why?" Twilight asked, sobbing softly again.

"Oh, I don't know, let me think..." I started sarcastically. Then, "Oh, yes..." I 'remembered', "things were going pretty well for us - we had a good steady base of friendship to build on - and so... things progressed. We start softly making out in your room - not even a hint of intercourse going on--and then your brother bursts into the room, takes us by complete surprise, and then proceeds to choke me to near-death. After that, he starts speaking about all this traditionalist bullshit, you know?

Arranged marriage, abstinence, chastity rings, blah blah blah, princess, one true stallion, tests of strength and endurance for potential suitors... and then he started talking about gelding because sex out of wedlock, along with a whole lot of other hidebound traditionalist bullshit that didn't make sense. Twilight, I'm over seven hundred years old, and I am so over the whole protective father/protective brother cliche bullshit. I don't need to put up with that kind of shit, and so I won't. Let me cut a long story short: I love you. Your brother doesn't like me. Your brother nearly killed me. I don't want to cause a rift between you and your brother, nor do I particularly want to kill him despite wanting to skin him alive after he pulled his little stunt; thus I am going to leave. Whether you choose to stay or go is up to you--and I'd decide swiftly, as we're going to be lifting off soon."

Behind me, Twilight Sparkle, shivered, trembled, and whimpered--before a terrible cry of despair escaped her as she teleported away. "My friend, Locus Check: Twilight Sparkle, please," I stated. "Where is she?"

A moment later, I had my answer--as a feeling of horror from the Weyrmind ripped through me. "Oh, fuck. Recall me: Clinic!" As I spoke the command, immediately I was pulled through a small Warp Vortex into the Dragon Weyr's Clinic. No sooner had I raced into the Main Ward then horror gripped my guts as a gruesome sight met my eyes. Twilight Sparkle lay on the floor, trembling in pain even as a beatific smile was on her muzzle. A severed wing - her severed wing - lay upon the ground whilst the other was still attached but -- CRACK -- not for long, as Twilight severed it from her body with her magic then cauterized the wound. How she never screamed as she did the awful deed I would never know.

Emotion roiling within me - tears threatening to run from my eyes - it took every bit of my skill as a High Templar to remain in control as I strode over to her and picked her up. "So you made your choice," I stated softly.

The little Alic - mare - nodded. "Yes," she hissed. "Never wanted those things anyway. Couldn't fly properly with them; hated them."

"You didn't have to do this," I softly intoned as I gently placed her into the Autodoc. "Damn it, Sparks, if you're going to amputate your wings at least let the Autodoc do it properly..." As she started to enter shock, her eyes glazing over, Twilight Sparkle nickered and mechanically nuzzled me. "Had to," she rasped. "Only way. Love you..." And then she was gone, the Autodoc having 'put her under' as it worked to stabilize her and complete the horrifying self-amputation - mutilation - she'd committed. "Delay take off!" I barked in Khalani. "All is halted until Twilight is stabilized and awakened!" The sorrow and agreement of the Weyrmind filled my thoughts--just as the sound of a terrifying alarm blared through the Nexus.

"Ah, fuck," I groused, "what now?" Racing out of the Clinic and into Weyrhome I queried the Weyrmind. "What's going on?"

No sooner had I asked the question than the Holographic Viewscreen in front of the lounge lit up, displaying a view from one of the external cameras--a view of Shining Armor as he repeatedly bucked the Gate of Dawn with his hooves. "Let me in, you bastard!" he raged as he kicked futilely against the indestructible psi-steel doors that formed the impenetrable Gate. "Give me back my Sister! You won't take her from me!"

"Fuck you, asshole!" I sneered. No sooner did he hear my voice than Shining ceased his bucking and turned to face the camera. "Yeah I can see and hear you, you mule fucker," I continued. "I never 'took' Twilight from you; she chose to come here. Do you have any fucking idea what you've done?" Before he could voice a response, I raged, "Twilight was faced with an impossible choice: Princesshood, or the man she loved. Couldn't have both; your stupid traditions wouldn't allow it. So she took the only way out: she severed her fucking wings! DO YOU HEAR ME?"

The sinister alarm ceased - since I was now aware of the 'danger' to the Weyr - and as it faded, I became aware of the muffled sound of hooves on carpet. Whirling about to face whomever approached, I beheld poor Twilight Sparkle - cleaned, and 'properly' wingless - as she entered Weyrhome and strode up beside me to face her brother.

