• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 6,122 Views, 703 Comments

Short Shorts - Coranth

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93. Excerpt from the first HHAA Meeting, chaired by Lyra Heartstrings

"Welcome to the first meeting of Human Hand Addicts Anonymous," stated the aquamarine-coated, gamboge-eyed mare at the head of the Circle. "My name is Lyra Heartstrings, and... and I enjoy being petted by humans." Around her, those few ponies who'd come to the meeting - Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, and Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Hives - all nodded, gently. "Despite the fact that other ponies call us 'animals' or 'human pets' or 'fanciers'..." and here the poor mare became angry, "I enjoy it! I enjoy how it feels!"

"An' how does it feel?" Big Mac asked.

"Glorious!" answered Lyra, her eyes alight with something akin to fanaticism. "When my human - his name is David - when he pets me, by Celestia it feels wonderful! I..." she panted softly, and swallowed, "I let him rub me all over; he'll ruffle my mane and... and scratch me behind the ears..." Her voice, an awe-filled whisper, made the others gasp and shiver with remembered pleasure of their own. "Th-then he'll rub down my coat until I just can't stand anymore; until my legs are shaking from bliss and... and then I'll roll onto my side, give him a cute, adorable look and wriggle my hooves... Then his h-hands are all over me; he'll cup my hooves in his hands, rub my belly, flanks, thighs, everywhere until I just can't think straight anymore. I... all I want to do is be his; his companion, his pet, just so I can feel his touch... it's so wonderful, especially when we snuggle in bed at night; he makes me so warm..."

She couldn't get the words out fast enough; they spilled from her in a rush until at last she ended with a primal snort and a nicker; she wanted nothing more than to be with her human, David, at his side or in his lap as his hands stroked, rubbed, and caressed every inch of her furred body again and again. Around her, the others nodded their heads enraptured; they knew how she felt. "Mah..." Big Mac coughed, then started again. "Mah friend's name is Chelsea," he began, "and ah became addicted tah bein' petted when - after one haht day on tha' farm - she... she offered tah help me cool down after we'd been workin' ah'll day. She... she bathed meh with lukewahrm wahter an' then rubbed me dry; then after that she groomed me, first with a brush and then with her hands; she massaged all mah tension from Apple Buckin' away, worked tension from muscles ah didn't even know ah had until... until..." A heavy snort and breathy sigh escaped his nose as Big Macintosh collapsed unto his side, wriggling his body in memory of his human girl's touch; the way she'd ever-so-gently removed his yoke, then massaged away his aches and pains before settling his head in her lap so she could just pet him as he gazed up at her with adoring eyes.

"I cannot be petted like a normal pony" Chrysalis spoke next, "for obvious reasons, but still... my human found a way to more than please me. He oils and buffs my chitin until it shines; then he gently taps and knocks here and there to work out painful air pockets that build up beneath. Once it is done, he massages deeply to work the muscles beneath and pets me where I can feel it; the soft parts of my body, my ears, my mane and... other places. Bliss..." Brazenly, the Queen trilled and rolled over onto her back, a strange buzzing-purr escaping from her as she sighed through her nose. "Oh, how I miss my Human King; I wish that they would get the damned portals working again that our humans might once again come here... or that we might visit them..." Nods, sniffles, and discontented murmurs escaped the group at this, along with more than a few tears. A failed magical experiment - done by Twilight Sparkle - had caused a temporary shutdown of the portal connecting Equestria to Earth, thus all at HHAA had to wait. Wait... to once again feel the touch of their beloved humans.

Author's Note:

To successfully be welcomed into Equestria:

1. Enter portal wherever it may be; introduce self, do try to make a good first impression.
2. Explain to ponies what your hands are.
3. Gently coax ponies to try being petted.
4. Make first petting experience as gentle and loving as possible
5. If successful, you have now acquired pony guide/companion/'pet.' *
6. Profit!

* Never hurt any pony during petting. At all. Be kind, gentle, and loving.

** Ensure regular petting sessions are had, and try to make each one better then the last, vary things up.

*** Be aware that - if you pet particularly well - the pony you're petting might seek out other ponies and spread the word, enabling you to pet more ponies. You might end up with a small Herd!

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