• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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96. Her King (Author SI/Queen Chrysalis. NSFW)

Roughly - though always careful not to hurt her - I took Chrysalis, slamming into her from behind, brazenly making love to her before her drones whom were gathered within the throne room of the Hive to bear witness to the event. "Oh, my King... unh, unh, unh... take me, take your Queen give her your love..." the Changeling Queen babbled, so caught up was she in ecstasy and joy as she knelt, drooling on the floor, her hindquarters raised to receive me. Then, suddenly, it all became too much; the slick, wet warmth and texture of her, the feeling of her internal muscles rippling and contracting around me.... With a groan and a beatific scream, we came hard; her essence spilled from her to splash over my member, belly, crotch and thighs as I spilled my human seed deep into her warm depths. At that very moment, at the culmination of it all... her body reacted.





An ecstatic scream escaped Chrysalis, her body starting to glow brilliant white as some process within extracted my genetic code from the gift I had given her and imprinted it into every cell of her body - all of what she was - binding her to me wholly and utterly. Then, my jaw dropped as through the near-blinding light I witnessed her begin to change. Her body grew in size such that she was bigger than the Princess Celestia. She "filled out" so to speak, her insect/pony body becoming thicker, and sturdier, and the countless rot-holes in her legs filled in and disappeared. The most startling change happened to her wings. They repaired themselves before my eyes, the rot-holes filling in, and then expanded to become the wings of a grand monarch butterfly! Lastly, the Queen's mane exploded into emerald fire, becoming huge and billowing, like those of Equestria's Princesses.

Then, at last, we were spent. Chrysalis collapsed onto her side, taking me with her; then she curled about me, cuddling close, nuzzling me as she issued the buzzing-purr I'd come to adore so much. "Oh, David... she breathed with joy, "oh, my beloved King..." Around us, her drones cheered; the raw love we'd released had been so powerful that they all had undergone a similar change. Holding the Queen - my Queen - close to me I kiss-kiss-kissed her face and she trilled softly, nuzzling me gently, her world a love-filled haze. A telepathic command caused a drone to leave then return with a mirror of highly polished volcanic glass. After he handed it to me, bowing with obsequiousness, he backed off and I showed Chrysalis what had happened to her; the amazing change she'd undergone.

She examined her roughly more pony-like form... and then she burst into tears, clutching me even closer to her if that was possible as she whispered with a combination of happiness, joy, ecstasy...

"Once again the love in the Hive has begun to flow. It was dry for so long. The love's flowing in from you, my King. For thousands of years my Hive lived - lived beneath the surface: keeper of the shifting, keeper of the magic, keeper of the Love. Always keeping. My Hive grew proud and then it died. Now the love flows where it wills. It seeks its own path uncontrolled except that it flows through us, always through us. My Queendom, my Empire, my Hive died. But now it breathes again: it awaits. Can you feel it, David? Our love flows back and forth between us and there it pools and collects until finally once again it is released and my Hive begins to grow again! I am Chrysalis. My parents brought me to this place. Now, I have brought you, my King... The storm is coming... Life! Life in the desert...!"

My beloved Changeling Alicorn settled around me, folding a hoof and gossamer wing over my body, resting her head upon my chest, a smile creasing her muzzle as she wept softly again.

"I'm glad. I love you, Chryssie..." I whispered softly, kissing her again. "I love you so much..."

Outside the Hive... in the Great Desert known as the Badlands... the rain began to fall.

* * *

Later, Chrysalis and I awoke in her bed chamber, actually in her bed. I was, at first, mystified - how had we gotten there? - but my Queen just laughed and stated that some of her drones had carried us to her chambers and tucked us in via magic. "They have that strength, now," she said as she stre-e-etched out against my side, looking at me just so.. I couldn't resist and started to run my hands all over her body. The Changeling Queen whimpered, tears misting her eyes as she luxuriated in my touch, cuddling close to me, nuzzling my face, kissing me occasionally as she buzz-purred sighed and trilled. Her kisses were lazy - occasionally she would catch my lips or I her tongue - but this time was for us to simply be together with each other.

We kissed, talked with each other about our lives and plans, kissed some more, and then made love again, gentler this time until Chrysalis wept as she experienced climax, so great was her pleasure. "I... I've never felt anything like this before," she whispered, her two-toned voice husky with emotion as I stroked her chitin, which she'd softened unto leather-like hide. "You... you make me... you make me feel..." A blissful sigh escaped her. "... and to think this all began when you'd challenged me to honorable combat on behalf of the Princesses! I...." she quietened "I'm... glad you defeated me, causing me to bond with you..."

She lapsed into silence and I softly stroked her mane which - to my relief - wasn't emerald fire, but rather fine hair alive with magic. "Ah, I studied everything I could about your kind before coming here, sweetie, then the Weyrmind worked up a solution for both of us. It saw not an enemy race to be defeated, but a people in need of help. It suggested that I defeat you, maybe manhandle you a bit, be a tiny bit rough; your body, your hormones would react to that..."

"... and I would bond with you, thus ending my desire to simply conquer and feed. Now... now I and my race can live, thanks to you, my King." She slowly shook her head as the Weyr's eternal love filled her, along with my own, then scratched with a hoof at the place where her neural transceiver was embedded in her spine. "Now, thanks to you, my King, I am more powerful than Celestia ever will be... and my people can be a people again. If... if we cannot rebuild here in the Badlands... are you sure that your Nexus will allow us to make our hive within?" No sooner had she asked the question then suddenly the great construct's strong affirmation filled our thoughts, causing her to laugh aloud with joy.

"Did you even need to ask?" I stated, chuckling. Chrysalis slowly shook her head... and then she kissed me again.

Author's Note:

My SI becomes the beloved of Queen Chrysalis. This should be interesting...

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