"My big brother, a fool forever,
No more peas in this pod, won't do anything together.
You nearly caused my love to die.
Thought I'd be kissing him goodbye..."

She sang.

"Twily?" Shining stuttered, horrified by her smooth, wingless back. "Twily wait! It was just... the traditions! I'm sorry, please, I--" An angry whinny escaping her, Twilight sharply gestured with a hoof and the Weyrmind responded; immediately the connection was severed and the Viewscreen went dark. Seething with rage so deep her horn was glowing, the now large unicorn mare turned to me and ground out, "Us. Here. Away from. Now." Nodding to her in acknowledgement I immediately bespoke the Weyrmind, but I needn't have; the Mind had picked up Twilight's want even without a Neural Transceiver and was only-too-happy to comply. Beneath the Great Pyramid, eight enormous Gravitic Thrusters ignited, and then - gracefully, effortlessly - the Dragon Weyr began to ascend into the sky.

When the Great Pyramid lifted off, down below - deep beneath the earth - a terrible discordant note rang out from the Tree of Harmony as the Element of Magic cracked and dulled. Above, the Crystal Castle - which stood atop the site of the former Golden Oaks Library - crumbled and sank into the earth.

* * *

Later, a battered and bruised Shining Armor was dragged before Celestia and Luna. Why was he battered and bruised? Well... Twilight's former guard had expressed their displeasure at what had happened to David and Twilight. Oh, she masked it well, of course, but Princess, Celestia, seethed with rage internal. As Luna glared daggers at Shining Armor for the loss of her friend, jaw tight with tension, the Solar Princess stepped down from her throne and walked about the petrified former guard captain.

"As a Princess of Equestria," she intoned softly, gently, "I have never set in stone any traditions dealing with marriage of royalty. Never." When Shining Armor paled, the white alicorn continued. "Thus, Twilight was free to do as she wished, so long as she followed the laws all ponies must follow--which she did. I... cannot express how utterly disappointed I am with you, my little pony. The so-called traditions you claim to follow were set down by the nobility, not I. I would never stoop to put potential suitors through such... minotaur shit!" Celestia trembled, and poor Shining Armor near-urinated on himself as for a moment - just for a moment - something dark flickered within her frosty gaze. A blink later, and it was gone--or was it?

"Your actions resulted in the near-death - and now the loss - of perhaps the greatest ally our little ponies could have ever had. The greatest friend we could have ever had! Between himself and Twilight Sparkle, why... we could have been guided into the greatest age Equestria had ever seen! Now... now thanks to your utterly repugnant stupidity not only have we lost access to David's friendship, knowledge, and technology, we have lost the Element of Magic AND MY FAITHFUL STUDENT IS GONE! MY BELOVED SURROGATE DAUGHTER IS GONE! DO YOU HEAR ME? TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS GONE, SHE'S GONE SHE'S..." Weeping, tears flowing from her eyes down her muzzle to the floor, the Solar Princess ran out of the room...

... And that was when Princess Luna approached the horrified unicorn. "Thou costeth me mine friend, Dullard Armour," she stated, dangerously. "For thine actions, thine ass will be busted down to private; thou shalt be cleaning the barracks latrines with THY FOOL TONGUE UNTIL WE SEE FIT TO LAY EYES UPON THEE! NOW GET THEE HENCE!" A terrified whinny escaping him, Shining bolted from the throne room--only to run into perhaps the worst pony he could ever run into. Princess Cadence looked at the poor unicorn as one might examine a bug under a microscope. Pointing to her husband with shaking hoof, she made a slashing motion towards her throat - the universal gesture needing no explanation at all: he was dead meat. "I... I thought I knew you, Shining Armour," she spoke, softly. "But it seems I do not; not anymore. The stallion I once loved... replaced with... this!" she spat the word.

Then, "I am going to divorce you," she continued. "And you will be grateful I'm only doing that; the other Princesses have ideas for your punishment that are a little more... extreme." With those words, Princess Cadence turned and walked away from her once belov-- from the stallion, a dread finality in her step.

Author's Note:

Don't know what to say about this one, folks. Wrote it after reading "It's Complicated"; in that story Twilight had a human lover, "Nondis" (ugh) but was bound by all these horrid and backwards traditions due to her being royalty. I got pissed off; I wrote this.

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